Jordanwolfboy9743's Harem (Updated To Fontaine)
Jordan sees the caption and his face turns red for a second.
Jordanwolfboy9743: O-Oh uh... w-we can just skip over this part! N-No one needs to see it!
Paimon: Nuh-uh! You guys said it yourselves that you all will have these girls be with you in the story. Which means you and Shadow still need to deal with the same pain that Nintega went through.
TheNintegaGuy: Well... At least mine is over with...
Jordanwolfboy9743: S-Shadow, you're with me on this, right?
Shadow's reply came in the form of a smirk.
Shadowlight2784: Sorry, buddy, but my curiosity's really piqued right about now, so I've gotta see your choices.
Jordan stares back, unblinking and silent until he tries rushing over to the camera to turn it off, but Shadow and Nintega tackle him onto the floor, wrestling down below to keep him there.
Jordanwolfboy9743: H-Hey! Let me go! I don't wanna do this!
TheNintegaGuy: You had to see ME go through so much embarrassment! Now it's YOUR turn!
Shadowlight2784: Paimon, cut the footage!
Paimon nods and presses a button on the top, allowing the camera to skip to the next segment.
TheNintegaGuy: Okay, you and Amber were practically made for each other. Two energetic and outgoing individuals who are ready for some adventure? This is a match made in heaven.
Shadowlight2784: I think the only difference is a measurement of skill. Like, I can totally see her beating you in gliding.
Jordanwolfboy9743: O-Oh, come on! I'd surely beat her in other things, right?
Paimon: Knowing what Amber is capable of... The odds are like a gazillion to one. The only thing you're experienced in is your social skills and bad jokes.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Hey! My jokes aren't "bad!" Tell her, guys!
He asked both Nintega and Shadow who just remained silent while looking everywhere else besides Jordan.
TheNintegaGuy: I'm... not gonna answer that.
Shadowlight2784: Yeah... neither will I.
Lisa Minci
Everyone in sight got blushes on their faces with the mere mention of this lady in Jordan's harem.
TheNintegaGuy: ...I feel scared for you, Jordan.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Guys, she's not that bad. You just need to see past her sultry nature and somewhat intimidating aura.
Shadowlight2784: Buddy, she nearly threatens people who don't return books on time.
Paimon: Paimon should know... *shudders* s-she was there to see what Miss Lisa's like when she's mad.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh, whatever. I'm happy knowing that I get to be with the hottest woman in Mondstadt.
TheNintegaGuy: *mumbles* The scariest woman in Mondstadt, more like.
Paimon: Still, Paimon wonders how this will play out since she gives a flirty voice to everyone around, not just Lumine or Aether.
Nintega and Shadow almost immediately gained huge smirks upon seeing her as they turned them towards Jordan who turned his face away to hide the massive blush he had.
TheNintegaGuy: Care to explain why she's on your list, buddy~?
Jordanwolfboy9743: I-I... reserve the right to remain silent!
Shadowlight2784: Oh, don't worry, we can take a wild guess~
Paimon: *giggles* Jordy likes to tease you both a lot about who you like, and from what Paimon has seen, Yelan's a big teaser too~!
TheNintegaGuy: In other words, instant matchmaking for these two~!
Jordanwolfboy9743: H-Hey! For all three of your information, she's also way more concerned about playing it safe and thinking before acting rather than rushing in recklessly like this numbskull right here!
He points at Nintega who's jaw drops like Anya.
TheNintegaGuy: N-Numbskull!? Why you-!
Nintega tackles Jordan onto the ground as the two of them formed a giant fight cloud while Shadow just sighs and rolls his eyes.
Shadowlight2784: *sarcasm* Look at that. They're at it again.
Paimon: *sigh* Some things never change.
Shadowlight2784: Alright, show of hands, who saw this coming from a mile away?
Nintega, Shadow, and Paimon all had their hands raised up high while Jordan narrows his eyes at them.
Jordanwolfboy9743: What the heck's that supposed to mean?
TheNintegaGuy: I mean, with the scarf... you kind of look like pirate material already...
Shadowlight2784: Not to mention the fact that she's also a fan favorite among a lot of Genshin players, so I was certain she'd be on your waifu list.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *blushes* F-For your information, I don't have a "waifu list!"
Paimon: *deadpans* Tell that to all of the fans out there playing the game... No! Actually, Paimon will do you one better. Tell that to Nintega.
TheNintegaGuy: Hey! Don't direct the attention towards me! This is Jordan's harem list, not mine!
Hu Tao
Paimon: Wait... Paimon thought you were scared of her, Jordan, so why is she on your harem list?
Her question led to her, Nintega, and Shadow giving Jordan smug smirks which resulted in him facepalming and heavily blushing.
Jordanwolfboy9743: S-She might be scary, but... s-she's also undeniably cute, alright?!
TheNintegaGuy: Now we just need to see how long he'll last with each scare that she has in store for him~
Shadowlight2784: Hmm... I'd give him about a week.
TheNintegaGuy: *smirks* I'd give him about eleven minutes.
Jordanwolfboy9743: S-Shut up! Both of you!
Sangonomiya Kokomi
Upon first glance of this one, Nintega gets a deadpanned look before rolling his eyes.
TheNintegaGuy: Oh, give me a break...
Jordan looks at him in surprise.
Jordanwolfboy9743: What? What's wrong with Kokomi?
