Everybody Loves Me-One Republic
Percy POV
Gods, this was going to be torture.
Even standing outside the school I could feel eyes on me. Several students began to whisper to each other.
"Go." Mom said calmly. I had persuaded her to let me wear an earpiece. Tash was going to help me keep my story straight.
"Yeah, yeah." I muttered before squaring my shoulders and marching forward.
"PERCY!" A tanned blur in grease-smudged clothing leapt at me. I caught a glimpse of wildly curly hair.
"Geez, Leo, are you trying to kill me?"
"Can I have a tour of the Avengers rooms?" He asked, bouncing up and down excitedly.
I rolled my eyes. "Not my choice, Grease-Face. That's the boss's decision."
"Can you ask?"
"Maybe." I pulled out my phone and turned it on, sending a text to Tony.
Me: Told you. He wants a tour.
Tony: Tell him I'll get back to him on it.
Me: Sure thing, Tin Can.
Tony: You're gonna get it for that one when you get here.
Me: Yeah, whatever, Old Man.
Leo was still bouncing up and down. "Well?"
"He'll said he'll get back to me."
I recieved a very tight, greasy hug. "THANK YOU!" Leo was practically hyperventilating.
My friends gathered around.
"It's so cool that you work for Tony Stark." Jason commented. I shot him a thankful look for not freaking out. Jason was pretty chill, I could count on him to be calm about the situation.
"Can you get me a job there? Tony's a freaking genius." Annabeth asked with a smile.
I shrugged. "I'll talk to the boss about it."
It was kind of amusing calling my uncle my boss, we all knew that Steve was more in charge than Mr. Money.
"Hey, Percy." A girl I didn't know called flirtatiously. "I like your hair."
We exchanged looks before I called out, "Thanks..."
"Kelli. Call me some time!" She pushed her way through my friends and handed me a slip of paper with a telephone number on it.
"Sure will." I flashed her a fake smile.
"When hell freezes over." I muttered under my breath as she walked off. Several of my friends snickered.
The bell rang and Annabeth grabbed my elbow, tugging me towards our first class.
"There's about a dozen girls staring at you right now." She whispered. I frowned.
"Seaweed Brain!" She voiced a nickname she'd formed for me when she found out how much I loved the ocean.
"What?" I looked at her, confused.
"You've just revealed that you work for Tony Stark! Everyone is suddenly seeing you as the hottest guy ever, you got a job with a millionaire!"
"Billionaire." I corrected automatically.
Annabeth made a 'see!' motion. "These girls look like sharks right now. They're gold diggers, make no mistake."
I frowned again. "What does that have to do with anything? I don't plan on a relationship."
"Just be careful, Perce." Annabeth turned and walked into her Calculus class.
I turned to continue on to my class, but a hand on my arm stopped me.
Frank was gripping my elbow like his life depended on it while he panted.
"What's up bro?" Something told me that this wasn't going to be good.
"I just saw the most terrifying thing ever." Frank whispered, his eyes flicking back and forth. He seemed to be searching for something.
"What was it?" Before I got an answer, Frank looked over my shoulder and paled.
Turning for what felt like the umpteenth time but was probably only the third, I scanned the hallway.
That Kelli girl was watching us with narrowed eyes. When my gaze met hers she flashed me another smile that was probably supposed to be tempting.
It clicked. "Frank, what do you see her as."
He moved closer to me and whispered her description. "Her skin is pale as paper, she's got red eyes and flames for hair. One of her legs is metal and the other looks like a goat's."
I turned back to him and shook my head. "Donkey. You can even see through her mist covering. That's impressive. She's an Empousa. I'll take care of her, okay? And I want you to come to work with me after school today, okay?"
Frank frowned in confusion. "Wait, really? Why?"
"It has to do with how you see Kelli. I need to confirm something. Now go to class." I smiled at Frank, remembering that no matter how tall he was, he was still younger than me.
He nodded slowly and ran off down the hall.
"Come on, Empousa. Let's go play." I called down the hall before dashing back the way I came.
A single snarl was all I got in response before I heard uneven footsteps following me.
[A/N Is Frank a demigod? A clear-sighted mortal? Something....else? You'll have to wait and find out. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!]
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