So, besides the waves and all, here are other DIY stuff that's pretty cool. I just wanted to share these with you because some directioners look like lazy people with bags under their eyes yada yada yada. Every girl is beautiful! I should sing Diana to you if you don't think so. :)
Beachy Waves:
Mix together-
2 cups hot water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon hair gel
Pour into a spray bottle, twist your hair while spraying, and air dry!
Smoothest legs for girls who wear short shorts:
Mix together-
1/2 cup coconut oil
Juice of 1 lemon
1 & 1/4 cup sugar
Apply the mixture to wet legs. Shave, rinse, repeat one more time, and voila! Smooth legs (that looks like Harry's lol)
Easy tank top DIY:
-Get a plain t-shirt or a t-shirt with design. It Has To Be A T-Shirt!!
(If you want it out right, yes, a t-shirt)
-Cut off the sleeves so it starts to look like a tank top. :)
-Cut the neckline. Depends on you. :)
-Cut the BACK of your shirt STRAIGHT ACROSS YOUR HIPS. It now looks like a tank top with a flap in the front.
-Now, on the flap, cut up straight in the middle to the point where the back cut is. So the middle cut is a couple of inches, not like up to your neckline.
| \ / |
| ---------- | < Neckline lol
------------------ < backcut.
---------|-------- < Flap. cut in the middle
-Okay so look at my awkward design of what the tank top should look like. now cut the edges of the two flaps (coz you cut it in the middle) and cut it diagonally to make it look like and upside down triangle.
____________ < Backcut
\. |. /
\. | /
\ | /. < upside down triangle
-Now the tank top is finished! put it on and tie the flaps in a knot. So it's like those tank tips with those knots in front. lol hope you got it! if not kik me awk0styles_ (there is a zero in awkzerostyles_) so I can send a pic. :)
Shrink a Pimple:
Get Listerine, yes that burning sensation mouthwash. Place a little bit on pimple before you go to bed. Wake up and wash it off! I never tried it yet because I have a feeling it would have a stinging the pimple burning sensation. Just to be fair, I'm going to try it and mention it again. :)
Tips on how to make it out alive if you are taken hostage by a bad guy: (I thought of sharing this with you because of Sam. He might get you o_O): lol I posted something on IG lol it had a guy named Sam, and he was staring a Harry or maybe it was Niall. kik me if you want the picture :) btw I got this of Instagram (IG).
1. Don't be a hero accept the situation and prepare to wait.
2. Do what you're told. Remember the first 45 minutes are the most dangerous.
3. Don't speak, only when spoken to, and then only when necessary.
4. Get comfortable, but never turn your back on your captor.
5. Don't make suggestions you'll be blamed if it goes wrong. (check rule number 3 o_O)
6. Don't try to escape unless you'll be sure you'll succeed, and even then think twice.
7. Let medical needs be known not in a matter of fact way.
8. Be observant remember captors names, identification marks, etc. (lol what if you were kidnapped by 1d?)
9. Answer only yes or no if you end up telling questions from authorities.
10. Signal the police if your captors are listening in on the line (I don't get this one. Ohh maybe a clue word. like you can say how is my blue parrot doing? even though you don't have a blue parrot, but anyways, the person who knows the code can call the police!)
11. Don't me so argumental, treat your captors with royalty. (lol kidnapped by 1d)
12. Hit the floor! When help comes, stay down with your hands on your head. (like when there is a tornado you go in this tornado pose. So basically, when there is help, go into the tornado pose. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR LEGS OUT!! YOU MIGHT TRIP A GUY WITH A GUN AND IF HE FALLS HE MIGHT ACCIDENTALLY PULL THE TRIGGER AND SHOOT YOU)
Apps to make 1D edits:
When I say apps I mean apple products. Idk if it works with android.
1. PicCollage- collage app
2. Phonto- puts a lot of texts on a photo. Directioners can download the font "one direction" on there :) It has like the 1d "one direction" logo.
3.Color Splurge- choose what object you want to have color, the others to be black and white
4. Zitrr- take selfies with cool filters! My favs are Arabic, Bleach, Halo. Use Arabic to take some shots at the beach, the outcome would look professional! trust me it works!! I don't use my camera on my iPod I use Zitrr. :)
5. Blend Cam- use to blend two pics together.
6. Whitagram- to have a white background and posts pics on Instagram without cropping.
7. Squareready- like whitagram but better :)
Well, hope you like them! If you have a question, request, want a picture, then kik me!
Awk0styles_ (there is a zero)
If I type a normal o it looks like o if I type a zero it looks like 0. I don't see the difference lol.
o0o0o0o0o0o < ahh the zeros are slightly bigger.
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