Chapter 25: Of Ballads And Brews - Part 2
Previously on Dimensional Impact: Adventures In Teyvat. . .
It's a special time for Mondstadt as the Weinlesefest is coming where all of the adults indulge in their favorite wine flavors and the children make their blessing to the Anemo Archon. However, this Weinlesefest, Razor receives a letter from the Grand Master a message regarding his biological parents. Feeling unsure, the group along with their human-wolf friend go to Lisa for advice on how to restore Razor's memory and make his parents favorite Thousand-Wind Wine to honor them for the Weinlesefest. Problem was that they had no idea how to make some. Thanks to a cryptic message from the Tone-Deaf Bard, Venti, they were able to dig up some clues on what ingredients that they need to search for. The only problem now is how will the Honorary Knights and Razor find and make this Thousand-Wind Wine for Razor to remember his parents?
Now back to where we left off. . .
For the next couple of days, the group decided to enjoy themselves in the Weinlesefest and when the third day of the festival hit, they decided to meet back at the market with Razor. However, he was nowhere to be seen at the moment which made some of the group raise confused eyebrows.
Paimon: Huh? Where the heck's Razor? Paimon thought he would've been here by now...
Shadowlight2784: With him being raised by wolves, there are probably some things he needs to do out in Wolvendom... plus, he did say that he isn't comfortable around crowds.
Paimon: Hmm, he also had a pretty big day when we last saw him... Do you think he fell asleep when he got back and is still snoozing away now?
Everyone looked at Paimon with deadpans at they know that while Razor hangs out in the forest a lot, he's definitely not lazy.
Lumine: Sounds like something you'd do than Razor.
Paimon: *nods* Fair enough, you're right. Let's keep waiting.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, since we seemingly have some time for ourselves, we could try to dissect that cryptic poem Venti gave us the other day. There might be some clues we missed.
TheNintegaGuy: I agree. Though we'll have to put our heads together for this as the poem was kind of abstract.
Shadowlight2784: "Abstract" is an understatement. Even I can write something that's convoluted, but cohesive enough to understand.
Paimon: An explorer's courage, a love tender and true, a defender's will, and... the thousand winds'... "song of good cheer"...
She turns back to Lumine again.
Paimon: Do you have any ideas?
Lumine ponders on the poem for a few seconds before seemingly coming up with a plausible answer.
Lumine: Maybe they aren't the "ingredients," maybe they describe the wine's "character"...
Shadowlight2784: That somehow makes it sound even more abstract than it already was. I mean, how can you figure out a wine's "character"? Where would we even start looking?
Nintega tries pondering Lumine's thoughts for a moment before he comes up with a small suggestion.
TheNintegaGuy: What if the "character" is like the Adventurers' Guild or maybe even the Church of Favonius?
Everyone turns to him before they all think the same thing.
Paimon: Huh? Are you saying that it has something to do with Mondstadt's institutions?
TheNintegaGuy: Yeah... As for the word "defender"...
Jordanwolfboy9743: That could be referring to the Knights of Favonius.
Paimon: Wow, that... actually makes a surprising amount of sense. So the poem wasn't talking about any specific ingredients after all? More like... the general gist?
Shadowlight2784: Speaking of which... aren't all of those pretty much organizers of the Weinlesefest?
Lumine: It all seems like one huge coincidence though. You don't think Venti told us that poem just to screw with us, do you?
Jordanwolfboy9743: Nah. I know Venti and I doubt he would tell us some random poem out of the blue to mess with us. It has to be true.
Shadowlight2784: Then it must be some clue to help out Razor as well. That last part... he mentioned the thousand winds' song... which has to be a code for the toasting ceremony of the Weinlesefest.
Paimon: Ohoho! Now, we're cookin'! We'll crack your riddle recipe yet, Tone-Deaf Bard!
TheNintegaGuy: It's settled then. When we meet up with Razor, let's go visit those places we mentioned and talk to the people. There could be some clues we've yet to find.
Everyone nodded in agreement before a voice rung out from nearby, one that sounded all too familiar.
Klee: Big Brother Jordy~!
Immediately, Jordan's face perked up and he turned to his left and saw his new little sister Klee sprinting towards him while smiling ecstatically with her arms out, ready for a hug. With a wide grin, he kneels down and opens his arms as well, catching her in a tight hug when she reaches him.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* Hey, little sis~! Good to see you again!
It wasn't just Klee though as Razor walked up right behind her.
Razor: I'm sorry! I'm late...
Nintega chuckles before eyeing both Jordan and Klee.
TheNintegaGuy: No worries. We were just chatting about something important actually. And we can also tell why you were late.
Razor: I was on my way, then I saw Klee.
Jordan ends his hug with little Klee before he wraps his arms around her smaller body, allowing him to hoist her up and hold her.
Klee: They let me out for Weinlesefest! Albedo is super busy helping Timaeus fix his recipe for an Extra-Strong Sobriety Potion, so he doesn't have the time to come play with me right now. Although, I could never forget about Big Brother Jordy.
She said, cuddling Jordan's head and making the Savior Knight chuckle.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* I'm always around to have some fun playing with you, little sis. Are you having fun during the Weinlesefest so far?
Klee: *nods* It's so cool! All the grown-ups in Mondstadt are out to celebrate the festival. Everyone's smiling and having loads of fun! I wanted to join in too. So I made a whole bunch of stuff so I can celebrate it with everyone in my very own way!
Everyone else cringes a little from this as knowing that Klee is pretty much a tiny arsonist, they kind of don't want to know what Klee made.
Jordanwolfboy9743: U-Uhh... Klee? "In your own way" doesn't mean that they're... explosive, are they?
Klee: I like to think of it as an explosive surprise~!
She said with a grin, but that only made everyone else sweatdrop in fear as they are probably expecting Klee to pull out a bomb somewhere that she buried.
Klee: But I couldn't finish it yet because I bumped into Razor.
That news made everyone sigh in relief that Razor's appearance to Klee interrupted her little bomb crafting.
Shadowlight2784: Phew. Well, kudos to Razor for not allowing Klee to make Mondstadt, post-Oppenheimer...
Klee: Razor was acting kinda different than usual, like he was thinking about something. So I asked him, "What happened?" And then Razor said that he was looking for his mommy!
The wolf boy shook his head, looking back at Klee a little embarrassed.
Razor: I did not say mommy.
Klee: It's okay, silly! Mommies are important people, so finding your mommy is a super important job. That's why Klee's gonna come help!
Razor was hesitant on what to say next, but luckily his thoughts were interrupted when they heard the sound of someone sprinting towards them nearby as they all looked to see another familiar face join in as it was none other than the unlucky adventurer, Bennett.
Bennett: *panting* Razor... Razor... finally, I found you.
TheNintegaGuy: Bennett? *smiles* Hey, good to see you, buddy.
Bennett: Oh, haha, look who's here! Hey, Nintega! And hey to the rest of you as well!
TheNintegaGuy: What's the rush all about for Razor?
Bennett: I needed to give him this.
He pulls out a Small Lamp Grass which made everyone raise an eyebrow at this common item in Bennett's hand.
Paimon: Uh... A Small Lamp Grass?
Bennett: Yup, that's right. I tripped up on it this morning and took a little tumble.
TheNintegaGuy: Dang... we seriously need to get you as many good luck charms as we can find one day...
Bennett: I did a full faceplant, but somehow, this little thing came out unscathed. That's when I knew it was destined to go into your wine mix!
Klee: Bennett, how did you manage to trip up on a Small Lamp Grass?
Jordanwolfboy9743: Yeah, don't those usually glow in dim environments or at night?
Klee: No, no, I wasn't talking about the glowing. What I meant was, they're really big and easy to spot. So I don't get how you didn't see it.
Bennett could only sheepishly chuckle at first as he turned to her.
Bennett: Ah, I was just running too fast and got careless, I guess. (Okay, I guess maybe I won't tell them about the other faceplants that came after that.)
TheNintegaGuy: Well, at least you didn't get too scuffed up or injured from it, so that's a bit of good luck there.
Bennett: Heh, I guess. Anyway, I've been all over the place trying to find Razor this morning. Everyone I asked told me I'd just missed him. Good thing I've caught up now. I can finally catch my breath...
Lumine: Wow. What a trooper you are, Bennett. You definitely should take a moment to breathe.
Bennett smiles at her.
Bennett: Thanks, Lumine.
Razor: How did you know... I need ingredients?
Bennett: Oh, that? Yeah, interesting story. This lady came to see Master Cyrus, asking for the Adventurers' Guild's support with the Weinlesefest. Said she was the librarian. Anyway, she mentioned your current situation too, and asked if we could help...
Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait, that's Lisa! *chuckles* Remind me to really thank her for this.
TheNintegaGuy: Lisa actually doing real work for once? Heh. Never thought I'd see the day.
Jordan gave him a hard jab to the gut before Bennett spoke again.
Bennett: Ohhh! So that was Lisa? People say she's crazy intelligent but she just doesn't go out much... First time I've ever seen her.
Shadow smirks and puts a hand on Jordan's shoulder.
Shadowlight2784: And this guy is lucky enough to be dating her.
Bennett: No way, really?! Congrats!
Jordan blushes from that while rubbing the back of his head.
Jordanwolfboy9743: T-Thanks...
Lumine: Back on topic though, is that why you brought the Small Lamp Grass?
Bennett: *nods* I thought long and hard about what ingredients to pick, and came up with a load of suggestions that I was gonna discuss with you... But then I realized that Small Lamp Grass was clearly the best. It shines a light to guide the way for explorers in the dark. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful thing?
Razor: ...Apologies... for the trouble.
