•Chapter 15•
Game of Thrones is killing meomg
Chapter 15
Y/n silently sat on her couch, watching the TV. It was late at night and she couldn't seem to get a wink of sleep, even though she was tired. Something felt off. Something wasn't right and she needed to find out what.
She got dressed in her Anubis gear and hopped out the window, landing on a balcony.
Time skip
It was when she passed over a highway bridge that she heard a scream come from under it. "Hinami," she whispered.
Y/n jumped down from the highway bridge, but hid when she saw Touka running, Amon a few ways behind her. Amon stopped since a kid with a blue hoodie jumped in front of him. "Kaneki," Y/n whispered, "watch yourself."
Y/n heard a familiar voice echo through the sewers. Y/n's eyes turned black and red as a growl escaped her lips. "Mado."
"Oh, that's right! Did you like the present i left you?" Mado cackled. "You must miss your dear mother."
Touka growled. "You bastard!"
As Touka released her Kagune, Anubis walked out from the dark. "You're a sick, sick, asshole, you know that, right Mado?"
Touka stood there as Mado turned around to face Anubis. "Ah, my favorite ghoul! Tell me, why do you take interest in this little girl and her friends."
Anubis scoffed. "Because, unlike you, I have a good heart. Now, I'm going to rip your heart out of your chest and feed it to your partner," a smirk crossed Anubis's face under her mask, "unless, Rabbit kills you first."
Mado released the kagune from his suitcase and swung at Touka, but missed. Touka kicked at Mado, missing as well.
Anubis took this moment to check on Hinami. She tapped the crying girl on the shoulder. "Hinami," her distorted voice said softly, "let's get out of here to somewhere safe-"
"No!" Hinami cried. "I have to help Touka!"
"You can't help Touka, Hini," Anubis sighed, "she's okay on her own. We need to get you to safety."
Hinami stood up. "This guy killed my mom, so I'll kill him."
Before Y/n could say anything else, Hinami walked into sight. Before she could do anything, though, she screamed again. Y/n walked up behind her to see Hinami's mother's kagune form out of the suitcase.
"Mado, stop!" Anubis yelled.
Mado laughed maniacally. "Why would I listen to someone in the likes of you?" Mado walked closer. "You freaks are nothing but scum on the bottom of my shoe."
It all happened fast. Touka attacked and so did Mado. Both clashing kagunes. Next thing Y/n knew, Touka was screaming in pain.
Anubis gasped and tries to run over to Touka, but Hinami gripped Anubis's leg. "No," she whispered, "I have to do this."
Anubis watched as Hinami walked out, tears cascading down her face. Before she could do anything, her dad's kagune wrapped around her waist, holding her up.
"Damn it," Y/n whispered.
Hinami was about to be crushed, but something happened. Blood splashed in the water, but it wasn't Hinami's blood, it was Mado's. Hinami had bitten off Mado's hand.
"Don't use mother and father to kill people!" Hinami cried out as a combination of her mother and father's kagunes appeared on her back. Anubis watched as Hinami attacked Mado. She pulled the kagune from Mado's hands and ripped his legs off with her own.
Mado screamed in pain as his body it the ground.
Hinami cried and her kagune disappeared as Anubis jumped down to her. Anubis gave a hug to Hinami, the small girl hugging Y/n back. "You smell like Y/n-chan," Hinami whispered very quietly.
Mado, trying to make one last attempt to take Hinami to her parents, once again used the dad's kagune, but was cut off by Touka impaling him with a spike from her kagune.
"I-I have a s-score to settle," Mado choked out. "I can't die yet!" But as he tried to reach out to Touka, his hand dropped and the life was gone from his body.
"Should've thought of that when you messed with Anteiku," Y/n growled.
"Anubis," said Touka, "who are you?"
"Not yet, Touka." Anubis let go of Hinami and stood up. "Your eyepatched friend is still out there. He's fighting Amon, the other one."
When Kaneki came through the opening and said, "Hinami!" Y/n took that chance to disappear.
Jumping away, she heard Amon's scream from the tunnel and smiled a Cheshire smile. "One down, one more to go," Y/n growled.
Time skip
Y/n returned to her apartment and changed clothes. Deciding to shower, she washed off all the blood from her body and hair, replacing the foul smell of blood with a f/s smell. After she showered, she dressed in pajamas and laid down on her couch.
She turned on Game of Thrones and watched, her eyes becoming heavier. The last thing she heard was Tyrion Lannister say,
"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you."
I'm sorry if this chapter seemed rushed :/ BUT, I hoped you liked this chapter anyways. About the quote at the end, I felt like it was a great quote for this anime. Tyrion Lannister is amazing.
ANYWAYS, next chapter will hopefully be better. Hope you liked!
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