•Chapter 1•
(A/n: A/c means Any color)
The warm summer sun's rays swam trough Y/n's white lace curtains, creating patterns of sorts on the dark, wooden floor. Y/n's
e/c eyes fluttered open as the sun shines onto her delicate s/c skin. With a sigh, Y/n rose out of bed and stretched. After hearing that satisfying pop, she slowly got up and made her bed.
Y/n stepped into her dimly lit kitchen, looking through the drawer that usually held her coffee. She sighed. It was that time of the month again. No, not that. It was the time Y/n had to get more coffee from the café in the 20th ward, Anteiku.
Y/n walked back into her room and changed from to a tank top and shorts into a
f/b t-shirt, black leather jacket. Also slipping on her red skinny jeans and a/c converse. She snatched her purse/backpack/whateverthefuckyouuse and left out the door, slamming it closed.
When Y/n arrived to Anteiku, two voices stood out to her. Mostly because she's heard that voice before. Smirking, she walked through the café and sat down. A beautiful girl with short purple hair covering one of her eyes walked over with a notepad. Y/n gave her one of her famous smiles. "Just a cup of coffee." Y/n winked. The girl nodded and walk off.
To pass time, because we all know how long the coffee takes, she turns her head to the tv. Apparently there was a binge eater in the 20th ward's Aqua building. 'Rize..'' Y/n immediately thought. Laughter was heard throughout the café followed by an, "Oh come on, it's not that funny."
"Man, you're hopeless, you can't take her to a book store on the first day!"
"Why not," A distressed voice said. "She might think it's a awesome idea!"
"look, don't do it. Trust me. She'll think you're lame."
"T-then I'll take her to...big girl...for hamburgers." The guy's friend's laughter was heard once again. To be completely honest, Y/n wanted to laugh as well.
'Taking her to a bookstore would be cute for a first date.' Y/n thought. She was then greeted with her coffee.
"Thank you." Y/n smiled.
Y/n turned back to listening to the guy's conversation, got in at the right time. "So who is she? Who's your special lady friend?" The orange hair male teased. A gasps and looks at Touka. "Is that her?!"
"No! But she's pretty cute too..."
"Excuse me miss?!" The orange haired guy called out. "Can I get a iced coffee? you want one Kaneki?"
"N-no thanks." Y/n takes a sip of her coffee, taking a break from listening, but when she listens again, she growls at how he called Touka a 'hottie'. A foul stench hits her nose.
"Rize." Y/n mumbles.
Rize smiles as she hears her name, she then walks over to the table Y/n was sitting at and starts a conversation.
"So, Y/n, how've you been?"
Y/n sighs and takes a sip of her coffee. "Who're you after this time, Rize?"
She giggles and takes out a book titled, 'The Black Goat's Egg.'
Y/n sighs as she sees the sweet kid Kaneki is reading the same book while memorized by Rize's beauty.
"Him?" Y/n frowns. Rize nodded and pretended to read. After finishing up her coffee, she said a brief 'goodbye' to Rize and and goes to the counter to get more coffee things. "Come again!" Touka says, waving Y/n out.
'Poor guy...' Y/n thinks as she sits on her couch. Y/n was bored out of her mind at the moment. Y/n then switches on the tv to see what's on the news.
"-nks for your story sir. You heard it there, how the ghoul's diet works. Now, this just in; Two students were supposedly put on a date when, get this, beams fall from the constitution zone and onto the two students. One of them could be saved but the other was instantly killed. An emergency organ transplant was preformed to save the boy's life-" y/n flicked off the TV.
"This can't be good..."
Word Count: 716
Finished: Monday, June 13th, 2016
Sorry this was a short chapter, a longer one will be next.
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