TheNintegaGuy: You'd think that the Divine Priestess would already have won against the Shogun seeing how carefully laid out her plans are with Gorou, but nooooo. The Traveler just comes in and he or she magically helps them win...
Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, excuse her for not being able to take down a literal god! Besides, she's done a far better job at protecting her home than Jean ever did for Mondstadt!
TheNintegaGuy: *gasps* You take that back!!!
Shadow steps in between them before things could get more heated.
Shadowlight2784: Hey, hey, hey! Both of you cool it, will ya? We're here to see the harem choices, not argue over who's a better leader.
Jordanwolfboy9743: W-Well... HE started it!
Shadowlight2784: I don't care who started it because I'm ending it. Capisce?
TheNintegaGuy: *sigh* Capisce.
Paimon: Let's just hope that Nintega never says that to her face... Paimon thinks he'll probably be executed after that kind of talk about Kokomi...
TheNintegaGuy: Damn... Now I wish it was the 4th of July...
Jordanwolfboy9743: Heh, yeah. She definitely makes some fantastic fireworks. *blushes* A-And uh... I... I like to listen whenever she goes on her long talking sprees.
Shadowlight2784: People love to say how peppy and precious Yoimiya is, so I don't blame ya too much.
Paimon then comes floating in with a firework in her arms... and it was lit.
Paimon: Hey, guys! Look what Paimon found!
Seeing Paimon with a lit firework made everyone in the studio freak out in shock.
Jordanwolfboy9743: P-Paimon, are you nuts?!
Shadowlight2784: Get that thing out of here or put it out!
Paimon then notices that the firework was lit as she gets shocked too before trying to blow on the fuse to put it out, but it wasn't working.
TheNintegaGuy: RUN!
They all sprint out of the room just as the firework took off as it flew aimlessly and recklessly around the room until it hit the camera, knocking it over and distorting the footage.
Shadowlight2784: Please press F to pay respects to how tragic this girl's life is...
Jordanwolfboy9743: To be honest, I'm... not sure how things would work out between me and her. She's really distrusting towards others, so I don't think my chances with her are all that good.
TheNintegaGuy: Have a little bit of faith in yourself, will ya, pal? She knows Amber really well, so your personality should click with her sooner than you think.
Paimon: Hmm... maybe a good place to start would be complimenting her Pita Pockets. Those are SUPER tasty!
Shadowlight2784: *sarcasm* Sure... Why not? You're only saying that because you want one...
Paimon: N-Not true!
Jordan is shown to be daydreaming with a dopey smile as we see a thought bubble above his head, showing Nilou gracefully dancing. However, the group were just staring at him with raised eyebrows.
TheNintegaGuy: ...How much longer do you think this will go on before he returns to reality?
Shadowlight2784: However long this particular dance is.
TheNintegaGuy: I don't even know what he's so captivated by. Nilou's graceful dance moves or the way she looks while doing them...
Paimon: How about both...?
They shrug in agreement before Shadow snaps his fingers in front of Jordan's face, shocking him out of his daydream.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Wh-Wh-Wha?! I-I wasn't thinking of her, I swear!
However, Nintega, Shadow, and Paimon all just traded deadpanned looks.
TheNintegaGuy: *whispers* Should we tell him...?
Shadowlight2784: *whispers* I think all three of us should.
The moment everyone sees the pompous Hydro Archon, Nintega, Shadow, and Paimon starting laughing hysterically while Jordan had a blush while crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks out.
Jordanwolfboy9743: D-Don't laugh at me! I don't even know why she's on this list in the first place! She's an egotistical, self-centered brat!
TheNintegaGuy: That's what you WANT to say, but deep down... You honestly find that part of her to be rather adorable, don't you?
Shadowlight2784: I mean, why else is she here? That has to be the reason.
Jordanwolfboy9743: I-Is not! She's essentially this game's version of Aqua from Konosuba, an equally annoying and stuck up blue haired goddess may I remind you!
TheNintegaGuy: That's the best part!
Paimon: Paimon already knows that Jordan is going to have a blast when he encounters and gets on Furina's good side.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, hate to disappoint, Paimon, but that won't happen! Now, get her off this list!
Shadowlight2784: *sharp inhale* Sorry, bud, but... all choices are final. No take backs.
Jordan just gives them a blank, unamused stare.
Jordanwolfboy9743: I think I hate all of you.
Nintega & Shadow & Paimon: We love you too~!
Jordan almost immediately rolls his eyes with a sigh, turning away with crossed arms.
Jordanwolfboy9743: This chick and her experimental perfumes. I swear, she'll become a mad scientist at this rate.
TheNintegaGuy: Why do you say it like that? Everything that she makes is why boys and girls these days smell nice... That sounded a lot less weird in my head.
Shadowlight2784: I... think you should see a therapist or a shrink after this.
Paimon: Hmm... You think Emilie has any chocolate scented perfumes? Oooh~! Paimon wants to smell like sweets all day~!
All three boys deadpanned at that before realizing something as they all simultaneously smirked.
TheNintegaGuy: Go ahead then, Paimon~
Jordanwolfboy9743: Because when you do...
Shadowlight2784: That just truly makes you...
Nintega, Jordan, & Shadow: Even more of a backup emergency food~!
Paimon's eyes widened from this before she stomps the air while glaring at the three boys.
Paimon: Hey! Just because Paimon wants to smell like sweets doesn't mean that she's edible!
TheNintegaGuy: Yeah... You keep telling yourself that.
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