Bennett: Ahh, don't gimme that! I get how you must be feeling about all of this. Besides, you gotta help out your friends, right? If my family... uh, well, my dads ever needed help one day, I know you'd be there for me too.
Razor: *nods* Yes.
Shadow walks over to Razor and puts a hand on his shoulder with a small smile.
Shadowlight2784: That goes for me too. My family business or not... I'm helping you whether you like it or not. And I'm sure my friends feel the same way.
He said to which they all nodded in agreement before Klee excitedly spoke up.
Klee: Can I help, too? Please, take me with you, pleeease! I wanna join in!
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* Seems like our enthusiasm is starting to rub off on little Klee here.
Razor: Bennett, before now... you never talk about your family.
TheNintegaGuy: Yeah... is it... something personal that you just don't like talking about? Cause unless something is actually up, you don't need to disclose anything to us.
Bennett: Nah, it's fine. I actually never met my parents. I was raised by some of the older adventurers in the guild. So we're not exactly a typical family. But if you do wanna hear about them, I can tell you some of my dads' stories. Hmm... okay, I'll start with the most awesome one.
Klee: Aw, Bennett... You can be Mommy's kid, just like Klee and just like how Big Brother Jordy is my big brother! My mom is super nice - she'll take great care of you!
Paimon: Huh!?
She and everyone else looked to Klee in surprise as Bennett rubbed the back of his head in thought.
Jordanwolfboy9743: It's up to you, Ben. No pressure. It would be nice though to have you as mine and Klee's family.
Bennett hums to himself before shaking his head.
Bennett: I really appreciate the thought, you two. But I'm afraid I can't accept your offer... I already have my dads and all my friends... And let's not forget that I'm the leader of Benny's Adventure Team often teaming up with your leader too. You don't need to worry about me.
He said smiling over at Nintega who gave a warm smile back at him.
Klee: Oh, okay. I got it. Um, then have this.
Reaching into her backpack, she takes out one of her Jumpy Dumptys and hands it to Bennett.
Paimon: A Jumpy Dumpty?
Klee: Yeah! It's a lazy, dopey Jumpy Dumpty that always dozes and never explodes! I hope you guys can be best friends.
Bennett: ...Are you sure?
He asked, wanting to make sure this was something Klee really wanted to do as she answered with a happy nod.
Klee: Yep! Jumpy Dumpty will be happy to make a new friend, too.
Razor: I... also happy for you.
Lumine: Hmm... I have an idea. Since the four of us still need to look for some ingredients with Razor, why not Klee and Bennett go out on a little adventure together?
TheNintegaGuy: You think that's a good idea? N-Not that I personally don't approve of this, but... Klee's explosives and... Bennett's bad luck?
Paimon: Hmm, well, you were talking about good luck charms earlier, Nintega. Maybe Klee will bring Bennett good luck, and the adventure will go smoothly. And you might just find some treasures you've never noticed before!
TheNintegaGuy: True, but... It's likely that Klee will be the lucky one here.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, Klee did say that she wanted to enjoy the Weinlesefest, so I'm confident as her big brother to say that she'll likely be fine with Bennett to supervise her.
Bennett: Cool, don't worry about a thing! We'll look after each other.
Klee: Yay! Adventure! Treasure! Weinlesefest! Let's go, let's go!
She shouted, hopping up and down excitedly with her arms in the air.
Klee: Jordy, you should come too!
Jordan puts on a disappointed look before sighing and kneeling down to her level.
Jordanwolfboy9743: I really wish I could, little sis, but... I've got some important Knight business to take care of.
He then puts a hand on her shoulder with a smile.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Tell you what though. After we finish with that or when we decide to take a temporary break, I'll come find you and Bennett and we'll have a fun time together. Sound good?
Klee giggles and nods.
Klee: Yep, yep, yep! Klee will be waiting for you to finish things up with Wolfie~!
The second she said that however, Klee remembered Razor's dilemma as she turned to him next.
Klee: Oh... wait, but what about Wolfie? Wolfie– uh, I mean Razor needs looking after. Big Brother Jordy, Honorary Knights, Paimon, you'd better take care of Razor, okay? Make sure he finds his mommy.
Razor once again groans a little bit embarrassed from having Klee calling his mother, "mommy." The others chuckled from this before nodding down at the Spark Knight.
Shadowlight2784: We'll get through with Razor's situation in no time, Klee. Leave it to us.
Razor: ...Good luck.
And with that, Bennett and Klee begin to depart as they both waved back to the rest of the group.
Bennett: See ya later, folks.
They then leave as Nintega crosses his arms, still a little bit worried for them
TheNintegaGuy: I'm still anxious about having Bennett and Klee around each other.
Jordanwolfboy9743: They'll be fine, dude. I say we let 'em go. I mean, you went out on your own when you were Klee's age, right?
Nintega crosses his arms and looks away.
TheNintegaGuy: Yeah, but when I was her age, I was 9 years older!
Jordan deadpans at him.
Jordanwolfboy9743: What is up with your math?
Paimon: Ah, it's so nice to see everyone in such a good mood.
She stated, smiling before turning back to Razor.
Paimon: Oh...! Paimon almost forgot the whole reason we came here!
Shadow's eyes widened as well when his memory kicked in too as he spun around to face Razor as well as did the rest of his friends.
Shadowlight2784: Anyways, Razor, before you and Klee came along, we were going over that poem Venti gave us the other day to see if we could find any clues on what the ingredients could be. We came to the conclusion that some of the descriptors used actually describe the wine's characteristics. They also seem to sync up with three big institutions in Mondstadt, so we thought we'd ask around those places to see if people could help clue us in further on what you're looking for.
In response, Razor let out a low sigh, seemingly bothered by something on his mind.
TheNintegaGuy: Hey, you okay there, buddy? Something you wanna get off your chest, perhaps?
Razor: Yes. These days, I think a lot. I am not... smart. Not like teacher, not like Shadow, not like you all. But... I still have to think. Everyone is ready to help, but... some things, I must do myself. I don't understand human father and mother... but I must find a way to understand. Maybe I can learn about other people's father and mother first, then think about my own father and mother. That's why I want to ask questions.
Shadowlight2784: *smiles* I like the way you think, Razor. With that kind of attitude, you'll find what you're looking for in no time.
Razor: Never knew Bennett is... like me. When he talks about "dads," his scent changes. Warm, like a bed of straw in the sun.
Lumine: In that case, let's find more people to speak to.
Paimon: Yeah! We should head back into the city. Let's find a friendly face at the Church of Favonius!
TheNintegaGuy: Hmm... Shadow, you work at the Church, right? Do you know anyone who would know Razor best?
While Shadow did know the answer to this question as it was blatantly obvious to him, given who he saw recently, he looks away for a second before shaking his head as he knows Rosaria well that she doesn't want people looking for her. Before any of them could try to think of another solution though, a fruit seller named Marcel walks up to them.
Marcel: Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear that you're about to head back into the city. Is that right? I'm waiting on a fruit cart from the city. It should be here by now, but... I'm worried that something may have happened on the way, but I can't leave the festival to check up on it... Would you be able to do me a huge favor, and keep an eye out for the cart on your way back?
Shadow hums before turning to Razor.
Shadowlight2784: You good with this little side job too, Razor?
Razor: *nods* We go. I go too. Everyone helps me. Now I have chance, to help everyone.
Marcel: *smiles* That's wonderful. Thank you so much!
TheNintegaGuy: In that case, let's get to work on finding that cart, team!
Everyone nodded as they took their leave from the festival to head back in the direction towards the city. Since they were looking for a fruit cart, it shouldn't be too hard to track down, especially since they had help from Razor to track down the scent of practically anything that has a strong smell. They soon spot the fruit cart, but it was also being raided by Hilichurls.
Razor: *sniffs* This way...
He said pointing ahead as they all see the fruit cart.
Paimon: Oh! Paimon sees the cart, but what are these hilichurls doing here!? Do they want some fresh fruit now too?
TheNintegaGuy: Who cares what they want? The man requested us to find that cart and here it is being attacked by hilichurls.
Shadowlight2784: *sarcasm* What else is new...?
Jordanwolfboy9743: Let's not stand around then! Let's take 'em down!
Agreeing with that, everyone pulled out their weapons, including Razor as they all dashed forward while Paimon pumped a fist in the air to cheer for them.
Paimon: Honorary Knights, to the rescue!
When the hilichurls see the five of them charging in, Shadow disarms a hilichurl by swiping his polearm up at its arms before he thrusts it into its torso to stun it and he spins his polearm before whacking it down to the ground. Lumine activates her Wind Blade to which she made a small vortex with her palm before blasting Anemo energy at a couple of hilichurls to knock them away. Both Jordan and Nintega went up close and personal with Jordan having Anemo-infused arrows while Nintega was dual-wielding swords, one of which was completely made of Anemo.
Jordan spins both arrows in his hands before he stabs them into the hilichurl's head before he roundhouse kicks it away. Nintega then ducks under a couple of shots from a Hilichurl shooting a crossbow at him, but he blocks one last arrow from it before it reflects itself back at the Hilichurl stunning it before Nintega jumps up and comes back down to slice the Hilichurl into dust. Razor puts Electro energy into one of his hands as a giant wolf claw forms into it before he swipes it at a couple of hilichurls before he slams his claymore down to knock them away from the cart. The rest of the hilichurls knew that they were outmatched as they all ran away from the rest of the group, not wanting to take their chances. Razor however sort of felt someone else's presence as he looked to the side suspiciously while the rest of the group wiped their foreheads from the small fight that they just had.
Paimon: Whew, finally. These hilichurls are a little too obsessed with food for their own good...
Lumine: You'd think at this point that they could just find stray apples or sunsettias from trees, but... seems as though they're as mindless as always. Never mind that though...
