Citizen Soldier-3 Doors Down
Third Person POV
"Have fun at school, tell your girlfriend I said hi!" Tony called as Percy got into the elevator.
"For gods' sakes, she is not my girlfriend!" He shouted back.
Once downstairs, Percy went through the back door and out the alley. Dropping his skateboard to the pavement, he started towards school.
"Percy!" A voice called as he hit the campus pavement.
Emmy waved at him.
"Hey!" He kicked his board up and grabbed it, then walked over to her.
Emmy handed him a bag of cookies. "My mom baked these and insisted on giving them to you."
Percy laughed and took the bag, leaning his skateboard on his leg to do so. "Tell her I said thanks."
"I will." Emmy grinned. "So are you going straight home after school today or what?"
"Haven't decided yet. We'll see how the day goes. I might hang around and wait for Frank to get done with lacrosse."
Percy checked his watch. "Wow, I'm earlier than normal..."
"Good. I want to ask you something." Emmy grabbed his hand and dragged him into the school. Percy grabbed his skateboard and awkwardly held onto it and the bag of cookies, along with his backpack slung over his shoulder.
"Where are we going?" He asked her.
"My history classroom. I need help with something."
Emmy turned down a hallway and pulled him into the classroom he remembered from freshman year.
"We're supposed to do a presentation on an ancient religion and I was going to do the Greek Pantheon." Emmy explained.
"Okay, what do you need my help with then?" Percy asked.
"I wanted to do the presentation on how the gods were actually horrible."
That surprised him, but he knew not all of them were great. "Well, you'll have to pick and choose a little bit since some of them are okay, but I'd say that's an okay idea."
Emmy nodded.
The teacher entered the room and frowned at the two of them. "What are you two doing in here?"
Emmy smiled. "We're just talking about something. We needed somewhere private."
The teacher raised an eyebrow. "Alright, Emmy. I need to get ready for class now though, get lost."
She laughed at him. "Yes sir. Come on, Percy."
They stopped at his locker to put his skateboard and the bag of cookies away, then Percy switched out his books. The first bell rang and he started towards his class, waving to Emmy as she turned down a different hallway.
Percy was falling asleep during fourth hour. He hated Algebra 2 and whatever he missed during class, Tony or Bruce could always reteach him at home.
"So, James, did you see the Dodgers game last night?" The teacher asked. Percy suppressed a groan. All his teacher ever did was talk about sports.
"Yeah." James grinned. "It was great, even though they lost."
Percy sighed and looked out the window. It was windy outside. He hadn't remembered it being that bad during his trip to school, but the weather could change.
His reasoning didn't ease the strange feeling of unease that had begun to build in his stomach.
He only had a moment to react when he saw the small chunk of building flying towards the classroom window.
"Everybody duck!" He shouted, flipping his desk sideways and crouching behind it.
The sound of breaking glass and screams echoed through the room.
"Is everyone okay?" The teacher shouted. Receiving no reports of injury, he nodded. "Alright, we need to get out of here! Everybody out!"
The students streamed for the door. Percy began to follow them, but heard the familiar sound of repulsors being fired outside the classroom through the broken window.
"Jackson, let's go!" The teacher shouted from the door.
"Sorry sir," Percy whirled and started towards the doorway. The teacher backed up so he could get through. "I gotta go."
He slammed the door closed and locked it before Mr. Anders could get it back open. Twisting, he sprinted for the broken window and leapt out, feeling glass tear his pants leg. Fortunately it didn't leave a deep cut underneath.
Outside was chaos. Mythical creatures were everywhere, flying and running around. Percy could see his family in various places.
"Tony!" He bellowed.
A duffel bag dropped to the ground in front of him. Percy ripped it open and grabbed his fake arm, clicking it on and shoving the metal band onto his head. He stripped his shirt off and pulled on the one with the slits for his wings. Quickly, he grabbed his utility belt and strapped it around his waist, making sure his sword and his water bottles and everything was in place.
He grabbed his mask, then looked up at the chaos around him.
Natasha was a few seconds from being crushed by a laistrygonian giant.
No time for the mask or the glove, he realized.
"Screw it!" Stuffing the bag into a nearby bush, Percy sprinted for his aunt, ignoring the intense pain in his back as his wings pushed through his skin.
He tackled the giant off of Natasha with a yell.
"Percy, where is your mask?" She yelled at him as he punched the huge creature in the face.
"No time for it! I'll be fine!" He shouted back, drawing his sword and thrusting it through the giant's chest. The creature dissolved into dust.
Spinning, Percy looked for Tony. Seeing his uncle fly past above him, he took two running steps and launched himself into the air, his wings spreading and pushing himself faster.
"Just had to interrupt my school day." He muttered as he grabbed the earpiece that was always in his belt and shoved it into his ear.
[A/N hey guys go read Wings That Guard Me by Ihrschatz0307 because it's an original story and it's really really good byeeeeeee! Also, I want to get it to win Watty's because she wants to get books published and it's a good story that people would enjoy reading in the 'real world.' Please please please get it out there!]
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