Ep 41: The New Evil Gang
Digimon adventure
I do not own digimon
I do not own any of the characters
I do not own the script
Digimon is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Skylar and a few other fan made characters
( Four digimon were watching a screen. On the screen is an image of the people in Tokyo, watching the fight with VenomMyotismon.]
Digimon: *laugh* Those two-bit players are frozen with stage fright! Hopelessly waiting for the moment they'll be saved. And yet, there's an unseen twist in the plot.
[a large serpent-like digimon comes out of the water]
Serpent: I saw we cut to the punch line and go straight for the action!
[another puppet-like digimon stands up from the shadows]
Puppet: Oh, please. That would be boring. I want to play this drama to the hilt! Let's pull out all the stocks and give them what they payed for!
Digimon 1: I'm in complete agreement. A quick victory would be a let-down. The DigiDestined will be on Spiral Mountain soon. We muse rehearse before they get here. It will be the final performance! MetalSeadramon!
[the serpent digimon splashes around]
Digimon 1: Puppetmon!
[the puppet digimon flies up]
Digimon 1: MachineDramon!
[a large robot digimon comes forward]
Digimon 1: I present to you the downfall of the DigiDestined!
(My friends and I were falling down a hole, back to the digital world)
Me: This feels like summer camp already!
All: Ah!
(We landed on the ground in no time. No body was hurt.)
Tai: Ugh...well, it looks like we're back!
Mimi: Back where? In the Digital World?
Me: Yep back in the strange place. We should call wonderland.
Izzy: That's affirmative!
TK: It's dark.
Matt: Yeah, it's kinda weird.
Sora: Hey, look up there!
[Sora points to the sky, where we were able to see some continents of our own world]
All: Ah!
Me: It's like back at home but in reverse...
Tai: That's weird.
Matt: Is that earth?
Izzy: It's merely speculation, but it seems to be a reasonable facsimile. We see earth from here like we saw the Digital World from earth!
Joe: Hm? Gomamon, where are you?
[Gomamon pops his head out of a bag]
Gomamon: Joe, I'm been snoozing over here!
Joe: Huh? Oh, we'll just save the world without you, then!
Labramon walks over to me.
[the ground starts to shake, and breaks apart. Joe starts to fall off a cliff, but catches himself]
I sweatdrop.
Me: Joe's coolness points went down.
Mimi and Sora laughed a little.
Gomamon: Joe!
Joe: I didn't need this.
[there's a rustling in the bushes]
(Our digimon started to run over to the sound of the noise)
Koromon: Koromon Digivolve to...Agumon!
Tsunomon: Tsunomon Digivolve to...Gabumon!
Motimon: Motimon, Digivolve to...Tentomon!
Tokomon: Tokomon, Digivolve to...Patamon!
Yokomon: Yokomon, Digivolve to...Biyomon!
Palmon: Oof!
[Palmon falls down]
Kari: Hold on!
[all our digimon stop]
Gabumon: Huh?
Labramon: What's wrong?
Kari: Come out! You're among friends! We won't hurt you. Don't be afraid!
[a small pink digimon comes out of the grass]
Digimon: Ugh...
Palmon: Oh my goodness! It's Chuumon!
Mimi: He looks terrible! What he needs is a complete makeover!
Chuumon: Mimi? Palmon?
Mimi picks up the pink mouse digimon.
Mimi: Something bad happened. Sukamon and Chuumon used to be inseparable!
Chuumon: Mimi...I'm so glad you came back to save us. Uhh..
Joe: Would somebody mind helping me?
Me: I guess Mimi meet that digimon when we were all separated.
Then I sweatdrop when I realized Joe didn't mean help explaining, but help lifting him up.
[Gomamon runs over to Joe, who is hanging from the cliff]
Gomamon: Whoops! I forgot all about you! Oh...
Joe: You forgot? I'm hanging here by my elbows, and you're off in la-la land!
