"Where have you been? Holy shit Lance we thought you died," Pidge said sarcastically as Lance walked in with a satisfied smile.
"Dude chill, I just finished my personal beauty spa," Lance flipped non existent hair.
"Can't finish what you don't have," Keith walked past him rolling his eyes.
"I do to have beauty! Many girls faint of my charms," Lance smirked crossing his arms.
"Which planet cause I think all of them you where rejected," Pidge snickered and everyone laughed a little.
"Alright team time to focus, zarkons getting dangerously close," Shiro smiled softly but turned serious.
"How close?" Keith asked.
"Less than 24 hours, so be prepared, I want everyone on their toes and no distractions," Allura told them.
"Fair enough... Can I cook in my armor?" Hunk smiled innocently.
"Just make sure you can hear the alarms hunk," she smiled back at him.
"I'll be in the training deck," Keith walked out.
Shiro raised an eye brow at him and dismissed himself and went to train as well.
"I'm going by blue," Lance shrugged and went to his hangar.
"Hey Lance," Shiro grabbed the blue Paladins arm gently as Lance walked out.
"Hey Shiro," Lance smiled back.
"Do you know if Keith is alright? He's been training a lot lately, I'm worried about him," Shiro asked.
"It's Keith Shiro," Lance rolled his eyes smirking.
"Probably being all emo and shit," Lance shrugged.
"Thanks for the help Lance," Shiro said sarcastically and he shrugged again.
"Ok just take it easy with him Shiro, I don't know what's up with Keith but I don't know what to really think or how to help," Lance shrugged and Shiro looked at him thinking about his words and nodded.
"Good luck with that now," Lance waved him off and walked away feeling his heart race and guilt fill him. He knew Shiro really does love Keith but God he did too, but it felt wrong with Shiro not knowing.
Lande shook his head clearing his thoughts, it's not like he's cheated too... It was easier to get over, painfully easier to get over the guilt.
"Hey blue," Lance smiled as he saw his lion.
He felt her purr in his head but pouted a little when it felt like questioning really.
"It's a guilty pleasure okay? And I don't want to hurt Shiro either, he's a great guy but Keith just doesn't want to be with him anymore... But no one wants to hurt Shiro, God I think i fucked up blue, what happens when Shiro finds out or he thinks somethings up with us?" Lance rambled.
"Of course I don't regret being with Keith, he... I'm happy with him, he's easy to tease, can take a joke, fun to mess with and he gets all cute when he gets angry, I love him... I really do," Lance smiled softly looking at the ground sitting on blues large metal paw.
"Sure shiro's way damn fine but I can't force him to stop loving Keith, but... Would Shiro hate me if he found out? Kick me off the team because I'm already a weak link?" Lance took off his helmet as he cris crossed his legs and put his hands in his lap.
Lance suddenly felt warm arms wrap around him and didn't pull away as a familiar and comforting sent surrounded him which made him smile warmly.
"Your anything but weak Lance, we need you, I need you," Keiths voice made lances heart flipped.
"I thought you where training," Lance held Keiths hand gently as he rubbed his thumb over his knuckles.
"It's been two hours Lance, Shiro and Allura are thinking of a plan," Keith sat in front of him holding lances hands gently.
"Oh, whoops," Lance chuckled smiling at Keith. He loved his eyes, they where dark grey but he saw purple mixed, they where breath taking, damn he loved those galra genes.
"Seriously lance, are you okay?" Keith asked worriedly.
"Don't worry your pretty fluffy mullet, I'm just over thinking things," Lance rolled his eyes with a small smile.
"Your such a modest dumb ass, your lucky I love you," Keith leaned up and kissed lances cheek.
"Doesn't that mean I get a sleep over tonight?" Lance smiled brightly.
"Um... No." Keith said flatly and stood up.
"What?! You said I'd get round three!" Lance chased after him.
"Nope, don't remember, didn't happen," Keith shook his head but felt Lance grab his waist and spun him around into his chest.
"Hey Keith, I'm cradling you in my arms," Lance smirked at him and Keith rolled his eyes as he squirmed in lances grip trying to keep a straight face.
"You jerk!" Keith almost giggled but gasped when he felt Lance kiss him quickly but he grabbed the back of lances head to pull him back down and kissed him again while wrapping his other arm around lances neck standing on his toes as they moved their lips together. as lance held Keith tightly in the embrace.
Suddenly alarms went off and they jumped apart and looked at each other with wide eyes from the surprise.
They jumped and pulled apart as an alarm went off
"Paladins to your lions! Zarkon has found us!" Allura yelled over the alarms. Lance kissed Keith cheek quickly and ran over to blue.
"Good luck sameri," Lance waved over at him with a smirk and Keith blushed lightly and ran out as well.
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