Chapter 5: Ariel Drowns and Snow White Dies
Chapter 5: Ariel Drowns and Snow White Dies
~~~Unknown's P.O.V.~~~
I sketched down the body's marks. They didn't match Ashley's usual killing. She was more of a shooter, not a stabber. I wanted to say this wasn't her because she didn't kill women, but with Miley connected to Jess's death I knew something was up. My thoughts were that she cracked, but it was unlike her. She would have before all of this happened.
I placed the notepad into my jacket and zipped it up. I returned into my car and turned on the radio. The classic music filled my ears and I began to drive. My visit to Washington wasn't suppose to be for this reason, but with David's death, I knew Ashley would be here and Josh. I had to meet the woman that I've pondered over these years. She was different.
I was driving down the road when I saw a bright hair girl walking down the rainy street. I pulled over to give her a ride. "Hey! Do you need a ride? It's cold out." I stepped out in front of her.
"Nah! I'm fine. Thanks though." She started walking past me, but I knew she was going to get sick in this weather. and I hadn't had anyone in a while.
"I'm not a creep! Please let me take you home, I don't want someone getting sick." I looked at her as she turned around and walked towards my car. I opened the door and she stepped in. Closing it behind her, I jumped to my side and got in. She looked over at me, and I had to say, she was beautiful. The red hair was clearly fake, but it worked. Plus, her beautiful body I had a growing need for.
"Hi." She smiled and I fell. I gave her a smile back.
"Can you drink?" I winked and she laughed.
"If that's an invite to your house then, yes." After she said that she became flirty. As we got to my apartment I thought about the murder of Miley. But my mind went off it when she pointed out something. "I live here too."
"Oh, wow. Well, I guess that's another way to see each other more." I got out of the car with her and we walked hand-and-hand to my room. Once we got there I grabbed some strong alcohol and she took the shot.
"I want you." She grabbed me and our lips were about to battle. I felt her lips that were ever so soft bite my lips. It was a feeling I didn't get much since the case with Ashley. I bite her back and we starting battling with our tongues. I grabbed her and she jumped on me. I carried her to my bed and we fell on it.
She took off her shirt first and then my jacket. As she was taking it off she felt something in my pocket. She stop the kissing and starting looking through it. "What's this?"
"Oh, well I do police work and it's a case I have." I tried grabbing it away, but she wouldn't let me.
"Ashley... I have to go." She starting getting up and I noticed something. I froze. She turned back and walked over to me. "You found out." Her first contacted with my face. I fell into the bed post and it hurt.. She started kicking me and punching more. She stopped once I started begging. She then tied me up and she smiled. "I'll be back to finish you." She walked out and I started to try to move. But I was stuck.
I tried moving it over the bed post, but I couldn't reach that high. I wanted to cry because this was going to be my death, but that silly thing is that I'm on her side. But sadly I'll never be able to tell her, and well I'm completely fine with that. I'd rather die from a good killer than a bad disease or something. Maybe I'm crazy for that.
She came back and kissed my lips. "I really hate that I have to do this."
"I know you are." I smiled at her and she just grinned. She pulled out her knife and pieced me. I could hear her a little. "Goodnight."
~~~Vanila's P.O.V.~~~
The past weeks I haven't seen Andrew, Theo, or anyone who I haven't killed. I was going crazy after Boss's death and I felt that everyone was bad. I knew they weren't, but I still had this unspoken rage. After the 10th death on the news I decided it was time to go home.
"Vanilla! Are you crazy! You'll get in trouble this time! I know it!" Andrew was walking all over the room with a red face.
"It's fine. I'm happy to die at this point. I just fuckin' hate this world."
"Oh, I can kill you. Would you like that?" He kept walking and I just sat on the sofa. "Vanilla, I hope you know that I'm going to have to get Theo. He's going to have to keep you safe now. I can't have you living with me. That will for sure get you found." The thought of Theo made my blood burn.
"I'm fine without Theo."
"No you are not. Now stay there and I'm calling him and we are all going to talk. Now take some pills. You look sick." He walked over to me and handed me some pills and walked to his room to call Theo. I downed the pills and sat down. I started thinking about who I should kill now, when the doorbell ringed. Andrew came running out of his room. He opened the door and Theo comes walking in.
He looked at me and came to sit beside me. "Hey Vanilla." I ignored him and walked to the kitchen. I decided that this wasn't going to happen very well without a little help. I grabbed a glass and pulled out some vodka. I took two shots and I walked back over.
"Hey Theo." I sat on his lap and hoped that that would get the point that I was getting drunk. Soon after that I was starting to feel different. Little did I know that I had passed out.
~~~Theo's P.O.V.~~~
"Hey Theo" She sat on lap which surprised me. Soon after that though she passed out.
"What's going on with Vanilla?" I looked at Andrew and he had a worried look on.
"Vanilla hasn't been very good. I'm asking you a huge favor." He had beg in his eyes.
"Well, if it's her then what is it?"
"Well, I need you to promise you won't freak when you hear this stuff." I nodded. "You heard about those ten deaths in the news right?" Another nod. "Vanilla did them." I froze. I looked at the beautiful woman and back at Andrew.
"What do you mean Vanilla did them?" I looked at Vanilla again as she laid sleeping. She couldn't do something so awful.
"Vanilla isn't who you think she is." Andrew pause and walked over to me on the sofa. "You promise that after what I'm about to tell you that you'll protect Vanilla?" I shook his hand. "We were born to kill people. Once we had a awful experience with our families and started living with David, he thought us how to kill. Ever since we were 15 we've been killing people."
