Ep 42: Mahaym at the beach
Digimon adventure
I do not own digimon
I do not own any of the characters
I do not own the script
Digimon is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Skylar and a few other fan made characters.
[Outside Arena]
Piximon: You're as ready as you'll ever be, go get 'em!
Izzy: I think that was meant to be encouraging.
Kari: He has an awful lot of confidence in us.
Me: We have to defeat those bad guys for Pixiemon... and for what other digimon that got deleted because of them.
Piximon: Rrr!
Piedmon: You may have fooled those silly children with this brave act, but we know better, don't we?
Piximon: What makes you think it's just an act?
[Outside Arena]
Kari: Oh, it doesn't seem right just leaving him there.
[A white light comes from the arena signalling Piximon's end.]
Kari: Oh? Oh!
Me: (Crying) Now we lost another friend...
Tai: Remember, he wanted it this way.
*On the Beach*
Tai: Look, the fog's finally clearing.
Joe: Great, now we can clearly see that we're lost.
Me: I hope we can find are way.
Paomon nodded in my arms.
Paomon: You don't have to worry Skylar. I will be here to protect you.
Izzy: It's more productive to think of ourselves as on our way, Joe.
Matt: Yeah, I feel better already.
TK: All I know is, I'm getting pretty hungry.
Kari: And I'm getting cold.
Tai: But everybody's okay, right? Besides being hungry and cold and lost.
Me: I want a cheeseburger...
Sora: Don't forget frightened, tired, and upset about Piximon.
Matt: Otherwise, we're fine.
Izzy: I have a feeling we've been here before. Wait a minute, look!
Tai: What?
Sora: Weird, huh?
Izzy: Those smashed up phone booths.
Me: This is where we were attack by Shellmon...
Tai and Matt: Oh!
Sora: You don't think that they can be the same ones, do you?
Me: Of course it is.
Tai: I can't believe it. This whole time we thought we were making all this progress, but now it looks like we've just been travelling in one big circle.
Me: It does feel like that...
[Dark Masters' Lair]
Piedmon: How small they look from here, like ants. Strange that such little creatures could cause so much trouble!
Metalseadramon: They won't for long. They're standing on the edge of my territory now, the sea. I'll be the one to finish these Digidestined once and for all.
Piedmon: Hmm. bold words, but you're not the first to make such a boast, Metalseadramon.
Metalseadramon: But I will be the last. They'll be shark bait before the day is through. (Laughs)
Matt: So we've just gone around in one big circle, huh? Makes the whole thing seem kind of pointless, doesn't it?
Paomon: Not really if you think about it negatively...
Sora: Hold on, maybe that's it. Maybe the pointlessness of it is the whole point.
Agumon: Say what?
Tai: Thanks for the philosophy, that's a big help.
Shellmon: Help! (His voice sounds like a high pitched Mimi)
Me: What's that?
Tai: Huh?
Shellmon: Help me!
Mimi: Look, out there, someone's drowning.
Me: Should we help them?
Kari: Somebody's gotta do something.
TK: They're too tired, they'll be drowned themselves.
Kari: Okay, then in that case, we'll have to go.
Me: Let's do it.
Tai: Kari.
Matt: No, wait up, Tk
We all start running towards the sea.
Tai: Maybe someone bigger should go.
Matt: We can use that outrigger.
TK: I'm coming, too.
Kari: Me, too.
Me: Count me in
Matt: Okay, okay.
Joe: Let's go.
Sora: Hey, wait up, I'm coming, too.
Mimi: I can help.
Voice: Help me, help!
[On the ocean in the boat]
Tai and Matt: Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.
Me: All together.
Shellmon: (Laughs)
Mimi: Did his voice get lower or what?
Me: (mumbling) I thought I was the only one who heard it...
Mimi: Does anyone else have a bad feeling about this...
Shellmon: (Roars)
Tai and Matt: Ah!
Kari: Tai, a sea monster!
Tai: You could say that again. That's Shellmon, and he's not here to play water polo. Paddle like crazy.
We started to pedal back to the beach.
Shellmon: There's no escaping, you're in my element now.
Me: Just leave us alone you stupid fish!!!
Joe: Please don't anger him Skylar! You know he is hotheaded!