She said before turning to the person that they just rescued.
Lumine: Are you okay, mister? They didn't hurt you, did they?
The fruit seller named Rolf thanks the group putting his hands together before shaking his head to answer Lumine's question.
Rolf: Phew... I'm fine, thanks to you all. You were just in time. Any later, and all you'd have found here is a pile of pulp... and I don't think there'd be much left of the fruit either.
Jordanwolfboy9743: The important thing is that you're alright. Although, you may wanna keep a more vigilant eye out in the future.
Shadowlight2784: Not just that. They're still waiting on you back at the festival for you to deliver that cart.
Rolf: *nods* Got it. Well, thanks again! I'd better not delay this delivery any longer, so goodbye and Happy Weinlesefest!
He then looks towards Razor.
Rolf: Thanks to you too, kiddo.
Razor nods at the man as he take his leave, but once again, Razor could sense someone watching them from nearby, making him look away with narrowed eyes.
TheNintegaGuy: Something wrong, Razor?
Razor: Enemy following...
Shadowlight2784: *chuckles* No enemy, Razor... even if she's a bit on the antagonistic side.
He said before turning towards a tree.
Shadowlight2784: And you think that I eavesdrop too much? You might as well come on out, Rosaria.
Nintega, Jordan, Paimon, & Lumine: Rosaria?!
A sigh came from behind the tree Shadow was looking at before the tall, pale Sister of the Church herself stepped out, displaying her usual annoyed look.
Rosaria: I should never have taught you my tactics.
Shadowlight2784: *smirks* Is that any way to greet your boyfriend?
With a roll of her eyes, Rosaria walked over to the group.
Rosaria: I'm still on the fence as to whether you can officially call yourself that.
Shadowlight2784: * playful sarcasm* Riiight~
Paimon: Rosaria! What the heck are you doing here?
Jordanwolfboy9743: Paimon... you realize she has a habit of showing up unannounced, right?
TheNintegaGuy: Or trying to keep herself hidden...
Paimon: Oh, right. Heh... Paimon forgot...
Shadowlight2784: You seemed interested in the conversation that we were having with Razor a couple of days ago too. Why the sudden interest?
Rosaria: You could say that Razor and I are close. Almost like "brother and sister."
Lumine: Huh? Wh-What do you mean by, "brother and sister."
Rosaria walks over to Razor before placing a hand on her hip.
Rosaria: Varka taught you how to use that sword, I take it? Swift, but powerful. Heh, I can spot that old-timer's style anywhere.
Razor was a little bit shy to talk to Rosaria as all that he let out was a small hum.
Rosaria: I see you're not much of a talker. Well, there's something else you could learn from Varka. Never lost for words, even when he has nothing to say... It'd be good conversation practice for you. Just a shame we have no idea when he'll be back.
Razor: It's okay. I will wait.
Paimon: Brother and sister...? Varka...?
Shadowlight2784: *sigh* It's not that hard to follow, Paimon. Rosaria and Razor were both taken in by Varka, so he's like a father figure to them. You could call that form a family, just not blood related.
Rosaria: Well, blood relations are overrated anyways, don't you think?
Lumine: I don't know about that. Blood relations can be strong depending on the people involved, so it's a little hard to say.
Rosaria raised an eyebrow at Lumine's opinion, but then realized why she stated that.
Rosaria: Ah, I almost forgot. You have a brother.
TheNintegaGuy: Well, we can agree to disagree. Jordan, Shadow, and I aren't blood related either, but I'd say that our bond is strong enough that we're like brothers ourselves.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *smirks* Got that right, brother!
He pulls Nintega close and gives him a playful noogie, making him chuckle while Shadow rolls his eyes playfully while crossing his arms.
Shadowlight2784: And just like siblings, they can be too much for me at times, but... I still love 'em all the same.
Lumine stares at the three of them as she couldn't help, but feel a little bit jealous of the three being so close while she was still trying to look for her own kin.
Razor: Cold, dark grown-up... You also don't remember what your real mother and real father look like?
He suddenly asked Rosaria who gave him a raised eyebrow before looking back over at the others.
Rosaria: Huh... So you're helping him dig up some info on his biological parents? And trying to help him build a concept of family along the way?
Shadowlight2784: Sure. We're just looking for reference material at the moment. Though that doesn't answer Razor's question.
Rosaria: *sigh* Alright. You got me.
She said before walking ahead of them and looking up into the sky.
Rosaria: I barely have any memories of my birth parents... The last time I saw them was long before I had any understanding of the world around me. But that seems pretty common. Even in this day and age, there are plenty of people in the world who can't stop thinking about their families, but will never get to see them.
She then turns back towards the group with her hands on her hips.
Rosaria: Anyway, if you're never gonna meet someone, it's not worth spending mental energy on them. It's more important to focus on the kind of person you want to become.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *whisper* Cold and indifferent... why am I not surprised?
TheNintegaGuy: *whisper* Ditto.
However, Razor spoke up in a more serious tone.
Razor: No! You are wrong about this.
Everyone turned to look at Razor at the sudden change in his tone.
Razor: Lupical protect each other. Human family also important. Must care about them.
Rosaria: ...Fine. So let's say you do find out who your parents were, and they were saints. Or the opposite, they were complete monsters. What then? How would that affect your life choices? What would you do about it?
Razor: Ummm...
Razor couldn't give a proper answer as the rest of the group looked at each other with Rosaria's usual cold words backing Razor into a corner.
Paimon: Whew, Rosaria's take is a little on the nose...
TheNintegaGuy: How do you not become mentally broken by this woman, Shadow?
Shadowlight2784: Nintega, I spent a long time being both verbally and physically abused by a psychotic siren. I think whatever's left of my brain couldn't be damaged any further.
Lumine: The urge to know is still understandable though. It's normal to be curious.
Rosaria heard all of them as she turns to the group.
Rosaria: Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make this any more difficult than it already is. But Razor's feeling lost and confused right now, and all the other Mondstadters we know are too sunny and bright to tell it like it really is... The sun nurtures many good things, but it can't do anything about the problems lurking in the shadows.
Jordan smirks over towards Shadow.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Pun entirely intended~
Shadow deadpans back at him.
Shadowlight2784: Shut up...
Rosaria: Alright, I'll leave it there. Take this flower, it's icy cold – just like me.
She hands a Mist Flower over to Razor who took it curiously.
Rosaria: Barbara's busy preparing the sung poetry event for the Weinlesefest. She couldn't get away, so I picked an ingredient out on behalf of the church.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Is it... even possible to use a Mist Flower? I'd imagine that just one could freeze a whole barrel solid.
Rosaria: No, not now that I've dealt with it. The bard did say to think "freedom," didn't he? So go on, take it. It won't be a problem.
Paimon: Aw, Rosaria, you're more thoughtful than Paimon realized...
Her eyes then widened when she mentioned Venti in her sentence.
Paimon: ...Uh, wait, you heard the bard say that? Were you spying on us?
Shadowlight2784: I literally said that from the very beginning Paimon... Plus, you guys really should have gotten used to it by now...
TheNintegaGuy: Hey, we're not the ones who decided to seek a relationship with a member of the church...
Shadowlight2784: *smirks* And that's why it's your fault...
Nintega, Jordan, Paimon, and Lumine's jaws dropped from that blunt statement as even Rosaria couldn't help but chuckle at it.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Just so you know, buddy... We're gonna remember that for a LONG time...
Shadowlight2784: * playful sarcasm* I hope you do...
Razor then walks up to Rosaria and thanks her.
Razor: Thank you.
Rosaria: Don't mention it. It's nothing. Varka's been a big help to me in the past, so just consider it returning a favor. Besides... if I'm your older sister, I might as well act like it.
Rosaria was then getting ready to leave, but not before she noticed Shadow crossing his arms up at her with a smirk. Rosaria rolls her eyes with a small blush on her face as she knows that Shadow doesn't even need to speak to tell her what she's forgetting. She turns and looks to the rest of the group out of the corner of her eye.
Rosaria: All of you... Turn around...
Everyone looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
TheNintegaGuy: Why?
She shoots them all a dark glare, scaring just about all of the group as they hastily turn away.
Jordan, Paimon, Lumine, & Nintega: Y-Yes, ma'am!
When she sees that all of their backs were facing towards them, she looks at Shadow and sighs before she walks up, grabs him by the collar, and hoists him up so that her face was at level with his. Shadow doesn't say anything, but keeps his smirk on his face before Rosaria softly kisses him on the lips for a brief moment before breaking apart just as quickly.
Shadowlight2784: *whisper* I thought you said that you were still on the fence about this relationship~
Rosaria narrows her eyes at him.
Rosaria: *whisper* I only got off for just that moment, but now I'm back on it.
Shadowlight2784: *playful sarcasm* *whisper* Uh-huh~
She sets him down before deciding to bid them all farewell.
Rosaria: Good luck finding your answers.
Hearing her say that out loud made everyone turn back around to see Rosaria leaving as they all walked back over to Shadow.
Paimon: Now you see her, now you don't... Paimon's slowly getting used to her style.
Jordanwolfboy9743: I don't think I will no matter how hard I try.
TheNintegaGuy: That makes two of us. Well, at least we were able to get the "love tender and true" ingredient now. Next up is the Knights of Favonius.
They were about to make their way over to the headquarters before Razor let out another audible sigh, rubbing his chin in thought while appearing a little blue.
Shadowlight2784: Hey, you feeling alright there, Razor? You're not still feeling upset over what Rosaria said, right?
Razor: Her words, are like Mist Flower. They are cold, and they sting. But cold also good for wounds. LIke Wolfhook. I need to think about it. Maybe then, I will understand.
