Chapter 38
"Bambi?" I heard Dario call for me, but I did not want to face him just yet. I was too embarrassed at what almost happened. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep at noon.
Very convincing, Joe.
I heard a slight knock on my door, but I did not answer. He called again until he cracked the door open. "I know you are not asleep." I still did not move. "Very well then, I will pretend you are in a coma, but you can hear everything I say..." Dario sat near my legs, and I almost squeaked when his hand touched my sole. I was ticklish.
What is so urgent that he cannot wait until I am 'awake'?
"Bambi, I apologize about Mattia's and Abramo's behavior earlier. They were out of line, and they stopped something important from happening. That could be a sign from above that it is not meant to be yet, but I like to keep a glimmer of hope that you also want it as much as I do. I have no idea what I feel when I am with you, but you make me feel good. You make me want to smile voluntarily when I never had such desires..."
Hearing him open up to me, even though I was asleep, warmed my heart. He was not the same Dario that I first met, and I liked this version better. "Speaking of desires, I have many concerning you. They are not holy, but I am sure they would make you feel things you have never felt before. I am indeed inexperienced in sex-" he suddenly stopped talking as if realizing what he had just admitted, and I jumped from my slumber with wide eyes.
"You are a virgin?"
"Fuck. I forgot you weren't actually sleeping. Well, bye for now-" It was so funny seeing the Mafia DOn get embarrassed.
"Hold up!" I grabbed his hand and made him sit back down. He winced at the impact due to his injury, but I did not care. I was a curious selfish bitch at that moment. "It's not a bad thing! I am a virgin myself. It meant that we hadn't found our people yet. It is actually admirable. I am saving myself for marriage."
Why am I telling him this?
"Now that's a serious problem because I am not..." he confessed lowly, and I did not know what to say. I was a bit disappointed for a second until I heard what he said next. "I guess I will wait and accept your wishes."
My face was like tomatoes at this point. "Wait, what? Time out! I am so confused right now. What do you mean by that?" I covered my cheeks with my palms and stared at him. His expression made me uneasy, restless, but excited all at the same time. He looked so fucking handsome, and my core was so hot.
He sighed and gently held my hands. "Never mind that for now, let's go and eat the cake Mattia brought with him. I need help descending the stairs, so let's go, Bambi." I knew he did not help with anything. Did that mean he liked my help? I did not want to comment on what he had declared earlier, so I nodded, and we left the room. His words caught me off guard, but now that I think about it, they made me extremely happy and relieved.
Does this mean I like Dario?
Does he like me?
"Do you want a big or a small slice?"
"Ha?" I asked, unaware that we were already in the kitchen.
"Cake, Bambi, focus! Big or small?" he smirked, and I slapped his arm.
I cleared my throat and sat on the bar chair. "Small, please."
He smirked. "And here I thought you preferred big." His comment was so unnecessary, especially after his confession in my room. He had a way of inserting dirty comments here and there, making me question who was the real dirty-minded in the mafia.
"You got a little too comfortable these past few months. Just shut up and hand me the plate. You sexualize everything, which makes me wonder who is the real pervert here, you or Abramo?"
"No, Abramo is just a pure pervert, and I would not be surprised if he starred in a porno movie or something. I am only like this with you, my Bambi." He stepped closer and handed me the plate. His gaze bothered me beyond words, but I did not break eye contact. It was rather enticing.
My Bambi...
"Dario..." I put the cake on the bar and placed my hand on his cheek. "Do you, perhaps, like me?"
"Are you seriously asking me that after I basically proposed to you?" he replied with a laugh, and I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. "I know I rushed things with that confession, so let me start over, per favore... Jolene, I like you so much, and you don't know how much it hurts when you are not with me. You are a blessing that came into my life when our personal lives collided, and I cannot thank God enough for this encounter. You know what, scratch like. Bambi, I think I love you, and I said think because I am still inexperienced, not just in sex, but in the emotional department too. I want to explore life with you and be able to say I love you without thinking. Will you let me?"
There was a long silence before I could utter a single word. "D-Dario, I-"
He cupped my cheeks and smiled. "You don't have to answer now; think about it, but... can I perhaps kiss you? I have been dying to do so since I started having those feelings around you. Having a taste of your lips once under duress was not enough. I need the real deal."
A kiss does not hurt.
