Part 4: Alpha vs the Omega
Digimon adventure tri
Digimon is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Skylar and Jeremy
Matt is standing in his kitchen peeling an onion. His cell phone is pushed up to his ear by using his shoulder for support.
T.K.: Oh, I'm relieved you and Tai made up. You didn't come today, so I thought you're still sulking.
Matt narrowed his eyes and continue to peel the onion.
Matt: I'm not sulking...
T.K.: We're all meeting up again on Saturday. Make sure you come this time. Bye.
T.K. hangs up his phone. He then types in a chat board that Izzy made online called "digidestined in the world"
T.K.: Kuwagamon appeared here in Tokyo, better watch out.
(Next day)
I stood with my friends with a happy grin. I was glad that we didn't have to wear our school uniforms. A wore a sleeveless mint green t-shirt, tan jeans with a white belt, and a brown sun hat. In my right hand was Labramon leash, and at the moment the dog digimon was chewing on the lease. Trying as always to make an escape.
Labramon: This lease is stupid...
Me: This is your just try to live with it.
My friends chuckled at Labramon's pouting reaction.
But the chuckling stopped when we saw how Izzy looked. His eyes looked almost glued open.
Kari: You worked all night, Izzy?
Me: That isn't very healthy, Mr. Genius.
Sora: You need to sleep.
My friends and I had met up near a few stores at the peir mall.
Izzy: I got about three hours of sleep. I finally finished making them.
Izzy eyes were wide open, and he had dark circles under his eyes.
Izzy held out goggles towards Tai.
Izzy: Try them on Tai.
Tai: Okay
He took the goggles and put them on.
Tai was able to see data lines flying around in the air.
Izzy: Theoretically, you should be able to see the distortions in space.
Tai tooked the goggles off.
Me: (shocked) made the goggles useful.
Agumon, Patamon and Palmon were next to Labramon. The three of them were wearing disquises.
Agumon: (pulling on Tai's jeans) Hey Tai.
Tai looked down.
Agumon: We'll head back to the cyberspace Izzy made for us.
Labramon: (nodding to agree) Anything to get me away from this evil collar...
I sweat dropped.
Izzy looked off to see a computer in a store nearby.
Izzy: That one should work.
(Inside the store)
Agumon: Call us if you need us.
Tai: Sure.
Agumon hops into the computer.
Mimi turns to face the rest of us.
Mimi: So what do we do now?
I shrugged.
Me: Hang out, like normal kids our age do.
Mimi: That's a good idea.
Izzy sighed and shook his head.
Izzy: We have to look for we don't have time to hang out.
Mimi and I pouted.
Me: Fun...police...just arrivied. (I poked him on his cheek)
Mimi: Yeah...
Izzy rolled his eyes and open his laptop.
Izzy: According to my research the distortions seem to occur where mass concentrates with those goggles. We should be able to see the data flow.
Tai put the goggles back on again.
Izzy: Colors mark the difference in data format and strength. For example, when I connect to my server.
The light around Izzy's laptop changed to dark yellow, and red dots appeared.
Tai: Yes, the light gets stronger.
Izzy: The red spots are the concentrations related to the distortions. It's highly possible infected digimon could appear from large distorted areas.
Kari: Oh, I see.
Me: I'm glad someone does. Because I'm still slightly confused...on all of this infected digimon stuff...
Izzy: I will explain again later, for know let's check for distortions in this area. (We all started to walk back towards the peir) to see in advance whether there are any dangerous spots here.
Sora: Huh?
Sora looks over to see Cassie, Luna, and Meiko all standing together. The three sisters were all huddled together looking out at the water.
Meiko was staring out at the water with a worried expression. Her siters were standing behind her, the two of them looked mostly worried as well.
Sora: What's wrong?
The three sisters turned around and noticed all of us.
Luna:Oh it's you guys.
Me: Happy to see us?
Luna: Not really...
I walked past her and stood next to Cassie.
Me: Hey best friend. What's going on?
Cassie: Oh nothing...(she rubs the back of her neck) Meiko just misplaced something of hers.
Meiko nodded.
Sora: Shall we help out?
Meiko: But...
Luna: That isn't really necessary.
Cassie: Luna...they could help.
Luna shot her the death glare, but it was too late.
