Let It Go-Demi Lovato/Idina Menzel
Third Person POV
"TONY!" Frank yelled, bursting through the door to the stairs of Stark Towers.
He ducked under the arrow that soared at his head and sprinted for the lab, Percy's skateboard tucked under his arm.
"WHAT?!" The billionaire screamed, poking his head out of the door to his lab. Bruce's head followed soon after.
"Percy.... gone..... found his.... skateboard." Frank groaned, dropping the thing to the ground as he hunched over and took deep breaths.
Tony grabbed the board and began to examine it.
"Tell me everything. No wait! I've gotta get Sally, meet us in the living room!" He ran down the hall.
"Aren't you a lacrosse player?" Clint asked skeptically from behind Frank as he tried to regain his breath.
"14.... flights of stairs...." Frank growled, not looking up.
"Oh... yeah, that'd do it."
"Ya think?!" The burly teen snarled.
"Well, there's some of that flare that Percy said your sister has." Bruce muttered.
"I am not like my sister."
Bruce held his hands up. "Sorry I mentioned it. Let's go to the living room. JARVIS, assemble the team!"
"Of course, sir." A metallic voice commented from the ceiling.
"Come on, Frank." They walked down the hallway towards the 'rendezvous' point.
Sally's enraged tone came from up ahead. "Tony, what do you mean my boy's missing?! How do you know that and where's he gone?!"
"Sally, if I knew where he was, he wouldn't be missing." Tony responded soothingly. "Frank just came running in, shouting about how he's missing. Why don't we wait for him to explain."
Bruce quietly motioned for Frank to go ahead of them. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, through the door to the living room.
Sally was pacing frantically, Tony standing just out of her range of motion and trying to calm her down.
Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov were sitting off to the side on the couch, quietly discussing something, probably Percy.
Bruce and Clint filed in and sat in two of the armchairs, leaving only Frank, Tony and Sally standing.
It appeared that the god of Thunder was not present at this time.
"Sally." Tony said. His sister ignored him. "Sally. Sally!"
When she still didn't respond, Tony stepped right in front of her and grabbed her shoulders.
"What?!" She snapped back.
"Frank's in here now."
Sally whirled and locked eyes with Frank. He looked back at her with an apologetic look in his eyes, like a kicked puppy.
The dark haired woman opened her mouth, probably to fire off some accusation, but something in the eyes of the boy in front of her made her stop.
He seemed to be blaming himself.
Sally forced herself to sit down. "What happened?"
Frank took a deep breath and sat carefully on another couch. "After school today, Percy and I were heading this way. We decided to race, since it's fun sprinting through the city. Or in Percy's case, skateboarding. Plus, I wanted to practice something."
"The cat?" Bruce asked.
"Nah, I went greyhound."
"Yeah. So I did my thing and ended up beating him by a significant amount. I waited by the front door."
Tony nodded. "Candace called up saying you were there, then you left."
"Percy didn't show, so I went looking for him. Figured the idiot had run into a pole or something stupid."
Tony chuckled and Frank took a deep breath. This was the moment of truth.
"I didn't find him."
Natasha frowned. "You're gonna need to be a bit more specific."
"He wasn't anywhere. I just found his skateboard." Frank turned to Sally. "Mrs. Jackson, I'm really sorry, I should have stayed closer to him so I knew where he was, this is all my fault-"
Sally waved her hand, cutting Frank's self-loathing rant off. "It's Percy, he would have done something stupid sooner or later. He's a son of Poseidon, they tend to have a strong smell. He could have been snatched by a monster when no one was looking. It's not your fault, I promise."
Frank nodded, his stomach still twisting itself into knots.
"This might have to do with the kidnapping." Steve put in suddenly.
"Kidnapping?" Frank asked.
"We'll explain later. Steve's right, we need to find that girl and Percy." Tony stood.
"Where are you going?" Sally asked.
"To hack into a bunch of security cameras to try and find my nephew."
Percy POV
When I came to, my head was pounding.
My first thought was, Did I run into a pole?
No, that couldn't be it. The back of my head hurt, not the front.
I began to run through the other possibilities.
Frank was in front of me, so it's not like he took a cheap shot.
The street I was going down was relatively clear, and anyone who had seen me would have gotten out of the way.
C'mon, Perce, think it through. Nothing ever happens to a demigod without there being a reason! I mentally berated myself.
Of course! That stupid scent!
A door opened to my left. The room stayed pitch black and I wondered why before noticing for the first time that a piece of cloth was tied over my eyes.
"Oh, good, you're awake. I was getting tired of force-feeding you." A velvet smooth voice purred. It was a woman's and I didn't recognize it.
"Who're you?" My throat was scratchy.
"Not important at the moment." I heard the sound of a tray clanking against something, probably a table, and something tapped gently against my lips. Opening my mouth, I received a rather stale piece of bread.
As she fed me, the unknown woman began to hum under her breath.
Swallowing, I opened my mouth to ask a question and almost choked as she shoved another piece of bread into my mouth.
"Are you humming Frozen?" I finally managed to get out.
Another clank sounded from the tray and footsteps marched away from me, towards the door.
"Because it's fitting." The woman said.
The door clanked closed, leaving me to my solitary confinement.
[A/N DUN DUN DUN! If you think you know who the captor is, please please PLEASE don't go shouting about it in the comments. You can DM me and ask, I'll answer truthfully.]
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