Lumine: It'll take some time, there's no need to rush. We'll wait for you.
Razor: *nods* Okay. I will come with you all. I think while we walk.
Jordanwolfboy9743: I think Lisa might give us another clue if we ask her.
TheNintegaGuy: O-Or... how about this? Literally anyone, but her!
Lumine: *sigh* What did I say about manning up, Nintega?
TheNintegaGuy: Well, how would you like getting shocked by a catalyst literally almost every time you're around her? It's torture!
Shadowlight2784: You know... if you just returned your books on time, you wouldn't have that problem with her.
TheNintegaGuy: I-I can't always promise that when I have all of my astrology sessions prepared with Mona!
Jordanwolfboy9743: Pfft! Excuses, excuses! Now, come on! We've gotta go to the headquarters anyway, so let's not waste time!
The group made it back to the Knights of Favonius headquarters as they made their way back to Jean's office to see if Lisa was still at work trying to find clues about Razor's parents as well. Lisa was not only present inside of the office, Kaeya was too as they appeared to both be talking about something important.
Lisa: ...So you see, you're the best person for this.
Kaeya nods before the Honorary Knights, Paimon, and Razor walk inside of the office to see these two together.
Kaeya: Oho, just in time. Lisa and I were just talking about Razor's situation. Where were we... Ah, yes, the barrel!
Paimon: Huh!? But obviously, the knights part is supposed to be "a defender's will." But what kind of ingredient is a barrel?
TheNintegaGuy: *sigh* I don't think that's what he meant, Paimon.
Shadowlight2784: You'd choke to death if a giant barrel was an ingredient.
Paimon: Oh... F-Fair enough...
Lisa: *giggles* Oh, Paimon, don't worry, you'll get your ingredient. I've already tasked someone with sorting it out. The person is very conscientious and wants to properly research their contribution. So it may take some time, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait. As for the barrel... how else were you planning on mixing all the ingredients? Surely not in the giant cooking pot in Dadaupa Gorge?
Jordanwolfboy9743: Heh, admittedly, that was an idea that came to mind, but we ruled it out pretty quickly. We actually came to see if you could give us any further clues on how to find the ingredients for the Thousand-Wind Wine.
Lisa: *chuckles* It's funny that you bring that up, honey. After much deliberation, I realized this was a job for the most sociable and savviest member of our ranks, the Cavalry Captain. So I asked him to take a trip to the Dawn Winery, and somehow bring back a wine barrel.
Kaeya: *sigh* Alright, spare me the flattery, Lisa. We're all friends here, and I know you're only trying to help your student. But I haven't been back there in a long time. This could be quite difficult to accomplish in just a single trip.
Lisa just smirked back at him.
Lisa: Difficult? For you? Don't be silly, negotiating is your biggest strength. Weinlesefest is one of the most important festivals in Mondstadt, and you know how Diluc thinks better than anyone. Just drop a few little hints, like how this is the first festival Mondstadt has had in a long time, we're short on much-needed supplies for a multitude of reasons... Oh, who can help us?
She said, sounding like some damsel in distress. A couple of the crew deadpan at her while Jordan nervously smiled at Lisa.
Lisa: When he hears that, I guarantee you he'll offer to help out with finances and sourcing goods.
TheNintegaGuy: ...That's not negotiating! It's extortion!
That earned an Electro fueled glare from the librarian as she shot it right at the Hero Knight who quivered and hid behind Shadow.
TheNintegaGuy: P-Please don't kill me...
Kaeya, thinking over Lisa's plan, goes silent for a second before humming.
Kaeya: Hmm... I suppose. Alright, I'll head out right away.
Lumine: Wow... that didn't take much to convince him.
Paimon: Ugh, and Paimon was just about to thank Lisa for the things she's been doing for Razor behind the scenes... Paimon doesn't even know whose side to be on anymore...
Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, unlike you guys, I trust Lisa's plan. Sure, it may involve a bit of extortion, but if it ultimately helps Razor out in the end, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of rule breaking.
Lisa gives him a grateful smile.
Lisa: Thank you, sweetie~
Shadowlight2784: *smirks* Do you call that rule, "Lies I tell to get laid?"
Lisa and Jordan both narrowed their eyes at Shadow before the Savior Knight rolled his eyes and Razor stepped in.
Razor: Shadow, Honorary Knights, and teacher, did a lot for me. A lot for work. But me... I still can't answer questions. So useless.
Lisa: Dear me, what's gotten you so upset, my little wolf cub? We can't have you being so down in the dumps.
Lumine: It's... just some questions he can't stop thinking about. You could call it an information overload.
Lisa: Ah, I see. Hmm, Jordy, how about you and your friends keep Kaeya company while I stay here and help Razor process his feelings? As his teacher, I owe him some tutelage anyway.
Jordan grins and nods at her.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Anything for you, Lis.
She thanks him by smiling and giving his forehead a peck.
Lisa: Come and collect him in a few days' time. The last ingredient should be ready by then as well.
Kaeya: Splendid. I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have some company on my trip. Especially when one of said company is the Monarch Knight himself.
He said, aiming an approving smile over at Shadow who rolls his eyes at Kaeya's flattery.
Shadowlight2784: Try to think of this more like an errand... not a hangout.
Razor: I don't know what is right, but I trust Teacher. I accept.
Lumine: *smiles* It's a plan then. Lisa, you're a godsend. Thank you.
Lisa: *smiles* Well, aren't you a sweet one? But this is as much my business as it is to you four. It's my pleasure, really. Run along now, and don't forget to tell Diluc that the Knights of Favonius send our regards.
TheNintegaGuy: *sigh* We might try to leave the "Knight of Favonius" part out if we can to be more convincing, but... we'll definitely do all that we can to help out Razor. Come on, guys. Next stop, the Dawn Winery.
They were just right near the front patio of the Dawn Winery as when they approached the winery owned by Diluc, Paimon floated over to Kaeya.
Paimon: Kaeya, you're fond of a good drink, aren't you? Weinlesefest must be right up your alley.
However, when she asked, all that she was met with from the Cavalry Captain was silence as he stared ahead.
Shadowlight2784: Um... Kaeya?
He called out to him which managed to snap him out of his trance.
Kaeya: Oh, I'm sorry, my mind was elsewhere... What was your question?
Feeling a little insulted from essentially being ignored, Paimon huffed and looked away with crossed arms.
Paimon: Hmph, never mind. Nothing that important.
The rest of the crew looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as it's likely that Kaeya was still a little hesitant on meeting with Diluc considering that they don't always see eye to eye. They all walked into the front entrance to the Dawn Winery where they immediately saw Diluc standing at a table and the Honorary Knights went over to greet him.
Paimon: Hi there, Master Diluc.
Diluc turns to see the Honorary Knights and he nods with his usual stoic expression.
Diluc: Oh? I was just wondering who'd be coming all the way out here during Weinlesefest. So it's you five.
He then took notice of Kaeya and to no one's surprise, he frowned with an annoyed sigh.
Diluc: *groans* ...And you too.
Kaeya: Brrr, so cold. Almost enough to make me feel unwelcome here, Master Diluc.
Kaeya said with a frown of his own before crossing his arms.
Kaeya: Don't forget that this is my home, too. I'm fairly certain that taking a trip home during festival season is a universal custom, common to all the cultures of Teyvat.
Diluc: Please get to the point.
He interrupted, showing his impatience.
Kaeya: The point is one that you've already raised yourself: the Weinlesefest. To celebrate this long-awaited festival, the Acting Grand Master has been coordinating with both the church and the Adventurers' Guild to host a series of events. Unfortunately, given the financial situation of the Knights of Favonius... Well, I'm sure you can imagine...
Diluc: And the Knights of Favonius' woes have what, exactly, to do with me?
Kaeya: Hey, no need to be so cruel. Even I'm not going to take that. Everyone's just doing the best they can for Mondstadt.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *shudders* *whisper* I don't think I've ever seen Kaeya lose his cool... and I don't know if I want to.
Shadowlight2784: *whisper* Kaeya has his ways of being charismatic, but... I've hung out with him long enough to know that he does know the times to get serious about situations such as these.
Kaeya: Now, I can't remember the last time I tasted Dawn Winery's Weinlesefest special... And I'm sure the Mondstadt populace would echo this sentiment. Are you going to deny others the opportunity to drink to their hearts' content just because you don't like to drink yourself?
Paimon: *whisper* Wow, Shadow's right. Kaeya's not-so-subtly asking for freebies... He's actually doing it...
Lumine: *whisper* What a guy.
TheNintegaGuy: *whisper* You can say that again.
Kaeya: Anyway, speaking of the knights, everyone dearly hopes that you'll rejoin our ranks again one day. Then we'll be one big, happy family again. If we were able to enjoy the sterling reputation of Master Diluc, my... I'm sure people would be queuing for our charity booth all the way to Falcon Coast...
As usual, Diluc found Kaeya's flattery to be a bit much as he just huffed to himself.
Diluc: Give that silver tongue of yours a rest. You might need it to maintain public order at the festival. Duly noted on the financial issues you raised. I'll have Elzer follow up with Hertha in more detail. And I just so happen to have a batch of wine that I can offer as a token of appreciation to everyone that has been working so hard for the festival. Shall I address it to you personally?
Kaeya: That would be an absurd request, even for me. The words "with compliments from the Dawn Winery" ought never be preceded by "To the Cavalry Captain." Is that not the unwritten rule?
Diluc seemed a little bit impressed by Kaeya's tact as he hummed approvingly.
Diluc: You're better informed than I thought. In that case, I will leave this with Adelinde and keep everything anonymous.
