Chapter 1
{Sonic's P.O.V.}
"Shad! Wait!" I dashed to Shadow and smiled at him.
"Wait? I thought you were the fastest thing alive?" Shadow chuckled and continued walking to Tails' house, he had called me to test one of his inventions, but Shadow insisted on coming with me.
"I am!" I rolled my eyes playfully. "I just didn't want to waste energy." I made up an excuse.
"Sure. Two steps take a lot of energy, especially run. Oh, how much of a dumbass I am. I'm so sorry" He started making fun of me in the most sarcastic tone.
"Hey! I am fast!" I growled playfully at him.
"I didn't say you're not, but the fastest one is me, everyone knows that." Shadow chuckled and pushed my face away when I moved closer. He doesn't let me any close to his face, not even for a kiss, because I keep messing with him. For example, sometimes when I lean in for a kiss, I quickly take a picture of Shadow's face and laugh, he always gets mad at me and deletes the picture right away, but then he doesn't kiss me or even hug me for the rest of the day.
"You're not! I'm the fastest! I'm the bestest!" I pouted and tried to kiss his cheek, but he put his hand in front of my mouth and I kiss his palm instead.
"First of all, that's not a word and second, no kisses for you." He smirked and winked at me, making me blush.
"I-I don't care...! I don't need your kisses." I stuttered and quickly looked away, mumbling the last part.
"Mhm~ Sure you don't." Shadow hummed sarcastically and crossed his arms after he knocked on Tails' door.
"You-" I was about to punch him when Tails opened the door.
"Sonic! I'm glad you made it! Come have a look!" He said excitedly and grabbed my wrist then dragged me to his laboratory.
There were many different gadgets in the room. Some were unfinished, some were broken, but many of them were laying there like a display. Sometimes I wonder if he uses his inventions.
"Wait. This place is too crowded." Tails groaned when he realized. "Go to the living room, I'll bring it there." He quickly pushed me and Shadow out of the room and closed the door, leaving us both confused.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked myself as I walked to the couch.
"Many people have the exact question about you." Shadow chuckled and sat beside me with a smirk.
"Hey! That's rude!" I glared at him and crossed my arms, lightly blushing at his smirk.
We stayed quiet for a bit just looking at each other, when Shadow moved his hand to my neck and scratched there and up to my chin.
I dropped my ears and blushed as I leaned in his touch and purred loudly, he already knew many of my sensitive spots, since he keeps messing with me whenever we're together. Some of them I didn't even know of.
"You're too cute sometimes~" Shadow whispered in my ear and kissed it, making it flicker and me purr louder.
I whined quietly and closed my eyes, I hated when he did that in front of my friends, especially when he called me cute. It's embarrassing for me to act like that.
I don't mind it when we're alone I love it when I have his attention, but at least there's no one watching us to judge us.
I quickly sat up when I heard the door open and Tails walked to me.
"So, this baby will teleport you to-" He stopped talking when he saw how red my face was. "Are you okay?"
"He's fine, it's kinda hot in here, can you open a window?" Shadow answered for me. It was a lame answer but it surprisingly worked with Tails.
"It is pretty hot." Tails chuckled and opened the window then looked at me. "So!" He started again. "This masterpiece can take you to another dimension!" He smiled brightly. "But, I'm too scared to go through. Soooo... You're my only option." He smiled sheepishly.
"You're telling me, that this microphone you're holding will open up a portal that will transfer up to another dimension, that we don't know what is wait for us and will probably kill us?" Shadow raised a brow and crossed his arms.
"Pretty much." Tails chuckled and nodded.
"I'm in!" I quickly stood up and walked to Tails. "Turn it on! I wanna-" I was cut off by a hand pulling me to sit down on the couch, or maybe someone's legs.
"You're not going" Shadow wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Shadow! Let me go!" I blushed when I realized I was sitting on Shadow's lap and tried to stand up, but it only made his grip tighter around me.
"No." Shadow chuckled at my struggle. "It's too dangerous, you don't know what will happen if you go through the portal."
"That's why it's exciting! You don't know what's waiting for you!" I rolled my eyes and pouted then gave up trying to make him let go of me and rested back on him, still blushing.
Tails chuckled as he looked at us 'fight'. "I promise nothing will go wrong, Shadow. I've tested it many times and all of them we successful. I wouldn't let Sonic die in one of my experiments." He tried to convince Shadow.
Shadow stayed quiet, he was thinking about it, he still had his head on my shoulder and pulled me closer. "I don't know..."
I tried to turn around. "Come on, Shadz! I'm so bored! I need some adrenaline!" I looked at him with a pout and whined.
"Let's race if you need adrenaline." Shadow rolled his eyes. "You might die in there."
"Shadow!" I said louder, getting impatient. "I'll be back before you know it. I trust Tails, and you should too. He's the last person that would even think of hurting me."
"No! It's dangerous!" He insisted as his grip stayed tight around me.
"I can show you that it's safe." Tails spoke up and grabbed an apple. "I'll get that apple through the portal and get it back in one piece."
"I'm still not letting him go." Shadow rolled his eyes, making me sigh.
"Let's just go home..." I mumbled and tried to get up.
"But-" Tails lowered his ears and was about to give another example but I cut him off.
"Leave it, bud." I shook my head. "Don't tell anyone else to do it, though. He might let me go, who knows." I shrugged and looked at Shadow's arms. "I won't go, will you let me go already?" I looked at him, my voice made it obvious that I was annoyed.
This made Shadow lower his ears slightly and sigh then nodded and let go of me and stood up after me.
"I'll see you tomorrow Buddy." I smiled and messed with the fur of Tails' head then stood by the door as I waited for Shadow. When he walked outside I smirked slightly and closed the door then locked it and grabbed Tails' wrist. "We have a few seconds until he uses chaos control." I laughed and dashed to the lad Tails had, locking the door there as well. "Turn it on!"
Tails laughed and nodded then turned on the weird machine.
"Sonic!" I heard Shadow shout from the living room, probably freaking out.
I feel bad...
But there's no other way I'd be able to see what's that alternative universe or how it looks.
Unfortunately for us, the portal made a lot of noise when it started charging, so the doorknob started turning and Shadow started growling. "Sonic! Open the door!"
"It's ready." Tails whispered and lowered his ears at Shadow's shouting. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He took my wrist when I took a step close to the portal. "Shadow will kill me."
"I won't let him." I shook my head and touched the weird Blue light that was in the middle of the ring. "This is SO cool...!" I smiled and slowly walked in the portal then gasped when I saw what was on the other side. "Woah...!"
{Shadow's P.O.V.}
I chaos controlled in the room as I growled lowly, that idiot is going to kill himself one of these days.
"Where is he?!" I glared at Miles when I spotted him and the portal. "Don't you dare tell me he walked through that portal...!"
"Um..." Miles smiled sheepishly and slowly nodded. "He did..."
"You have to get him out of-" I shouted at him and pointed at the portal but stopped when suddenly the power went out and heard a loud noise as the blue color of the portal turned bright red then shut down. I stayed quiet as I tried not to freak out.
"NO!" Miles pinned his ears down and ran to his computer. "Oh, Sonic what did you do...?"
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