A Detective's Devoted Heart Chapter 2~ Loving me comes with a price...
(YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (EC) : eye colour (PN) : pet name (FC) : favourite colour
Chapter 2:
You were shaking as your family now had you sitting down, you stuttered on your words when you attempted to speak.Your family had taken you back to 221B and you were sitting on the sofa with your grandfather. Your grandfather rubbed your back as if you were a baby. Meanwhile, your mum was attempting to try and contact Sherlock. She was using the number Sherlock gave her when the two properly met. You suddenly stuttered out
"H-He prefers t-to text... H-He won't a-answer b-by call..."
Your mum nodded and ended the call and quickly texted him, she put her phone away and looked at you sadly. You pulled your knees up to your chest, your hands twitched and froze in a claw looking state. You replayed what happened in your head over and over. Your mum was texting frantically. You tried to calm yourself down and kept your legs up against your chest. Soon enough, Sherlock burst in with John. Sherlock ran to your side and took your hands into his, he looked at you softly. You felt tears in your eyes, you held them in until Sherlock pulled you into his arms and whispered
"Its okay... Cry..." He held you and let you rest your head in his scarf. You clutched his long coat with your fingers and cried into his navy scarf that was coiled around his neck. He held you close and let you cry, he rubbed your back. You wrapped your legs around him and cuddled up to him in what seemed to look like a koala hug.
Soon enough the tears finished and you sniffled. You pulled away from Sherlock's neck, his hand graced your cheek and wiped away remaining tears that lay on your cheeks. You saw him smile slightly at you which made you crack a small, weak smile. Your family sighed in relief, they too smiled. John stayed back and texted Mary quickly.
"What happened at the graveyard?" Sherlock asked softly but with a tone that still seemed demanding
You told him everything about what happened, he nodded as you spoke. You finished speaking about it and you then sat back on the sofa, you kept your head down. Sherlock sighed
"You don't believe me do you?" You muttered
Sherlock put his hand under your chin and lifted your head up so that you were eye to eye with him.
"If I didn't believe you then I would have interrupted you when you began the story..." He smiled and kissed you softly. You kissed him back softly.When the two of you separated your lips from one another's, he kissed your temple lightly and grinned.
You smiled a little wider at him, your family and John watched in awe. Your family smiled at the two of you, your grandfather rose to his feet and smiled. You smiled and rose to your feet, your family hugged you tight and told you to visit. You nodded and saw them off. Sherlock leaned against the wall and watched you wave your family off. John left as well since he had to scurry back to his' and Mary's. You sighed, you turned around and smiled at Sherlock. You couldn't keep your mind off of what happened at the graveyard... you just couldn't.
But Sherlock seemed to try his best to distract you...
Sherlock walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you in a comforting hug. He kissed you softly and desperately wanted to wipe the memory of what happened from you but he couldn't. You clutched him tightly and nuzzled your nose against his collar-bone. He smiled and lifted you up into his arms. You squeaked slightly as he carried you to the couch and sat down with you on the couch with you lying on his chest. You smiled and curled up into a ball on him and put your hand on his chest. You sighed and nuzzled close to him once more.
Sherlock's POV
I held (YN) in my arms and ran my hand through her (HL) (HC) hair and kissed her forehead lightly. I heard her sigh and nuzzle close to me, I smiled and held her closer, my arms coiled around her waist and my chin rested against the top of her head.
"I love you..." She looked up into my eyes
"I love you more my darling." I grinned at her
"The nickname?" (YN) looked up at me
"I think it's rather fitting." I smirked at her
She blushed but leaned up to kiss me, her arms rested on my shoulders while she sat fully on my lap.
Your POV
You felt your cheeks suddenly flush red when he pulled you onto his lap. He smiled and grinned at your expression. He kept his arms around your waist and tapped his fingers on your sides. His hand raised and graced the side of your cheek. He leaned in close and rested his forehead against yours. You looked up and smiled lightly. He grinned and stared into your eyes with an emotion that could only be described as utter devotion. The feeling of his soft glare made you smile. You nuzzled your nose with his and looked into his eyes softly. Sherlock had his hands on your hips and rubbed your sides softly once more. You smiled a little wider and soon took your hands into his, he sighed and
smiled a little wider. He rubbed the back of your hands with his thumbs and raised your hands to his lips where he placed a light kiss on your knuckles.
"When will it stop..." You sighed
"The mayhem may never stop... its been my life since I became a detective... Loving me comes with a price..." He sighed and held your hands tighter
"Danger... death is always looming over my shoulder with every step I take." You sighed at his words
"Its my fate that this world has given me, this strange life." He held you closer to him
"And everyone I love always gets hurt, no matter how much I try to stop it..." He muttered
You knew of his fear. Even a man like him has a fear. Losing you was that fear. Losing you because of who he is... what he's done..