I nodded before overthinking it, and he did not waste a second as he closed the little distance left between us, cupped my head, and kissed me. I was too stunned to move at first, afraid that I might do something wrong, but then I broke out of my trance when he gently tugged my hair, desiring a reaction from my static self. I was ignorant of these things too, so I followed his pace.
Let me tell you something... The mafia Don can move his lips.
I was sitting on the bar chair, yet I was still shorter than him. He was tall and huge. I ran my hands through his hair as gently as possible, fearing I might hurt him, and he held my waist. We were in perfect rhythm. However, I broke the kiss after remembering that he got shot not long ago. "Why did you stop?" he asked, breathless and flushed as he towered over me. He looked sexy and dominating yet caring.
I cleared my throat and stood up, already not liking the absence of his lips on mine. "You are injured. You can't bend down like that. You will open your wound, and I don't want that for you. I want you to be comfortable as well."
He grinned and startled me when he grabbed my waist and placed me on the bar, making me eye-level with him. "Problem solved."
"Are you sure you got shot?" I asked with narrow eyes, and he laughed like never before, making me smile and ease my wandering thoughts.
"What can I say? You give me strength."
I rolled my eyes at his cheesy reply as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Seriously though, doesn't it hurt?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "I just got used to it. It's not the first time that I shed blood or almost died. I am the fucking Italian Don, in case you forgot. Now, forget about irrelevant stuff, and let us continue-"
"Continue what?" I jumped from my place and stood next to Dario as we faced Dad and Basilio.
Not again!
"Continue dressing my wound." Dario's witty and quick reply made me dance in my head, while Dad's skeptical expression made me stand straighter.
"Yeah, I sat on the bar because it is easier for my shorter self. How was your day, though? Did you enjoy Basilio's company?" My attempt at changing the topic was successful once they smiled at me.
"Definitely, you should have seen the other guys' faces when we defeated them in poker," Basilio said, and Dario scoffed.
"Now, seriously, what did you play?" Dario asked, and I needed clarification. "Grandpa cannot play card poker to save his life."
"He never said it was card poker, so he did not lie," Dad defended Basilio, and they high-fived like five-year-olds. "We met a few businessmen and made a deal you shouldn't worry about because they will make Hansley's empire flourish even more. Our poker method of playing paid off once we signed the agreement."
I was baffled.
Is he serious?
"Dad, you do realize I am still the CEO, right? You could have at least informed me of the deal. I trust you, and I believe that you know best since you have more experience in the business world, but a note would have been nice. I don't like to be sidelined, and you know it." I crossed my arms. I was disappointed to be kept in the dark. Being a woman in this field sucked.
Am I not good enough?
No, I am the best at my game.
Do not doubt yourself, Joe.
"Bambi, I am sorry. It is true, I should have told you, but I know that you have enough on your plate dealing with your fucking prick of a stalker and building the branch. I was on the phone with Phoebe when we went over the deal, and she gave the green light since she is a genius at finding loopholes in contracts. Though she warned me that you might get angry, I did not listen. I sincerely apologize, Jolene."
"Dad, I am not angry; I am just disappointed..." I looked at the floor and felt Dario's palm on my back. It calmed me down a bit, but he was being risky. I guessed he did not really care as risk was a part of his life.
"Well, that's worse. What can I do to make it up for you?" Dad asked, and I sighed.
"Nothing, Dad. I am the damn CEO because I am so fucking good at my job, not because I am Dante Hansley's daughter! I built my name for myself through my hard work. Tell me about those deals next time." I surprised myself with my loud tone, and Dad took a step back in fear. He was not used to seeing me like this. "Well, I am angry after all. Let's go, Dario. I will finish dressing your wound in my room."
"Finish?" he asked. Maybe he was not so witty after all. I pinched his waist to shut him up and follow along. "Oh yeah, let's go."
"You are so fucking slow, you know that?" I told him once we were out of earshot.
"Not at everything," he replied with a smirk, and I grinned.
"How would you know? You are inexperienced," I asked and left him contemplating his life decisions at the entrance of my room.
I can be a bitch at times.
I sat on my bed, waiting for him to enter, and once he did, I burst out laughing. "That was low, and you are a hypocrite!" he said.
I slapped his head, and he sat next to me, pouting like a child. "Hey, I am not the one bragging about my nonexistent skills." He was so easy to rile up.
"I want to kill-"
"Oh shit!" I jumped from my place, and he drew his gun out.
"We never got to taste the cake!"
I had fun writing this chapter! I hope you liked it :)
If you are starting school today, good luck! You got this!
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