Chapter 11: I'm Fine!
Shypaw's PoV
As soon as we got back to the Camp every cat came running towards us. Well most of them. LilyMint and Streampaw didn't. I hid behind ProtonPaw as cats came running.
"Shypaw! Are you okay?! What happened!? Where were you?!" Everyone asked then they all looked at each other, confused about how they were all in sync.
"... I-I'm f-fine... Just tired..." I mumbles softly, not liking all the attention.
Aaaand here comes the question I was dreading.
"Why did you leave?! You mousebrain!" I couldn't tell who asked but it sounded like multiple cats and I flinched a bit, taking a step back.
"Hey! She just got back! She hasn't even told us! Calm down and give her space!" ProtonPaw growled out, standing in front of me.
"That's right. Thank you ProtonPaw. Berrynose, Lilymint, Streampaw. Can you please go hunt. Our fresh kill pile is low. I would also like Spottedleaf, NintendoSun along with myself to go on a hunting patrol as well." Chuggastar Meowed out as everyone got silent.
I saw him give me a lol when I heard him say that Lilymint and Streampaw were going to be gone and I nodded to him. After he finished everyone went off to do their things, Berrynose touched noses with me in relief then followed Lilymint, who was staring at me.
"Shypaw can you come with me to the Medicine den? Just to be sure your okay?" MasaeLeaf asked me after a bit and I nodded my head. ProtonPaw was sharing tongues with Brightheart, probably gossiping about a pair of cats. I swear he's like a She-Cat.
After MasaeLeaf did a quick check, (make sure to keep eating. And drinking water!") I walked out of the Medicine den with my Chest fur puffed up. MasaeLeaf was also talking about how "Adorable" and "Her new OTP" (which I don't know what that means.) ProtonPaw and I were going to be.
"Hey Shypaw. How are you?" I heard someone ask me and I turned my head. Streampaw was sitting outside the Medicine Den, cleaning herself it looks like.
"I-I'm good..." I stuttered out, suddenly feeling afraid. She made me feel afraid...
"Oh that's good. So why'd you leave huh? Not like the clan? Not like Chuggaastar? Or. Are you afraid?" She questioned me quickly. I was afraid.
Afraid that ProtonPaw would leave... I was afraid that Streampaw would take him... Or I was afraid of the darkness... That I keep saying in my dreams...
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