I started this a while ago but this is a list of all the things I've seen (mostly Wattpad) or come up with over time.
This has plenty of inappropriate topics and swear words.
Oh Jesus jumping on a breadstick what the fuck; it's not murder if you have consent; Oopsie daisy I made a fucky uppie!; Bakugo = Angry pompom Or explosive toilet brush; Do ___ again and I'll remove your kneecaps; socialization sucks ass; GPA (Gay Panic Attack); Honey fuckbunches of oats; dear boys, we don't want dic pics, we want you to do u to do our hw; I'm not lazy I'm on energy saving mode; I thought I was a retard not an idiot; I will twist your dick off with a pair of pliers; I beg to differ, then beg; That was really out of pocket; nummy; Bakugay; Icythot; IcyNot; Jeepers; zonked out; zoinks; What the Satan; Deku = Floof; Snickers (laughing), but sniggers; Me = Giggly Bitch; Your lips look lonely, would they want to meet mine?; Fresh flying fuck; Lemme get this sorted out (replacing lemme get this straight); You're not a freak, you're unique!; fan fiction tactic; BIG FAT MAMA LLAMA; You're as smart as I am when it comes to ___; All Might = Big Yellow Dildo; Don't let your memes be dreams; If only he pulled through and not out; I don't even Karen anymore; Pencil Dick; I want to cry but an actual soul costs too much; Denki = Zapass; Suck my chub; Fuck me sideways.; Tuttle instead of turtle; Antenna between your legs (dick); Todohoeki and Bakuthot; Is it snowing or is the sky just cumming; Karma Akabane = Period Head; What's the point of having a mouth if I can't use it; Moister than an oyster; I'm a big nervous; Tomfuckery; I will boil your kneecaps in apple juice; Explanation machine broke; Tododick; Books Before Boys Because Boys Bring Babies (7 Bs); Better shut the fuck up before your head first in a mother fucking incinerator;
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