Me: We all kinda did forget Joe...sorry.
Gomamon: Gee...I wonder what it's like to have elbows...
Tai: Joe? Figures!
Matt: Huh?
Tai: Quit fooling around!
Joe: Ah! Just help me, will ya?
Matt: What's happening? Everything's gone wakko!
[The earth around us is torn up, and flying in all directions]
[Later on...]
Tentomon: Are you trying to get a hold of Gennai?
Izzy was typing away on his computer.
Izzy: Well, I'm not playing Solitaire!
Palmon: Chuumon's a mess! I wonder what happened to him.
Biyomon: Whatever it was, it wasn't very pretty!
Labramon: We're you attack?
Sora: The poor thing.
Chuumon: Oh...
Mimi: Chuumon!
Chuumon: Mimi! I wasn't dreaming. It's really you, after all!
Mimi: Poor thing. Why don't you tell Mimi all about it!
Chuumon: Oh...
Palmon: What happened to your friend Sukamon?
Chuumon: I...I...I'm afraid I lost him! *cry*
Me: Oh no...that's terrible.
[Chuumon starts to explain what happen.]
Chuumon: After you guys left File Island, Sukamon and I went on with life as usual. Eating, eating, and more eating! When suddenly...
(A huge explosion was heard)
Sukamon & Chuumon: Ah!
(The two digimon started to run away from the noise)
Sukamon: Ah!
[Sukamon falls down a cliff]
Chuumon: *cry* Sukamon! Ah! Sukamon!
[Chuumon finshed explaining.]
Chuumon: I never saw him again. An evil powerful force took over the land, causing all sorts of bad things to happen! It rebuilt the Digital World so it would be easier to conquer! I've been
hiding ever since...Ugh...
Tai: You mean the Digital World has completely changed from what it was? How's it different?
Me: Well for starters it looks ten times weirder than last time, and their is flouting peices of land flying around...
Chuumon: Ah! Everything's been discombobulated and taken apart! The Digital World's been
relocated was up there! It's called Spiral Mountain.
We all looked at the strange looking mountain.
All: Ah!
Chuumon: There's nothing left here of the old Digital World but some ruins!
Matt: So, you're saying it's all up there, huh?
Joe: Colour me cynical, but nothing surprises me about this place.
Me: You can say that again.
Tai: Where are all the other Digimon? Are they up there, too? Where's Leomon?
Me: And Veedramon?
Chuumon: I don't know! But what I've been told, they'll plow through anything that tries to get in their way!
Sora: Who will?
Chuumon: Who? The Dark Masters!
Tai: Well, they couldn't be too much tougher than anybody we've wrestled with before!
Me: With our strength we were able to take down Myotismon once and for all.
Chuumon: Ah! No way! They'll beat the pants right off of you!
Tai: Skylar's right, we got rid of Myotismon, so we can get rid of them, too!
Mimi: Don't worry about it! As long as the nine of us are together, we'll keep those big bullies away from you!
[a digimon is heard laughing from far away]
Labramon stood in front of me protectively.
All: Ah! (We all started to fall down a dark pit)
[MetalSeadramon is circling us in the air]
MetalSeadramon: I've been waiting for you, DigiDestined!
Chuumon: Ah it's MetalSeadramon!
Chuumon: This guy has one real hard nose! And I mean hard nose! Take my advice: This is one train you would rather miss!
MetalSeadramon: *laugh*
All: Ah!
Matt: Okay, if that's the way you want it, we can play rough, too!
Me: This guy looks even tougher than MegaSeadramon!
Tai: Let's go, Agumon!
Tai's digivice gave off a light green glow.
Agumon: Gotcha! Agumon, Digivolve to...
Greymon: Greymon!
Matt: Now it's our turn!
All the rest of our digivices gave off a light green glow.
Gabumon: Gabumon, Digivolve to...
Garurumon: Garurumon !
