Chapter 8: Happy Birthday Theodore Times
Chapter 8: Happy Birthday Theodore Times
"See you later." Kyle and I hugged each other off. I took Theo's hand as we walked away from the apartment. I snuggled up to Theo.
"I missed you." I told him. He smiled down at me and gave me a peak on the lips.
"I did too. At least Alice is with her mom now, and away from us." He said. The elevator door opened as we walked in it. Clicking the button, we dropped floors.
"I thought your mother died." I stated. Theo nodded.
"She did. Her godmother is different than mine. It's easier to just say mother. Sorry for the confusion." He said. I gave him a kiss as the door opened to the lobby. We walked out and to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. "So, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm doing better. It didn't hurt as bad as it looked. I just was light headed. In a few days they'll fade to scars. So, how's Alice's hand?"
"Straight threw it. She has to have plastic tubes in it to replace the broken spots in the veins. It looked painful. Was that really necessary?" He asked. I knew he was a little mad about that, so I decided to break the haze in the air.
"I killed people for a living. That's just a flesh worn." I smirked. Theo cracked a little smile. We stayed there in silence with the radio lightly playing. I hummed with the tune, and stared out the window. We pasted farmland after farmland, until we arrived to Theo's house. I knew the whole marriage thing would be a problem with the whole house deal, so as we walked inside I thought of a plan.
"Theo, do you mind if we buy a house together?" I asked. He looked over towards me as I sat on the table. "I mean, we could live here, but I also want my name in it. I want to help pay for it. I want us to own something together. I wanted somewhere to call home. I mean we've been together for four months." I told him in my shy way.
"That'd be amazing." He walked over towards me and kissed me. I smiled and searched his smiling face.
"God, I love you." I said in wonder. I kissed his lips as he picked me off of the table. I pushed us towards the sofa, and we fell on it. Theo kissed my jaw and nipped on my ear. He kissed up and kissed a few of my cuts, which didn't hurt as much as pleasure filled me. I felt him suck on the area behind my ears, and I let out a moan.
"Okay, okay, okay, Theo. I missed you too is all you had to say." I joked. He looked at me and smiled.
"I did miss you." He said. I felt like he was a puppy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just looked at him.
"Well, I'm going to go take a shower than a nap because we are going to have dinner with your dad." I told him as I got up. He gave me a confused look and I grinned. "You think I'd forget your birthday?" I smirked.
"I was hoping you would." He said sadly. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
"Why don't you like your birthday?" I asked. He stayed silent. He just stood there looking at the floor. I sighed. "If it makes you feel better I'll let you take a shower with me." I grinned. His face peaked up and I laughed. He dragged me to the bathroom and started the water.
After we dried off from the shower, we headed to our bedroom. I dropped my towel and looked though the closet for something to wear. Theo came over to my side and kissed my neck. I laughed at him.
"What should I wear?" I said while I turned to kiss his lips. My closet was fill with club dresses, casual wear, and shoes. I started going through my club dresses, but they showed to much. Plus, I wanted to dress as if I was really meeting his dad for the first time, even though I've met him millions of times and once in the hospital with Theo.
"How about this one." He pulled out a purple long dress. I bought it once for a dinner party where I had to kill the host. I grabbed it and tossed it in my shoulder.
"Fine with me. Now, go pick out my other stuff." I said seductively to Theo. He giggled like a kid and raced to my underwear draw. I laughed at him as I went to his closet to get something for him to wear. I looked at his hangers that were covered in suits. I pulled out a navy one for him. I went through his drawers looking for my favorite pair of boxers Theo wears. I kept looking through his stuff when I felt a warm pair of lips on my naked body. I moaned as I turned towards Theo. He grinned at me.
"What are you looking for babe?" He whispered to me. I turned towards the draw and moved a few pairs of boxers and found the ones I was looking for.
