•Chapter 11•
<Yes, I know Japan uses yen, but for the sake of my tiny brain and other people understanding, imma be using US money :3 >
Chapter 11
The room was quiet and the sounds of the wall clock ticking filled the tense atmosphere as Y/n stared at Uta in shock, scared for what would happen. This wasn't like her. Scared shouldn't be in her vocabulary, but, sadly today, it was.
The thought of playing it off and saying, "Oh, it was just a costume thing!", came to mind, but she knew Uta was too smart for that.
Uta sighed as he put down his pencil, making eye contact with the girl on his floor. "Lets make a deal," he says, "I won't tell Touka you're Anubis is you work for me every weekend for four hours."
Y/n thought for a moment. That was an easy request, right? All she had to door was hang around and get paid! Extra money in her pocket. Not to mention, she didn't have to do much.
"I accept," she smiled, "I don't see why I can't spare four hours of my time."
Uta went back to sketching a mask, not looking at the girl as he said, "Great. Just know you're only being paid 5 dollars an hour."
Y/n nodded. That's $20 a day, two days a week. Not bad. Her job at Anteiku was $7 an hour, so it wasn't bad to make an extra $40.
"I won't be able to move for a while, though," Y/n frowns.
Uta hums in acknowledgement and finally looked at Y/n in the eyes. "I'll take you home and you can rest. By the time you're better you'll come over here during the weekends. Also," he stands up and walks to the back room again. Y/n hears him shuffling and moving stuff around, only to come out with a large bag. He puts the bag next to Y/n's stuff. "Your uniform is there."
Y/n sighed, "Okay. Take me home now, please."
Uta picked Y/n up bridal style and grabbed her stuff, making her hold it with her good hand. He then proceeded to walk outside and down the streets.
Time Skip
It was Wednesday morning and Y/n had gotten better. She had to explain to Touka that she got hit by a bus, only to be on the phone for two hours being scolded about paying attention to her surroundings. Since she'd gotten better, she changed into her uniform for Anteiku and began to walk to work.
The bell jingled upon her arrival. She took a deep breath and welcomed to familiar smell of coffee beans and the warmth of the café. She walked behind the counter to the register as she listened to the chatter of the customers.
"I heard there's been doves prowling around," said on girl as she sipped her coffee. Her friend nodded, "I'm too scared to go on my own."
Kaneki watched with Y/n as everyone talked, cleaning a teacup he was holding.
"That'll be all Kaneki," said Yoshimura, "Kaya will take over for you."
"Oh, alright," Kaneki said, "but where's Touka?"
"She called in sick," Kaya said, "so I'm filling in for her." Kaya then walked away to take orders.
"Why don't you visit her," Yoshimura suggested, "it won't be too much trouble since she lives just upstairs."
Y/n giggled. She didn't know whether it was wrong or not to ship the two ghouls together, but she couldn't help it. Kaneki was just a sweet person, and the fact he had to go through that whole gourmet thing was just horrible.
Awhile after Kaneki went to visit Touka, a girl walked up to the counter, holding a pot of dumplings. "Hi, I'm looking to visit Touka?"
Y/n smelt the air. The girl was human. Why would a human come to Touka? Well, Touka did go to school, so it made sense.
Y/n smiled and pointed to a door behind her, "Go there and you'll find her!"
"Thank you!"
Y/n sighed. Having a human friend was something she experienced after she joined Chika. But, sadly, a Chika agent found out and killed Y/n's friend. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, seeing as Y/n had to watch.
Y/n snapped out of her thoughts when she saw the same girl storm downstairs, this time without her dumplings. Must've gotten the wrong idea, Y/n shrugged.
Time skip
<There's not much to work with on the episode :/>
Y/n was walking home after she helped close up shop. As she walked out she pulled her jacket closer to her body, the chilly night's wind ripping through her coat. It was strangely cold out, but Y/n forgot all about the weather as she saw a figure crawling to where Kaneki's apartment would be.
Y/n followed the figure from behind, noticing his flaming orange hair. She gasped, she remembered Kaneki and Touka talking about him. His name was Nishio. By the looks of it he was in a great deal of pain, probably from not eating in a while.
She watched as he tried to knock on Kaneki's door. Kaneki opened it, but he also held a letter and a rose in his hands. "Kimi," Nishio panted, "she never made it back."