Sora: It's okay, we're also searching for something.
Mimi: So it's alright.
Mimi and Sora started to walk her along. I followed them, by pushing Cassie and holding onto her shouler.
Mimi looks behind her shoulder at the others.
Mimi: You guys come too.
Luna: (mumbling) I guess their going to help too...(she sighs angrily)
We were all going down the esculator.
Sora: Anyway, what are you looking for, Meiko?
Meiko:'s a kind of a cat.
Kari: Kind of?
Cassie: (quickly) It's a crossbreed.
Me: Between what?
Luna put a hand over her sister mouth before she could speak again.
Luna: What my sister Meiko, and Cassie meant to say. Was that our cat is gentically made by our father. So it's truly not a cat, but at the same time it is.
We were now in town square.
Izzy looked over at Tai.
Izzy: How's this area, Tai?
Tai put on the goggles.
Tai: It looks safe.
We walked past stores, still looking for Meiko's cat.
I pointed to a store with a grin.
Me: I think I saw a cat run in there?
Cassie: Are you sure?
I nodded and raced to it.
My friends followed after me and we ran into an ice cream palor.
I ran to the counter.
Me: One Carmel vanilla candy explosion supreme please.
My friends sweatdropped.
Kari: We should have saw this coming.
The others got ice cream cones as well, and we all sat at tables.
Tai walked out of the palor with Izzy following after him.
(Noddle shop)
Izzy: You think it might be here?
Tai sat a table with a bowl of noddles. He a small grin appeared on his face.
Tai: No sorry, I was just hungry.
(Joe's class)
Teacher: Those beyond the fourth row need to work much harder, or you'll fail.
Joe looked down at his paper.
Joe: Ah no good...(His head fell sadly)
(In the digital world)
A black armored figure looked down at a portal of the city of Japan.
(Near the water's edge)
Meiko: Thanks for this . I'll keep looking with my sisters.
Cassie: We had a lot of fun though.
Luna nodded.
Luna: See you all later.
Sora: Will you guys be okay?
Me: Yeah, we can still help you look for him.
Meiko shook her head.
Meiko: No thank you, we can still look by ourselves.
The three sisters walked off.
My friends and I also walked away from them.
Tai: Hey Izzy.
Izzy: What is it?
Tai: These goggles can't see very far. I wonder if there's a way to check everywhere at once.
Mimi: Maybe from a high place.
Kari: What's tall around here?
Me: How about the ferris wheel?
Izzy: Good idea.
We all looked towards the ferris wheel.
On the way there we saw Matt and Gabumon. The mammal digimon patted Matt on his back.
Gabumon: Go on.
Sora: Matt?
Matt: Don't push me.
Gabumon: You're too complicated. I'll go join Agumon and the others.
Sora and I burst into laughter as Gabumon walked off towards a computer nearby.
(At the ferris wheel)
I smiled at the window of the ferris wheel cart. I sat next to T.K., while I saved an open seat for Sora.
I was staring out at Sora who was talking to Matt and Tai.
A man who worked the ferris wheel held the door open to the cart. Still waiting for one more person to get on.
Matt: Why ride on a ferris wheel?
Sora: Tai can explain everything.
Sora quickly hops into the cart and sits next to me.
The man closed the cart door.
Matt and Tai: Hey!
Tai: What?
Matt: Are you for real!?
Me: (I waved at them) Play nice you too.
The cart started to move up.
Mimi laughs.
Mimi: Look, we've put Tai and Matt together.
Sora: I hope they can make up.
Izzy: (confused) Are they fighting?
Me: Are you the only one, who hasn't noticed?
Izzy: Well sorry...
Sora: They're still a bit touchy after that last encounter. Perhaps both of them.
T.K.: I bet they're like caged lions.
Kari: They sure are.
Mimi holds out her cell phone.
Me: Please record this.
Mimi: (smiling) I already am.
(The other cart)
Matt: Hey.
Tai: What?
Matt: About the other day. I shouldn't have gotten angry, but you need to pull yourself together to. Infected Digimon could appear at anytime.
Tai didn't answer him. He just looks off out the window.
Matt: still hanging up? It's not like you. Not like you used to be.
Tai: I can't help it. I'm not what I was.
The two of them grew quiet.
