Chapter 15
[Modern Sonic Universe]
{Shadow's P.O.V.}
"Alright. Here we go." Rouge said when I brought her her laptop, she was sitting next to Miles, really close to him, actually, but they both didn't seem to mind.
"Are you sure you can hack into Eggman's computer?" Miles asked as his eyes were glued on the screen, not even fazed by Rouge's cleavage.
I told her to put on something less revealing because of... Faker... But she didn't listen, as always.
And I was right to tell her that, because Faker obviously didn't even bother hiding that he was staring.
He looked at him when he felt my eyes burning on his skin and quickly looked away from us from my glare.
Good. Fear me.
"I am. I'm confident we'll find something." Rouge nodded and started typing on her laptop.
"If you say so." Miles hummed and glanced at the door when Knuckles walked in with another cup of coffee. "Thanks Knuckles." He smiled slightly and reached for the cup.
"No you don't." I took the cup. "You drank coffee already." I could smell how strong the coffee was, and I wasn't even holding it close to my face. "And this thing is way too strong for your age."
"Shadow, let the kid drink this coffee." Rouge chuckled. "I know he's young but right now, we need to get this portal working. You can come help me, just leave Tails alone." She said calmly and took the coffee from me then gave it to Tails.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose then sat on the back of the room. I was already annoyed and pissed off from just seeing this Faker in front of me, knowing that he could stay here for the rest of his life, while my Sonic is on the other dimension, doing who knows what with the people there.
Maybe he found someone better than me and won't come back at all, maybe he found someone that let him do whatever he wants and he's happier with them instead.
I don't get why I'm even there with them at this point. Rouge is busy, Miles is busy, even Faker is busy cheering them up and staring. And even if I do help and if we bring Sonic back, I doubt we'll be a couple. Our relationship is falling apart, I keep trying to keep Sonic from danger but he ignores me and even leis in my face to get his way, then leaves me suffering for weeks.
I can't take it anymore, I just want a peaceful life, or at least without my boyfriend risking his life every day.
I'm tired... I haven't smiled for so long, I haven't had a day alone with him in so long, every fucking day gets interrupted by Sonic's friends and enemies, or G.U.N.
After this, I'm letting Sonic do whatever he wants. I won't care if he puts himself in danger again, I won't even bother saying "No", in hopes of him listening.
I had promised to him that I'd take care of him, that I'd stay beside him no matter what, but this wasn't what I expected from the "Hero of Mobius".
It's partly my fault for not considering that the most famous hero in the universe would run into a lot of trouble.
It's all my fault for letting myself fall in the first place.
Love is the best thing you'll experience, they say.
If this is love, I don't want it.
[Sonic Boom Universe]
{Sonic's P.O.V.}
"So..." I spoke up again, ready to ask a question about , this was the 1045th time I started with this word.
Tails sighed and rubbed his face. "Stop. Please..."He chuckled and looked at me. "You've asked so many questions... How can you still have more?"
I laughed and shrugged as I rested back on the seat on the Tornado as I watched Tails work on his computer. "I don't know. I'm just curious about this world. I wouldn't have so many questions if you let me go explore."
"That's a huge and stupid lie. You would have even more questions, because all the questions you asked were about the lab and my friends. If you had gone to 'explore' you would have triple the questions." He shook his head continued typing on his keyboard, I didn't even bother looking at the computer screen since I knew I wouldn't understand a single thing.
"Stop being smart and just let me go out." I groaned and looked outside. It was such a nice day outside, as if it was mocking me that I couldn't go out. "Look how nice it is outside."
"It's always like this." Tails shook his head again. and stopped typing. "I'm not letting you go out for a reason. Shadow isn't friendly here. He will hurt you without feeling guilty."
"Shadow was like that too, until I finally managed to find him when he's not grumpy, and he was really interesting to talk to." I smiled slightly as I remembered our first 'date', Shadow was so nervous and nothing like how he used to be in front of the others. He's so cite when he's flustered.
"Well, that won't happen with you, since he doesn't know you at all and he is more curious than ever, I am sure of that."
"But I'm sure he can't be that bad. Come on! I'll be careful, I promise. Pinky promise." I got down from the Tornado and walked to him.
"I'm not an idiot, nothing changes if it's a pinky promise." He rolled his eyes playfully and looked at me. "How can I trust you that you won't get into more trouble? I won't know where you are, and I don't know when you'll come back." He crossed his arms. He was really difficult to convince, just like Shadow.
I chuckled when the pinky promise wasn't enough for him and shrugged. "I don't know. Don't you have a communicator or something? You seem to have one on you. I can get one and you can check up on me whenever you want."
"I don't know, Sonic..." He dropped his ears down and looked at the communicators he had in a box with all his other inventions.
"Please...! I can't stay here anymore!" I lowered my ears and held my hands together, I was desperate to go run outside.
"...Fine..." Tails sighed and grabbed a communicator then gave it to me after he pressed a couple of buttons. "Call me if ANYTHING."
"I will! Thanks buddy!" I quickly dashed off. I knew being annoying would make him give in.
I smiled as I ran on top of the mountain and looked at the amazing view, it was absolutely stunning.
But as you all guessed, it didn't last for long.
"You think you can hide from me?"
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