•Chapter 17•
That moment when the character in the story you're writing has more action in romance than you do irl
WARNING: it's 2am. Expect mistakes, my friends
The morning came quicker than expected and Y/n was up and awake, a nice cup of hot coffee in her hands. She sat on her couch and flipped through the channels of her tv, casually sipping her drink.
Deciding she'd go to work today, she turned off the TV and went to put on her work uniform. Looking in the mirror, she put her hair up into a braided bun and decided, "Sure, yeah, whatever." Yawning, she slipped on her shoes and began to leave for work.
When she arrived, she sighed in and began to do her usual work. Kaneki poured coffee while Touka sat down. Y/n was scrubbing tables before they opened the café.
"The place seems a little empty nowadays, doesn't it?" Kaneki asked.
"There have been more doves around recently," Touka said, "everyone's weary of going out in a time like this."
Y/n stopped scrubbing as the bell signaled the door opening. The three looked over to the door to see a few ghouls walk in. One was very tall with brown hair and a toned body. Behind him were three people in colored hoodies and wearing gas masks. The tall one demanded to see 'the manager' and grabbed onto Kaneki's shirt when Kaneki didn't answer fast enough.
Touka stepped in to save kaneki's ass, and ordered Y/n to make a cup of coffee for the guest. After making the coffee, Y/n stayed behind the counter and cleaned up as Touka and the strange Ghoul talked about Rize (which baffled Y/n). The man smelt Rize's scent on Kaneki and grabbed at the eyepatched boy from across the table, yelling at him.
"My, my," Y/n tsked, "Kaneki is having a rough day, isn't he?"
Y/n had a hard time trying not to laugh when Banjou-the tall one- got jealous over the idea of Kaneki and Rize being together. (But we all know they're together- just not in that way).
Kaneki tried apologizing by bowing, but ended up hitting his head into Bonjou's and knocking the tall guy out. Bonjou's followers sighed and Touka called Bonjou a wimp. Y/n just chucked at the sight.
Time skip~
Bonjou woke up after a few hours on the floor. Kaneki offered him some water. Kaneki and Bonjou talked, meanwhile Y/n walked into the café in her casual clothes. Her shift had ended, but she decided to hang around longer before she went to meet Uta at Itori's.
Kaneki had to break the news of Rize's death to Bonjou, which made him look like he was going to cry. Y/n put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay," she smiled, "she's where no one can hurt her."
Bonjou started to explain things about a band of ghouls called the Aogiri. Y/n knew a lot about that. How could you not when you're one of the rivals? Chika and Aogiri have been rivals for a while, so it was no surprise when Bonjou told his story.
The window was then kicked, glass shards going everywhere. Y/n was close to the window, so her palms got cut as she shielded herself from the flying glass. A boy stood at the window wearing all black, a scarf around his neck. His hair was as purple as Touka's, his face looking similar to her's too.
The boy kicked Bonjou to the counter, making Bonjou's body hit two of his followers. Touka walked in front of the boy, now known as Ayato.
"Yo," Ayoto said, "long time, no see, sis."
"Where have you been, moron?" Touka growled. Ayato's smirk grew.
"Out and about, Y'know, society. Unlike you, a dweller of complacent peace."
"You arrogant little brat!"
Ayato smirked, "You're the brat."
The door opened again and in came a giant guy with people following him. "Are you done yet, Ayato?" the man asked. "May we come in?"
"What are they doing here?" Bonjou asked, a scared look on his face.
Y/n knew exactly who they were. She also pieced together why they've come.
"I'm impressed you found me, Yamori," Ayato frowned.
"I only had to follow Banjou," Yankton said. "Your men sure are first rate, huh?"
Yamori talked about a smell he despised and got into Kaneki's face. "Hey Nico," Yamori turned his head to the handsome woman, "will this one do?"
"Fine by me," Nico said, "just hurry up and kidnap him."
Touka got in Yamori's way, and she flew across the room when he punched her. Before he could grab Kaneki, Y/n grabbed the black haired boy and pushed him back.
"I won't be as easy, you lil' bitch!" Y/n said as she blocked a punch. Yamori hit at her legs, but Y/n jumped and kicked him in the face.
"You have a fighting style one of my enemies have," Yamori said, wiping away his bloody nose. "Are you someone from Chika?"
Y/n growled and went for a punch, but got a head kick to the chest. She fell backwards and hit her head on the counter.
Yamori grabbed Kaneki and slammed him to the table. Yamori's foot was resting on Kaneki's stomach, but Kaneki lifted the brute, revealing his Ghoul eye, surprising some people in the room.