Tai: now I see more and understand less. I'm not sure what we're doing is right. Or maybe... we're doing wrong.
The two of them looked out at the water.
Tai: I know only we can do it. But it's not that simple.
Matt: That's just running away.
(Back to out cart)
Izzy held out his laptop for Agumon and Gabumon to see.
Agumon: What are those two talking about?
Gabumon: I'd love to eavesdrop.
(Other cart)
Matt: Why are we up here?
Tai: Right, I forgot
Tai put on his goggles.
A huge cloud of red data was building up in the sky.
Tai: What's that?
(After the ferris wheel ride)
My friends and I starred to run in the direction of the distortion.
Tai: I saw the distortion over there!
Me: I wonder what kind of digimon it could be.
Woman on the intercom: attention all visitors. An abnormal climactic event is centered on Odaiba. To avoid injuries, an evacuation warning has been issued. Please leave the area in a safe orderly manner.
My friends and I were still sprinting towards the distortion area.
Intercom woman: This is an emergency. Evacuate immediately.
Raindrops started to fall.
The clouds above us started to swirl around
Tai: What's happening?
Me: Whatever it is, this is no measly Kuwagamon!
(Dark office)
Red haired woman: What about the children?
She was holding her cell phone up to her ear.
Daigo: (on the phone) I can't get through to them.
(Near the distortion area)
A cat like digimon looked up into the sky and jumped away.
Meiko: Meico, come here Mieco!
Cassie and Luna were walking on either side of their sisters.
Luna: Where could she be?
Cassie: I have no idea, but that cat could be anywhere.
The cat digimon ran into a public square center.
A small angel like digimon flew after her, and a small cubby bear like digimon was chasing after the cat.
Bear digimon: Meiccoomon!
Angel digimon: Meiko is worried! Please come back.
Meicoomon didn't listen to the other two digimon. She continue to run away from them.
The orange cat looked up to see a red portal open up. The bear and angel digimon stopped to stand next to her.
The angel digimon was very short. It was probably a good two feet tall. It had white milky skin and green eyes. Gold like wings were on the digimon's back. A small horn was on top of the digimon's head.
The bear digimon had black fur. And was probably a good four feet tall. He had on a blue hat that was facing backwards on his head. His eyes were a bright blue and he had a grimace on his face as he looked up at the portal.
From the portal a figure started to come through. The figure appeared on the ground and data particles flee away from his body.
It was a armored knight digimon. He wore black armor with gold highlights, a white cap was tied around his neck. The knight digimon looked towards the cat digimon.
The cat digimon was surronded in red energy. As this happen the angel and bear digimon stared at her worried.
The two digimon placed a hand on either side of her shoulder. Then the red energy disappeared from her body. The cat digimon looked towards the angel and bear digimon. She gave them a thankful smile.
(Outside the public square)
People screamed as they noticed the knight digimon. My friends and I were just as shocked as them.
Kari: What is that?
T.K.: Never seen that before?
Me: Why can't our enemies be cute fluffy bunnies!?
Izzy opens his laptop.
Izzy turned on his analyzer and started to scan the digimon.
Izzy: Got it. That's Alphamon.
T.K.: Alphamon?
Izzy: Sorry that's all the information I have.
Me: I have a bad feeling about this digimon...
T.K.: We must do something though.
I nodded to agree with him.
Mimi: Izzy, call Palmon and the others.
Izzy: Right away.
(Dark office)
Red haired: There (she was looking at a camera shot of Alphamon) The precious one.
Meiko and her sisters ran through the crowds.
Meiko: Where are you, Meico? Meico!
Meiko, Cassie and Luna stopped running as they saw Alphamon towering over them.
Luna: That's not Meiccoomon...let's get out of here...
Meiko: But...
Cassie: that digimon looks like he is mega level. We can't stay here, it's too dangerous.
Meicoomon: Meiko!
The cat digimon ran out of hiding and sprinting towards the girl.
The angel and bear digimon went after her.
The cat jumped into Meiko's open arms.
Cassie: Cupimon?
Cupimon: Aye!
The angel digimon smiled beightly as she hugged Cassie tightly. The girl hugged the digimon back.
The bear digimon ran by Luna's side.
Luna: Bearmon any information on this digimon?
Bearmon shook his head.