Agumon: Come on, guys, move it.
Paomon: Don't worry Skylar. I'm coming.
[On the ocean in the boat]
Tai: Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.
Me: Let's hurry this up!
Shellmon: (Laughs)
Mimi: He's right on top of us.
Me: We're fish food!
Mimi: I don't want to be food!
Izzy: Watch out!
Mimi: Aah! Oh, that breath, ever hear of flossing?
Tai: Stroke, stroke. Hey, are you guys paddling or am I just talking to myself?
Me: Maybe you should help!
Izzy: Oh!
Shellmon: (Roars)
Agumon: We may be exhausted, but we can't just sit here, we've got to help.
Motimon: Oh.
Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon, and Gatomon: Huh?
Motimon: Leave it to us, you save your Digi-strength
Paomon: Yeah leave it to us.
Bukamon: Bukamon digivolve to.
Gomamon: Gomamon!
Tanemon: Tanemon digivolve to.
Palmon: Palmon!
Motimon: Motimon digivolve to.
Tentomon: Tentomon!
Paomon: Paomon digivolve too...
Labramon: Labramon!
Yokomon: Yokomon digivolve to.
Biyomon: Biyomon! Let's go!
Palmon: Poison Ivy!
[On the ocean in the boat and out over the water.]
Shellmon: Hey! What's going on?
Biyomon: Here's my Spiral Twister!
Tentomon: Super Shocker!
Gomamon: Come on, Marching Fishes!
Tai: Whoa! That's more like it. This is the way to travel.
Me: We're on like a speed boat!
[Shellmon's getting beat.]
Shellmon: Uh-oh, forget this.
Tai: I know they're all dead tired, and they may not feel like it at the moment, but I think today proved that our Digimon are getting stronger and stronger.
I hugged Labramon. He couldn't really help out. But he did make an effort in trying to swim over.
Labramon: I'm glad you are safe.
Me: Me too. I also think our digimon got stronger. Just look how they were able to take down Shellmon.
Kari: That'd be great, but what makes you think so?
Tai: I remember the last time we took on Shellmon. Agumon had to digivolve into Greymon before we could finally beat him, and even then it was close.
Greymon: (Roars)
Shellmon: (Roars)
Greymon: Nova Blast!
Shellmon: (Laughs as he gets blown into the sea)
(End of my memory)
Tai: But this time, they beat him easily, without Greymon.
Agumon: Yeah, but don't forget, Tai, they ganged up on him. It was four of them against one.
Tai: But they didn't have to digivolve as far to do it. I still say it means you're stronger than you were.
Kari: Or maybe Shellmon's just weaker than he was.
Me: Shellmon is a pretty weak digimon...
Tai: How come everyone's being such a downer all of a sudden? I'm trying to be positive here. Besides, I still can't get out of my mind something that Piximon said to me back there.
[I thought back to what was said. ]
Tai: But you said it was possible to save the planet if the nine of us were all together. How come it's not happening? What's up, Piximon?
Piximon: The truth is, being together is not enough, there's something else that you need to do to beat 'em.
[End of my memory]
Tai: I think he meant that we had to get stronger, and that's just what's happening.
Sora: Yeah, maybe Tai's right.
Biyomon: I feel stronger.
Labramon: I feel like I can swim for miles.
Me: We just have to believe in ourselfs.
Matt: Come to think of it, you are looking kind of buff.
Gabumon: Thanks very much. That's a compliment, right?
Tentomon: Do I look stronger to you, Izzy?
Izzy: I don't know, make a muscle.
Tentomon: I was.
Patamon: Do I look different, Tk?
TK: Yeah, you look buffed out to the max.
Gatomon: Kari?
Kari: Well, to be honest, you don't look any different to me, but give it time, Gatomon, you'll catch up with the rest.
Gatomon: If you say so.
Agumon: Come to think of it, your coat's looking glossier.
Gatomon: Really? You think?
Mimi, Joe, TK, Palmon, Gomamon, and Patamon: (Laughs) Huh?
Matt: Did it get brighter all of a sudden? Or is it just Tai's sunny disposition?
[A shack appears.]
Tai: Maybe it's like a mirage.
