"I know this must be a lot to take in," Torhyl says and turns to return to her army, motioning for him to walk with him. "But my father told me that you were fascinated with this land, and before he died, I swore a vow, to find you and tell you his story."
"Ragnar Lothbrok..." Torhyl smirks at him.
"How is it you know my name, but I do not know yours?" Ragnar shoots Torhyl an amused grin as he steps closer to her.
"Perhaps you haven't been searching hard enough," Torhyl replies. "I have heard the stories of your raids, your ruthlessness and your undefeated army...Thought I'd come see the legend for myself."
"You may lower your blade," Ragnar speaks, pointing at Floki. "He is harmless unless provoked."
Torhyl's blade remains firm and unmoved as she looks at Ragnar. A small laugh escapes her lips as she scrutinises his features. Ragnar's face falls at her evalutation.
"What do you see that you find...humorous?" Ragnar snarls.
"My father was right..." Torhyl lowers her blade and sheaths it. "You look hideous bald ."
Floki lets out a snort, finding the entire exchange humorous. Ragnar shoots him a glare and Floki shrugs it off.
"Who is your father?" Ragnar asks, his voice firm.
"You knew him, before he was sent on a raid to the East," Torhyl explains. "Arnthorr Firesyhs, your shield bearer."
Ragnar's face fell at the name. His mind processing the information he received him. Arnthorr survived...and he married and raised a child. All this time had passed, and yet he did not forget that face. The man was once Ragnar's closest companions, and after the day he set sail for the foreign lands of the East, he disappeared and was never heard of again.
"Ragnar?" Floki's voice broke Ragnar's trance. "Ragnar, did you know the woman's father?"
"I did." Ragnar admits, his eyes foggy with the memories and his mind racing. "You're telling me...he survived the trip to the East?"
"He did better than survive...he thrived," Torhyl explained, a proud smile adorning her face. "He made solid alliances with the men of the East, the Grecians, and they fought beside each other for many years."
"Grecians?" Ragnar asks, intrigued. "The land was inhabited?"
"Yes," Torhyl nods, "The land was rich and the soil fertile. The people had wealth and armies that were the most powerful he had ever seen. His clan did well."
"Tell me," Ragnar began. "Did he marry while he was there?"
Torhyl shook her head. "He was in love with the Emperor's daughter and she with him, it was not easily dismissed."
Ragnar let out a howl of joy at the success of his friend. "Did he come with you?"
Ragnar began searching the beach for any signs of the man, but was stopped by Torhyl's hand on his shoulder.
"Arnthorr was executed..." Torhyl explains slowly, her voice sullen. "The Emperor soon found out his daughter was having an affair with a man that was a foreigner. He was ashamed and enraged, but he could not punish him publically for he was one of their most loyal allies. This anger slowly grew into a burning flame when he discovered his daughter was pregnant with Arnthorr's child. He was completely enraged. If he would've had his way, he would have been executed on the spot, but his daughter and Arnthorr ran away together and hid in the wilderness, awaiting the birth of their child.
"I was born not too long after and so I was the first child to have the blood of a Viking and the blood of Grecian. I grew up around many of my father's men. They all treated me with love and I grew up in the customs and religions of both my mother and my father. Father taught me a lot of his culture, and talked a lot about you."
Ragnar let out an amused breath at the thought of his friend telling the tales of their youths, recalling each fight and each drunken night. Torhyl took a deep breath before continuing.
"I was seven when they found us. The Emperor sent men in search of us, and he found us. The Emperor executed Arnthorr under false pretences. 'Treason', I believe they called it. They executed him right in front of our home, right in front of my mother and I. They made us watch the whole thing."
Ragnar's face fell with the news. Torhyl's face remains morbid and still.
"My mother and I were cast out, forced to find shelter and food. I was raised by those around me. I was taught the Grecian customs and the religions. An old man, previously a fighter in the great wars, trained me when I turned 6. I was young, but I was not willing to allow anyone else to take my family away from me."
Ragnar remains quiet and still, he mind still processing the information and questioning its truth.
"I know this must be a lot to take in," Torhyl says and turns to return to her army, motioning for him to walk with him. "But my father told me that you were fascinated with this land, and before he died, I swore a vow, to find you and tell you his story."
"I appreciate your troubles, and your honesty." Ragnar spoke, his eyes on her face, taking in her features in the dim moonlight. "You look just like have his eyes."
Toryhl gives him a small smile.
"I must return to my warriors," she stops and turns to Ragnar once more. "If this is your land to raid, we will raid another area of this land. I do this because of your relationship with my father and that because of that, I will let you uphold your honour."
Ragnar nods. "We raid in the morning also, join us and combine forces. We know this place well, we have a native who knows the land, it will be of great interest to you."
Torhyl processes his offer, looking at her army, then back at Ragnar. She lowers her gaze to the sand beneath her feet and without a word she turns and begins to walk towards her legion. Ragnar stays still, not daring to follow after her without consent. Torhyl sensing his presence missing beside her and calls to him over her shoulder.
"Join us for a meal," Torhyl calls. "And tell your men hiding in the shadows that they may join also."
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