Bearmon: I know only a little information about him. He is a royal knight, and he is mega level. I would recommend we all get out of here and quick.
Luna: I second that option.
Meiccoomon: I'm so happy to see you Meiko!
Meiko: It's okay. You're safe now.
The six of them gasped as they all looked up to see Alphamon with his gloved left hand held out. Green light started to form in the palm of his hand.
Meiko and her sisters ran out of the way. They all had their digimon held close to their chest. As the blast of energy hit, the three of them was sent flying in different directions, all three of them screamed.
A red barrier appeared around Meiko and Meicoomon.
Tai and Matt ran in to see what happen.
Meiko was dropped out of the barrier, away from harm.
Cassie: Meiko! Are you okay!?
Meiko: Ye..yes. I'm fine...
Tai and Matt looked at the three girls. The two of them looked shocked to see digimon next to them.
Meiko was slowly getting up. She stared up at Alphamon with an angry stare.
The knight digimon slowly walked over towards Meiko.
Luna: Meiko! Run away! Get out of here.
Meiko looked too stunned to move. She was paralyzed with fear.
Tai: Why?
Matt ran over towards Meiko.
Tai was going to follow him but stopped when memories of destruction filled his mind.
Matt looked behind his shoulder.
Matt: What are you doing, Tai?
He growled angrily and continued to run.
Alphamon held out his left hand once more. As green light started to form in the palm of his hand.
Matt ran over to help Meiko to her feet.
Matt: This way.
Before Alphamon could attack them, a load roar was heard.
Seasarmon: Sun's courage!
Holy arrows were fired onto Aplhamon's back.
The knight turned towards the lion digimon but stopped when two other digimon attacked him.
Birdramon: Meteor wing!
Kabuterimon: Electro shocker!
The attacks formed a tornado around the knight digimon.
My friends and I watched the battle from a safe distance away from the public square
Aplhamon wasn't damaged from the three attacks. He had his cape covering his body. He then knocked the attacks away from him, and fired a black of energy at Meiko.
Cassie and Luna: Meiko!
Matt tackled her out of the way.
Matt: Are you okay?
Meiko nodded.
Gabumon: (yelling) Matt!
Gabumon stood next to him.
Matt: Gabumon?
He smiled and nodded.
Matt: Leave this to us. Come on, Gabumom
Birdramon and Kabuterimon came flying in towards Alphamon. But Alphamon caught Birdramon by her neck and slammed Kabuterimon to the ground with his free hand. He then brought Birdramon close to him and fired a blast of energy into her chest, and fired a blast of energy at Kabuterimon who was still on the ground.
Birdramon was sent flying backwards, she eventually crashed into the ferris wheel
Sora: Birdramon!
Izzy: Kabuterimon!
Seasarmon pounced onto the knight's back. The knight reached behind him and grabbed the lion digimon. Seasarmon struggled to get out of his grasp. The knight held on to the champion tightly, and fired a blast of energy straight in his face.
I screamed in terror. Seasarmon received a attack straight on.
The lion digimon grew limb in his hands and threw him out of the area. The champion was flying towards my friends and i.
Kari: We should get out of the way!
Sora: And fast.
I stood in horror at what just happen. T.K. quickly grabbed me and ranned away, and just in time, because Seasarmon slammed into the ground where I was standing.
Luna barred her teeth angrily and pulled a digivice out of her pocket.
Luna: Cassie!
Cassie looked over at her sister to see her digivice. Cassie nodded and pulled a digivice of her own out of her handbag.
The two sisters held out their digivices.
Luna: Bearmon!
Cassie: Cupimon!
Bearmon: On it!
Cupimon: Aye!
Luna's digivice begins to glow brightly. Her digivice screen reads evolution and another bright glow emerges from the blue digivice. White pieces spiral down towards Bearmon.
Bearmon: Bearmon digivovle too...
The white pieces form an egg around Bearmon, engulfing him inside of the digivoultion egg. The digivoultion egg flouts upwards and begins to grow brighter and turn bigger. A body figure of a quadrupedal bear appears. It wears armor on it's shoulders of its forelegs and the paws are covered in spiked gauntlets with sharp claws. Its hind legs are not massively developed as its forelegs but they are still large, the numbers 0 1 2 are on the bear digimon's body in different patterns. A golden ring flies down towards the bear digimon and the designs of the digimon appear. The bear has purple color fur, the amour on the bear digimon is red, and a white crescent moon is on his forehead.