Me: I don't think we should trust it...
Matt: Huh? Was that shack there before?
TK: Maybe somebody moved in while we were gone.
Mimi: Mmm. Something smells suspiciously like food.
Me: I'm getting hungry...
Labramon: Me too...
Joe: You two are always hungry...
I slapped Joe in the back of the head.
Me: Shut up.
Izzy: Let's take it easy everyone, remember, we're in the Digi-World, where not everything is what it appears to be.
Tentomon: Looks may be deceiving, but smells, that's something else, and I definitely smell grilling hamburgers. See. It's a snack bar. Burgers, sodas, ice cream, pizza!
All: Huh? Oh!
Me: I want a cheeseburger with some extra ice cream!
Tai: Mirage or not, I'll take my chances. Gangway!
All: (Yelling and Laughing)
(Joe catches Mimi's shoe making her fall. I stop to help the two. Labramon waited by my side sadly. He wanted to run after the others.)
Mimi: Oh! Oh!
Me: Are you two okay?
Others: (Yelling and Laughing)
Joe: Yeah and Sorry, Mimi.
Mimi: Oh, thanks. And yes I am fine as well Skylar.
Gomamon: Come on, what are you guys waiting for?
Palmon: Yeah, they're gonna eat everything without us.
Labramon: I want my delicious chicken.
Joe: Huh?
Mimi: Oh!
Me: What's going on!?
Others: (Yelling and Laughing)
[Inside Shack]
Sora: What's that?
[The door gets sanded up]
Sora: It's a trap!
Scorpiomon: (Laughs) Snack time.
Tai, Tk, Kari, and Patamon: Oh!
Patamon: That's Scorpiomon, one of Metalseadramon's flunkies. Between his pinchers and his tail, it's hard to know which end of him is worse!
Scorpiomon: Sorry, but the only munchies around here are you. Now say good night, it's bedtime.
Matt: Yeah?
Scorpiomon: Yeah! Scorpion Storm! (A sandstorm starts up around them)
TK and Kari: Oh!
Sora: Can't breathe, can't oh...
[Outside Shack]
Mimi: Oh!
Joe: Those sounds never mean anything good.
Gomamon: Let's go.
Me: We got to help them!
Mimi: Oh, no. Something tells me this means no chilli dogs.
Labramon: (Crying) Chili dogs are great too.
Mimi and Labramon start to cry as we ran over there. We stop when we reached the shack.
Mimi, Joe and I: Huh?
Gomamon: Shh.
Palmon: Huh? Hmm!
Labramon: What's going on?
All: Shh
Mimi: Oh, wow, what's happened to them? Are they...could they be...?
(The others were all caught in a fish net)
Me: What should we do?
All: (Gasp) Shh!
Metalseadramon: (Laughs) Well done, Scorpiomon. These Digidestined aren't so difficult to handle after all. Here's your reward. (Metalseadramon was in the ocean next to Scorpiomon. The two of them were talking, MetalSeadramon hands him a basket filled with clams)
Scorpiomon: Oh, clams. Thank you, thank you, boss. I just love clams. (Munches) I just can't get enough of them.get enough of them.
[He throws the empty shells and one hits Gomamon]
Gomamon: Ow.
Palmon: Shh.
Me: Be quite...
Metalseadramon: What was that?
Scorpiomon: What is it, boss? You want some?
Metalseadramon: Quiet. I thought I heard something.
Scorpiomon: (Slurps) I didn't hear anything.
Metalseadramon: Hmm. Well, now to finish them off. (Laughs) nine little gnats and their Digimon accomplices. Hmm, hmm? What's this? There's supposed to be nine of them. Three of them are missing. You chuckle-headed cockleshell!
Scorpiomon: (Burps)
Metalseadramon: Stop eating and find the other three now!
Scorpiomon: Oh, you got it, right away, I'm on it.
All: Aah!
We all started to run away quickly.
Scorpiomon: Come back here! (Pants) I hate it when they do this. Hey! Slow down. (Laughs) I got you now.
All: Oh!
[We all fall as do our Digimon.]
Scorpiomon: Oh! Too many clams for lunch. (Pants)
All: (Pants) Oh!
[All of us and our digimon get back up and start running again.]