Kaneki handed Nishio the letter and Y/n watched as Nishio read it, his face scrunching up in anger. "Damn it!" he growled, "Tsukiyama, you son of a-" Another grunt of pain rippled through Nishio. "This can't be happening! Why would he do this!?"
Nishio started pounding his fist on the ground in anger. 'Is Kimi a human?' Y/n thought to herself.
"I'm the one he's after," Kaneki cut in, "so that means it on me to make this right, I'll bring her back."
"I'm coming with you," Nishio frowned.
"Not in your state! He'll kill you!" Y/n had to agree with Kaneki there. Nishio looked in serious pain and probably needed to eat someone quick. She frowned. She decided she'd help.
"Do you honestly expect me to sit at home while Kimi is in distress? I have to do something!"
Y/n stepped out from behind the stairwell. "I'll go."
Kaneki and Nishio looked over to Y/n surprised. "Y/n?!" said Kaneki, "are you sure?"
Y/n nodded, "I'm tired of Tsukiyama's shit, so I'll help get your girlfriend back," she said to Nishio.
The three ghouls stood at the doors of the church, hearing Tsukiyama playing the organ. The purple haired ghoul stopped and turned to Kaneki, "Ah, Kaneki! Are you a fan of Beethoven?"
"Tsukiyama!" Nishio yelled.
Tsukiyama sighed and stood up. "Well this is awkward. I don't remember inviting you Nishiki Nishio, or you Y/n L/n."
Nishio growled and started walking down he isle with Kaneki and Y/b in tow. "Give me back Kimi, you sick freak!"
"Apologies," Tsukiyama started walked closer to Kimi, "but I simply cannot do that. I'll be needing her to add spice to tonight's dish. It is essential that she remains as fresh as possible for sweet Kaneki's pleasure."
"The fuck are you taking about, Tsukiyama!?" Y/n demanded.
"Allow me to explain," he grinned, "I shall feast upon sweet Kaneki, but even as I do I want him to feast on her!"
"The hell kinda threesome is that?" Y/n mumbled.
Nishio growled, "You son of a bitch."
Kaneki shivered," But, that's so... Disgusting."
"Disgusting?" Tsukiyama did his weird dramatic movement shit again, "you wound me. But still, if that's how you really feel about it-" Tsukiyama suddenly appeared in front of Kaneki, "Then Kaneki, I think it's important you realize it is your flavor that's driven me to this!"
"And you sure as hell you realize just how delicious you will be!" he cackled. Nishio, who's probably had enough of Tsukiyama's shit, sent a punch flying to Tsukiyama's face, but got kicked instead and was sent sprawling at the seats.
Y/n growled and went to punch Tsukiyama, landing it on his shoulder (height difference trouble). Somehow that only pushed Tsukiyama a step, earning Y/n a punch to the throat.
Y/n landed on the floor, he airways closing as she gasped for breath. Kaneki growled and went to punch Tsukiyama, but the lack of skill gave the crazy ghoul the upper hand as he quickly dodged it. Tsukiyama dodged left and right, making fun of Kaneki's clumsiness in the process.
Tsukiyama caught a punch, and delivered Kaneki a punch to the face. The black haired male flew to the side and hit a chair. "That's what a real punch feels like," Tsukiyama snarled.
Kaneki didn't give up, instead he raced towards the purple hairs ghoul. Y/n noticed Kaneki's eyepatch fell off and she crawled over to get it. Y/n couldn't stand watching Tsukiyama kick Kaneki any longer. So, despite her out of breath state, she jumped on to Tsukiyama's back and wrapped her legs around his torso. Tsukiyama was surprised, but quickly earned a punch to the face. Many punches, might I add.
Tsukiyama then grabbed Y/n's foot. "You're a good fighter, Y/n," he grinned, "but I see you're not the best at it. I'll have to teach you too!" Tsukiyama punched Y/n's nose and then sent her flying, making her crash onto the balcony.
She wasn't giving up there.
But before she could launch herself over to Tsukiyama, Touka appeared out of nowhere and kicked Tsukiyama in the face, knocking blood from his nose and twisting his head to another direction.
"Go, Touka!" Y/n silently cheered as she jumped to the floor, stretching and then cracking her knuckles.
"How about that one," Touka said, "it's a regular sneak attack."