Kaeya: *smiles* I really can't thank you enough.
TheNintegaGuy: *chuckles* He may not show much emotion, but Master Diluc is a lot more generous than you would think.
Paimon: And that's all Paimon needs to get that warm, fuzzy feeling... which is just as well, since she won't be allowed to drink a drop.
Shadowlight2784: You're technically not alone in that... Nintega and I are the younger ones here.
Diluc then turns his attention back towards the Honorary Knights.
Diluc: Are you all here regarding the Weinlesefest, too?
Lumine: Actually, we're here about Razor. We need a barrel.
Jordanwolfboy9743: We can explain the situation.
The group proceeded to tell Diluc about them helping Razor recreate the Thousand-Wind Wine. When they were finished telling all of it, Kaeya stepped back in.
Kaeya: Poor Razor. He grew up so fast, and he's still looking for his father. Master Diluc, we really ought to lend him a hand.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait, Klee told us he was looking for his mom, but Kaeya says he's looking for his dad now. We might get the full picture, but everyone else is gonna be pretty confused.
Shadowlight2784: Well in the end, it's both of his parents, so it wouldn't matter either way...
Diluc: It's okay. I understand. We have a spare barrel in the winery. It's a little old, but it's been specially treated for durability. You could leave it next to a Flaming Flower all day and there wouldn't be a scratch. I think that one should satisfy your needs.
TheNintegaGuy: That's more than enough for us then. When's the best time for us to come grab it?
Diluc: No need. I'll have someone deliver it to the festival market. Just collect it from the Angel's Share stand.
Paimon: Ah, you always make things so nice and easy for us, Master Diluc! Hehe, thanks a lot. Razor will really appreciate it.
Diluc: You're more than welcome. Helping each other is what friends do.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *whisper* Didn't think I'd hear those words come from Diluc of all people.
Shadowlight2784: *whisper* Eh, I would have been more surprised if it was Rosaria.
Lumine heard them and flicked a finger on both of their heads to not patronize Diluc.
Lumine: *whisper* Do you want him to retract his statement...?
Jordan & Shadow: *sigh* No, ma'am.
Kaeya: *smiles* Wonderful. Always eager to help, and never forgets to return the favor. That's the Master Diluc I know.
Diluc: ...It's nearly dinner time. Would any of you care to stay for a meal?
Kaeya: How time flies... I'll be on my way then...
Diluc: Hmph.
Before any of them could even think about leaving though, the head housemaid of the Dawn Winery, Adelinde, came over to the group as she heard the conversation that was going on.
Adelinde: How did you put it? Ah, yes: "Taking a trip home during festival season is a universal custom, common to all the cultures of Teyvat." Now that even Master Diluc has made an offer... Are you quite sure you won't stay for a meal after coming all this way, Master Kaeya?
Kaeya: I couldn't possibly, Adelinde. I wouldn't want to trouble you.
Adelinde: Oh, don't say that. How often do I get a chance to indulge my dear Master Kaeya, hmm? Tea for the Cavalry Captain when you visit in an official capacity doesn't count. I only get to spoil you if you'll let me cook for you.
Kaeya: Oh, uh...
Feeling a bit backed into a corner, Kaeya couldn't help but silently decide what he wanted to do. Diluc smirked slightly at seeing the normally confident Kaeya act in such a way.
Diluc: What happened to your swagger? Lost for words?
A sheepish chuckle escapes the Cavalry Captain who turned back towards the Dawn Winery owner.
Kaeya: Diluc, you–
Diluc: Surely you wouldn't dream of disappointing Adelinde?
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* He's got you there, Kay. We're not in any rush, so why don't we all stay for a spell? Besides, I'm sure all of us could go for some food.
Taking in what Diluc and the Savior Knight just asked, Kaeya relented and turned to face Adelinde.
Kaeya: ...Alright then. I'll take you up on the offer. Adelinde, one more set of cutlery, please, if you'd be so kind.
TheNintegaGuy: And like Jordan said, we'd be happy to stay for a meal or two as well.
With that being said, the group dines to the sound of Kaeya's jesting and Diluc's disapproving grunts. An unprecedented time later, everyone had finished as Paimon patted her stomach.
Paimon: Oof, Paimon's so full... Adelinde's cooking is amazing. Everything looked and tasted so beautiful.
Lumine: I enjoyed it as well. Thank you for your hospitality, Master Diluc.
Diluc: Glad you liked it. You're welcome to join again anytime.
Kaeya: Oh? Then I may have to tag along on the Honorary Knights' adventures more often in the future.
Shadow sighs with a hand to his face.
Shadowlight2784: And there goes the normal, smooth-talking Kaeya again...
Kaeya: Alright, now that our task is complete and our bellies are full, it's time for me to get back to work.
Standing from his seat, Kaeya dusts himself off and makes his way out the front door.
Adelinde: Take care, Master Kaeya. Have a safe trip back.
TheNintegaGuy: And I think that's our cue to start heading back as well guys. I'm sure Lisa is handling Razor, but we're part of Weinlesefest as well.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Couldn't agree more with that, pal.
Diluc: In that case, I bid you five farewell.
The Honorary Knights nod to Diluc before they stand up and make their way out of the Dawn Winery and back to Mondstadt so that they can check up on Razor.
They entered the Knights of Favonius headquarters pondering about how things are going for the young wolf boy.
Paimon: Hmm... Paimon wonders how Razor's "class" has been going...
Jordanwolfboy9743: Lisa's been teaching Razor far longer than me and the rest of us have been in Mondstadt. I'm more than sure that Razor is doing fine with her as his mentor.
Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out ahead of the crew as it was from the Knights of Favonius maid and self-proclaimed knight, Noelle. Not just that, they see Sucrose dashing right towards them.
Noelle: Sucrose! Wait!
She shouted, but the young alchemist kept on running. Noelle then spotted the Honorary Knights and called to them.
Noelle: Honorary Knights, Paimon, please stop her!
Acting fast, the group all stood in front of the doorway to the exit, blocking Sucrose's path as she skidded to a stop.
TheNintegaGuy: Woah, woah, woah! Hit the brakes for a moment, Sucrose! What's going on with you two?
He asked as Noelle caught up with them.
Noelle: Sucrose and I agreed to present the wine ingredient to you together. But when she heard that Razor will be showing up, she insisted that she won't spend a moment longer here than she has to.
In her usual bashful manner, Sucrose turned away while looking at the ground with a blush.
Sucrose: I-I'm not good at dealing with strangers... Anyway, as long as the ingredient gets into the right hands, that's all that matters...
Noelle: That won't do! We worked on this together and we should present it together. I can't take credit for what you did.
Sucrose: It's not about... the credit...
Shadowlight2784: Wait, wait. You're actually gonna tell us that the Knights of Favonius' ingredient was made using Bio-Alchemy?
Noelle: *nods* Yes. It's a Quadruple-Sweetness Sunsettia.
She answered, reaching into her pocket and showing the group said Sunsettia.
Paimon: Quadruple sweetness? But aren't regular ones sweet enough as it is?
TheNintegaGuy: And for that matter... why a Sunsettia of all fruit?
Noelle: Okay, um, let me give you the full story. I love the scent of wine, and after reading up on the art of wine-making, I have grasped some of the key principles. In short, whatever ingredients you use, it's essential to include something sweet. In an attempt to select the most suitable ingredient, I gathered samples of all the sweet plants and fruits I could find in the Mondstadt area. Then, I tried them all in turn and took detailed notes. I also factored in the differences between the same ingredient grown in different locations. For instance, Sweet Flowers from Springvale are a little sweeter than those at Cape Oath.
Jordanwolfboy9743: That... sounds both physically and mentally exhausting.
Noelle just smiled and shook her head.
Noelle: It was no problem at all. Just my duty as a Maid of Favonius.
She then saluted with sparkling eyes and a huge grin.
Noelle: The chance to source the "defender's will" on behalf of the Knights of Favonius is a huge honor for me!
Seeing Noelle's excitement surprised Paimon a little.
Paimon: Noelle, your eyes are sparkling...
She then whispers over to the others.
Paimon: *whisper* But Paimon thinks it could be because of Lisa's brainwashing...
Jordan and Lumine deadpanned at her.
Lumine: Paimon, shush.
Noelle: Um, anyway, I was worried that my evaluation would be too subjective if only I were involved. Thankfully, I ran into Sucrose the other day on her way out of the lab...
Sucrose then just remembered something as her eyes popped wide open in shock.
Sucrose: Oh no!
Noelle: What is it, Sucrose?
Sucrose: I just remembered why I left the lab that day... I was supposed to go and fetch some lab equipment we imported recently...
Noelle realized the situation and looked down, a bit disappointed.
Shadowlight2784: *smirks* Let me guess, you got so caught up in the ingredient making that you both forgot all about it and spent this whole time in the lab.
Noelle: Yeah, exactly... I'm so sorry...
She apologized to everyone, most notably Sucrose who just waved her hands dismissively.
Sucrose: *sigh* Don't worry about it, it's my fault really. I'll go and see Marjorie about the equipment shortly. Carry on, Noelle.
She replied, which was able to cheer Noelle right back up.
Noelle: Oh, okay! Anyway, Sucrose is a true professional when it comes to this kind of research! I showed her my list, and she made some extremely valuable suggestions...
Her words once again made Sucrose's face turn red as she peered her eyes downwards.
Sucrose: Please, you don't need to go out of your way to compliment me... Noelle filled me in on the background of the whole situation. I was moved to see how seriously she took this task, even though she'd never even met Razor before. However, none of the potential ingredients she had identified were perfect candidates, in my opinion. What we needed was a fruit high in sugar and easily fermentable. After a final look at Noelle's list, I picked the Sunsettia sample from near Cider Lake as a basis, with a view to improving it. Using Bio-Alchemical techniques, we were able to amplify the sweetness, then conduct a few tests to compare the results against the benchmarks...
