Laurance: I went threw the portal an hour before Aphmau because I wanted to ask Thease people about why she had passed out when she heard there name. When I got to Aphmaus old house I heard someone from down stairs say "And I shall be known as Muffin!" I steped down teh steps to see Lizzy, Joel, The chicken shamen? And a girl,with light purple hair who had been the one to say that. "Who are you. Why is the Chicken shamen here and why did Aphmau pass out when she heard Lizzys name?" I asked and they all looked torwds me. The Muffin girl whispered loudly to Lizzy "Who's that? And did he call Caster the chicken shamen? You guys didn't explain that part to me yet." "Hello Laurance! This is Muffin a friend of mine who knows Lizzy and Joel." The chicken shamen said trying to cover it up. "She just said your names Caster." I stated. "So that's my real name..." Caster said before saying "Should we tell him? He keeps secrets well." After everyone nodded Caster said "Well, we're all from Aphmau's past." I held up a hand "Lizzy and Joel should of had to be kids along with Muffin here." I said then Catser snapped "Let me finish! No interruptions! As I was saying we're all from Aphmau's Past. As you know she doesn't rember her past well she's from another dimention." I started at him as he continued "Time in that dimention passed differently then here which is how there still so young. This dimention is uncharted as well as the Irean dimention from teh other Dimentions that are out there so we couldn't find her. She fell threw a random dimention portal like we all did but I fell threw at a diffrent time than Thease three and Aphmau. Aphmau fell first then me a year later. I know what your thinking." Highly dought it. "I've known you in Meteli before Aphmau even became lord of Pheoinx drop, years infact." Nevermind he does know. "Well, I used a one time use spell after I fist it encountered Aphmau to make it so I was in you guys memory's. Teh first time I met Aphmau and said my name Caster she got a pain in her head and evencually passed out and when she woke up she had no recollection of the event. Same thing must have happened when you said Lizzy and Joel's name to her." Dang he was smarter than I thought. "So your not a crazy old chicken shamen?" I asked and eh shook his head no. "So you guys are stuck in this dimention and Aphmau has some sort of illness that when anyone mentions anything from her past she passes out from pain and wakes up rembering nothing of the conversation? Umm strange...." I said but to be honest I belived them, and then Mufifn said "And now we have to find a way to 1.) get her memory back and 2.) get back to our dimention because everyone there is panicking and looking for us. Any ideas?" "If you tell Zoey this then maybe she could help?" I offered and Joel brighten up "Was that the elf that helped fix up Lizzy with Kawi-Chans help?" He asked and I nodded. "Also, one more thing. Aphmau isn't her real name. That's her middle name." Catser said as I walked out. "What is her real name?" I aksed and Lizzy said "Jessica or Jess." Then I left to go get Zoey.
Zoey: Laurance came and brought me to were the new people were staying and told me everything and I wasn't suprized. "I've heard of that kind of illness before. It's not contagious but it blocks your memory's from a certain event then when someone mentions that event your mind hits the mental wall and can't get threw and it gives you a lot of pain. You evencually pass out and the memory of the conversation is locked withen the mental walls along with the other events that tehy wanted you to forget. A very powerful and evil wizard found out the spell and would cats it on people who he wanted to forget a certain event but he's been dead for a long time" I explained and they started at me. "Is there a cure?" Lizzy asked and I shrugged "No one who had the illness ever knew tehy had it in the first place so no one felt a need to find a cure. The only person who ever broke threw the barior killed the wizard who did it to him. The person who broke threw it went into the Neather for some reason and was never seen again." "So we go to the Neather and find the person! They would have to be a shadow night and Shadownights can't die in the Neather."Laurance said standing up. "Then you should know his name is or was Pike. And he was a very powerful magic user. Soemtime say he had the relic of a Devine warrior. But that's a rumor and not many people believe it." I told them then I heard teh door open form up stairs. "Aphmau has arived with Garroth. Diffrent names rember!" I warned them then I left and I saw Aphmau and Garroth were here and we're about to come inside. "They are realy nice people Lady Aphmau." I said walking out and Aphmau smiled at me and said to Garroth "Of Zoey thinks there nice then they are nice." Then she went into teh house Garroth close behind.
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