A Detective's Devoted Heart Chapter 3~ Something Wicked this way comes...
(YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (EC) : eye colour (PN) : pet name (FC) : favourite colour (NN): Nickname
A/N ~ The little (1) and (2) means that it will be in the glossary at the end :)
Chapter 3:
Your eyes scanned the paper repeatedly, your heart raced. Your hands twitched and the paper started to rip. You tore up the paper and threw it into the bin that was in the kitchen. You sat down on the sofa and (PN) hopped up and nuzzled you, (he/she) seemed to sense your tense feelings. You smiled and pet (PN). You leaned back and felt your heart slowly start to slow down. You looked and saw the window was open, a small breeze made its way through the window and seemed to tickle your bare feet. You sighed and tried to push the memory of the note behind you. But deep down you thought 'Should I have shown Sherlock the note?' Your mind raced, you thought up situations in which what would happen if you showed Sherlock the note. The only feeling he would feel was
It was happening again... It was like Moriarty all over again.
You sighed and knew that it was for the best. You desperately tried to convince yourself that. You looked at the time and watched the hands of the clock tick by. The ticking noise turned into a weird chorus of noise. You closed your eyes but they soon snapped open to the sound of the door opening and closing. You turned your head to see a disheveled looking Sherlock, with blood on his lip and on the left side of his face. You stood up and looked at him worriedly
"What happened?" You asked
"It was nothing, just a little accident on the case." Sherlock sighed.
You sighed and took him by the hand and led him to the sofa, you sat him down and went to go find the first aid kit. This wasn't the first time you had to patch Sherlock up after a case. You have become rather skilled with first aid. You sighed and sat down in front of him, he flinched when you wiped the anti-septic wipe over his cuts. You smiled softly and kissed his cheek. He smiled while you put a plaster over the cuts. You put the kit away and looked back at Sherlock, blood stained his hair-line
"Shower. Now." You chuckled
He shook his head, he pulled you into a kiss. You kissed back and let your hands rest on his chest. You smiled and broke the kiss after a while
"Shower, please!" You begged, he sighed and pouted. He went out of the living-room and up to the bathroom. You watched him leave and sighed
You closed your eyes and sighed. Feeling slightly calmer now that Sherlock was back. You felt (PN) brush against your leg, you smiled and pet (Him/Her).
Rising to your feet, you walked to the kitchen. You heard the bathroom door fly open, you scoffed as you heard Sherlock walk into the living-room. You turned your head to see a less-blood covered Sherlock, clad in towel in all his glory. You saw him walk towards you, his eyes held a certain emotion only known as 'Mischief'. You rose a brow at him
"You know how I hold sentiment towards you and would do anything to make you smile." Sherlock said quickly, quicker than his voice usually is. Which is already very fast.
"Yes..." You looked at him
His look of uncertainty turned into a look of a naughty schoolboy.
"Well you won't mind if I do this!" He shook his head like a wet dog, his drenched curls whacking around as your shirt got soaked. You gasped at him. He smirked and ran.
"WILLIAM SHERLOCK SCOTT HOLMES!!!!" You screeched and ran after him, he was grinning.
You caught him and soon enough did he pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, that's when you realised
'Sherlock's never this sweet, or romantic... ever. What's going on??'
You played along
"SHERLOCK! PUT ME DOWN!" You whacked his back weakly, he let you down and he sat on the bed. You sat beside him.
"Yes." He had a glint that could only be described as hope in his eyes.
"What's going on? Why are you.. being like... this! Romantic and kind of cheesy..."
Sherlock didn't respond, you sighed and turned his head towards you
"Tell me."
"Was it the people at the PD?" You always abbreviated the Police Department to PD.
He didn't respond again
He muttered something and kept his head low.
You looked at him, he sighed
"The men at the department said that if I don't be like 'this' a lot then... I might lose you... To someone who can." Sherlock sighed
You sighed. You always wondered why he sometimes acts like this. You would have never have thought that people could have this type of effect on him and the relationship you hold dear with him.
You turned his head towards you, you sat in his lap. His face in your hands.
"Listen here, If I didn't like who you were then why would I be with you? Most of those men who act all lovey dovey turn out to be dickheads. Don't ever think that I need this. A kiss on the cheek or even a hug would be enough, I don't need all of this... As long as you love me, I will love you in full return." Sherlock cracked a light smile and kissed your nose.
"Now. About these men at the Department. You are so gullible when it comes to learning about sentiment, If you want to know about stuff like this ask John and Mary. Not those boneheads at the Department." You smiled
Sherlock nodded and hugged you close, you held him closer.
The thought of the note was thrown aside, your attention was more focused on your boyfriend.
"Thank you, Darling." He kissed your cheek
"Just trying to with-hold the peace in this place. Inside and out."
"Someone has to." Sherlock kissed you deeply after you spoke those words, your eyes fluttered shut
You both separated after a while, panting lightly
"I don't know what it is but... Your love is like a drug and its becoming an addiction... You're worse than nicotine(1) ..."