Noelle: Watching Sucrose work on an experiment when she's in the zone blew me away! Such focus and determination...
Shadowlight2784: *chuckles* Makes sense as to why Albedo chose her as an assistant.
Sucrose was getting even more embarrassed as she started blushing.
Sucrose: Ah, I already said don't compliment me... Anyway, the result of our research is the "Epsilon-Series Tetrasweet Sunsettia, Variation 63," and it's finally ready. The sweetness has been verified through rigorous testing, and the size and color are both optimal too. Noelle shortened the name to "Quadruple-Sweetness Sunsettia." Unfortunately, it can't be produced on a very large scale under the current conditions... but as long as we have enough for Razor.
Lumine: This looks to be more than sufficient if you ask me.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Say... do you mind if... I have one little bite, just to see what the taste is like?
He said with a small smirk as Paimon looked over at him as if he'd gone insane.
Paimon: Hey! What's wrong with you?
Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh, come on! Don't tell me you weren't thinking of how it tastes too!
Paimon narrows her eyes at him with fists on her hips.
Paimon: What do you take Paimon for? Some kind of glutton?
Jordan deadpanned at the rest of his friends who gave him the same look he had as they all knew the obvious answer to that question.
Lumine: Do you want to know the answer to that...?
Paimon: Uhhh... Given how you all are looking at each other like that... Paimon doesn't want to know now...
Sucrose: That is something that I must discuss with all of you... Growing up... I was lucky. I was never the best at dealing with other people, but my parents never placed any expectations on me. They never said to me, "You need to be more sociable," or anything like that. They just said I should "do what I enjoy." So, I'm well aware that... I'm one of the lucky ones. I haven't lived Razor's life, and I can't pretend to imagine what it must have been like. So, I don't know how much it will mean coming from me, but... I truly hope that he can find happiness and spend his life doing what he loves.
Everyone felt rather touched by her sincerity as Noelle was the first to address it.
Noelle: Aw, Sucrose...
Suddenly, the door to the library opened and Razor came walking out, getting everyone's attention. When that happened, Sucrose took the opportunity to slip away.
Razor: Sorry, I am late again. Teacher, forgot about the time. Kept talking, and talking.
TheNintegaGuy: Don't worry too much, Razor. We spent the whole time talking anyway, so we didn't really notice.
Shadow then took notice of Sucrose's sudden absence as he gazed around the room.
Shadowlight2784: (*sigh* I swear, with how much she runs off, we may as well keep her on a leash all the time.)
Noelle then noticed Sucrose's disappearance as well.
Noelle: (Wow, she disappeared the moment he opened the door...)
Deciding to think later, Noelle looked at Razor and smiled at him with a friendly wave.
Noelle: Hello! I'm Noelle, Maid of the Knights of Favonius.
Razor smiles at her and nods.
Razor: Hi.
Noelle: Here's our ingredient for you. Oh, but I can't take full credit for it! I had help from an alchemist, but right now, she... umm...
She trailed off, trying to think of a good enough excuse for Sucrose not being there, but Shadow saved her the hassle.
Shadowlight2784: She's a little caught up with work right now, so she couldn't make it.
Noelle: Right, yes... it's a shame she couldn't be here to present it to you in person.
She gives Razor the Sunsettia as he holds it up to his nose.
Razor: *sniff* Smells like... potion, nectar, and Anemo Crystalfly... right?
Shadowlight2784: Heh, I keep wondering how you have such a strong scent and Jordan doesn't.
Jordan sweatdrops from that statement.
Jordanwolfboy9743: ...You do know I'm not an actual wolf, right?
Shadowlight2784: I know... *smirks* but I just like screwing with you.
Razor: This Sunsettia is sweeter than ones I have smelled before. Klee said alchemy is amazing. It can make things better.
Noelle: *nods* That's right! I hope that this sweet fruit will help you brew the sweetest wine.
Lumine: Sucrose also said that she had a message to pass on to you. "Spend your life doing what you love."
Razor smiles from the kind words that Sucrose indirectly gave him as he places a hand to his chest, grateful for the help from his friends.
Razor: ...Thank you all. When she has time, I want to thank her, also.
Noelle: Leave that to me! I'll figure out a way to persuade her to... ah, to not work so hard all the time, so that I can introduce you to each other!
Razor: *nods* Okay. I will wait.
TheNintegaGuy: Alrighty then. We have all the ingredients that we're seeking now. All that's left to do is just make the wine. If we go back to the festival now, Master Diluc should have us that barrel we needed at the Angel's Share stand.
Jordanwolfboy9743: We'll see you until then, Razor. You too, Noelle.
Noelle: Good luck with everything. See you all next time!
With all the ingredients finally gathered, the group headed out of the headquarters and back towards the Weinlesefest festival. They arrived back at the bar where they found two familiar faces there. One belonging to Klee and the other belonging to the famous mixer of the Cat's Tail and whom Nintega loves to refer to as Tsun-Kitty, Diona. Klee was the first to notice them as she gave them a big wave.
Klee: Big Brother Jordy, Honorary Knights, Razor, over here! Look who it is!
The moment that they approached the young bartender from behind, she had her arms crossed while Nintega had a mischievous smirk on his face before putting his hands on his hips.
TheNintegaGuy: *chuckles* I haven't seen you for the entire Weinlesefest, Tsun-Kitty. I'm guessing this is another part of your grand scheme to destroy the wine industry~?
He asked, but was strangely met with silence at first as the young catgirl had her back to the whole group with her head turned upwards.
TheNintegaGuy: Um, Di?
Diona: Ooh... Traitors...
Paimon: Uhh... Umm, wh-what?
She uttered, not understanding what was going on. Suddenly, Diona stomped the ground once and spun around, aiming an angry look at the whole group, especially Nintega.
Diona: Arrrggghhh!!! I'm SO. MAD!!
Everyone flinched from her outburst as her current attitude was a little more assertive than her usual cheeky self.
Diona: Klee told me the whole story. So this bright idea was the brain child of you, hmm? Razor is Daddy's friend... and he was a good influence... right up until YOU got him interested in wine!
She points a finger up at Nintega, making him take a small step back.
Diona: I took you in as my prodigy despite my initial doubts and THIS is how you repay me!?
However, Nintega along with the rest of the group had question marks over their heads not quite following what Diona was talking about.
TheNintegaGuy: I know I usually hear you yell random complaints about wine all of the time, but... what the heck are you talking about?
Diona growls before looking over at Razor next.
Diona: Razor, you'd better promise me that you won't turn into one of those old boozehounds that drinks themselves silly, slumps over the bar, and bursts into tears!
Just like the rest of the group, Razor was also in a state of confusion over Diona's odd accusations.
Razor: I, uh... I don't understand.
Shadowlight2784: Don't worry... neither do we.
Paimon: Seems like there have been some crossed wires here.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Klee, what exactly did you say to Diona?
Klee: Ummmm... I told her that Razor's looking for his mommy with the Honorary Knight's help, and you all seemed really sad, and said that you needed some wine, so maybe Diona could help...
To which Diona turned her head away with her arms crossed.
Klee: But before I finished, Diona said, "Klee, say no more. I'm getting involved in this if it's the last thing I do." And... then we came here...
Seeing how Klee didn't quite explain the situation to Diona clearly, Nintega lets out a weary sigh.
TheNintegaGuy: That explains it... Di... She didn't really explain the problem that well. Let me give you a more detailed explanation.
He said, which made Diona open one eye to look at Nintega out of the corner of it. Nintega then proceeded to give the whole gist of the situation along with the rest of the group and the more that they spoke, the more Diona was starting to see what was going on as she finally fully turned to the group with a hand to her chin.
Diona: So you're saying... Razor wants to make the same wine that his mother and father once made, so he can learn more about them? ...Hmm, you'd better not be making this up to try and pull the wool over my eyes...
TheNintegaGuy: *smirks* Would I do that to you~?
Diona narrows her eyes at Nintega and gestures a hand up at him, asking him if she should really answer that which made Nintega roll his eyes.
TheNintegaGuy: Okay, normally... Yes, I would... But this is one hundred percent the truth, Di.
Klee then gets a small guilty expression, looking downwards.
Klee: Sorry, Diona, it was all Klee's fault for not explaining it properly. So... are you still mad? Or can you help Razor make the wine?
A small idea then came to her head as she regained her smile and turned her back to Diona to show her Dodoco toy on her backpack.
Klee: I caught a bunch of fish for us to eat. Um... and you can pet Dodoco too if you want.
A sigh left Diona as she shook both her hands and her head.
Diona: ...I-I wasn't THAT angry.
Nintega smirks with his arms crossed.
TheNintegaGuy: I beg to differ, Tsun-Kitty~
The catgirl immediately spins around and does a cutthroat gesture along with shushing him.
Diona: *whisper* Nothin' outta you!
She whispered before turning back to Klee.
Diona: You were just trying to help, I understand. I just don't want Razor being led astray, that's all. That's why I may have raised my voice a little bit just now... Hmm, well, since none of you plan on drinking it, then I suppose I can help you just this once, despite my reservations.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *playful sarcasm* How generous of you.
Diona: But I need you to know that I'm a mixer, not a brewer, so I'm used to working with the finished product. If you really want me to start with a bunch of raw ingredients, that's fine, but I can't make any promises on how it'll turn out...
Klee: Yay! Diona is the best!
TheNintegaGuy: In that case, why don't I give you a hand? I'll finally be able to show my friends that I have more than just cooking skills.
