Chapter 32
"Who the fuck does the figlio di puttana think he is to assault our guest?" Giovanni, the quietest of them all, yelled as he looked in the direction Atlas jumped from. I could swear I saw fire in his brown eyes.
My body moved on its own because I felt he was crazy enough to jump after that son of a bitch. I grabbed his leg when he stepped forward, and he stumbled, falling on Lazlo. I would have laughed my heart out at the scene if the situation was not that serious.
"Sorry, but please calm down. I punched Atlas' nose when he approached me, and I am positive I broke it. I stabbed him in his shoulder, in case you forgot. I am not a damsel in distress. I handled myself pretty damn well. I only told you about his inappropriate move so that Dario stays awake, not for you to go nuts," I explained and glanced at Dario, who was glaring at the ground. "I am okay!" I added to reassure them, and they nodded.
They were protective over their guests, and I liked it because I felt safe, despite getting kidnapped in front of them. No one is perfect.
"He will not get away next time," Basilio spoke, and the men agreed.
"Dario," I called as I put my hand on his oozing back in Abramo's place. He looked tired, so I took over. This was the least I could do in this situation. "Let's get you to the hospital. You are losing too much blood."
"I want to shoot something!" Dario shouted, and I jumped at his sudden outburst. "Give me a gun," he demanded, and everyone looked hesitant to do what he said.
I glared at them. "Nonsense! If anyone gives him a gun, I will shoot you with it. Dario, stop acting like a hormonal junkie teenager and get in the fucking car." My tone clearly said I was done playing around.
They were too relaxed. We seriously needed to get going. "Yes, Dona!" they replied and stepped back from me.
Was I that intimidating?
"She is not your fucking Dona, pricks!" Dario exclaimed, and they did not say anything except Lazlo.
"Yet," Lazlo added, and Basilio high-fived him.
I ignored his remark and helped Dario enter the passenger seat. I looked at his seating position and knew it was uncomfortable, so I gently made him lay on my legs, his back facing me. "Thank you," he whispered, and I smiled, knowing he could not see me.
"Don't die on me yet; we still have a business to run," I reminded him, and he chuckled. Basilio and Lazlo got into the car, and we drove off.
"Don't worry, I won't let my enemies celebrate my death. I just really want to sleep. I am tired, and your lap is comfy." Basilio almost swerved the car and ran into a tree, Lazlo snapped his head at Dario, and my eyes widened.
I instantly pinched his ear real hard with my free hand. "Ouch! What was that for? I am sure you ripped it off! Fucking hell, Bambi, that hurt!"
I rubbed his ear gently, but I did not regret my action. "I am sorry, but don't you dare sleep now. If I feel that you are sleeping, I will repeat the process. We will be at the hospital in no time."
"Listen to her, Dario. Seven more minutes, and we will arrive," Basilio stated as he increased the speed, and Lazlo raised the volume. Caramello by Rocco Hunt, Elettra Lamborghini, and Lola Indigo was on, and it was one of my favorite Italian songs since I got here. It was true that I did not understand Italian, but I memorized the lyrics, so I started singing. My voice sucked, but it was good enough to entertain Dario and keep him awake.
Lazlo and Basilio sang with me, and Dario complained and groaned. "All of you shut up! You can't sing to save your lives!" he yelled through the music, but we did not listen.
"But we can sing to save yours." Lazlo's remark earned him a high five from me. We tortured Dario with our crappy voices until we got to the hospital. Lazlo jumped from the shotgun and ran inside the hospital. A minute later, he came with a gurney and two men in scrubs.
Basilio opened the door and helped Dario get off me, but he groaned in agony. I winced, finally realizing how hurt he must be at that moment. It all felt like a dream until he was lying on the gurney. His blood covered my clothes and hands, and I almost puked at the smell.
"Are you okay?" Dario asked, as he probably saw my reaction.
We ran inside, and I nodded. "You lost half of your blood, and you are asking if I am okay? You are so stupid... but cute," I replied, and he rolled his eyes.
"Quello che è successo?" I heard one of the doctors ask, and I decided to focus on holding Dario's hand as I did not understand anything from their conversation. After a minute of talking, they entered an emergency room and made us wait outside.
"Will he be okay?" I asked once Basilio and Lazlo sat on the waiting chairs next to me.
Basilio nodded and handed me a wet towel. "I know it won't clean all the blood, but it will help lessen the smell as it has sanitizing material. And yes, they know who Dario is, so they will do their best to fix him up. They will take him into surgery to remove the bullet after the initial checkups. He will be fine, Jolene."
"I hope so, and thanks for the towel, but I want to go to the bathroom. I will wash up." I stood up, followed the signs on the walls, and finally found the bathroom. My head spun, and I felt like I was walking on clouds. I vomited the moment I opened the toilet seat lid and felt tears pouring down my face.
"Women up, Jolene! Why are you crying?" I asked myself as I got off the ground and washed my hands and face. I tried to remove the blood from my clothes, but I knew it was a worthless effort.
"And to say I actually liked this suit..." I muttered, cleaned the sink, and took a deep breath.
I am back! Earlier than expected too :)
Who is your favorite character so far?
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