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3rd Person P.O.V
Y/N woke up later in the day as per usual, rubbing her eyes. She immediately checked her phone. A text from Wren. It read, "Hey, Y/N I know it's only been a few days but how have you been doing?" Y/N read along the text. "Everything's been okay. Its been going great. I think I'm going to really like it here." She texts him back and sets her phone on her bedstand. She crawls out of bed sluggishly and dresses out of her night clothes. She decided to pick out a f/c graphic t-shirt, a blood red jacket, and a pair of lightblue skinny jeans. "Hat or no?" She asked herself as she was putting on the clothes she had picked out. "Hat!" She decided excitedly and walked over to her closet to pick out a f/c and f/c striped beanie. She put it on and grabbed her good old trusty pair of beat up high top converse. Y/N was into the soft-grunge look. She grabbed her phone off of the bedstand and checked it again. No reply from Wren. "I'll just leave my phone here. I don't need it anyway." She said to herself and set her phone back down on the bedstand.
Y/N's P.O.V
As I leave and lock up my home I feel someone tap me on the shoulder from behind. I turn around and it's just Sariel. "Oh! I didn't expect you to be out here waiting for me. You scared me." I laugh a little and put my hand over my heart for a second. I look up at his expressionless face. "Well I wanted to be here early so we didn't waste anytime. We got a day ahead of us." Sariel said as he gestured to his car, parked in the drive way. "Oh..you're offering to give me a ride? I was thinking we could've walked, because the trail isn't that far from here. "Oh, no it's fine. I can drive us there." Sariel says and he and I make our way to his car, he opens my door for me and I smile at him. "Thank you." I say and get in. Sariel nods. "My father always told me to be polite for anybody, especially women." His monotone voice rings like tolling bells. He started up the car, turning up the heat. The days were getting colder and windier. Winter is almost here. I sigh as I look over at Sariel. He glances over at me with his vibrant blue eyes. I can't help but have a light blush come across my face. I smile to myself as we are driving to the trail.
Evan's P.O.V
As me and Vincent arrive at the trail I'm feeling as confident as ever and I can't wait to meet her today. I dont see any other cars or people around. 'Maybe she walked. Or she isn't here yet.' Evan thought as he decided that she wasn't here yet. Vinny and I got out of the car. "Can we study the map for a bit. I want to take a different trail today." I say to Vin as I am already making my way over to the large public map. Vinny's keys jangled as he shoved them into his sweater pocket. "Yeah I guess so." He said, coming up behind me. My plan was to stall here at the map as long as possible until the pretty girl shows up. I'm hoping she won't take too long. Vinny will start to get suspicious. "I was thinking that maybe we can go to the pond this time or something else. I'm not sure yet." Evan spoke to Vinny. Evan saw the female go along the trail that led to the pond the day he first saw her.
Y/N's P.O.V
As Sariel pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. I removed my seat belt preparing myself to enter the slightly cold atmosphere. I got out of the car, cold air rushing at my face, shutting the door softly, my teeth chattered slightly but the need for warmth eventually faded as I felt secure in my clothing. I looked over at Sariel who closed the car door. I give him an excited smile. But something seems off. Sariel seems, scared. Or perhaps suspicious as he turns his head towards the two strangers at the public map. I inhale sharply recognizing them. It was those two guys from before. I guess they came here pretty often, because I've already seen them twice in what? The span of two days? Three days? I don't know anymore. Sariel and I start walking towards the public map. I don't want to go to the pond again. I'd rather walk through the meadow. Maybe it will be more warmer there since the sun will be shining directly down on us. I was actually really curious to see what the meadow looked like. I'm sure it was absolutely gorgeous.
Sariel is awfully close to me as we walked up to the map. "Are you okay?" I ask him, my eyebrows furrowing in a worried manner. "Yeah. I'm fine." He says, his monotone voice hinting at a bit of anger. I look over at the two strangers. The short guy seems to have locked eyes with Sariel and Sariel's blue eyes seemed to darken. "Hi there stranger." The taller male in the sweater chimed at me, catching my attention I looked up at him. "Hello." I replied happily, a smile creeping up on my face. "Which trail are you and your friend taking today?" He asks, sort of scratching at his beard as he glanced at Sariel. "I was thinking we might take the meadow trail. I haven't seen it yet. When I was here the other day I took the trail that led to the pond." I said being the friendly person that I was. "Oh yeah we noticed you that day. My friend Evan actually thinks your pretty intresting." The tall male says, pointing at the short man named Evan. Evan broke the eye contact between himself and Sariel. Evan's blue eyes seemed to glow with a purplish hue but it was very faint and hardly noticeable. Evan smiled a toothy grin at me and waved slightly. I smiled at Evan warmingly. "Well you seem pretty intresting too. My name is Y/N and this is my friend Sariel." I gestured to Sariel and Sariel nodded not daring to speak. Evan blinked, the purple hue diminished from his eyes. "I was actually wondering if me and Vinny could join you two. The more the merrier aye?" He patted Vinny on the back. "Oh yeah and that's Vinny." Evan laughed staring at Vinny who looked awkward standing there. "I don't-" Sariel began but I cut him off. "We'd love too." I grinned looking at Vinny and Evan.
(1159 Words)
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