Scorpiomon: Oh, no. Not again! Come on, come on. I'm not built for this.
Gomamon: This way, this way.
Labramon: Hurry before he catches us!
Scorpiomon: Oh, forget it.
[He digs into the sand]
All: (Pants)
Joe: I can't run anymore. We'll just have to stand and fight.
Me: Your right. Let's take on this stupid bug.
Gomamon: Right. Huh? We may not have to.
Mimi: What happened?
Labramon: I guess he got tired of running.
Joe: I don't know, but he's gone.
Gomamon: (Laughs) What a lucky break.
Mimi: Lucky for us he doesn't workout.
Me: Yeah we get workouts all the time. Join the digidestineds work out, in a few weeks you will be able to out run digimon of all kinds.
Mimi and I laugh.
Mimi: That's a good one.
Palmon: Oh, I'm getting my exercise right now. My roots are exhausted.
Gomamon: And I am so hungry I could just about eat seaweed. Hey, wait! Look it.
Labramon: Is it a chessebuger?
[Gomamon shows us clams and Laughs]
[Palmon shows seaweed and Laughs]
Scorpiomon: Huh.
Gomamon: Not bad.
Labramon runs over and starts eating clams.
Scorpiomon: Ow. Get your mitts off my clams.
Joe: Oh.
Me: Oh no... he found us.
All of our digivices gave off a light green glow.
Palmon: Palmon digivolve to...
Togemon: Togemon!
Gomamon: Gomamon digivolve to...
Ikkakumon: Ikkakumon!
Labramon digivolve too ...
Seasarmon : Seasarmon!
Scorpiomon: Scorpion Storm!
Togemon: Oh yeah? How about some Needle Spray?
Ikkakumon: Harpoon Torpedo!
Seasarmon : Sun's courage!
Joe: If the Digimon really are getting stronger, they should be able to handle Scorpiomon, no problem.
Me: We got this guys!
Mimi: I hope so, but it doesn't really look like they're doing too well.
Ikkakumon: Oh!
Seasarmon: This hurts...
Togemon: Oh! Hey! Put me down, you overgrown crawdaddy, before I get really angry! Waah!
Ikkakumon: Oh!
Joe: Oh, boy.
Mimi: Why don't you come out from behind your shell and fight like a clam!
Joe: Ah, Mimi, cool it. I don't think he thought that was very funny.
Me: Joe might be right this time Mimi..
Scorpiomon: Scorpion Storm!
Joe: Run!
Me: Good idea!
The three of us run for cover.
Togemon: Hey, squid breath! We're the ones you want.
Seasarmon: Yeah so leave them alone.
Scorpiomon: Tail Blade!
Togemon: Ah!
Scorpiomon: Ooh...uh, I just love clams.
Joe: Hurry up, now is your chance.
Me: Right finsh him off!
Mimi: Get moving, digivolve Togemon!
All of crest glowed.
Togemon: Togemon digivolve to...
Lilymon: Lilymon!
Ikkakumon: Ikkakumon digivolve to.
Zudomon: Zudomon!
Seasarmon : Seasarmon digivolve too ...
Cerubumon: Cerubumon!
Lilymon: Okay, Zudomon and Cerubumon, let's go!
Scorpiomon: Huh? Tail Blade!
Lilymon: Flower Cannon!
Zudomon: Vulcan's Hammer!
Cerubumon: Emerald Blaze!
Scorpiomon: Whoa! Good night!
Tai: Uh. Kari.
Metalseadramon: Where's that fool with those other children? I'm tired of waiting.
Joe: Hurry, faster, we gotta move, now. Did you really have to bring along a souvenir?
[We see Zudomon dragging Scorpiomon.]
Me: Zudomon why are you bring him along?
He didn't answer me.
Metalseadramon: That does it. I'll worry about the other three children later.
[Metalseadramon breathes fire into the air.]
Mimi: Yikes, and I thought Shellmon's breath was gnarly. He'll toast them like marshmallows.
Me: This looks bad.
Lilymon: This way, hurry.
Cerubumon: Get Ready.
Zudomon throws Scorpiomon at Metalseadramon
We all ran in to help the others.
Joe: Hey, guys, naptime's over.
