Chapter 19
"You are a mystery, Jolene Hansley, but I will solve you one day." I heard Dario say, thinking he was quiet enough for me to miss his comment, and then I heard the door close. If he had dug deeper into my life, he would know what I had been through in the last few months, and I did not want to disclose this information.
He must not know about Atlas and his heroic actions that led me almost to die a few times.
I took off my clothes and looked at my scar in the mirror. "Scarred, damaged goods, and deformed, but that's completely fine. It proves you fought for your life and survived, Joe. No one can stop you from achieving your goals. Not even Atlas or Dario. You are a badass, a boss lady, and an intelligent human being."
Talking to myself about my flaws and ambitions helps preserve a healthy mindset, especially here, next to the mafia don, who was most likely wanted dead by others.
I did not remember what happened after I fell asleep, but when I felt Dario hugging the life out of me in his sleep, I felt disoriented and scared. Something in me changed, and I did not know what. It was uncomfortable, despite sleeping so comfortably last night in his arms. When he demanded to know who hurt me, I could not tell him. I did not want to drag him into my own problems.
After washing up and wearing my clothes, I went to the kitchen to bake my favorite cookies. I thought Dario was in there until I saw a note on the fridge. It said: I am downstairs. Don't come, or I will kill you.
I rolled my eyes at his empty threat and decided to make the cookies while face-timing dad and Phoebe. I waited a couple of seconds until both accepted my call.
I smiled as I felt my mood immediately improve. "Good morning, my favorite people!"
"It's three in the afternoon here, but good morning to you too, Joe," Phoebe replied, and dad smiled.
"How's my Bambi doing?" he asked, and I showed him what I was baking. "I miss those cookies! Should I come and visit you?"
"To visit me or visit the cookies?" They laughed.
"Anyway, how are you? Is Dario treating you well?" Phoebe asked, and I instantly remembered last night's terrifying events.
We almost died.
"Yes, I am fine," I lied with a smile. "And he's bearable... so far. I don't know how long it would last since I piss him off a lot."
Dad shrugged. "That's his problem; he requested your presence and not mine, so he has to deal with the consequences. Give him hell for all I care." Dad's wicked grin made me pity Dario a bit. Only a bit.
"He pisses me off too. Our feelings are mutual, so it's all good. I want this project to be done so I can return home and manage everything remotely. Everything is different here; the people, the language, the food, even the air." I sighed at my predicament.
"Did you make any progress with the business contract?" Phoebe asked as she wrote on her documents. They were in their offices, working hard to do my supposed work, and I was here making sweets and complaining about life.
I nodded as I put the cookies in the oven. "Yes, we finalized the contract yesterday, and I am hoping we could start the actual business preparations next week, but I don't control time here; Dario does since it's his realm," I answered and sat on the chair. "Did you learn anything new about the bastard?"
Dad sighed at my question and stopped typing. "Nothing! It's like he never existed! I checked everywhere, and my conclusion is that he is out of the country. I am getting worried, Bambi," dad said as he ran his hand through his slightly graying hair.
"Yeah, me too. Atlas might be in Italy, for all we know. We made sure to conceal your name from the airport records with the police's help, but he's a hacker, Joe. He might have figured it out already." Phoebe's worried expression made me feel uneasy as well.
Could yesterday's events be his doing?
"It will be alright. After all, I am in the lion's den. Atlas would be stupid to jump into danger just to get close to me. I would like to believe that I am safe here, but we will see," I claimed nonchalantly, and dad's eyes widened, and he stood up.
"That's it. I am coming. I don't feel good with you there."
"What? Dad, no! I am safe here. No one will get close to me; if they do, I will tell you to catch the first plane here. Have faith in me and stay put!" I frantically yelled and lied because I did not want to drag my dad or Phoebe into my affairs. I wanted them to be safe at all times, and I would go to hell and back to ensure their safety if I had to. They were my precious family.
