One Way Or Another-Blondie
Annabeth POV
Every day, seeing Percy made me want to cry. He seemed so down in the dumps, not being able to go to swim practice or skateboard.
"Hey, Annabeth, how's it going?" He tried for a smile when he greeted me, but I could see the stress under it.
"Hi, Percy. How are you?"
"I'm dealing."
I nodded. "So do you want to come over so we can work on our project tonight?" Our fifth hour teacher had assigned us groups to make a slide presentation and a quiz on a section of our history book, then teach it to the class.
Percy hesitated. "I dunno."
"We have to work on it sooner or later, Percy." I pointed out.
He sighed. "Yeah, I guess I can tell Tony I won't be working today. As long as it's a school excuse, I should be okay."
I frowned. He seemed to care about what his boss thought quite a bit.
"Alright then. See you there." I said slowly.
Percy nodded and turned. "Hey Frank!"
"What's up?" Frank grinned, as he walked over.
"Will you come with me to talk to Coach?"
Frank nodded. "Of course."
The two walked off and I frowned again.
Percy and Frank had gotten extremely close. Frank had somehow gotten an internship or something at Stark Tower and ever since he and Percy were inseparable.
And if they won't tell me anything, I'm going to find out myself.
I pulled out my phone and searched 'Spy App.'
Finding one that would let me see and hear people's reactions as they responded to texts, I downloaded it.
"That ought to do the trick." I muttered.
"What ought to do what trick?" Piper asked.
"Nothing important." I pocketed my phone and turned to smile at her.
"Okay..." Piper said slowly.
I checked my watch. "Oh, class is going to start soon, we better get going."
As we walked to class, my phone seemed to weigh down my pocket.
Watch out Percy, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
"What time should I come over?" Percy asked as we walked out of the building after school. I could see that he would rather be skateboarding, but he wasn't allowed at the moment.
"Around 7."
"Okay, I can go to work for a while then."
I raised an eyebrow. "How long do you work?"
Percy shrugged. "Tony puts me on various shifts, it depends on what he wants me doing."
"And he's still making you work after you injured yourself severely?"
"I told him I needed the money. It was my choice, Annabeth." Percy said calmly.
"Jackson, what's happening today?" Frank asked from behind us.
"We're going to work for a little while, then I have something to go to at 7." Percy turned to the younger boy.
Frank nodded. "Okay cool. Let's go." I walked with them to the edge of campus.
At the corner, he and Percy broke off from the rest of our group. I watched them walk off, sliding my hand into my pocket and grabbing my phone.
I decided to give him twenty minutes before texting him. I would be able to do it during wrestling if I took a break or used the bathroom.
Turning around, I headed back into the school to change for practice.
"Coach, can I go to the bathroom?" I called.
"Is it an absolute emergency?" She asked.
"Yes." I waved a pad at her.
"Okay, go ahead." She smiled at me and I jogged to the bathroom, grabbing my phone out of my bag in the hallway.
Scrolling through my contacts, I clicked on 'Smurf Boy,' smiling at the profile picture, one of Percy's snapchats.
"Hey Percy. Math track got cancelled today, so we can meet earlier. 5 sound good for you?"
I turned the app on and turned up the volume.
Percy's voice was the first response I got. "Hold on, I got a text."
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and I stared. He was wearing a muscle tank that was soaked with sweat. There was a strange blue and grey band around his head.
Where his left arm would have been before the accident, there was a metal arm of the same color.
"What the heck..." I muttered, realizing he was holding his phone with the strange arm. Then, glancing at his right arm, I realized he was wearing a similar contraption there. I assumed it was a glove of some sort.
"Hey Tony, can I go over to Annabeth's at 5?"
A man's voice responded. "I'll be done with you by then, why are you asking me? Go find your mom!"
"But if I ask you you'll talk her into it right?"
"You going on a date or something?" The man teased.
"No, I have a project to do. C'mon, please?" Percy turned to look over his shoulder as Tony Stark himself stepped into view, holding a blowtorch.
"Again, ask your mom. You know that I'll always say yes to my favorite nephew."
"I'm your only nephew." Percy replied, laughing.
"His what?" I squeaked.
[A/N Annabeth you little sneak]
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