Ani- what Happ nexcht unchleee?
Kha- later your papa understood I am.
Kaf! Kaff! God my throat!
Kha- oh no! Your papa is coming?
Ani- unchle stoly?
Kha- baby I tell you remaining story later for now come and lye on bed like a good kid...come.
Anish pout sadly and lye on bed hugging her mother's pic tightly close to his heart. Khanna caressed anish's hairs and grabbed anika's pic from Anish's hold.
Ani- mumma.mieee mumma.gibeee
Kha-she is your mumma only baby, but for now keep her picture as secret. If by chance your papa got to know about this pic matter then it will become a turn as a big problem.
Saying, Khanna hides anika's pic under anush's pillow.
If you wanna see your mumma pic then take it out and look when your papa is not around you.okay baby.
Anish nodded his head looking at the pillow where Khanna hides his mom's picture.
Kha- my cupcake
Khanna hugged anish's lightly and made him lye on bed.
Shivay enters into room coughing badly
Kha- Shivay! You came early.
Shiv- wo all of a sudden I got cold. I don't think I will be able attend kaff! The meeting like this. So I cancelled the meeting and came here. Kaf! Kaf!
Kha- oh ok shivay you take rest. I'll go and tell ramu Bhai to make soup for you.
Saying, khanna went outside
Shiv- Anish baby.
Shivay laid on bed and hugged anish. “Is my baby alright now!”
Shivay asked Anish while caressing his hairs lovingly.
Anish pout sadly and wrapped his tiny arms around shivay's neck.
Shivay pecked anika's head.
Shiv- what happened baby?
Ani- Ani wavt to healeee stolye!
Shiv- story?!
Shivay replied confusingly.
Anish nodded his head excitedly.
Shiv-ok which Story my baby want to hear?
Shivay asked Anish while rubbing his nose with anish.
In Mumbai
Rur- Anu don't made me run baby... I can't able to run..*breathing heavily* now I got why your mom was slim.
Anush .stop baby...your good boy na. Come and drink this milk...
Anu-lo! Lo! Loo! Anu lo drlinkeew thich milkewww. Anu onlyew drlinkeww mummy milkewww.
Rud- Anu this is your mumma milk only...
Rud- god! I got tired of running behind you. Now I need to eat something to run behind you to make you drink.
Saying, Rudy walked towards the fridge and opened it.
Rud- now what should I eat?
Anush poke his head in between Rudy's leg.
Anu- ichu creamu
Anush lick his lips 😋 seeing ice cream tub.
Anu- uncleee upp.uppp.ichu creamu...
Anush points his index finger towards ice cream.
Rud- how this item correctly fell into your eyes.
Rudy took ice cream tub...
Anu- uncleee oplen fastuuu Anu hungry...
Rud- if you are hungry then go and drink milk. This ice cream is only for me😋. I am gonna to eat this full tub alonely!
Anush grabbed ice cream tub and started to run keeping it on his head.
Rud- Anu stop!!!!
While running anush got collided with something.
Anush lift his head and found his mother standing in front of him crossing her hands.
Anu- m...aaaa
Ani- what is in your head?🤨
Anu- ma ru uncleee eat ichu creams I chay lo eawt but he lo lichen.lichen. So I tache this and lunning.. lunning you ot mhewww 😅. Ouchhh ouchhh mom ealleeee.
Anika twists anush's ear.
Anu-ma cholly cholly. Anu no speache lie.leavewww.
Ani- I very well know about you. Don't try to fool me, okay..if I ever found you lying again then I will cut this ear. Mind it.
Anush gulped in fear.
The original story is going to start from next chapter. Soon kids are going to swap their places. So kindly do votes and comments to get regular updates!
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