∅ Eight ∅
Jay hunched over his computer, rewatching tapes over and over again. Especially the ones Alex gave him before he moved away. But the one he would never forget is the one he filmed two years ago, the one where Y/N got sucked into this predicament. The one thing he could have done to stop them from getting involved. "I'm so sorry, Y/N.." He whispered to himself. He thought about how they could be dead at this very moment and then he remembered their gleaming E/C eyes. Their H/L H/C hair. Their innocent smile. Their sweet laugh. Oh how he wished things would've never changed. He pondered for hours about Y/N until he yawned tiredly, snapping him out of his daze. He checked the time on his computer. "4:17 AM." He whispered as he read along. He rubbed his eyes and stood up from the chair. Leaving the computer open on a picture of Y/N and some of the cast, he hobbled over to the bathroom and looked at his form in the mirror. He knew he wasn't very healthy, all the paranoia, anxiety, and depression had taken its toll on the man. There are heavy dark bags under his eyes, he's thin, real thin, pale. His lively look from before turned around and this is what he is now. He sighed at himself, disappointed, he turned off the lights in his hotel room and crawled into bed. The only light source was the one from his computer, he laid on his back and looked at the screen. Y/N looked so happy in that picture they were posing with Seth, Alex, and himself. Seth was standing on the right of Y/N and had his hand on Y/N's head, smiling gleefully. Jay was on the left of Alex and Jay had his eyes closed, smiled all goofy like, and had his hand balled into a peace sign. Alex was into the middle of Y/N and Jay. He was smiling but serious at the same time, he had his hand in the air, as to say, 'Hi!'. Y/N was laughing at Seth, with a sweet smile on their face. We all looked so joyous, even Alex. Jay had slowly dozed off into sleep when he was reminiscing. But..apparently he didn't notice Hoodie in the corner. Hoodie just stood quietly in the corner. Waiting. See, if Jay hadn't have gone through the tapes, Hoodie would not be here right now and since Y/N probably forgot about what happened two years ago, Jay should stop his shit. Hoodie quietly stalked over to Jay's computer and looked at the photo on the screen. He quietly sat down in the chair and started editing the photo. He circled Y/N and wrote, 'Mine.' on it. Then he wrote, '-Hoodie.' Hoodie nodded at his master piece and then looked over at Jay. Hoodie didn't have the time nor the motivation to just kill Jay right now. He shrugged slightly and stood up from the chair. He walked over to one of the closets and slipped inside quietly. He then closed the door and sat down inside the dark and silenced closet.
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