"I will trust you on this, but do not hesitate to reach out whenever you need or want, Bambi."
"I will, dad. Now, I must go. Get back to your thing, stay safe, and eat well, both of you." We bid each other goodbye, and I disconnected the call.
If they were to come here, they would be caught up in the mafia's business, which was the last thing I wanted for them.
Half an hour went by, and the cookies were ready. I pulled them out and smiled at the tasty aroma. "I made too much." I looked at them and sighed. I decided to go and search for Dario despite his orders because I was bored and wanted to share my cookies with someone. I walked downstairs for the first time since I got here and saw that the path was too dim for my liking.
What was he doing there? Killing someone?
Oh, God, I hope not!
I gathered my strength as I was about to open the door to the only room on this floor, but stopped when I heard voices. Dario was not alone. They were talking in Italian, so I placed the plate on the counter and opened my translator. "Don, non ti stavano prendendo di mira ieri. Stavano prendendo di mira il tuo ospite."
Don, they were not targeting you yesterday. They were targeting your guest.
My eyes widened, but I stayed calm and quiet. "Che cosa? Cosa intendi?" Dario replied angrily.
What? What do you mean?
"Ho guardato nei loro messaggi telefonici e ho trovato i messaggi di una persona losca. Non riuscivo a decifrare chi li avesse mandati, ma ha decisamente ordinato loro di attaccare la giovane donna." A man explained, and I typed what I heard on my phone.
I looked into their phone messages and found texts from a shady person. I could not decipher who sent them, but he definitely ordered the attack on the young lady.
It was Atlas. He knew where I was. He was here.
"Perché i Brambilla dovrebbero obbedire a questa persona?" It was Basilio's voice.
Why would the Brambillas comply with this person?
"Non lo sappiamo ancora," someone replied.
We do not know yet.
"Allora mettiti al lavoro. Se il mio ospite è preso di mira, vorrei sapere da chi prendere le misure necessarie. I Brambilla hanno ucciso tuo padre, quindi voglio sapere il loro legame con Jolene!" Dario yelled at them, and I flinched for the very first time at his tone.
Then get to work. If my guest is being targeted, I would like to know by whom to take the necessary measures. The Brambillas killed your previous don, my dad, so I want to know their connection to Jolene!
I heard enough. I grabbed the cookie plate and opened the door without knocking. "Tell me more about the Brambilla, will you? How are your father's killers related to me?" I asked without beating around the bush.
I was not happy, and my glare delivered the message.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dario slammed his hands on the table, and I walked closer to him. "I told you not to get down. Can't you read damn English?" There were more than a dozen men here, but I ignored them. I was beyond mad to care about their puzzled and curious expressions.
"Don't dodge my fucking question. Who are the Brambillas?" I replied in the same tone and placed the plate in front of him.
"None of your business. Get out! Now." Dario shouted, thinking he would intimidate me, but he triggered my anger even more. I yanked his tie and pulled him closer to me. Some of the men behind gasped, but I did not give a damn.
No one disrespects me. Not even Dario Fucking Romano.
"Don't you raise your voice at me. It is my fucking business when these people attacked us yesterday to kill me and not you! I am putting my life on the line just because you asked me to be here. I knew the risks of coming but did not sign up for a party with mass murderers related to you. I had enough of the attacks back home and am not ready to go through them again here." I was too furious to notice what I had just admitted, but when I saw Dario's wide eyes, I let go of his tie and cursed my luck.
Think before you speak, Jolene!
I stepped back but did not see the chair behind me, so I stumbled and fell on it. I took a deep breath to calm myself, but Dario's following words caught me off guard.
"Who did this to you?"
I followed his gaze and noticed my sweater had slipped off my shoulder, and my nasty scar was fully displayed. I looked at him and saw a baffling expression.
Is he angry at me?
Why does he look like he is about to murder someone?
the "who did this to you?" is my treat for you on Valentine's day!
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