(Quick authors's note; I have literally no plot for this, so it might be messy for a few chapters, but it'll get better.)
A police helicopter flew through the night's air while the pilot spat commands into their radio. "Anubis is on the run! They destroyed a armored vehicle containing a low-class ghoul!"
Footsteps could be heard down the sewers and a figure in all black dragged a fellow ghoul down it. The other ghoul looked at Anubis, surprised that the Anubis had saved him. No one knows why Anubis saves other ghouls, but being saved by them is an honor.
Once they reached an area where it splits off into two passage ways they stopped moving. Anubis let go of the other ghouls and and signaled him to follow her through the left passage.
The ghoul followed Anubis through the smelly tunnels. He was then thrown to the moss covered wall as Anubis held a pitch black knife, darker than that actually, to his neck.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now?" Anubis's voice was disguised due to her mask.
The other ghoul shook with fear. "M-my boss is very p-powerful. He c-can give you all the r-riches you could wish fo-or."
Anubis scowled. "I'll give you another chance to correct your answer." The other ghoul shook violently, he'd always heard Anubis asked the people she saved a question, but he didn't know she asked like this!
"I'll promise to hide myself better, train more, and eat only once a month like I'm supposed to this time."
Satisfied with the answer, she lifted the knife off of his neck and backed up. "Now scram." The other ghoul grinned evilly.
"No!" His green bikaku formed and wrapped around his leg. Anubis's dark laugh echoed through the tunnels.
Suddenly, a black rinkaku appeared and a tendril wrapped around the ghouls neck. "Excuse me?" Anubis asked, cocking her neck to the side. "Would you like to repeat that?" Before the ghoul could answer, Anubis ripped off the head and threw it across the tunnel and into the sewage water. "What a waste..." Anubis said, her kagune retreated as she walked out of the sewers and back to her small apartment.
Y/n sat down on her black cold, leather couch and flipped on the tv. She couldn't find anything interesting so she turned on the news. The famous Canadian news anchor, Grace Angnemi's voice breaks the silence of Y/n's dark apartment.
"This just in; Anubis, an infamous ghoul, was spotted a few hours ago wrecking an armored vehicle containing a low-class ghoul. Anubis and the ghoul were spotted going into the sewers not long after.
A few minutes later, the corpse of the low-class ghoul was found headless. On the walls written in the ghouls blood was 'guilty'. Authorities say the ghoul didn't give what Anubis wanted, which resulted in its death. Why would Anubis, an s-class ghoul, save this low-class ghoul and then kill him afterwards? More information will be-"
"Tch," Y/n cracked her knuckles and neck. "Stupid news crew." She got up and stretched. After hearing cracks, she was satisfied and walked to bed.
Word Count: 540
Finished: Monday, June 13th, 2016
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