Biyomon: Biyomon, Digivolve to...
Birdramon: Birdramon !
Tentomon: Tentomon, Digivolve to...
Kabuterimon: Kabuterimon !
Palmon: Hm!
Gomamon: Gomamon, Digivolve to...
Ikkakumon: Ikkakumon !
Labramon: Labramon digivolve too ...
Seasarmon : Seasarmon!
Palmon: Palmon, Digivolve to...
Togemon: Togemon !
Patamon: Patamon, Digivolve to...
Angemon: Angemon !
Salamon: Salamon, Digivolve to...
Gatomon: Gatomon!
MetalSeadramon: *laugh*
Greymon: Nova Blast!
[Greymon is knocked down by MetalSeadramon ' s tail]
Greymon: Ah!
Birdramon: Meteor Wing!
Garurumon: Howling Blaster!
[Birdramon and Garurumon are knocked down by his tail as well]
Birdramon & Garurumon: Ah!
Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker!
Ikkakumon: Harpoon Torpedo!
Seasarmon : Sun's courage!
Togemon: How about some Needle Spray, huh?
[Kabuterimon, Togemon, Seasarmon, and Ikkakumon are knocked down]
Kabuterimon & Ikkakumon: Ah!
Togemon: Ah!
Seasarmon: That hurt...
Angemon: Hand of Fate!
Gatomon: Lighting Paw!
[Angemon and Gatomon are knocked down quickly by MetalSeadramon]
Angemon: Ugh!
Gatomon: Ugh!
TK: Angemon!
Kari: Oh, no!
Me: This is the worst...
MetalSeadramon: You should know your powers aren't strong enough!
Matt: How come he's beating us so bad?
Izzy: Ah! It's because he's a Mega Digimon, and over nine Champions can't overtake one Mega!
He's stronger than all of us combined!
Tai: Then we're lost without more power!
Me: We got to do something quick!
Joe: Ever notice that we're always at the wrong place at just the wrong time?
Me: You have a point there.
MetalSeadramon: Now it's time to take one nasty ride!
[MetalSeadramon sends his attack to us, and the ground below us cracks]
Me: I have a bad feeling about this...
All: Ah!
[We all fall]
All: Ugh...
Angemon: TK, are you alright?
TK: I thought I was broken, but I guess I must be alright!
Angemon: *laugh* Huh?
TK: What's the matter?
Angemon: Wait. I'll be back.
[Yellow shots come out of the mist, and Angemon fell backwards ]
Angemon: Ah! Ahh!
TK: Angemon!
Angemon: Ah!
[Angemon devolves]
Patamon: Ah! Woah!
TK: On, no! Poor Patamon!
[MachineDramon comes out of the mist]
Me: It's a terminator digimon.
Joe: You watch way to many horror movies.
I slap Joe in the back of the head.
Izzy, Matt, and Tai: Ah!
Izzy: Be prepared for another Mega Digimon. He's called MachineDramon. This metallic mutant
can blow out a Digimon just like a birthday candle!
All of our crest glowed.
Greymon: Greymon, Digivolve to...
MetalGreymon: MetalGreymon !
Garurumon: Garurumon, Digivolve to...
WereGarurumon: WereGarurumon !
Kabuterimon: Kabuterimon, Digivolve to...
MegaKabuterimon: Megakabuterimon !
Birdramon: Birdramon, Digivolve to...
Garudamon: Garudamon !
Togemon: Togemon, Digivolve to...
Lilymon: Lilymon !
Ikkakumon: Ikkakumon, Digivolve to...
Zudomon: Zudomon !
Seasarmon: Seasarmon digivolve too ...
Cerubumon: Cerubumon !
Gatomon: Gatomon, Digivolve to...
Angewomon: Angewomon !
Tai: Come on, guys! Show them what you're made of!
Me: Defeat this stupid robot!
Kari: Hope they're made of something strong enough!