"I must admit this is rather embarrassing," Tsukiyama held his face as he choked out his words. "It's been quite awhile since I've been scratched." Tsukiyama looked up to reveal his eyes and a portion of his nose had a huge, bleeding, gash right through them.
Touka walked next to Y/n and stretched as well. "When we're done, you'll be picking up your teeth with broken fingers, creepy bastard."
"You have such a filthy mouth, Miss Kirishima."
Kaneki sat up from the ground, "he's not hurt!" Touka tsked. Y/n just smirked, "Then let's beat the absolute shit out of him."
"I see, Touka, you have weakened over the past few years. That scratch would've taken a lot longer than a few mere seconds to heal if you hadn't."
"That's just my way of saying 'Hello'," said Touka. "Wouldn't be any fun if it was over as soon as t started."
"My goodness, such a feisty girl you've become. Still, it's always been the heart of your charm, my lady." Tsukiyama ripped off his jacket and lashed out towards Touka.
Seeing as Touka could handle herself, Y/n took the opportunity to help up Kaneki and see if he was hurt. "I'm fine," he said to Y/n as she was checking his wounds, "but you might want to help Touka."
Kaneki then ran from Y/n and jumped, kicking Tsukiyama in the face and making him hit a chair. "Enough," Kaneki demanded, im taking Kimi with me. Tonight you're going hungry!"
A stone dropped in Y/n stomach when Tsukiyama looked up and did a creepy smile to Kaneki. "That was a good kick, I mean it."
The three ghouls tried to kick Tsukiyama at the same time, but Tsukiyama ended up kicking away Touka and grabbing Kaneki. Y/n was pushed back with Touka.
Y/n cringed when Tsukiyama held Kaneki's arm out, only to use his knee to snap Kaneki's arm upwards, most likely breaking it. "Now then, let's have a taste."
Tsukiyama stabbed his hand through Kaneki's stomach as Kaneki laid on the ground, screaming his head off. Tsukiyama seemed like he just took drugs when he licked off Kaneki's blood off his hand.
Y/n was simply disgusted as Tsukiyama chatted on about how "simply amazing" Kaneki tasted (;3). Tsukiyama wanted to do more with Kaneki. Disgusting.
Touka again went for a kick, but her foot was caught. Then, Tsukiyama's kagune went through Touka's stomach.
"Touka!" Y/n screamed as she raced towards Tsukiyama. "I'm going to kill you, you purple haired shit!"
Y/n jumped forwards and tried to kick Tsukiyama in the face, landing it. But, he recovered quickly and put the tip of his kagune to Y/n's neck as he held her to his chest. "Although you seem like a wonderful woman," Tsukiyama said, taking in her familiar scent, "I can't have you mess up my plan."
Tsukiyama the whispered to her, "Anubis." Y/n stopped moving, eyes wide. Tsukiyama took this to push her forward and kick her back, which made her fall on one of the chairs.
Tsukiyama then walked down to Kimi, who was tied by the wrists and laid on a stone table.
Y/n couldn't pay attention to what was happening as the blood rushed to her head. She felt sick to her stomach as she tried not to fall to the ground again. "What is happening to me?" she groaned to herself. "I'm supposed to be strong, feared... Invincible..."
She looked up to see Nishio attacking Kaneki Tsukiyama, ending up getting stabbed by Tsukiyama's kagune. Nishio obviously didn't give up, but Tsukiyama released his anger by stabbing Nishio many times. Nishio promised to kill Tsukiyama if he laid a hand on Kimi.
By Nishio just ended up being stabbed again.
"Tsukiyama!" Kaneki yelled as Y/n set herself next to Touka, who was next to Kaneki. Touka, much to Tsukiyama's horror, bit a piece of Kaneki's shoulder to gain strength.
"HE BELONGS TO ME!" Tsukiyama screamed, his Kagune racing towards Touka. An explosion knocked away his kagune, revealing Touka's beautiful winged kagune. "Belongs to you?" she said, "don't make me laugh."
"There's not a single thing here... that belongs to you."
Oh mah gawd
So I'm watching episode 5 while writing this and I have no idea how to insert Y/n on some parts XD
But this chapter is 2,377 words long omgggg. Next chapter I'll do episode six lol.
Touka is mom tho
Alright, have a good day/night!
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