"This." I said holding them up. He smirked and turned me around to him to kiss his lips. He bit my lip as I let out a moan. He grabbed my hand and put something in them as he kissed me. I stopped the kiss and looked down to see my underwear and bra. I looked back up at him and smiled.
"We should get dressed. I plan on leaving in an hour." I told him. He frowned and grabbed his stuff I picked out as I heard to the bathroom. I put on everything, but the dress as I started doing my hair and make up.
I decided that I wanted to let my hair looked shorter. I curled the ends and pinned them under my hair. I grazed at myself and smiled. I looked good. I slipped on my dress and realized how beautiful I really was. I had some beauty in me in order to have all the guys I have. Even if I am a killer, I look like an average beautiful girl.
I grabbed my box of jewelry and looked at what I had. I grabbed a few necklaces, and bracelets. I put them on me as I examined what I had. Everything, but the few given to me from my mother, were from men. I felt around on the fine jewelry, and noticed a piece that I thought I'd never see again. It was the ring from the last man I killed before boss's death. I thought the little girl took it, but some how I'd gotten it again. I placed it on my finger, as I looked at myself again.
I smiled at myself and my beauty. I walked out of the bathroom, and walked over to the bed that Theo was sitting at on his phone.
"Yes sir, I promise that my father will get everything together for the new bill." His voice was in an angered tone. "Sir, please, don't bring Ashley into this." I gave an eyebrow at my real name. "Yes, she did die today, many many years ago sir." He looked up at me with a bit of sadness in his eyes. "I've got to go. I have a date." He hung up the phone and threw in on the floor beside him.
"Are you okay babe?" I asked. He patted the spot beside him on the bed and I edged to it. I sat down and cuddled up to him.
"I don't like my birthday." He spoke. He paused for a while and then continued. "My mother died today. When I was five. I spent my whole birthday at the hospital, and the last thing she told me was happy birthday. I didn't want to tell you because it brings back so many unneeded memories. Ones that aren't the best of her conditions. I'm sorry that I had to talk about this. Ashley is my mother's name." He kissed my temple as I kept my eyes fixed on the wall ahead of me.
My mother didn't die that way, nor did my dad. I hated that. Theo had to go through heartbreak with a loving mother, and I had to go though a selfish bitch of one. I couldn't take it. "I'm sorry Theo."
"Why?" He looked me in the eyes. His big eyes. They made me feel worst.
"My mother and father died a selfish way." I told him. "You lost your mother out of love, but I lost mine because she was selfish." I squeezed his hand. Anger flew through my blood at my parents.
"What happened?" He asked. I looked him in the eyes. I wanted to tell him, but the time just wasn't right.
"Later. I'm to anger now, plus we need to go to your dad's." I told him.
We sit down at a small table in a huge room. Theo and I sit awkwardly. People were standing around all of the doors of the huge room, and I felt small. Theo looked over at me and gulped. I felt the exact same. I grabbed his hand under the table and waited for his dad to come, so we didn't have to feel like we did something wrong.
In one corner of the room, a huge door slid open and in came a huddle of guards. Theo stood up, and I followed him.
"Hi dad." Theo said. The group of guards dispersed, and Mr. Times was smiling. He walked over to us and shook Theo hand. He glanced at me and smiled.
"I see you brought the girl from the hospital. Vanilla, wasn't it?" He asked like we'd never met, but that time before. I nodded and gave it my best smile.
"Vanilla, it is sir." I said sweetly, as we all sat down.
"Well, Theodore I'm glad for you to be turning twenty-two. I haven't seen you in a long time. I missed you. I'm guessing Vanilla, is your girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow at Theo. Theo nodded to him as he continued talking. "I just want you to know that soon, I might have somethings happen, and I want to make sure that you and Ms. Vanilla get some stuff before it happens."
"And what would that be dad?" Theo's gaze said words that didn't seem to know anything.