Lilymon: Tai, you've got to get out of here. Oh.
Tai: Oh.
Mimi: Sora, get up.
Joe: Matt, Izzy, move, or you're going to be toast. I mean literally.
Me: Kari, T.K. you got to wake up now.
Lilymon: Everybody on your feet, hurry.
Tentomon: Wha-what's going on?
Metalseadramon: Eyah!
[He breathes fire at the shack burning it with the kids still inside.]
Tai: Whoa, hang on and keep moving.
Kari: Oh.
All: Oh.
Mimi: Hurry up, let's get out of here. Oh.
Metalseadramon: Ah, farewell, Digidestined. It was a rare pleasure knowing you. Medium rare.
Scorpiomon: Wah! Hot, hot, hot!
Metalseadramon: Huh?
Scorpiomon: Yow! Who's the hot-tempered foul-mouth who, oh, it was you, boss. Okay, no problem. Oh.
Metalseadramon: Huh? No! No! They're gone! All of them gone! Scorpiomon, how did this happen?
Scorpiomon: Ah, well, well, you see, uh, that's a fair question, you see, it happened like...
Metalseadramon: Silence! You failed me and I will not forgive failure!
[Metalseadramon flies into the air with Scorpiomon and then drops him.]
Scorpiomon: No, I didn't think that you would! Whoa! Oh! Oh!
Sora: They're gone, whew, that was a close one.
Me: You can say that again.
Tai: But we came out of it okay, that's what counts.
Mimi: I hate to tell you this, everything's not okay.
Tai: Huh?
Joe: Mimi's right.
Me: She is .
Tai: What are you guys talking about? Did I miss
Joe: The Digimon still may not be strong enough. All three of ours had to digivolve again before they could beat Scorpiomon, and he was just a flunky. Frankly, it's hard to see how they stand a change against a fully digivolved monster like Metalseadramon.
Tai: You could be right, maybe Piximon meant something else when he said we were missing something. Whatever the secret is, we've got to find it if we ever hope to save the world.
Tentomon: Yes, and the sooner, the better.
Tai: It's Metalseadramon again!
Metalseadramon: (Laughs)
Lilymon: All right. I'll draw him off. Zudomon, you get the others out of here.
Cerubumon: I will help out.
My digivice changed colors.
Cerubumon: Cerubumon mode change...
Cerubumon WM: Cerubumon Werewolf mode!
[In the Ocean]
Lilymon: Yoo hoo! You big ugly...whoa! Just my luck, he's fast, too!
Cerubumon WM: Don't worry he won't catch up with us.
Joe: Come on, Zudomon, move it, move it!
Me: I hope he can't get us.
Metalseadramon: Eyah! Eyah! Yah! Huh?
[In the Ocean on Zudomon]
Mimi: Has he seen us?
Tai: I don't know and I don't wanna find out.
Metalseadramon: Pathetic little fools. You think you can escape me by sea?
Tai: I think it's safe to say he's seen us.
Tentomon: Oh, faster, Zudomon. We need speed.
Me: Speed would be nice.
Tai: Yes, not dog-paddling.
Metalseadramon: Ah-ha! Tonight you sleep with the fishes!
Lilymon: Flower Cannon!
Cerubumon WM: Hell blaze!
Metalseadramon: And as for you two.
[He whacks Lilymon and Cerubumon WM with his tail]
Lilymon: Aah!
Cerubumon WM: Aah!
Mimi: Lillymon!
Me: Cerubumon!
Lillymon: Oh, aah!
[They both dedigivolves]
Zudomon: Oh.
Me: Labramon!
I caught Labramon in my arms.
Mimi: Got you.
Mimi caught Palmon.
Tai: Uh-oh.
Joe: Is he gone?
Mimi: I don't think so.
Me: He wouldn't let us go so easily.
Sora: I can't stand this waiting.
Matt: I bet he's right below us.
Tai: Shh, knock it off. Whoa, he's ramming us, hang on!
All: Ah! Oh!
Metalseadramon: River of Power!
[Zudomon dedigivolves]
Gomamon: Yow!
Metalseadramon: Never send a rookie to do a Mega's work. (Laughs)
Me: We're in deep trouble!
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