chapter three middle of nowhere part two
(I don't own the shows all rights belong to their creators)
In the farm house at a living room, a elderly woman is sitting on a rocking chair back and forward as she petted a pink and black spot fur dog and a elderly man is sitting on a comfy chair reading a newspaper. A teenage girl walked into the living room, while holding a cup of tea and handed it to the elderly woman. "Why thank you Brenda. "The elderly woman told Brenda, as she drink her tea. "Your welcome Muriel. "Brenda told Muriel. "It's so nice of you to come visit us so often," Muriel told Brenda. "You always so much fun. " Brenda giggle as she petted the dog, "Of course, I always come visit you, Ustis, and courage." Brenda stop petting courage and stand up. "Bla, bla, bla who cares." Ustis said in a annoying tone, as he continues reading his paper. Courage and Brenda look at each other and smile and they both laugh a little bit. Then the door knocked. "Someone get the door." Ustis said still reading his paper. Muriel got from her chair, "I'll get it." Muriel walk to the door while Brenda and courage follow behind. Muriel open the door and saw the team. "Oh my, what a surprise!" Muriel said in surprise. "May we come in," Clover told Muriel. "It's very hot." Brenda saw her friends and her eyes widened, "Guys?!" " Brenda?!" Everyone said altogether. "Oh, you know these nice people Brenda?" Muriel asked Brenda, as she let the team in the house. "Well yeah, their my friends." Brenda answered. "Now you don't see this everyday." Courage said breaking the fourth wall. "Cool, another talking pup!" Alex said looking at Courage. "Everyone, this my friend Courage the dog, you already know Muriel, and that old man in chair is Ustis Muriel husband." Brenda told her friends. "Nice to meet you." Bloger told Muriel, as he shake Muriel hand. "My a green blob, how wonderful!" Muriel said in amused. "Big deal." Ustis said. "His rude." Mirandos whisper to Loretta. "Yeah, your right." Loretta told Mirandos. "Anywho, why Are you guys doing here anyway?" Brenda asked Miles. "Well..." Miles about to answered to Brenda. Then the same portal open in front of them. "What in the world!!!" Brenda screamed. "I'll explain later." Miles told Brenda. The portal suck Ustis hat off his head. When Ustis touch his head only to find his hat is gone,"Hey that thing took me hat!" Ustis jump into the portal to get his hat back. "Ustis!!!" Muriel screamed, as she jump into the portal to get Ustis and the portal close. Courage shaken in fear and scream.
Then a pack of robots came in the house. "What are those things?!" Serena yelled pointing at the robots. "No idea, but let's fight them." Haruna told everyone, as everyone got out their weapons except for the pups, Courage, Katie, and Alex Porter. "Uhh, some of us don't have weapons!!!" Katie yelled mentioning her and Alex Porter. Brenda ran to her backpack and got out two blasters, "Here use these!" Brenda told Katie and Alex Porter, as she threw the two blasters to the two. "Cool!!!" Alex Porter said in amazed. "Charged!!!" Alex yelled and everyone started to attack the bots.
At the outside of the house, Miles and Bonnie fighting the bots side by side. "Man, I missed fighting with you Bonnie." Miles told Bonnie, as he blocked the robots laser with his blastsheild. "Yeah, me too Miles." Bonnie told Miles, as she slice the robots in half with her electric sword. At the side of the barn, Bloger and Marshall are surrounded by robots. "What do we do now?" Marshall asked Bloger shaken in fear. "I'm thinking," Bloger told Marshall, as he is thinking. Then he got an idea. " I got it, shapeshift go, cannonball." Bloger shapeshift into a cannonball, "Marshall, kick me." Marshall look at Bloger then the bots and he understands the idea. "Ohh, good idea, you got it." Marshall told Bloger, as he used his front paws and kick Bloger at the bots. Bloger went from left to right at the bots and the bots are broken into parts. Bloger shapeshift back to himself, "Ohh yeah, high-paw Marshall." Bloger and Marshall did a high-paw. At the chicken coop, Courage is screaming and running from the robots around the coop. "Hold on Courage!!!" Alex yelled. She got out her laser-lipstick and fire at the robots. "Uhh, thanks?" Courage told Alex. "Your welcome." Alex said putting her laser-lipstick away. After a while all of the robots are destroyed. "Okay... This day... Begin from weird... To crazy." Clover said catching her breath. Then the portal open in front of them. "There's our ride." Loretta said, as each of the team jump in the portal. "Me and Courage are coming with you guys, Muriel and Ustis are out there." Brenda told Miles. "Good, we need all of the help." Miles said. Brenda and Courage jump into the portal. Bonnie Walk up to Miles and hold his hand. Miles and Bonnie look at each other and smile as they jump in the portal and the portal close.
At a different dimension, the portal open and Muriel and Ustis landed on the ground and saw some strikerbots. "Hey you, where's me hat!?" Ustis yelled at the bot. "Ustis, don't make them angry." Muriel told Ustis. The strikerbots use their trapbeam and pick them up. "Put these two in the cage." Lord Vortechs told the strikerbots. The bots put Muriel and Ustis in the cage. Right next to them are Ryder, M.E.R.C, and Mandy. "They got you guys too?" Ryder asked Muriel. "Yes." Muriel answered. "He took me hat!"Ustis said in angry tone. "Yeah, he took my puppad, Miles laserstaff, Serena pokeball." Ryder told them. "And the not so pretty Clovers makeup kit." Mandy finished. "So how many keys are there again?" Agrog asked. Commander Nemix faceplant and sigh. "A lot more you tin can!!!" Dr. Blowhole yelled at Agrog. "Hey I was just asking!!!" Agrog yelled back at Blowhole. "Enough, unless you want to go to the dark dimension," Lord Vortechs yelled at the two. Dr. Blowhole and Agrog stop arguing and they started to shake. "Good, now go out there and find those keys."
At the portal place (forgot what this place is called), the team got out of the portal and sit down and rest and Rocky told Brenda and Courage what happened. "So let me get this straight, Ryder, M.E.R.C, and Mandy are suck up by the same portal that Muriel and Ustis jump in and we have no idea where they are or who or what started this." Brenda said trying to get it together. "That's pretty sum it up." Sam told Brenda. "I hope Ryder is okay." Rocky said worried. "I hope M.E.R.C is okay too." Miles said. Bonnie place her hand on Miles shoulder, she hate to see her boyfriend sad. "We can't stay here and do nothing, let's go save our friends," Clover told everyone and she tried to hold her anger in. "And Mandy." The portal open and everyone jumped in except for Courage, Marshall, and Clement. "I think, I'll stay here." Courage said. "Yeah, me too." Marshall said. "Me three." Clement said. Brenda walk up behind the three wearing Ustis scary mask and tap their shoulder. The three turn around and saw Brenda. "Oggaboga!!!" Brenda yelled out loud. The three of them screamed and jump into the portal. Brenda laugh and Loretta walked next to her. "How long have you been waiting to do that?" Loretta asked Brenda, as Brenda took off the mask and put it away. "Awhile, come on." Brenda answered, as she jump in the portal. Loretta roll her eyes and jump in the portal.
(Where are our hero's go next and who is this Lord Vortechs? Stay tune for the next chapter till then bye)
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