•Chapter 10•
<I'm sorry it's so short -;
O crap
I made a Marco face>
Chapter Ten
Y/n waved her non-broken arm when she saw Uta running down the alley towards her. She noticed the shades on his face and giggled.
"Why are you laughing?" Uta says calmly, completely different tone than he looked at the moment. "You've basically broken most of your bones." He went to touch Y/n's stomach, but stopped when Y/n flinched back. "Broken ribs," he mumbled.
Uta picked Y/n up bridal style and began walking to the studio. He noticed the bag in Y/n's good hand and asked, "What's in the bag?"
Y/n shrugged, "Just shopping, y'know?"
Uta then asked, "How did you get in this shape?"
Y/n couldn't tell him that she'd got her ass whooped by Tsukiyama. So, she said the most logical thing that came to her mind. "Drug deal?"
Uta just stared at her for a moment. If he had free hands, he'd be facepalming. He just went with her answer, for he would interrogate her later.
They got pretty weird looks on the street. Bums laying on the ground watched Uta as he carried the broken (legit tho) girl to his mask shop with a blank face. Officers just assumed he was taking her to the hospital and left it alone since they couldn't care less.
Uta opened the door with his foot (which was fukin magical) and walked a few stairs down to the studio. He then walked to the back of the shop and placed Y/n on a table, dining room table, and placed her bag on the kitchen counter. "Take off your shirt and pants," he said in a monotone voice.
Y/n begun to blush in embarrassment and covered her chest with her good hand. "Perv," she growled. "I can just rest for a few days and I'll be fine!"
"Still," Uta said, face still stoic, "I need to check what's broken and wrap gauze around the areas."
Y/n sighed in annoyance but nodded. She tried to take off the sweater, but it seemed to be harder to take it off than put it on. "Um," she shyly said, "help?"
Uta held back a perverted smirk and thought, 'Can't say no to that.' He carefully helped Y/n take off her sweater and placed it beside her. He begun to examine around the area, taking longer than he should've (huehue).
"You're taking a long time examining my stomach, Uta," she said in a sickly sweet voice.
Uta looked up at her. "True, let me get the gauze." He walked off, leaving a fuming Y/n.
Time skip
Y/n was laying down on the floor of Uta's mask shop. Uta had to cover her arm, torso, forehead, both legs, a couple fingers and a foot in gauze. After the... "Examination" she had called Touka to tell Mr. Yoshi that she needed some days off.
Of course Touka was an ass and had to get Y/n to explain.
Meanwhile Uta sat on a chair, sketching a mask for a recent customer. Said customer had tripped over Y/n, making Uta snicker at Y/n's pain.
Only sketching sounds were heard along with the occasional tic of the wall clock. Y/n stared at the ceiling from the cold floor, feeling violated as hell. But Uta was hot and she knew him, so it wasn't that bad. She had at least four days of work off, and she was okay with that since ghouls usually have fast healing systems.
Y/n looked at her attire, remembering how Uta made her wear looser clothes, which she didn't have any, which resulted in him letting her borrowing a shirt and shorts.
Uta broke her thoughts and the silence by saying, "So, what really happened?"
Y/n's breath turned shaky as she realized she was taking a long time to answer, which, if she answered with something unrealistic, would cause him to know she was lying. 'Should I tell the truth?' she thought. 'I'll just leave out Kaneki and Anubis.'
She begun to explain that she was hit and then kidnapped and ended up at a gourmet arena. She said that she couldn't tell who took her, since they all wore masks, and then explained she had to fight, ending up with several wounds. She then said she blacked out, but ended up in an alley.
"I see," Uta said more harshly, "We should figure out who took you. I'll contact Touka's boss-"
"No!" Y/n said, way too quickly. "I mean, it's fine. I'm safe now and I'll be fully healed in a couple days. No need to make a big deal out of nothing."
"But it isn't nothing. You were hurt by gourmets, tossed in the street, and basically had to change behind a dumpster."
Y/n widened her eyes, "How'd you know I changed?"
Uta stared at her for a moment before answering. "I saw what was in the bad long before I brought you here. I saw the Anubis mask."
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