Y/n put her hand on the counter to steady herself as she got up. Damn, that guy kicked her hard. Y/n spat the blood from her mouth and tried to run at Yamori, but Ayato grabbed Y/n by her hair and threw her to the ground, kicking her stomach a few times. "You're tough," he smiled, "maybe I'll keep you if this all plays out right."
When Kaneki was stabbed with Yamori's spiked kagune, Touka ran out the Ghoul in the white suit. But, she ended up getting punched by Ayato and thrown to the counter, hitting her head.
Y/n watched with blurry vision as Touka's own brother shot her with spikes from his kagune. As Touka was hit, her kagune deteriorated and she fell to the ground.
Y/n stood up once more, one last attempt at helping her friends. Right then, her kagune came out and revealed herself. Kaneki saw the familiar Rinkaku and instantly recognized it as Anubis's.
"Well, well, lookie here, Ayato," Yamori smirked. "The dog finally showed her claws."
Y/n raced at Yamori and Ayato, but in her weak state, she couldn't do much. Ayato grabbed Y/n arm and twisted it as Yamori kicked Y/n's stomach, probably breaking a rib or two. Y/n whimpered as she tried to stab her tormentors with her rinkaku, but failed. Her Rinkaku disappeared when Ayato stabbed her with spikes. She didn't want to give up, so she got in one last headbut to Ayato's face. She was happy she at least gave him a nose bleed.
Yamori started beating Kaneki up by punching him, beating his face into the counter, and more. After a bit of a pounding, Ayato ordered Bonjou to stuff the "one-eyed rat" into a bag.
The last thing Y/n saw before she passed out was Ayato smirking and saying, "I'll see you another time, Mutt."
Yoshimura came back to the sight of Blood everywhere and two injured emoyees. "Yomo, round everyone up. We're closing shop for a while."
Y/n sat up and groaned, leaning on the wall. The first thing she did was take out her phone-which was now cracked (fuck you Yamori)- and called Uta.
"You're ditching me?" Uta said right as he picked up.
"No," Y/n whimpered as she held onto her chest. She could feel her ribs healing slowly, but it still hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. "Anteiku w-was attacked. Kaneki-"
"Are you okay?" Uta sounded alarmed.
"I'm fine, just a few broken bones-"
"I'll get there as soon as possible-"
"Uta, wait for Yoshimura's call. I'll see you later, alright?"
Y/n heard a sigh come from the other line. "Alright... Bye."
Y/n smiled as best as she could and hung up her phone. She leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "I guess I should get ready for a Anteiku meeting."
Y/n was showered and properly dressed. Her wounds healed, and her chest wrapped since it took a while for broken bones to fully heal. Her, Nishiki, Touka, Hinami, and a few more workers all were in the room. Yoshimura walked in and announced that a few more people would be coming later.
Yoshimura warned that no one would probably see Kaneki ever again, which angered Nishiki. Touka, though, told him to stand down by saying that it was a possibility, it they wouldn't let that happen.Y/n could tell Touka really cares for Kaneki.
Yoshi began to explain it would be very difficult to retrieve Kaneki by attacking Aogiri Tree and that it'd be best not to.
"I'm going." Touka stood up. "Manager, if you're not going, then I'll go alone."
"I'll go, too," Nishiki said. "I owe him, after all."
"I'll go as well," Y/n said, standing up. "He's a good kid. It'd be a shame if he were to die."
"I'm going too!" Hinami said.
Yoshimura said he'd planned to rescue Kaneki all along, but he couldn't garuntee the safety of everyone in the room. Yoshimura explained he'd help with Yomo as much as he could. Then, he said, "Come in."
The door opened to reveal the last person anyone wanted to see; Suu Tysukiyama. "Amore!" he said, his hand doing that wavy fancy thing that guy does. "My best-friend Kaneki-kun is facing danger! All by the hands of a dirty group. No kidding."
This was a bit long. 1653 words :3
I guess the next chapter will be the last of season 1, but I've decided (from some influence from the comments) that I'll be continuing ✔️A on this book- only because I love this book.
I just might edit the chapters before ✔️A, but I've never really edited so fuck that I guess
BUT, yas, Ayato has taken an interest on you, my preciouses :3 Who wouldn't love you? Liek, c'mon, you guys are awesome!
Sorry I ruined your date with Uta, but it's all part of my little plan! HUEHUE *dramatic mustache twirl*
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next one. Au revoir pour le moment
that French came from Google translate. Idk if that was proper French, but sorry if I cussed anyone out or something lol.
Love you ghouls!
-Levi 💕
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