Trouble- P!nk
Percy POV
"Clint, get down here!" Natasha yelled.
"No!" He snapped back. "We need this!"
"Clint we have to get out!" Steve shouted.
Stark Tower was on fire.
Normally, I wouldn't have a big problem with this. I have water powers, it should be easy to put out a fire, right?
Not with Greek Fire.
"Percy, grab him!" Nat shouted in my direction. I sprinted towards the archer, trying to get ahold of him, but he darted away, further into the flames.
"I got him!" Tony dove into the fire, his suit glittering strangely as the green fire licked at it.
"Let go let go let go!" We could hear Clint shouting.
"Everybody out!" Steve barked, ushering the rest of us to the exit.
Once we were out on the street, everyone looked up at the burning tower.
"It's all gone?" Mom asked quietly.
Tony shook his head. "I was already moving stuff out. Most of the important things are safe."
Clint held up a small contraption that I assumed he'd gotten from his room. "Almost all of them. I dropped the important piece."
"It's fine. You're safe and that's the most important part."
I checked my phone again worriedly. "Frank hasn't answered."
"Give me that." Tony snatched my phone out of my hand and began to fiddle with it.
"Stark what are you doing?"
"Hacking his GPS."
I peeked over his shoulder.
"Okay, the little pulsing dot is Frank." Tony pointed to a small blue circle on the screen. "Go get him. The rest of us, we'll go to... uh...."
"Olympus." A new voice joined in the conversation.
We looked up. I had to smile a little. "Dad."
He nodded, smiling back sadly. "Not a good occasion to meet, I know, but I had to make sure you're safe. Athena and Hestia are arguing Zeus into letting you all, with the exception of Thor, stay on Olympus for a short period."
"Alright." Tony shrugged. "Meet us at Olympus, kiddo."
"Got it." I nodded and checked the phone again before taking off. The crowd that had been gathering around us shouted, but I ignored it.
Frank was in the middle of downtown, which meant a tight landing in an alleyway. Oh joy.
I tried to keep between the buildings, where I wasn't as easily spotted from above. The city had suddenly started crawling with monsters.
Agon was taking this fight up a notch. Hence the whole Greek Fire on Stark Tower thing.
I landed a couple streets before the building Frank was in and began to run through the streets, which were actually pretty quiet. Then again, everyone would be at work right now, so they'd be tucked away safely in their offices.
There was still enough foot traffic that I had to keep yelling for people to move. "Get out of the way! Move, let me through!" Generally, the sight of a muscular guy with wings is enough to scare people out of my way.
Frank was at a roller rink. I slammed through the front doors and darted past the front counter, ignoring the shouts of protest and surprise from the workers.
I didn't spot Frank at first, but I did spot a particularly ugly looking cyclops making its way towards someone in the crowd. I drew Riptide and launched myself at it, catching it in the center of its back.
Chaos ensued. People ran every direction, presumably seeing me murder someone in cold blood. Thanks Mist covering. Really helpful.
I turned to Frank and huffed in annoyance despite the situation. "What the Hades is wrong with you?! I've been texting and calling you for at least half an hour!"
"Oh-" He looked down sheepishly. "I left my phone in my coat. Over there."
I didn't even glance where he was pointing. "We have to go?"
"Oh- hey Hazel." I nodded to her before looking at Frank. "Come on."
"What's going on?" Hazel asked, frowning in confusion.
Frank shot me a look that said he wanted to know too.
"Stark Tower is on fire and Agon has monsters patrolling the whole city. We need to get to somewhere safe."
"Well I'm not just leaving Hazel in the middle of this by herself!" Frank said stubbornly.
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. They'd probably think she knew anything anyway, it's better for her to come with."
"Come with where?" Hazel protested.
"Somewhere safe." Frank promised, then gave me a 'where is that?' look.
I just shook my head. "I'll explain once we're out of here. It's cramped and puts us at a severe disadvantage. Come on."
Frank and Hazel began to argue quietly while I grabbed their things. I didn't hear much of it, except Hazel sighing and saying, "fine, but you owe me an explanation."
"I promise we'll tell you everything once you're safe." Frank said seriously.
"Here. You're gonna need some wings, big guy." I told him as I handed Hazel her jacket.
Frank nodded and closed his eyes, sprouting a huge pair of what looked like dark red eagle's wings.
Hazel stared at him, but he just took her hand. We left the building and I took off immediately, aiming for a lower rooftop.
"Okay, I'm not going any farther without an explanation!" Hazel insisted when Frank put her down next to me. "How can you do that? What was that creature you attacked? Why is it after us?"
Frank and I looked at each other.
"You want to tell her or should I?"
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