Chapter 1: Eat you fresh kill, Please!
Shy's PoV
I laid on the nest of moss that was in this den. The She-Cat that helped me, MaseaLeaf, had someone else get me Fresh-Kill.
"Here you go Shy. I'm LucaPaw. I'm a medicine Cat apprentice! Our leader, ChuggaaStar, is out right now but when he gets back he'll want to speak to you." LucaPaw told me, speaking somewhat fast for my liking. I nodded my head and turned away from the food. I wasn't really that hungry and I was in pain.
"I know you don't want to eat, but it'll help you get your strength back. As soon as your done I'll give you a poppy seed to eat, making it easier to sleep as well. Come on." I heard another voice. I turned my head to see the Tom that had tried to hurt me earlier. I let out a whimper and backed away slightly.
"It's okay. I promise I won't hurt you. I'm sorry for scaring you. but please eat a bit of your food." He whispered softly to me, crouching down. I nodded slightly and took a bite of the mouse in front of me. I took a bigger bite, realizing how hungry I actually was.
"Slow down now or else your choke." The Tom said, a chuckle in his voice.
"By the way I'm ProtonPaw. An apprentice." ProtonPaw told me as I finished swallowing.
"I'm Shy." I told him softly, my eye lids getting heavy. I placed my hands on my paws and closed my eyes. Sleep over taking me.
ProtonPaw PoV
I took in Shy's Coat as she slept. She had White fur with a few grayish brown spots here and there. Her face and head were mostly brown except for her left side by her eye and down. Her ears though were torn up. Her right ear more then her left and she had a cut on the side of her back.
"What could Of done this to such a pretty kit like her?" I asked softly to myself as I stood up.
I walked out of the medicine den and took around, seeing if I could do anything at the moment. I looked over at the elders den and let a frown cross my face. We apprentice haven't had much to do since we have no elders. Our last elder, BerryFeather, pasted away last moon and That left us with no one in the elders den. I went over to the apprentice Den and laid down on my Bed. I put my head on my paws and fell asleep, a dreamless sleep to be specific.
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