"And you didn't care!" I was still trying to understand this, but the one thing that knew is that this met trouble. "Wait, are you going to kill me next?" Andrew started laughing.
"No, we aren't doing that. We moved into Washington to start a new life. We wanted to learn to live without the business of killing because we knew David was going to die soon. Now that he has, I'm guessing Vanilla cracked, and wanted to kill everyone. Of course she wasn't going to kill you, she cared to much for you. Even if you can't see it."
"So, how do you want me to protect her?" I saw a grin rise on Andrew's face.
"I need you to hide her. Like in movies, in a basement. It's honestly the best thing to do. She's a killer, and a big danger. The news here isn't taking it lightly." Andrew got up and grabbed Vanilla off me and held me. "So, do you have a place like that?"
"Yes." We walked out to my car and he put her in the back. She smelled like alcohol strongly. Andrew got into the seat beside me and we drove to the place.It was about an three hour drive from here, so Andrew and I got to know each other a little bit better.
"I've always wanted to know what she did to her guys."
"It is magical. She's got talent in the sex department." We laughed as we hear a groan from the back.
"Where are we?" I stopped the car on the side of the road and turned towards Vanilla.
"We're going somewhere where Theo will protect you from being a selfish bitch." Andrew hit her a little. Of course not bad, but enough for her to groan again.
"I just woke up. Don't be talking to me like that. Geez, at least I don't drug you like you did to me." Vanilla looked at me and we froze eyes.
"Those pills were for you're own health." Andrew stopped talking after he noticed our eyes. I always felt this way around her. It was like she was a bright angel, even after all she's done.
"We should go." She looked off and I turned back around and started the car. After that everything went awkward. The car was silent and I could hear Vanilla throw up a few times out the window. I'm guessing from a hangover.
"Vanilla, you never get hangover's. What happened to the one shot rule."
"I had other things earlier today okay." I felt a little bit of my heart break. Alcohol plus Vanilla met sex, and I clearly didn't like that.
After the long drive we finally got to the house. It was most like an evil dungeon. I stepped out and walked around to open the door for Vanilla, but she was already out. I shook it off, but sadly things didn't get better. I felt that this time with Vanilla was only going to worst in less I forcefully talked to her.
~~~Vanilla's P.O.V.~~~
My head was killing me. I didn't want anyone around me, but I had to go into this house. Theo walked up the steps and unlocked the door. The cold breeze made me shiver. He opened the door and we entered. I looked around and this house could be the set for a haunted house. It looked awful. Dust covered the walls and furniture like paint, and the aroma smelled like something had died.
"Well, welcome to my childhood." Theo walked over to me and placed an arm around me, but I shooed it off.
"So, where's my room?" I walked around as Andrew and Theo grabbed me.
"Come with us." They dragged me to this staircase. I didn't know why they had to, but soon I figured out. This place was filled with creepy torture stuff.
"Theo! What was your childhood?!" He laughed.
"This was my playroom. We sold the house to a movie director. That's why it's like this." I sighed in relief.
"At least my boyfriend isn't some torture man." My arm that was dragged by Andrew kept moving, but the one with Theo stopped.
"Yeah." He looked at me. A smile rose on his lips and he leaned down and kissed me. I pulled away. "I'm still mad at you!" He laughed and kept dragging me around with Andrew. Once we got to a stop they opened this door and this five star room appeared.
"Welcome Vanilla." Theo pulled me up and grabbed me around the waist. I decided not to fight it since this room was amazing.
"I'm jealous Vanilla. Maybe I should have cracked and killed more people." Andrew laughed, but none of us did.
"Well, I better be off. I'll drop off your stuff tomorrow Vanilla. Bye." I waved and walked over to the bed to sit. Theo came behind me.
"Vanilla, we're going to have to talk or this month won't work."
"Andrew wants you here for a month with me." Theo grabbed me towards him.
"Well, that's news to me. So what do you want to talk about?"
"Why do you hate me? Vanilla I really like you, but with you every minute ignoring me, I can't." He kiss my temple.
"I'm just angry. David met so much to me."
"You've killed more than me, so why worry." I froze.
"How do you know?"
"Andrew told me. That's why you're here. To protect you, Ariel." I laughed.
"Like the Little Mermaid, Ariel?" He nodded. "Wow. I grew up with Ariel Drowns and Snow White Dies. I don't think I'm little miss Ariel am I?"
"Well, I don't care, but I just want us to work out okay?" He kissed me and looked me in the eyes.
I woke up with the cover around me and Theo's naked body beside me. I felt the sparks that I did before, and it feels so good. I wanted to do last night all over again, but I wasn't feeling good enough for a second round.
"Vanilla, why did you kill people?" I snuggled up to him as we wrapped our arms around each other.
"Well, it all started with my sister's death. It's kind of why I do everything I do. She met so much to me, and when she died my whole life crashed, and I felt people were awful. David took me under his wing as well as Andrew and taught us how to kill people."
"Were you scared?"
"At first, but after a while it almost becomes second nature. You know what the right moves to make at the right time, when to grab your gun, and when shot for your kill so no one will hear you. It makes a good life, but a trouble full life." I kissed him as he looked around.
"Vanilla, why me?
"Hah. I ask myself that everyday. The chances of a killer being with the President's Son, is a bad combo."
"Yeah it is. If anyone found out though, I think I'd be more screwed than my dad. At least he doesn't have a mob of girls in love with him." He laughed, but my blood burned. The word 'dad' at this point got me mad, but I cooled down. "Vanilla I need to tell you something." I nodded.
"I think I love you."
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