(70) Pokémon OC
So this is my OC for Pokémon, specifically sun and moon. Her name is Henessisa (nicknamed Nessa). The main canon add-on is that there is a place called the immortal lands that only legendary Pokémon, mythical Pokémon and ex/mega Pokémon can access, but humans can access it as well if they are touching a legendary or mega or ex Pokémon when they travel there. Exists as a kind of in-between realm between earth and the other death land in season 2. Henessia looks 16ish (and is 16 biologically), but she's actually 1400 years old because of staying in the immortal lands. She has wavy dark brown/red hair that's pulled back in a high ponytail, mostly down to her butt and a silver streak in front that floats around and reaches to her boobs, green/tan sparkly eyes, medium-dark skin, and is 5'5. She can "spirit link" or "power link" with Pokémon, which forms a symbiotic relationship and powers up the Pokémon's abilities and attacks and gives her a bit of the Pokémon's power while it's in effect so she can use some moves, and she also takes on some physical attributes of the Pokémon. The link also gives telecommunication between the Pokémon and her (?).
So, her origin story. She lived around 1400 years ago on the Alé-Ala islands (now the Alola islands). Her village and people were very Pokémon oriented and advanced, and basically everyone had a Pokémon that they bonded tightly with, but only one, but that Pokémon was one of a kind. Many of the modern legendary Pokémon were friends/partners with people in her village.
Henessia's Pokémon was the to-be legendary Pokémon Korum, the gateway/guardian Pokémon. Korum evolved into Kyorgrar and travelled to the immortal lands with Henessia, and she couldn't leave for some reason (idk why). No time passes in the immortal lands so she stayed 15-16 for 1400 years. Eventually, she lost all track and perception of time and gave up trying/wanting to go back. Henessia's people were the ancestors to the native Alolan people, and all of them could spirit link with their Pokémon. The power got watered down with each generation, so in modern day there's no way to do it without a z crystal or mega evolution beads.
So anyways, when Henessia got stuck in the immortal lands, she became the guardian of the place, maintaining it and the animals. She formed relationships strong enough to power link with a bunch of other legendary Pokémon (Kyorgrar, obviously, but also Xerneas, Shaymin, Zekrom sometimes but he's stubborn, Reshiram, Jirachi, Celebi, Solgaleo, Lunala, Suicune, Virizon, Cobalion, Victini, Meloetta, Diancie, Magearna and Mespirit). All the Pokémon in immortal forest gained respect for Henessia one way or another and listen to what she says, sometimes begrudgingly. Henessia hasn't been to the overworld in almost a millennia and a half and she also doesn't know that that much time has passed.
I have a little bit written for modern day and how the main characters meet her. I'm thinking that Henessia's people and their powers are basically legend and so Ash and everyone would be learning about them in school. I was thinking that one of the main characters was touching a legendary Pokémon when it travelled to the immortal lands so they were teleported there as well and meet Henessia. Maybe by another person travelling there she could leave as she wanted so she came back and explored and whatnot. So, onto modern day.
Some details I've thought of: the person taken there passed out on the way, so when the Pokémon showed up as the passpoint (it's basically an intricately carved stone that's the only entrance and exit to the immortal lands) with a person, Henessia took them to her basically multi-tree-house mansion and let them rest. I have a really cool idea where the person that was taken woke up from a giant explosion from a misbehaving Kyurem and went to the window to see what was going on and saw Henessia power linked with Reshiram to get him under control.
A few months later, a dangerous legendary escapes and hides in Alola. Henessia discovers that she can travel so she hitches a ride with Kyorgrar to go back, but she passes out from nausea because she's not used to travelling. Kyorgrar senses the main cast person who went to the Immortal lands and goes and gets them. I'm thinking that the class and professor Kukui follow Kyorgrar and everyone's confused except the person that went to the immortal lands, who recognizes her.
Also because I gotta have angst, I'm thinking that she wakes up in prof. Kukui's house and has a strange sense of being home, but everything's new and weird. After talking to everyone a bit (maybe she speaks broken English), she realizes everyone she knew has been dead for a thousand and a half years. She also maybe goes to some ruins that are just, like, tourist stops, but the ruins are her old house and Kyorgrar goes and tries to curl up in its old bed.
Jesus fuck that was long. I'm sorry. Anyways, here's Henessia! I tried to go along with the Pokémon style, and I think it turned out well!
I am so sorry for the terrible picture quality, I can barely see what I drew. I'll probably colour it digitally and re upload, and maybe draw Korum/Kyorgrar as well. Left is her normal outfit, right is concept #1 of her power linked with Kyorgrar.
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