Though he seems cold and unsentimental, he does fear losing you from reasons that even you think are impossible. He fears that you'll leave him because of his stubbornness or his ignorant personality. You and him have had many arguments... some were more worse than others.
You sighed and smiled at him and lifted his chin up to meet your eyes
"Danger is what makes us stronger, Sherlock... I love you." You smiled and ran your hand through his ebony curls that seemed to have a mind of their own.
"Indeed it does." He smiled weakly, you nodded.
You leaned in and pecked his lips softly, it held every emotion you wanted to say
"Never forget that." You looked him in the eyes with a soft expression
He nodded and held you close,
you nuzzled close and felt his hand break away from yours to trace the side of your face, such delicate touched were laid on your cheeks and across the lips. His index finger circled your chin and then traced his fingertips to your jaw-line. You smiled and leaned in to peck his lips. You kissed for a few minutes, completely lost in bliss.
Suddenly, your stomach growled in disapproval. Sherlock chuckled at this while you blushed a light pink.
"I wasn't feeling well due to you know... the anniversary so I didn't eat..." You rubbed the back of your neck with your other hand. He chuckled lightly, you turned your head slightly to see the clock behind you
'20:00' the clock read
You sighed and turned back to Sherlock whose fingers were now trailing through your soft (HC) locks and he picked up a single strand and kissed that one strand. You smiled at him and his feather like touch that tickled your skin.
"How about we eat the leftovers instead of ordering tonight, I would be distraught if I had to speak with that imbecile again." He grumbled which made you giggle ever so slightly, he dropped his arms to his side and smiled at your giggle.
You hopped off of his lap and stood up, he rose from his seat and strolled over to the kitchen with you. You searched under numerous jars of body parts to try and find the leftovers that were hidden under the many jars, what you found in those jars didn't surprise you at all. You finally brought out the leftovers to reveal that they looked... not very... edible...
You sighed and searched through the cupboard to find something that was seemingly more edible than the leftovers. There was nothing but bare cupboards in the first few except one piece of spaghetti and crumbs from what seemed to be a biscuit that had been eaten recently.
Soon enough did you find a single tin-can of baked beans and four slices of wholemeal bread that surprisingly was still fresh and didn't have mold covering it. You sighed.
'Beans on toast it is.' You took out a tin-can opener and failed to open the can with it (Those things are the bane of my existence). You turned to looked at Sherlock who was looking at a jar with what seemed to be fingers rammed inside. You smiled and Sherlock groaned when he realized what he was being asked to do. He opened the can for you.
"Thank you, Love." You smiled
"I think it's rather fitting actually!" You teased Sherlock by mocking what he only said a few moments ago.
He chuckled and went over the toaster were while you were going to heat up the baked beans, he would attempt not to burn himself or the bread on the toaster. You smiled at his abnormal ways of doing mundane tasks. You smiled as you soon saw Sherlock standing there with two plates with two slices on each plate. The plates were gifted to you by Mrs Hudson due to the sudden disappearance of plates in the flat. Most of the plates ended up becoming display cases for Sherlock's 'experiments'. You remember when you gladly accepted Mrs Hudson's gift. The plates were antique and had floral patterns printed around the rim.
You poured equal halves of the beans onto each of the plates, you grabbed seemingly clean cutlery and sat with Sherlock on the couch with your quick, cheap dinner. You finished quicker than Sherlock and put your plate in the kitchen, you leaned against the wall and watched as Sherlock was eating his meal slower than usually.
Sherlock's lack of eating scared you, John reassured you that he has improved his eating habits since you moved in which made you less worried but not that much when you thought about it. It scared you but you knew that you needed to trust Sherlock. Sherlock put his plate aside and leaned back on the couch, you walked over and kneeled before him. You saw one of Sherlock's curly pieces of hair cover his eye awkwardly, you twirled the strand of curl around your finger and pulled it lightly and watched it bounce. Soon enough did the strand join together with another large section of his curly mess of hair.
You rose to your feet and took his plate to the kitchen, you put it in the sink and as soon as you left the kitchen were you embraced from the side by Sherlock. He kissed your neck lightly, which made you giggle once more. The moonlight outside peeked inside and shone lightly were the two of you stood. Your mind drifted and strayed into memories and thoughts that were darker and more sinister emerged. A thought struck you hard. It wrenched your heart to think that this may be true but deep down you knew it was impossible
"Yes darling?" He held you and kissed your neck softly
"What if it was 'Him' that was behind the fog?" Your voice broke mid-sentence
Sherlock turned your around to face him, his eyes meeting yours in a soft yet cold manner.