Shadowlight2784: ...Sometimes I wonder if you do, considering that all you like to eat is just pizza.
Nintega deadpans back at him before he gets his arrogant smirk back on his face.
TheNintegaGuy: I'm gonna take that as a yes. Time to show them that me and my favorite Tsun-Kitty are one dynamic duo.
He said before walking over to the counter right beside Diona who stood on a stool to be able to be level with the countertop.
Diona: Hmph. I'll consider us a duo when you get rid of that stupid nickname.
TheNintegaGuy: And that'll be the exact day you decide to try alcohol yourself.
Diona: Tch! Over my dead body!
TheNintegaGuy: Then you're stuck with me, Tsun-Ki-
Diona: Alright!! You wanna help or a slap on the back of your head?
Nintega chuckles before the two of them get to mixing the wine using the ingredients that they brought and the group was rather impressed on how quickly and efficiently the two of them got the job done as it took no less than a minute for them as Diona puts the final touch on her mixological magic and the wine was in a small barrel.
Paimon: All done! That was quick! Now we just need to find a place to store it.
She said before remembering the poem that Venti told them.
Paimon: "We wait, wait for a windier day." ...Hmm, does that mean we need to put it somewhere exposed to the wind?
Razor: Maybe... Windrise? Very windy.
Jordanwolfboy9743: That's not a bad guess, Razor.
Shadowlight2784: It's literally titled "Windrise." Why wouldn't it be windy in that area?
Klee jumps up and down excited to hear them going to Windrise.
Klee: Cool, I wanna come too!
She cheered as Jordan walked over and picked Klee up for her to ride on his shoulders.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* There was no way I was gonna leave you behind, little sis!
Diona: I have to keep an eye on my foolish father, so I won't be joining you.
She then looks up at Klee and waves at her with a small smile.
Diona: Klee, come and play again some other time.
Klee: I will! I promise!
TheNintegaGuy: Well, good luck on whatever else you plan to do during Weinlesefest, Tsun-Kitty. I'll be thinking about what tiny schemes you might come up with.
He said before trying to pat Diona's head to which he barely got a second to do so before Diona swats his hand away and looks up at him with a puff-cheeked glare.
Diona: J-Just get out of here before I scratch up your hair again, you jerk!
Nintega just laughed at her behavior before booping her nose with his index finger.
TheNintegaGuy: Love you too, boss~
The young catgirl's face turns tomato red before turning away with an annoyed huff as the group took their leave towards Windrise.
A short trek later, they made it to the large tree where once again, they were met with yet another familiar face in the form of Venti who noticed their arrival and put on a grin.
Venti: Ah, what a curious coincidence meeting you all here!
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* Well, well. We find everyone's favorite drunkard of a bard here of all places. What brings you here, Ven?
Venti: Well, I awoke to the most magnificent aroma in the air. After following the sweet scent of fresh fruit to its source, this is where I ended up.
Klee: Yeah, the fruit are super fresh and super-duper sweet! I can smell it as well!
Shadowlight2784: Then why do I get the feeling that there's a second reason for you being here, Venti?
Venti: Yes. Oh ah, I remembered something important. Something that you have to do before sealing the barrel and burying it in the ground.
Klee put on a shocked expression as she hopped off of Jordan's back.
Klee: What? We missed something!?
Venti: Razor, do you still remember the scent of that half-bottle of Thousand Wind Wine? I believe there was a hint of bitterness in there?
Razor nods, remembering the scent all too well.
Razor: Yes, there was.
Venti: *chuckles* And with very good reason, too. The source? ...This.
He holds his hand out and opens it to show the group that he had collected a handful of Dandelion Seeds.
Paimon: Dandelion Seeds?
Venti: You're familiar with Dandelion Wine, right? Well, the people of Mondstadt believe that the wind can bring back the soul, and also preserve memories. Dandelion Seeds are like living gemstones, formed from the first wisps of wind in the year. People add them to the mix at the last second as a way of capturing the wind in the very moment that the barrel is sealed. The memory of that moment is then stored in the wind, for all time. So, Thousand-Wind Wine is the original Dandelion Wine.
TheNintegaGuy: Woah... really? I never would have guessed that.
Klee: That's so cool! So now our story will be made into wine, too!
Venti: As for why it always has a different scent... Well, that's because people have the freedom to include whatever ingredients they want, hehe~
Jordanwolfboy9743: Wow... I guess that explains why the ingredients we've been getting so far have been kinda random.
Once again, Razor hums to himself in thought, catching the attention of Shadow and Klee.
Klee: What is it, Razor? Whatcha thinkin' about?
Shadowlight2784: Possibly something about your parents, right?
Razor: *nods* Yes. In mother and father's wine, I can smell Dandelion Seeds, but I don't know what else. In my wine, there is a lot of... friendship. I still don't understand my mother and father, but... I still have you, and everyone else. Everyone has done so much for me. Varka, Teacher, Klee, Bennett, Uncle Brown Cat, cold lady, grown-up with fake smile... Gray tough girl, person that smells like Anemo Crystalfly, Uncle Browncat's daughter... Green Bard, Paimon, Traveler Knight Lumine, Savior Knight Jordan, Hero Knight Nintega, and Shadow. I remember everyone.
Everyone smiles from Razor's words, especially Shadow who crosses his arms.
Razor: Making wine... is hard work. Making this wine needed everyone, working together. Hard work with friends... not so hard after all. *smiles* I'm... I'm so happy.
Shadow walks up to Razor and wraps a hand around his shoulder.
Shadowlight2784: It's what we do, buddy. When we make others happy, it makes us happy for them too... So I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're more than happy to help.
Razor looks at Shadow reciprocating his warm smile as well.
Razor: Thank you.
He then looks back towards the others.
Razor: Friends... are also lupical. Whether I'm human, or I'm wolf... it doesn't matter. From now on, all of us are together. When I grow up, we will come back here. And we will open this wine... together.
Venti couldn't help but smile and applaud for Razor.
Venti: What a magnificent monologue. Even as a bard, I don't feel like there's anything else to add. All that remains now is to bury the barrel and wait, wait for the fruit to ferment.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait... please tell me that you brought a shovel with you, Ven.
He said, a little nervous as Venti just chuckled and pointed to one leaning over onto the large tree.
Venti: I always come prepared, Jordan~
TheNintegaGuy: In that case, Lumine, mind doing the honors?
The Traveler nods as she goes over to pick up the shovel and she digs a hole big enough to burrow the barrel that they had into the ground. Shadow pulls out said barrel before he places it down in the hole and Lumine proceeds to bury the barrel in the ground. It took no more than five minutes to do as Lumine wipes her forehead while Paimon places her fists on her hips.
Paimon: We're finally done. Paimon feels like a celebration is in order!
Lumine: Speaking of which, isn't tomorrow Windcoming Day?
Klee: Wow! The Anemo God is coming home!
She cheered with a couple of hops. The Honorary Knights all looked at Venti who just winked at them with a subtle smirk on his face before chuckling.
Venti: *chuckles* That reminds me - I haven't memorized the song for the toasting ceremony yet. I'd better get back. Friends, I shall see you all tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep tonight. Wait for the whisper of the gentle breeze to rouse you tomorrow morning, then come and enjoy a performance by the greatest bard to ever grace the streets of Mondstadt.
He spoke in his usual flamboyant voice before turning and heading away from the group as they waved him goodbye.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* Ven just always has a way to lift your spirits.
TheNintegaGuy: *smiles* Guess that's why you always get along so well with him, pal. Anyways, since Windcoming Day is tomorrow, let's all go back home and rest up.
Paimon: *yawns* Paimon agrees with Nintega. Paimon's exhausted after doing such hard work today.
She said, stretching while Lumine deadpans up at the floating child.
Lumine: You mean... we did all of the hard work. You were just floating around and watching most of the time...
Paimon: T-That's not true! Paimon was doing what she does best! Paimoning!
Shadowlight2784: *sigh* Say it all you want. You'll never convince us of that being a real term, Paimon.
Paimon crosses her arms with puffed cheeks as the rest of the group chuckles.
Razor: I must head home to lupical. Will see you all tomorrow my friends.
Shadowlight2784: *nods* See you tomorrow, Razor.
Klee yawns before walking over to Jordan looking pretty sleepy herself.
Klee: Big Brother Jordy... Can you carry Klee back home please?
Jordanwolfboy9743: *smiles* Say no more, little sis. Hop on.
He crouches down and allows Klee to climb onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso to allow him to carry her.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Guess I'll meet you guys at the celebration tomorrow?
TheNintegaGuy: *nods* That's the plan. Come on, guys. Let's all turn in and catch some Z's for Windcoming Day tomorrow.
With that being said, everyone went their separate ways temporarily so that they can prepare for the celebration tomorrow.
The next day, the four Honorary Knights and Paimon are all seen running towards Springvale together, extremely eager for the Windcoming Day celebration of Weinlesefest.
Paimon: Windcoming Day is finally here. Let's get a move on, or we'll miss the toasting ceremony!
Shadowlight2784: *sarcasm* Because that was our initial plan, right?
Thankfully, everyone made it just in time as the ceremony hadn't started yet as everyone had gathered in front of the large stage set up in the center of the festival.
TheNintegaGuy: Man, check out all the eager people here to see their god.
Lumine: Wait, why's everyone crowded around the Angel's Share stand?
She asked, pointing to the line of people standing out in front of said stand. Once again, another familiar individual came to them as it was Lisa.
Lisa: Tradition holds that the finest wine of the Weinlesefest only goes on sale after the Anemo Archon has tasted it at the toasting ceremony. Everyone's waiting in line for the big moment.
