After getting dressed your hair was almost dry, so you slicked it back into two neat french braids. Tom was leaving in ten minutes, so you headed downstairs to the living room where he was sat on the couch, tying his shoe lace. He looked stunning in a suit; a black waist coat and a white shirt. He looked rather professional, which traced your mind back to the thought of what Tom's actual job was.
"Hey, do you want me to bring you something back to eat? I'll be home around nine" he smiled, standing up and straightening out his jacket. "Yeah, sure" you smiled, walking into the kitchen and pulling out a coffee cup from the cupboard. Tom soon joined you, flicking on the coffee machine and standing behind you, his warm arms wrapping around your waist. You placed the cup down with a smile, placing your hands on Tom's arms as he traced a gentle kiss on your neck. You hummed gently, tilting your head to the side to give him more access.
"I don't know how I'm gonna survive without you today, love" he chuckled, tightening his grip around you, making sure to feel every inch of your stomach as his hand trailed up the side of your top. The wave of his cologne suddenly hit you, your adrenaline shooting through the roof as the familiar smell reminded you of past events. "You'll be fine, Tommy" you smirked, spinning around to face him, his lips detaching from your neck. "And if you need me so badly, i'm only a phone call a way" you smiled, straightening out his tie with your fingertips.
He placed a kiss on your forehead softly, before checking his watch. "Don't leave you phone on silent, then" he smirked, sending you a playful wink before leaning off of you and grabbing his phone from the side. You send his a kiss, blowing it towards him and he caught it in his hand, making you giggle. You handed Tom his bag with a smile, Tessa joining you in the doorway. "See you tonight, love" he sent you a kiss before leaving, closing the door behind him.
You sighed, looking down at Tessa with a smile before patting her slowly. Seeing as the morning had only just begun, and your sleep had been washed away, you decided you needed to something productive with your day for once. Picking up your phone, you slipped it into your back pocket before pulling your shoes on and heading for the door, grabbing the spare key from the hook on your way out. Tessa tilted her head confused, but Tom had told you that she would be just fine on her own.
So, with that you headed out of the house and made your way down the street, plugging in your headphones and listening to some up - beat music to keep your pace flowing to the beat. Tom's house was out of the way of the streets, and was in more of an urban area surrounded by woodland, so it took you a good twenty minute walk until you finally reached the busy streets of London.
There were people swarming the roads and pavements, at times making it hard for you to concentrate when crossing the street. You had some cash in your pocket, reasonably more than you would have ever considered taking out with you, but Tom was a generous man. So, you headed to a nearby coffee shop, thinking it wouldn't be too cliche to sit with a warm cup of something sweet while staring out to the busy city streets.
Mainly all the coffee shops were full as you passed them, and there was one more left for you to look in. That one too, was reasonably crowded, but with your keen eye you spotted a nice two seated table at the back near a book shelf. So without hesitation, you wandered inside, the door bell singing as you opened the frame, trailing in and pulling your headphone out. You paced slowly to the table, hoping that no one saw the open opportunity before you got there. Tugging your phone out of your pocket, your eyes were misguided down to your feet for a spilt second, just enough time for things to go wrong. As you gripped your device tightly, a hand collided with your own as you landed your palm on the back of the chair. Your eyes immediately shot upwards to see a rather dashing man, dull green eyes and brown hair, muscular and blushing lightly.
"Oh, uh, sorry is this seat taken?" he stuttered lightly, a smile spreading across his lips.
"Oh, no. Well, I was actually thinking of sitting here, seeing as literally everywhere else is taken" you gestured around the crowded cafe. The man shot you a smile, considering he had the same thought as you. "But, I wouldn't mind sharing if that was also your initial idea?" you smiled awkwardly, slipping your hand from underneath his.
"Oh, um, yeah sure, thanks" he sat down opposite you. You slipped your phone out of your pocket, quickly making sure your hair wasn't messy in the black screen. He was American, as you could tell by the accent. You never really knew the strength in the difference between American and English accents until now. "I'm Jake by the way" he held out his hand over the table. You put your phone down, a gentle smile warming onto your lips as your hand fit his perfectly. "Y/N, nice to meet you"
"You too" he shook your hand firmly before letting your grip loosen, "I can't say I've seen you around before, you just move here?"
"Says the one who's clearly from another state entirely" you smirked, tilting your head to the side, "But, yeah I just moved into town with... My friend" you smiled, not wanting to give away any additional information as to what kind of relationship you had with Tom. Thinking back to the rules, you were obliged to keep your options open, as this agreement was a 'no strings attached', so there for that's exactly what you were doing.
"Nice" he complimented "Is this friend of your's a male?" he asked slightly invadingly. You looked at him a little wide eyed, pulling your lips to an amused frown.
"Yeah actually he is, but we're just friends" you confirmed, shrugging your jacket off your shoulders and slipping it onto the back of the chair. "And what about you, seeing as we're on the topic of conversation. Got any 'girl - friends'?" you asked, clearly separating the words.
"Too chey, sorry" he apologised "It's your life. But, no, not really. I just moved here from Los Angeles"
"No way!" you said sarcastically, making him chuckle.
"Hey can I get you something? Drinks on me?" he offered, pulling his wallet out of his coat pocket. If a cute guy is offering you a drink, no way were you about to turn him down. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a coffee seeing as your offering" you turned your cheek slightly, watching him nod before he left to order.
As Jake left the table, you saw your phone screen light up out of the corner of your eye. It was Tom. You smiled, picking up your phone and unlocking the message;
'Hey, love, just making sure all is okay. I'm on my break soon and was wondering if your busy'
Sorry, I know this chapter was hella short short but I am soooo busy with everything rn and... Ugh, just... Life gets hard sometimes ya know?
These next few chapters will be important for your character's development, and I know it can be a little boring but there is a major plot twist on the horizon....
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