"I want to make sure that Vanilla and yourself get some stuff. I don't care if you stay together forever, but if something were to happen to me, I want to make sure you get stuff, and not someone else." After Mr. Times's words sank in I realized it. He was talking about if I did kill him. He seemed to not put up much of a fight towards death.
"And what would we get?" Theo asked. A man came over with a folder and passed it to Mr. Times. He opened it, and examined and nodded. The other man walked off as Mr. Times looked back at us.
In that moment I felt an overcoming of sadness. Like Mr. Times had given up. I felt the need to cry, so I stood up. "I'm sorry, sir, but I have to go." I said. The words were holding back my tears. I started to the huge door that Theo and I entered here from, as someone grabbed me.
"Vanilla, is everything okay?" His eyes read worried ness. I broke into tears.
"I need Andrew right now. I promise I'll make it up." I walked over to the first guard. "Call a taxi for me please." He nodded to me as I walked out. I knew Theo wasn't going to follow me because we had gained this trust together, and I honestly couldn't leave him. The marriage was keeping me here.
I waited in front of the white house gates. It felt weird as everyone walked past me. I crozier myself in my arms as a taxi drove up to me. I hopped in as I told the driver Andrew's address. He drove me there in silence. I felt like a awful person.
I paid the taxi with the little money I had with me as I walked into the apartment lobby. I walked into the elevator as I pressed the button to go up. I hummed to the surprisingly distracting elevator music, which is what I needed.
The elevator dinged and I walked out. I tried remember Andrew's apartment so I just looked down at the numbers to find a familiar one. I looked down until I reached the second to last, and found the familiar number. I knocked on the door as I waited. I thought maybe he was gone, but I was pretty sure I saw his car in the lot.
"Coming!" Someone yelled on the other side of the door. The familiar face opened it and I broke down. "Vanilla?" Andrew cooed.
"I'm a fucked up person Andrew. I'm awful." I sobbed. He grabbed me into a hug and took us into the apartment. I shook with the tears as I started thinking about how heartbroken Theo will be, and how if he doesn't, that one day he'll figure out we were all meant to be a lie. "I don't want to break Theo's heart. I love him dammit!" I screamed. I felt anger and sad, and I didn't like it.
"Vanilla, tell me everything that's happened. Did something happen?" He asked as I dug my hands into his arm.
"I'm going to have to break Theo's heart because of damn Mr. Times. I had to fucking fall in love with his son, and he is making sure that he ruins my life." I sniffled. Andrew stroked my hair as I just cried.
"Continue." He said.
"When you and Theo went to get Alice, I got left behind and Mr. Times made me sign papers to marry Theo. In it made sure we were together forever. One of us would have to die in order to not be together. He told me not to tell Theo, and now I know why. He wants to make me feel guilty to not kill him. I want him dead! I want him dead! I want to be happy with Theo and Mr. Times dead!" I shouted. I felt no more sadness, but complete anger. I sat up and walked over to the kitchen. Andrew peaked up and looked at me.
"Vanilla! Don't you dare! I can't protect you if you do this!" He ran up to me as I grabbed out a knife.
"I want everyone dead! I want them all dead!" I screamed. Andrew grabbed all the knives, and kept them away from me. I craved to see the lifeless eyes, I wanted to oozing blood. I stood still while I let Andrew calm down. "I'm going to kill someone tonight Andrew. You can't stop me." I said in a monotone voice. I looked over to the door, and went from completely still to a running man. I thought I could make it, but Andrew grabbed me and dragged me to his room. I kicked and screamed to get out of his arms.
He pinned me to the bed and stood over me. "Calm down Vanilla. I'm only doing this to protect you. I don't want anyone else hurt." His eyes were begging me to stop my madness. I pouted as I closed my eyes to let myself go to sleep.
I lost all energy from my crazy emotions. Nothing really happened, but the brain can be a tiring thing. I curled up beside Andrew as he covered me in sheets and walked off. I listened to him a little and then came in another body that wrapped themselves around me. I felt them kiss the top of my head as I rested my sleep.
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