Whatcha Know Bout Me?-Nicki Manaj
Percy POV
I sped after Tony, feeling exhilarated as the wind whipped through my feathers and whirled past me.
"How's it feel to be out here with your mom's permission, PJ?" Clint teased over the comms. I was close to the jet now and could see him watching me through the window.
I tucked my wings as close to my body as possible and spiraled towards the earth, then shot upward again. "It feels absolutely fantastic. I haven't gotten a decent stretch in a while. Did we get a good lead on the president's daughter?"
"Yes we did." Natasha answered.
"Well ain't this day just going great! Too bad Frank's at practice, he's gonna be bummed that he missed this."
"Well he'll find out what happened when he's done." Tony pointed out.
"That's true." I angled upward and looped backwards once, letting out a laugh at the freedom I had out here in the open air.
"How's the arm doing this high up, Perce? Nothing weird happening?" Tony asked.
I twisted my head to check my arms.
"Fake one's holding up and it balances out the real one. Yeah, we're good."
"Wonderful." Mom said over the comms.
"So where are we headed?" I asked.
"Well, Manhattan Man, we're headed for North Bronx." Clint announced dramatically.
"You make it sound like we're going somewhere exotic." Tony said.
"The Bronx is plenty exotic!" Mom exclaimed. Born and raised there, she often fought with Tony about this. Seeing as Uncle Tony enjoyed his tower quite a bit and it was in Manhattan, he had a bit of a different opinion from her.
"It is not!"
"Steve, back me up here." Mom said.
"I'm just a kid from Brooklyn, remember." Steve chuckled.
"Bruce?" Mom tried.
"Ohio proud."
She received a burst of Russian in response.
"Right. What about you, Clint?"
"I was a carnival kid myself, never really considered my hometown to truly be home." Clint was obviously amused with the debate going on.
"And Thor isn't even from this planet, so he wouldn't know." I put in.
"Where is the big guy?" Tony asked. "He hasn't visited for a while."
"Not sure. I think he may have had some trouble back home." Natasha said.
"I hope it's nothing serious." I could hear the frown in Mom's voice.
"Mom, he's basically a god. He'll be fine."
"Yeah, Point Break can handle himself, Sally." Tony assured her.
"I'm sure he can."
We kept on in silence for a few minutes.
"Hey Tony, see that cloud shaped like a shark?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah." He said after a moment of searching for it. "What about it?"
"See the building kind of under it? The tall one with the strange antenna built on top?"
"Race you there!" I took off, pumping my wings as fast as I could.
I could hear Mom yelling in my earpiece not to hurt or overexert myself, but I really needed to push myself right now. I had to build up muscle resistance again, it's so easy to lose.
Tony's repulsors fired behind me and I could feel the air near my left side moving differently as it split for his suit.
"You're never gonna win, kiddo!" He shouted with a laugh.
"Watch me, old man!" I swooped upward, keeping just ahead of him, then dove sharply towards the building.
"Go PJ!"
"Don't encourage him, Clint. Sally's right, he needs to be careful."
"He also needs to work those wing muscles back. They deteriorate very quickly."
"Nat, let Bruce and Sally fret. I'm sure that Percy will be able to tell when he's pushing too far."
"Thank you!" I exclaimed in response to Steve's comment. "Give me some credit, I can take care of myself."
"Says the guy who got captured by a goddess." Tony was smirking, I could tell.
"The last word in that sentence completely invalidates it. Can you outrun a determined goddess?"
Tony chuckled. "Not quite, but I've had some similar experiences."
"Tony, no one wants to hear about the playboy nights." Steve said loudly.
"I win!" I bellowed as I touched down on top of the building, pushing off right away so I could keep following the jet.
"Yeah, PJ!" Clint cheered.
"You're almost there, start getting ready to disembark." Mom ordered through the comms.
I heard movement in the jet as the others began to finish suiting up and grab their weapons.
"Tony, Percy, drop before you pass that house with the red shingles. We don't want another Lucky Clowns, you two both need to be ready for action." Bruce advised.
"You got it." Tony and I flew down into the nearest alley and landed.
"You've got everything you need?" Tony asked me.
I unscrewed the water bottles on my belt and hidden in my suit but didn't let the water leave them. "Ready. Let's go get this girl."
As the jet flew past above us my phone vibrated in my pocket. I dug it out and swiped the screen to see a text from Frank.
'Grabbed my phone during break and saw this. You aren't going to like it.'
Attached was an image of a group chat. I frowned. I wasn't added to this one, but Frank was?
Opening the picture, I saw a short paragraph from Annabeth. Skimming it, my stomach dropped out of my body and onto the concrete.
'Watch people's reactions to texts'
"Tony Stark isn't his boss, he's his uncle!'
'followed Percy home today'
'fake arm thing'
The last text was what really clinched it and squashed my stomach further into the ground.
'Percy's SeaBird!'
Frank texted again, probably knowing I had seen this disaster.
'What are we going to do?'
[A/N Yeah, Annabeth didn't think to take Frank out of the chat. Probably because she thinks he doesn't know either....]
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