Lean on me-Bill Withers
Frank POV
"I don't want it." Percy said firmly.
"Percy, please?" Sally asked.
"No. It isn't the same and I don't want it."
"What are you going to tell your classmates?" Tony asked, the metal contraption still in his hand.
"There was a pretty bad car crash and I got hurt."
"And why you're out of the hospital so soon?" Bruce countered.
"Good behavior and quick healing. I have been gone all week, it didn't necessarily happen over the weekend." Percy retorted. "I'm not wearing the stupid bionic arm as Percy. Flesh it out and I'll wear it as SeaBird, but I'm not using it at school."
"Just let him. I'll help him out, Mrs. Jackson." I broke in.
"Thanks, Frank."
"I get his reasoning." Natasha added.
Sally frowned. "I guess... but I'd prefer-"
"Mom, I know what you'd prefer. Please don't make me wear it." Percy asked quietly.
"Oh, alright. Have a good day at school honey, stay safe." Sally stepped forward and kissed her son's cheek, looking over his outfit as she stepped back.
Percy was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with rips in the knees. His blue converse matched the blue t-shirt that was under a black plaid flannel. The left arm of both shirts was rolled up so it just covered the stump of his arm.
"Do I have to go?" Percy asked.
"Yes. You need to some time, might as well do it now." Sally smiled sadly. "Tell you what, if you absolutely cannot get through the whole day, call me or Tony."
"But you said to keep the Tony thing a secret."
"Your health is a little more important than a family secret." Tony said firmly.
"Okay. Frank, where's my backpack?"
"I've got it."
"Give it here. I may be missing an arm but I can still carry my stupid backpack." Percy insisted, reaching for his bag.
I rolled my eyes and handed it to him. He slung it over his shoulder, wincing slightly as it thumped against his left side.
"Alright, let's go."
Percy POV
I felt a small surge of fear as I stared at the front doors.
"Frank, I can't do this."
He sighed. "Yes you can. And I've gotten permission to switch my classes around so I can help you through. Did you know that we actually have all the same classes?"
I shook my head.
"Alright, Super-Boy, let's go. I know you're stalling." Frank stepped ahead of me and opened the door. I took a deep breath and walked through.
No one noticed me at first. Then people began to whisper.
"Let's go to the office and talk to them." Frank suggested.
"I thought you said you did already."
"Yeah, over the phone. It's always a good idea to verify in person. Come on."
Frank marched off and I followed, keeping my head down and trying to block out the stares and quiet voices.
"Hello, Mrs. Wachen. I'm here to get my new schedule so I can help Percy."
The woman behind the desk, who usually ignores me or gives me dirty looks, smiled in my direction. "Of course. Welcome back, Percy." She turned and began to shuffle through some papers.
"Here you go, Mr. Zhang. And please, both of you, take one." She put a bowl of candies on the counter in front of us.
I took one slowly, giving her a hesitant smile.
"Good luck, Mr. Jackson." She said.
"Thank you."
The first bell rang.
"C'mon, Percy, let's go." We left and headed for first hour.
"You know who's in this class, right?" I asked.
"Jason and Annabeth. I know." Frank turned to me. "They're really worried about you, Perce. Let them be what they are."
"What does that mean?"
Frank smiled. "Let them hug you, let them cry, let them be your best friends. You essentially came back from the dead, there were so many different theories flying around the school, each of them more nerve wracking than the next."
"When did you get so smart, Frankie?" I asked.
"When I was formulating the same theories and panicking that I had lost one of the closest friends I have. And when I was blaming myself." He said in complete seriousness.
"Well stop that. It wasn't your fault, wasn't even your idea."
Frank opened the door and walked into the classroom. I hesitated for about a half a second before following him.
"Percy, you're back-Oh my...." Annabeth trailed off.
"Perce?" Jason was staring too.
"Welcome back, Mr. Jackson." The teacher said with a smile in my direction. I could see pity in her eyes.
"Hey, guys."
"Perce, what happened?" Jason asked.
"Car crash, it was pretty bad." I looked down.
"You could have died, couldn't you?" Annabeth asked slowly.
I nodded mutely, then felt arms circle around me.
"I'm so glad you're okay." I felt tears on my shoulder as Annabeth held onto me tightly. Jason's arms encircled the both of us and I smiled a little.
They were my best friends.
And gods had I missed them.
[A/N Part one of the reunions!]
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