You blushed lightly, his hands were on your waist. Yours were rested on his chest. That's when you realized.... Sherlock was still in his towel... Only in his towel. You blushed brightly.
He saw this, you tried to move
"I-I'll let you get chang-" You were interrupted with another passionate kiss
"I've been without you all day, I'm now getting my fix." He kissed you again, deeper and rougher.
The night fell upon London... But the light of one room in 221B never wavered and didn't flicker off. All night and not switched off till the sun started to shakily rise.
TIME SKIP ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You fidgeted and looked behind you, Sherlock was curled into your side. You were glad you woke up when you did. Sherlock was asleep, it was unusual for you to be awake before him. He must've been really worn out from last night. You chuckled and looked around the room, it was a tip. Clothes strewn everywhere, you blushed and wrapped one of the quilts around you. You headed to the bathroom and sighed. You ran your hand through your hair, it felt clean enough to go to work with. You fiddled with it and washed your face, you felt hands wrap around you. You smiled as you felt lips kiss your neck. Sherlock's head was rested in your shoulder, kissing your neck.
"Morning." You smiled
He smiled back at her and stretched lightly. You smiled and brushed your hair. Sherlock walked back to the bed and curled up. You smiled and did your make-up. You grabbed some suitable clothes for work and got changed. Sherlock sighed. You smiled and sat on the bed, laying on your side
"Only a few more weeks and It'll be summer."
"And no work for you." He smiled
"I'll be all yours in 2 weeks to be exact."
"You could join me on some cases!" He lit up
"Maybe not." You joked and ruffled his hair
"I have to go soon. I have classes to teach and you have cases to solve." You kissed his cheek, you rose to your feet, looking for your shoes.
Sherlock grabbed you and pulled you back down on the bed. You squealed, he kissed your neck and smiled. You turned your head and he kissed you passionately, you kissed him back and ran a hand through his curls. His hands were on your shoulders and smiled. You pulled away reluctantly and smiled
"I have to go." You sighed
He sighed and nodded, you smiled and pecked his lips softly.
You rose to your feet and sighed, leaving the half-sleepy Sherlock in the room. As soon as you left the room your mind remembered the thing you put aside
'The note...'
"Shit." You muttered and sighed, pushing it away.
You grabbed an apple and ate it quickly. Your bagged was still packed from Friday and you sighed. No homework to mark since its thankfully nearly summer. You threw the apple core in the bin and made your way to the front door, bag over your shoulder and keys in the bag. You sighed and got driven to work. You sighed and got out, walking inside. Passing your colleagues as you walked to your classroom. Not bothering to say hello to anyone. Bypassing students as you made your way to the classroom. Your students stood outside, waiting. You smiled and let them in. You walked in behind and made your way to your desk. Photos lay on your desk, some of you and Sherlock. A light smile on his face. You smiled and touched the photo of your dad. You smiled and straightened it more on the desk.
"Morning Miss (LN)." Most of them chimed non-enthusiastically.
"Come on, only 2 more weeks and you're out of here till September." You smiled
They brightened up at that and chatted amongst themselves as you started the lesson.
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You finished the lesson and sighed, the students walked out individually. You sighed. One of them walked up to your desk, you looked at them. It was Alex, a bright student of yours.
"Hello Alex, need to speak to me about something?"
"Uh... Yeah..." You sighed
"Is it class related or outside of school related."
"Just some things about next year."
"Okay." You sat down in your chair, he pulled up a chair
You chatted with him about some of the problems for next year and sighed
"You better get on your way, you're five minutes late for next lesson I'll write a note to say you needed extra help."
"Thanks Miss!"
You smiled and wrote the note, he was looking at your desk and at the pictures
"Who are these pictures of?"
"Well. This is my dad, he died last year so I have him on my desk. And that's me and my boyfriend."
"I recognise him from the papers, he's Sherlock Holmes right?!" He seemed excited in a way
"Indeed he is, Smartest man I've ever known. This'll be our secret. Don't want everyone knowing my personal life." You smiled
He nodded and took the note, heading to next lesson. You sighed. You didn't have any classes to teach till the end of the day. So you grabbed your papers and marked the work from today. You sat in the room till the bell for break went. You grabbed your bag and headed to the lunch-hall. Walking with a few of the teachers.
Though when you're an adult you shouldn't hate the people you work with, there's just one person who nips at you daily.
Mr Parksgate...
He teases you about what you teach and basically your lifestyle. Even daring to rip at the topic of Sherlock.
Speak of the devil, there he was. Walking towards you. You sighed and turned cold. Walking past him and sitting with the other teachers. You sat with Mrs Cartlay. She's an old librarian. You sighed and poured a cup of tea, sighing. The kettles were boiled and all the needed ingredients were laid before you
You stirred your tea and sighed, you sipped it lightly when it was cool enough. You sighed and felt Mrs Cartlay lay a hand on your shoulder. You smiled and sighed. Sipping your tea and occasionally taking a few of the biscuits from the platter. Dipping them in the tea. Soon enough did the bell ring again, back to your classroom you walked. Back to marking papers.