[All of our digimon lunge at machinedramon, but are thrown back]
Me: *Growls* Cerubumon mode change!
Cerubumon was surronded in golden aura once more.
Cerubumon: Cerubumon mode change...
Cerubumon WM: Cerubumon Werewolf mode!
Kari: Angewomon!
[Before Cerubumon WM could do anything the ground breaks, and all of us fall once more]
Izzy: We stopped.
Me: Can we please stop falling all togther...
Matt: I can't complain. It's sure a lot better than falling on our heads!
[Garudamon and WereGarurumon begin to fight]
Matt: Hey, can't you two take a break for one minute?
Sora: Yeah, come on! We're all supposed to be on the same side!
Garudamon: We can't control it!
WereGarurumon: That's right! Our bodies are doing this all by themselves!
Sora: All by themselves, uh?
[Sora's arms move themselves to a box shape]
Sora: Ooh!
[all of us start moving uncontrollably]
Me: Who ever is controlling me. Should know that I am warning them now, once I gain control over my body I will give them a Skylar slap!
My hand shot out and slapped myself across the face.
Me: Hey! You can't abuse my powers!
Joe: I've always hated any form of exercise! What's happening to me?
[Izzy sees strings attaches to his fingers]
Izzy: We're become string puppets! And someone is operating us!
Puppetmon: *laugh* Aren't we the little smartie-pants!
Izzy: Who are you?
Puppetmon: You wanna know? How 'bout if I help you look up my profile on your special
computer! Watch!
[Puppetmon moves his fingers, making izzy type away on the Laptop]
Izzy: Huh? He's also a Mega Digimon!
Izzy: Puppetmon has a controlling personality and a rotten temper. Get him mad and he'll bop
you with his hammer!
Me: He sounds lovely... I want to tear him from limb from limb.
Mimi: If you have to hit to hit anybody, you should bop yourself for how you look in that stupid
Lillymon: Mimi!
Puppetmon: I'm going to have to let you go for now.
All: Ah!
Me: Not again!
Puppetmon: I promise to destroy you! Puppet Pummel!
[the attacks hit, causing the Digimon to devolve to rookie and in-training]
[We all fall down once again]
All: Ah!
[We all woke up in a stadium]
I notice Paomon next to me, and I picked up the intraning level digimon in my arms
[There is a clown riding around on a rubber ball]
Clown: Well, hello there, boys and girls! Welcome! Today, I'm going to tell you an amazing
Me: Oh no...i am completely terrified of clowns...
I started to shiver.
[the clown pulls out some story boards]
Clown: Once upon a time, there were nine DigiDestined. They went with their Digimon
companions to try and save the world. The children and their Digimon discovered that in order
for them to do it, they had to climb up to the top of Spiral Mountain. But to their dismay, the
Dark Masters defeated them. So sad.
TK: Hey, clowny! Nobody's laughing at your story!
Me: (whispering shyly) Leave us alone!
Clown: Oh, dear. I'm so sorry. Did I happen to mention the story is true? I wanted to give you a
preview of the plot.
[the clown turns into Piedmon]
Piedmon: *laugh*
Chuumon: Ah! It's Piedmon!
Chuumon: He's a Mega Phantom Digimon of the worst kind! You never know what he's going to
look like next!
Tai: Well, I think your plot needs a few re-writes! Agumon!
Matt: Gabumon! You can do it!
Agumon: Agumon, Warp Digivolve to...
WarGreymon: WarGreymon !
Gabumon: Gabumon, Digivolve to...
MetalGarurumon: MetalGarurumon !
Tai: Yeah! Let him know we mean business, WarGreymon!
Matt: MetalGarurumon! Teach that joker a lesson he'll never forget!
WarGreymon: Nova Force!
MetalGarurumon: Ice Wolf Claw!
[Piedmon dodges both attacks]
Piedmon: Trump Sword!
[WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are hit with the attack and devolve]
Agumon & Gabumon: Uh...
Joe: This is bad news!
Me: This has to be some sort of bad dream... we can't lose.
Sora: Even two Mega Digimon couldn't put him down! That's *really* bad news!
Mimi: Not to mention he's a fashion disaster!
Piedmon: Your two Megas are newly Digivolved. How could you expect them o compete against
an experienced - and, might I boast, superior - Digimon?
Agumon: Tai, sorry.
Piedmon: Allow me to introduce my fellow actors in this captivating and charming comedy of
errors. MetalSeadramon! MachineDramon! Puppetmon! And myself, Piedmon! *laugh*
Puppetmon: You thought you were through with me, but I want to have more fun!
Me: That puppet is going to get it...
Piedmon: We would like to begin with asking for audience volunteers. Who wants to be the first
to be destroyed? Oh, come now. Don't tell me you have stage fright.
Mimi: I didn't even want to go to camp in the first place! I just wanted to go to the mall! Can't
anybody else save this silly world besides me?
Sora: Mimi!
Me: Mimi don't...
Mimi: I want to be a normal kid and not have too many responsibilities! I mean, come on, is that too much to ask? It's not fair!
Piedmon: Ugh. Your incessant whining is getting on my nerves. You will be the first to go.
Mimi: Huh?
Me: (shouting) Mimi watch out!
[Piedmon throws a sword at Mimi]
Chuumon: Ah!
[Chuumon jumps in front of the sword]
Chuumon falls back into Mimi's arms.
Mimi: Chuumon, speak to me, your poor thing!
Chuumon: Mimi. It's time for me to be deleted.
Mimi: Chuumon!
Me: (Crying) Oh no...not again...
[Chuumon disintegrates]
Piedmon: Chuumon was a fool.
Mimi: Oh, Chuumon!
Piedmon: So, now that he's out of the way, who would like to be the next one to make their
grand exit?
Tai: Piedmon, you're going to be washed up where we're through with you!
Dark Masters: *laugh*
Piedmon: Be my guest!
Piximon: Pixi Bomb!
[We all flew away in a bubble]
TK: Hey, Piximon! Perfect timing!
Piximon: I missed you!
Me: We miss you too Pixiemon, you personally. Not your chores...
Izzy: Prodigious! You cleverly used a barrier to avoid detection!
Piximon: I sure did!
Tai: You said it was possible to save the planet if the nine of us were together! How come it's
not happening? What's up, Piximon?
Piximon: The truth is, being together's not enough. There's something else you need to do to beat
Sora: How are we going to find out if you won't help?
Me: You and Gennai need to tell things to us straight. Stop making things confusing!
Joe: Yeah, enough riddles!
Piximon: This is something you will discover on your own.
[the bubble is hit by an attack]
All: Ah!
MetalSeadramon: *laugh* Here you are!
Piximon: I'll try and stop 'em! Meanwhile, you make a run for it and climb to the top of Spiral
Mountain! But you'd better move it!
Paomon: You can't fight them alone...
Matt: Paomon ' s right you can't stop them! They're all Mega Digimon!
Piximon: I know I can't win, but I should be able yo distract them long enough for you to get
Tai: I'll stay with you!
Piximon: No way! We need you on Spiral Mountain! We're counting on you to beat them!
MetalSeadramon: River of Power!
Piximon: Please go now! You have a very important task ahead of you! If you succeed, no one
will ever be able you stop you again! I know you will make me proud of you.
[Pixiemon hits the bubble away with his staff]
Gabumon: He's stronger than he looks!
Me: Oh no Pixiemon! He has to stay strong...
Matt: He'll have to be.
Kari: Do you think it's possible he can do it?
Gabumon: I don't know, Kari. I hope so!
Piximon: Rrr...
Piedmon: How can a powerless little Digimon even think of defeating us?
Piximon: Just call me a crazy little Digimon...
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