Paimon: Ugh, so welcoming the Anemo Archon back is just a means to an end for them, huh...
She commented, a little peeved.
Jordanwolfboy9743: What about you, Lis? I'm guessing you're here for Razor?
Lisa: Yes. I was still feeling a little concerned about him. But I just spoke with him, and he tells me that the wine-making went very smoothly. Ah, such a relief... A glass of the festival's finest will go down smoothly, now, too.
Everyone, even including Jordan, all gave her a deadpan frown after hearing that she was also in it for the wine too.
TheNintegaGuy: Et tu, Lisa?
She ignores all of their gazes with giggles before gesturing ahead of them.
Lisa: Razor and the others are over there. You should go and say hi.
Everyone sighed or gave Lisa a playful smile before they all walked ahead of her to go and join Klee, Razor, and Bennett who was with them as well. The unlucky adventurer waves at them with his usual bravado.
Bennett: Hey hey, there you all are!
They then took notice of the bunch of bottles on top of some of the barrels.
Paimon: Whoa, what's with all of the bottles? Selling your own home brew now?
Bennett: *chuckles* These are for Razor, from us!
Klee: Mommy said that everyone is welcoming the Anemo God today, and we need to give him some wine. If the Anemo God likes the wine, he'll turn into the wind and bless everyone. We want the Anemo God to be happy so he helps Razor. Oh, Big Brother Jordy, Honorary Knights, look what Albedo let me borrow.
She gestures to one of the bottles.
Bennett: This bottle is from my dads. Luckily I managed to not break it on the way here... It's just for show, though. I have to give it back to them afterwards.
Klee: Mommy said that the Anemo God can drink a looot of wine. She said if he wanted to, he could drink the whole of Cider Lake in one big gulp!
TheNintegaGuy: *whisper* Somehow... I doubt that.
He smirked over at his fellow Honorary Knights who reciprocated the same expression.
Klee: So... d'you think we have enough between these and the wine Razor's parents left behind?
Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* I'm sure it'll be enough, little sis. It's the thought that counts after all.
Razor then looks towards the stage and his eyes widen before he points in the direction.
Razor: Ahh, green bard.
Everyone turns in the direction to see that Venti was on the stage with Acting Grand Master Jean right beside him.
Venti: Ahem... Everyone, I am greatly honored to be able to be here today. I have been invited by Acting Grand Master Jean of the Knights of Favonius to perform a piece for everyone: "Thousand-Wind Wine." It is some of the finest verse I know. I dedicate it to the wind, and to everyone here with us today.
Everyone gave a small round of applause before Venti pulls out his lyre and begins singing a verse.
♪ Fill up the barrels and store them away, ♪
♪ Then wait, wait for a windier day. ♪
♪ Wax the bottles, seal them tight, ♪
♪ For the south wind that soothes, for the north wind that bites. ♪
♪ How does this fine wine taste to the tongue? ♪
♪ As 'Mondstadt' to the ear: like a sweet dream of freedom. ♪
♪ And what are the fruits that went into the brew? ♪
♪ An explorer's courage, a love tender and true. ♪
♪ A defender's will, strong as yesteryear, ♪
♪ Joining the thousand winds in a song of good cheer, ♪
♪ Turning sour into sweet, bitter notes fade away, ♪
♪ As we wait, wait for a windier day. ♪
♪ Pray tell, what treasure does this barrel hold? ♪
♪ 'Tis wheat's greatest triumph, the true liquid gold. ♪
♪ As it flows from the keg, what sound drifts by? ♪
♪ Wind chimes in the boundless, immemorial sky. ♪
♪ We raise up our glasses, and voices in song, ♪
♪ As we wait, wait for the wind to sing along. ♪
♪ Where do we turn once the thousand winds take flight? ♪
♪ To the tales of the lyre, to the sweet dream of tonight. ♪
(End Song)
With Venti's song being done, everyone gives him a big round of applause this time and so did Jean before she looks back out into the crowd with a big smile.
Jean: Dear friends, let us now open the wines.
Crowd: To the Anemo Archon!
Razor: To the Anemo Archon...
Shadowlight2784: To the Anemo Archon...
Jordanwolfboy9743: To the Anemo Archon...
TheNintegaGuy: To the Anemo Archon...
Lumine: To the Anemo Archon...
Klee then looks around the area expecting a gust of wind to come from somewhere... and nothing happened which made her look down to the ground disappointed.
Klee: Umm... There's no wind...
Razor: Don't feel sad, Klee.
Klee: But why didn't he come? If the Anemo God didn't come home... is it because he doesn't like the wine we brought him?
Shadowlight2784: I don't think that's the case, Klee. Besides, the wind isn't the only thing that the Anemo Archon can turn into. It's possible he can turn into anything.
Jordan smirks at Shadow and leans over to whisper to him.
Jordanwolfboy9743: *whisper* Since when do you feed into the imagination of children?
Shadowlight2784: *whisper* Hey, you're lucky I'm not the one who's going to tell her that Santa Claus isn't real or something...
Klee: Huh? Really? Maybe he turned into... a Jumpy Dumpty!
Sighing and shaking his head, Jordan went up to Klee and kneeled down to gently grab her shoulder with a small smile.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Sure, Klee. Let's go with that. Besides, I think Lord Barbatos just needs some time to show himself. Just give it a moment or two and I'm sure the wind will pick up. After all...
He looks over at Venti from the corner of his eye and speaks just loud enough for the bard to hear him.
Jordanwolfboy9743: He would never disappoint us, so whenever you're ready, Lord Barbatos!
Klee giggles before turning to Razor.
Klee: Razor, did the Anemo Archon bring you a blessing?
Razor: *nods* Yes. I talked a lot with you all, and I learned a lot. Now, I am not afraid. I think that is a blessing.
Bennett: Don't forget to save me a glass of your wine once it's finished fermenting.
TheNintegaGuy: Hopefully one day, we'll get some too. It will remind us all of this very moment right here.
Razor: Yes. We share together, and we remember together.
Klee: Yay! But... now I'm getting thirsty...
Paimon: We've all done a lot of talking. Let's go get something to drink, shall we?
Bennett: I heard that the Angel's Share is selling a new drink called "Fruits of the Festival." Everyone's saying it's delicious!
TheNintegaGuy: That sounds good actually.
Lumine: I agree. It's definitely worth having after this long journey that we all had to seek out those wine ingredients.
Klee: I want some, I want some!
Razor: Okay, everyone, let's go.
With everybody in agreement, the group turned and slowly began walking back towards the Angel's Share bar stand. Klee walked ahead, occasionally peering off to both sides to check out the different stands. As they looked however, something slowly began to happen. Razor was the first to notice as his eyes widened before turning them to Klee.
Razor: Klee. Listen.
Klee looked up in time as some of the local wind chimes began to gently ring as a breeze blew through them which could only mean one thing... Barbatos had arrived! Such news brought great joy to the young girl as her smile widened as much as it could.
Klee: The wind! The Anemo God is coming!
Razor, Klee, and Bennett all excitedly ran off together while the Honorary Knights just stood confused before looking back over to Venti who smirks before he winks at them, putting a finger on his lips and shushes them to keep quiet for what he was about to do next. Closing his eyes, Venti channeled some of his famous Anemo power and conjured up an even stronger breeze, one that blew a bunch of dandelions into the air as they soared all across Mondstadt.
At the city, the dandelions all flowed throughout Mondstadt as we first see Diona and her father Draff right outside of the Cat's Tail. Her father was begging his daughter for just one bottle of wine, but Diona huffs while keeping the bottle that she had her grasp away from the hands of Draff. Rosaria is then seen with a small smile on her face as she takes a sip of her wine before noticing the dandelions flowing past her and up into the sky, reminiscing some old words from one of the bandits that kidnapped in her youth.
Rosaria's Bandit: Take this. Crush it, and place it on the fracture. Listen missy. Promise me you'll live on.
Over near the Dawn Winery, Kaeya is seen departing from the Winery as he looks back over to it one last time before reminiscing his father's last words to him before abandoning him in Mondstadt.
Kaeya's Father: This is where you must stay. You are our only hope. Forgive me. Kaeya.
With a small chuckle, he turns back around and continues on. Next, we find Diluc within the Winery standing near a window and looking outside. He looks back at a wine bottle on his desk as the voice of his own father echoed through his head.
Crepus: Good. Very good. That's my boy. I will always be proud of you.
When we find ourselves back at the Weinlesefest festival, we see Razor picking up the same bottle of Thousand-Wind Wine he was given at the very beginning as he brings it up to his nose and sniffs it. Just as he did though, he gasped when a vision suddenly came to him and in his mind, we see a man with short brown hair and a woman with long white hair sitting at a cliff as the man held the same wine bottle. It was here that we learned just who they were... Razor's real parents.
Razor's Father: After all the time we spent on it the wine still isn't ready. *chuckles* May as well leave it for our son.
Razor's Mother: "Razor." What do you think of that name?
Razor's Father: Ooh! An adventurer's name. Yes. I like it.
Razor's mother leaned on her husband's shoulder and just like that, the small vision that Razor had ended as he reached a hand out for them until he was brought back to reality by the sound of his name.
Klee: Raaazooor! Come on!
Looking to his left, he found the group all waving for him to come with them. He stares back down at the wine bottle for a second until he smiles again before he walks over and joins them with Shadow throwing an arm around his shoulders as he looks at his friend.
Shadowlight2784: Your parents may not be here with you... but I'm sure that they would be proud to know that... you found not just your home... but your lupical.
He said to which Razor smiled back at Shadow and reciprocated the one-arm hug with him before they both walk right behind with the rest of the group.
Razor: I am happy... to have you... and all of them... as my lupical.
Chapter 25 End.
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