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF THE DAY
In the Taxi you were sat, looking at the London landscape as the cabbie drove. You sighed and paid the cabbie. You had your bag and some shopping. You needed food in the flat after all. You walked into the flat. Sighing, you took out your keys and opened the door. You walked in and heard voices. You smiled and recognized them to be Mary, John and of course Sherlock.
You walked in with the bags. Sherlock smiled lightly
"Hey (NN)." Mary smiled, heavily pregnant and glowing
"Hello Mary, been a while. How have you been?"
"Well apart from the vomiting and weird cravings, I'm good."
"Well that's good." You smiled and put the food shopping away.
Mary chatted with John, Sherlock watched you and you sighed.
You sat beside Sherlock and he took your hand in his, you smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder. He had his arm around your waist. You chatted with Mary and John till they had to return back to their home. You sighed and cleaned up the flat a little. You saw Sherlock, now on the couch. His hands up by his face, you sighed and did the dishes. He was in his mind-palace, the silence in the room made thoughts that you had put back in your head suddenly return. The note...
'Well by now I would've gotten another one so it must have been a hoax... right?' You thought to yourself, convincing yourself.
That's when a crash came through the window, you flinched and saw something fly by you. Dangerously close to your face. You felt something trickle down your cheek. Blood dripped onto the ground. Your eyes widened. Sherlock snapped out and saw you, he went to your side. He pulled the arrow out of the wall, looking at it closely.
You held your cheek lightly, putting pressure on the small wound. Sherlock grabbed the kit and disinfected the wound, putting a small bandage over it. You sighed.
A note fluttered into the room, it looked similar to the one you first received...
Sherlock grabbed it. Looking at it. He soon passed it to you, silence shrouding the room once again.
You gulped and looked at the note
'You thought it was a hoax, HA! Something wicked is on its way. Don't worry, it may be a good surprise... This is the beginning... Only the beginning. Funny how you didn't tell Sherlock about the first letter, Dear (YN). I thought you told him everything? Well... Things are going to get very interesting for you both. Good luck my little Romeo and Juliet. Tragedy is a foot.'
You looked at Sherlock, you crumpled the note up
"When were you going to tell me?"
You looked at him
"When were you going to tell me that this was restarting... The notes coming again?" He asked, anger in his voice.
Your words caught in your throat, you couldn't speak. Sherlock looked at you with a glare that only with-held anger and fury.
"I thought it was a hoax... I didn't want to believe that it was starting again." You muttered
Sherlock didn't say a word
No words...
"Sherlock... Speak to me please."
"Why.. Why didn't you tell me? I could've tried to stop it when it first arose. Why? Why did I have to find out about it when you were almost shot through the head with A BLOODY ARROW!"
He was shocked and looked at you, you were shaking. Your hands clenched in fists. Your eyes were watery but closed shut as to try and stop the tears from falling
You kept shaking, hands clenched and eyes forced shut. Sherlock walked over to you, looking at you. He took your head in his hands, your eyes cracked open slightly. A tear fell, her wiped it away
"I'm sorry for reacting this way... Its just... its a repeat of what happened only a year ago... I want normality. I know that I usually hate the word but sometimes you can't help yearn... yearn for normal times.." Sherlock sighed and looked you in the eyes
"I know I shouldn't've kept this from you... What happened with Moriarty has harmed me in many ways... I fear most things now.." Sherlock sighed as you said that.
"I never took the pills that the therapist prescribed to help me sleep but thankfully I've been sleeping well now but I fear the nightmares and what this new enemy could throw upon us. I'm scared..." You cried
Sherlock pulled you close and rubbed your back as you cried. Hiccuping lightly. Your hands clutched his shirt and threatened to rip it with your vice-grip that you had on him. He picked you up and sat you on the sofa with him. You curled up and cried. Until you felt as if you had shed enough tears. You rubbed your eyes and sighed. You looked at him and breathed in and out
"I have an idea."
You looked at him
"Would you feel safer if you knew how to fire a gun? Or even some fighting skills. To protect yourself?"
You thought over the idea for a bit and sighed. This may be a good idea.
You kept thinking the idea over and over in your head until you decided the it would maybe be your best chance.
"I think it may be the best chance.."
"Alright. I'll teach you simple fighting skills and I'll ask John to help you with Gun practice."
"In a real gun fire range, I do not wish to destroy the flat walls any more than they already are..." Pointing out the large bullet holes that lay like a crevice in the wall.
Sherlock chuckled and you smiled, you sighed after and leaned your head in his shoulder.
The sudden realization came to you. The circle was repeating again but this time.. you were going to be ready for whatever comes at you. Training. Anything. To keep the people you love safe. You will fight this time.. You will not let people die. You will fight.. you will fight what seems to be on your trail because...
Something wicked this way comes... (2)
And it isn't far from catching you...
END OF CHAPTER 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(1)- A song lyric from P!ATD's song 'Nicotine. I always thought of Sherlock when I heard that song so I decided to include it here
(2)- An iconic line from Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth
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