Chapter 3: A Mirrior
As Asgore and Toriel came in time for the meeting, there were thousands of monsters in the royal room. They all toke their seats at the large table and some stood up, as they walked to the front of the desk, they toke their seats. "Good morning everyone, I'm glad that you all decided to come to this meeting," said Asgore as he cleared his throat. "Yes, I'm pretty sure why we are all here for, Since Our Child Frisk has decided to live with us in the Underground, we've been planning to make this meeting so we can all talk together to figure out how we can escape out of the underground," said Toriel. The crowed then nodded as a agreement. "Alrighty then, we have been stuck here for 80 years since the humans had trapped us, we made an agreement of when another human falls down here, we shall not kill them, but treat them as a friend, yes? Well then we have to fine a way to break the barrier with something or even a miracle to help us monsters be free," Said Asgore as he toke out some information papers out. Then when the crowd started to chat, they heard the door opened, as they turned, in came in The skeleton brothers and the Royal Scientist, Sans, Papyrus, and W.D Gaster. "Ah, I didn't expected you to come Gaster, I thought you were busy," Said Asgore in a surprise Tone. "No not really, I just came in to help you Your highnesses," Said Gaster. "Oh, then if that's case, guess you can help us out on how to break the barrier then," said Toriel as she places her hands together in happy. As Gaster toke a seat everyone else was talking to each other, figuring out how to break the barrier. As Sans and Papyrus toke their seats they looked around, Sans felt something didn't feel right. "Hey Tori, where's the kid," he asked. "Oh Their back at the Castle with Flowey taking care of them, we decided it would be the best for her to stay home for many reasons like, maybe this meeting might be out of hand," She said. "Oh okay.... Hey um, is it okay if I can call them to see if they are okay, I mean, I heard you both left them 47 minutes ago," he asked. "Please do, I hope they are okay, I don't want anything bad to happen to them," she said. Okay then I'll go outside and call okay," he said. "Okay thank you Sans," She replied as he got out of his seat and walked out of the room. "No problem Tori," he replied.
Frisk has gotten bored of Drawing, as she was about to get some other toys from their room, They heard the House phone ringing. As she walked up to the Phone she saw a number, she quickly toke out the small paper that Asgore gave her, the phone number was Sans and she Answered. "Hello?" She asked, "Hey kiddo it's me Sans, I saw you weren't at the meeting so Toriel told me where you are so, I just wanted to asked, are you both okay?" Sans asked. "Yeah were fine, just playing in our living room," she replied. "Oh okay good to hear, look we're about to start the meeting soon so if something happens, call me okay, before I left to call you, Tori said you can both call me since the others that Asgore gave you the phone numbers are busy at the moment," He said. "Okay sans," she replied. "Alright then, I need to go now, stay safe and see you later okay kiddo, bye" he said, "Bye," she responded as he ended the phone call. "Wow it's been 57 minutes and now they are going to start, jeez maybe a lot of Monsters did go," Said Flowey as Frisk placed back the phone to its placing. "Yeah I believe so, let's go get some toys or something from our room," Frisk said as she walked to their room. As she opened the door she saw everything was still in place. As she entered she felt tired as she yawns, "You Tired?" Asked Flowey, she nodded, "Well, you can take a nap, (yawns) and I think I might as Well," he said as she walked up to her bed and lays down on the bed covers. As they toke their nap, they heard a weird noises like something magical appeared making them shiver from a cold breeze went by them. Frisk woke up to the sound of a old radio saying stuff with some old sound classical music playing. As she opened her eyes, she looked at her right arm too see Flowey still taking a nap but when she look down at her corner near the door, there was a Mirror with Light shining from it. From the bright light shining around the room on certain places, it shimmered at Flowey's face causing him to wake up. "Uhhh what's going on...," he asked as his vision became clear, "Huh, where did that came from? We only have one mirror next to the closet," he asked. As Frisk jumped off the bed, she carefully got closer to the mirror to examine it, Old classical music was still playing along with The old radio sound talking. "I don't know, maybe someone broke in and placed that here?" Asked Frisk. "I don't know, maybe we should just call sans-," he was cut off by a sound of a person talking in a different language with The music going faster. As they looked at the mirror it started to shine brighter making them both blind for a bit. As their vision became clear, and looked at it, there was a black hole coming from it. It then felt like it was starting to suck them into it. As it sucked Frisk as fast then what she expected, she gripped on the side of the mirror, holding on tight with Flowey gripping with his arm like leaves on her shoulder from the strong wind pushing them both back. Then the mirror started to become small as Frisk grip almost came lose. "Frisk Let go before you get hurt by it!" Yelled Flowey in anger. "But-" she was cut by him, "Just do it!" He yelled. (Ayyy)
Frisk let go of the opening mirror in time before the hole disappeared. They both started to yell as a strong wind started to push them deeper into the unknown place where they are going.
It was a busy day as always in wasteland, especially with the leader and his friends. Mickey visited Wasteland to see his friends and his Older brother Oswald to help them out since the incident of the blob. Mickey was walking around Ostown with Oswald and Ortensia along with Gus seeing if everything was okay around the area. "Well Ostown looks in shape like last time, we should probably head back to the castle to take a break for a while before coming to check the other places," said Oswald as he crossed his arms. "Yeah I could make lunch as well, it's almost about to be lunch soon, you up for it as well Gus?" Asked Ortensia as she walked next to her husband (yes Oswald and Ortensia are married). "That would be wonderful," said Gus as he flew to the three of them. Mickey nodded as an agreement, soon, as they started to walk out of Ostown they heard a powerful sound coming from the sky. As They looked behind them, a blue shimmering light, like a flying comet was flying towards land. It passed them and landed at a patch of Flowers and Grass near a hill. They all Gasped in shock, Mickey ran to the thing where it landed, as he stopped where it landed, He saw some of the flowers and grass bended, but no Burning grass or anything that destroyed. But what shocked him was when he looked more around, he saw a small child covered with cuts and small burns around her back, arms, and legs, and a vine wrapped around her right arm with a yellow flower showing it's back petals, they were Laying on their stomach not moving. He ran up to them and saw the child was girl, as he kneeled down to her, and tried to turn her around, so that he made sure she was still breathing, or alive. The child was groaning a bit, he thought she might've passed out or something but he was glad she was alive. Oswald, Ortensia, and gus ran towards Mickey, worried, "Mickey are you okay?!" Yelled Oswald. "Yeah I am just that, I found a child here laying on the ground wounded," Mickey said as he picked her up carefully, she was Too small in his arms so he pulled her a bit close to his chest. "Oh my god..." said Ortensia as she ran towards him as well both boys behind her. "Is she okay?!" Asked Oswald in a panicky tone. "Yes, she's still breathing, but unconscious, she has a flower wrapped around her arm and it looks as well to be alive." He said as Ortensia moved the child's front hair aside to see how they look like, they all Gasped. "Are they.... a.... Human...," asked Gus. "I.... don't ...... we don't have time to ask questions we need to take her to the castle immediately before her wounds get any worse," Said Mickey as he started to run with her out of Ostown, the others then followed him as fast as they could to catch up. "Do you think they are really a human?" Asked Ortensia as she turned to her Husband, "I don't know maybe if they wake up, we can ask them and where they come from.....," said Oswald in a Worried tone as they all ran to the castle.
To be continued.....
(Well I hope you liked this chapter, I might not be able to continue as much cause I'm starting school soon so, yeah... anyways hope you liked this page again and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter~ Chibibon)
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