"Its impossible, he's in the highest security prison in the country with 24/7 police patrol outside his door." Sherlock reassured you in a soft, calming matter.
You nodded "I know..." Sherlock lifted your chin up and kissed your forehead lightly, he grabbed your hands softly and started to lead you to the bedroom the two of you shared. You stopped and her stared at you
"What it is?" He asked
"I'm going to stay up a little longer, to clear my head before bed."
He raised a brow and looked at you in a calm but worried face
"I'll not be long, I swear..." You smiled and kissed his cheek, he nodded and headed to the shared bedroom.
You sighed as you watched him walk away, you sighed and looked around the room. Memories of before you lived with Sherlock appeared before you once more. You smiled weakly at the memories and smiled wider at the new memories made. You took in your surroundings and looked outside to see the city that seemed to never end, to never stop working. Lights flickered lightly and breeze blew lightly against the back of your neck and legs.
You shivered and decided to head to bed, no need to clear your head anymore...
You quietly tip-toed to the bedroom and close the door ever so gently behind you. You quickly changed into a over-sized t-shirt and crawled under the covers to see Sherlock curled up in a fetal position under the covers, as soon as he felt your warmth you felt him uncurl and pull you close to him which made you chuckle in a soft way as not to disturb the half-asleep Sherlock. Your eyes closed and a nightmare free night began as the night progressed. No nightmares haunted you tonight since the nightmares had already haunted you during the day...
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You awoke to hear the beautiful melody of the violin, the melody was soft and elegant. You rose to your feet and wandered up to the living-room to see Sherlock composing in the armchair. His violin resting softly under his chin as he wrote the notes on the sheet-paper before him. He put the violin down and as soon as he did, you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. He flinched but relaxed when he realized it was you.
"Morning Darling." He chuckled
"Morning Love." You giggled in return
Sherlock's phone buzzed uncontrollably which made him run over to it. He picked it up and was texting away, you smiled as you saw a wicked yet sweet smile cross Sherlock's face. He turned around and jumped up, he threw his fists into the air, excitement crossed his face. You chuckled.
"Triple homicide!!! Doors locked, no way out except windows which were also locked and none were smashed!" Sherlock was ecstatic.
You chuckled as you watched him run off to get changed, you put his violin in a safe place and tidied up his sheet music. At the top of the paper it read
'(YN)'s song.'
You smiled and put it beside the violin. Sherlock ran in and quickly kissed you before grabbing his coat and scarf, he was about to run off and out of the door but you coughed to get his attention. He turned around and raised a brow at you. You made a motion with your finger
"Back here..." He walked over and as soon as he was close, you kissed him passionately while straightening his scarf. He smiled and kissed back. You separated after a while and you flipped his coat-collar up for him and smiled lightly at him. He kissed your forehead, you moved your hands to his chest.
"Go! The case awaits!" You smiled, he smiled back softly and walked out of the flat.
You sighed and looked around the flat, you remembered that today was Sunday.
'Work tomorrow...' You sighed as you thought of the aspect of going back to work
You heard something downstairs, the knocker off 221B being bashed harshly against the wood which made you jump. You walked down the stairs towards the door, the looming sense of peril seemed imminent as you opened the door to see no-one standing there... only a cream envelope lay on the door-step.
You picked it up and looked at it closely. Your name was clearly read on the front. You peeked your head out to see no-one there or around. You walked back upstairs with the envelope, your fingers played with the edges of the envelope softly. As soon as you walked into the main living-room you opened the envelope to reveal a small handwritten letter written in what seemed to be cursive. You looked closer and read what the letter said
'How sweet... You think I'm Moriarty... It's an honour to be mistaken for him but my dear I am not Jim Moriarty. For I am new. I am better than he could ever be. I knew that Sherlock would be suspicious if I dropped of the letter while he was there so I... made him occupied. I did enjoy you reacting to what you saw at the graveyard yesterday dear (YN). It was hilarious! Clue: It was all fake... an illusion. The fog is my secret. We will meet one day Miss (YN) but when you see me... London will be...
In ashes...
END OF CHAPTER 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello my little tacos and cupcakes!!!
This is chapter 2 to the sequel and I am so pumped about it!!!! The chapter deleted 4 times so I had some... difficulties with it. But I pereservered and finished it for you all! Summer is approaching for me and I'll be updating WAY MORE often!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and this is all for today! Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes! I'll see you all next time in the next chapter!!!
~AgentLlamaSocks341 aka Sophlette~
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