"If the time comes, I hope that you'll fight for it, just like your father did for his home."
"I need a clay pot of oil," Torhyl stated to the merchant in front of her, "Preferably your freshest press."
She hands him the correct amount he asked of her and patiently awaited his return from the cellar. A few men stood against a building near her, talking amongst themselves in almost inaudible mumbles, however Torhyl's ears pricked at the sound of her mother's name falling off the men's lips.
"For the Emporer's daughter, she wasn't as royal in bed as I was told she would be." One of the men boasted to the other, who laughed with him loudly.
Torhyl's teeth clamped together as she attempted to refrain from verbally lashing the disrespectful sod who dared insult her mother.
"I refuse to believe that woman just allowed you take her as you did," his friend skeptically squints at the soldier and continues to admire a leather belt at a neighbouring stall.
"Of course not," the guard confirms almost proudly, "none of them ever do. But that's nothing a little gold can't fix. Hand the whores a few coins and they'll almost do anything for you."
Torhyl's eyes squeeze shut, a warmth spreading out through her chest making her jaw tighten. The teller returned to see her eyes burning into the soldiers. Her fist are small mound bound together with rage-driven strength. He watches her body stiffen as she walks towards the men. He's heard them speak of her mother like this more than once. He holds the oil close to his chest as he steps out from behind his stall. He grabs his small arm in his hand causing the girl to spin to face him, brows furrowed and mouth pressed thin.
"Let me go!" she tugs viciously against his grip, "I'll kill them for saying those things about my mother."
The teller tugs her away, noticing the soldier's attention start to turn to the young girl. He bows slightly at the men and takes the girl back to his stand. He crouches to her height and puts the jar of oil in her arms, taking the small bag of coins owed him. "Go home child," his voice low and his eyes hard. "If those men hear you speaking like that they will have you locked up under the Combs."
"They can't if they're dead!" She struggles again.
"Don't be selfish, child. Your impulsive fists will leave your mother alone and helpless, you want that?" His voice drops to a growl. The girl remains still. "Hm?!" He shakes her attention to his at the last syllable.
Her eyes visibly take in his words. With a pained effort, she shakes her head.
"Good. Run along now, your mum will need that oil for dinner." He sends her off with a push and stands to his feet.
"Anger like that will get her killed one day," an old man selling dried fruit comments, eyes focused on a pear in his hands.
The teller's eyes follow the girl's tiny figure as she runs off. "Perhaps...or perhaps she might live and make her throne on the bodies who."
"Not with a swing like that." The older man mocks.
Turning back to the older man, he catches one last glance at the girl before returning to his stall. "Strength is easy to get...but the drive? You can't train that."
"You haven't trained in years, boy, you speak like you can just pick it up again like a ball. It doesn't work like that. Not to mention she's the whore's daughter. Do you want that smear on your name...or are you just looking for bedroom favours?"
The teller sneers at the comment, turning back to his oil. "Watch your tongue, old man. Get back to work."
Her mouth grinds shut. The knife impales thick flesh, blood coating her bare hands, thick crimson liquid creating steam as its contrasting warm temperature met the cold air. The words of the guards continue to echo through her mind. Wrapping her tiny hands around the flesh, she tugs roughly, tiny grunts escaping her mouth with the exerted breath. They had to be lying...right? Her father had passed on not even two years ago. She would never betray him like that.
"Torhyl!" Her rhythm was interrupted by a strong voice calling her name.
Torhyl's eyes immediately snap up to the origin of the voice. She calls back, acknowledging the call to attention. Removing her hands from the deer carcass, she collects the large fur pelt she just peeled off and makes her way to her mother who stands patiently at her small hut's entry.
Her mother smiles gracefully at the small girl and guides her through the doorway with the palm of her hand. "Dinner's on the table, my flower." The soft voice of her mother and the warm thick scent of fresh bread guides her to the small wooden table garnished with two bowls of warm broth.
Alexandria takes the bloody pelt out of her small arms, her hands soon becoming slippery from the freshness of the kill. She looks down at her daughter, eyes of stained innocence stare back at her. She shakes away her guilt of letting her child complete such a bloody task and sends Torhyl a small smile. Alexandria's fingers wipe away a small speck of blood settled on Torhyl's puffy cheek. "We will have to wash before you eat," she opens her palm towards the tub, quirking her brow at her child's groan, "Go on."
Alexandria pours the warm water into the tub and helps her daughter out of her dirty dress. Taking a cloth, she wipes away the day's stains, turning the water crimson. Her daughter remains silent, her eyes distant. Alexandria notices her unusual silence and distance eyes.
"What is it, my child? You look like you're thinking for everyone in Athens." Her voice bubbles with a sweet chuckle.
Torhyl takes a small breath, swallowing down the small pool of salty spit sitting below her tongue. "Are you sleeping with soldiers again, mother?"
Alexandria's hand pauses on her child's skin. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't lie to me. There were men saying they have slept with you, is it true?"
Alexandria continues to wash Torhyl's skin. She refuses to look into her child's eyes. "I want you to speak of this no further."
Torhyl stirs, her face contorting into a tight fury. "They're calling you a slut, mother, do you not care for your reputation!"
Alexandria grips Torhyl's arm, cold grey eyes cutting through her child's green stare. "I said you will speak no further of this, do you understand me?"
Torhyl nods lightly. Alexandria smiles lightly, "Good."
Alexandria picks up a handful of sand sitting in a small dish beside the tub. She rubs the small handful over Torhyl's skin, removing any dry skin settled over her from the harsh sun.
"Greece holds things of beauty," Alexandria comments quietly, "Women, gold, plants and water. But you know what the most beautiful thing we have is?"
Torhyl shakes her head.
Alexandria opens Torhyl's palm and funnels a small amount of sand into it. "The sand."
"The sand?" Torhyl repeats questionably.
Alexandria nods, "Yes, my flower. This land is our gold. The sand captures the sun's rays in each grain. This land belongs to you Torhyl, just as you belong to it. If you should ever get separated from this land, whatever it may be, you'll know it is home because of this very sand. If the time comes, I hope that you'll fight for it, just like your father did for his home. Well, that will not be for some time. Come now, dry yourself off."
Torhyl draws in a sharp breath, her eyes widening only to squint back at the immense light. Uncontrollably, she lets out a small groan as she takes in another breathe. Her ribs feel pulled tight, the aching remains of a re-stitching of her gash causing each breath to sending waves of pain up her spine. Her fingers lightly trace the tender area. Prickly fabric tickles the groves of her skin.
Letting her arm fall, her hand sinks into soft ground. Her brows furrow at the unfamiliar feeling. She pushes her hand deeper, collecting a fistful and raising it to where her eyes can see. Torhyl let the sand fall. Rays of sunlight filter through the sheet of gold. Her cheeks lift at the sight.
"I'm finally home, mother," she whispers to the clear sky littered with the fleeting of storm clouds, "and I'm here to claim what is ours."
Author Note:
Basically, I am an awful person, you all are angels and I love you. I honestly don't deserve you guys and I know that sounds like cliche bs but I honestly don't. Thank you for the constant support despite my absence, my heart is so full. As for my unexpected hiatus, Some serious stuff has gone down in my life so I'm sorry. Also, I'm thinking of rewriting this story with a stronger plot. Should I continue like this or rewrite? I'm sorry, I just think the build up to Torhyl/Ivar is actual trash but idk let me know.
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