Grizzlymon: Grizzlymon!
Cassie's digivice begins to glow brghtly and her digivice screen reads evolution. Another bright glow emerges from the blue digivice. White pieces spiral down towards Cupimon.
Cupimon: Cupimon digivovle too...
The white pieces form an egg around Cupimon, engulfing her inside the digivoultion egg. The digivoultion egg flouts upwards and begins to glow brighter and turn bigger. A body figure of a swan digimon appears. The numbers 0 1 2 are on the swan digimon's body in different patterns. A gold ring flies down towards the bird digimon and the designs of the digimon appear. The swan digimon has white feathers with the color light blue-gray on the tips of its wings and wears a silver color chest plate necklace around her neck.
Swanmon: Swanmon!
Grizzlymon pounced towards the knight digimon with his claws extended.
Grizzlymon: (snarling) Maul attack!
Grizzlymon started to slash feverishly at the mega level digimon. So fast in fact that he became a blur of energy. Grizzlymon struck the knight one more time, and did a backflip and landed on his feet. As he made it to the ground he realized Aplhamon held out his hand towards him and blasted him with a blast of green energy.
The bear digimon slammed roughly threw a store window.
Luna: Grizzlymon!
Swanmon flew towards Alphamon with her beak barred.
Swanmon: Down tornado!
Swanmon started to flap her wings quickly. Soon a tornado of feathers were thrown at the mega, but he stood still as the feathers bounced off his amour harmlessly.
Swanmon gasped in surprise.
Alphamon held out his hand to the bird but she quickly flew away to take cover.
Cassie: Swanmon take cover until you see a good time to attack!
The swan digimon nodded.
Garurumon pounced towards Aplhamon. He bit down on his left arm.
The knight digimon tried to shake him off, by moving his arm left and right. Finally Garurumon jumped off of him and landed on the ground.
Garurumon: Wolf blaster!
Aplhamon held out his hand to deleft the attack. Garurumon jumped into the air and did a somersault towards Alphamon. But the knight fired a energy blast at the wolf digimon.
Matt ran towards Tai.
Matt: Tai! We need Omnimon!
Tai looked scared.
Garurumon came crashing down behind Matt. But he continued to run.
Matt was thrown to the ground by the force of impact from his digimon.
Mimi: (holding out her digivice) It's your turn Palmon!
Palmon: Okay.
Mimi's digivice begins to glow brghtly and her digivice screen reads evolution. Another bright glow emerges from the blue digivice. White pieces spiral down towards Palmon.
Palmon: Palmon digivovle too...
The white pieces form an egg around Palmon, engulfing her inside the digivoultion egg. The digivoultion egg flouts upwards and begins to glow brighter and turn bigger. A body figure of a cactus digimon appears. The numbers 0 1 2 are on the cactus digimon's body in different patterns. A gold ring flies down towards the plant digimon and the designs of the digimon appear. The plant digimon had a green plant like skin with neddles sticking out on her body, arms and legs. The cactus also had red boxing gloves on.
Togemon: Togemon!
T.K.: (holding out his D3) Let's join them.
Kari: Right.
Togemon: Neddle spray!
Swanmon flew in next to the cactus digimon.
Swanmon: Down tornado!
The neddles and feathers came inches towards Alphamon but they stopped in middair. The neddles and feathers burst into flames.
Angemon flew in towards Aplhamon, while Gatomon pounced towards him.
Angemon: Fist of faith!
Gatomon: Neko kick!
The two digimoj struck either side of Aplhamon's gloved hands. The two were frozen in their attack poses, and then Aplhamon fired a blast of energy at them both.
Angemon and Gatomon was thrown backwards.
Togemon and Swanmon dived in together, to attack again. But Aplhamon raised his hands up and fired a blast of energy at the both of them.
Togemon was sent falling down the esculator. While Swanmon slammed into the ground roughly creating a small crator in the ground.
Matt and Garurumon slowly got to their feet.
Agumon walked over towards Tai.
Agumon: Tai.
Tai bawled his fist.
Tai: What should I do?
Meiko: Never!
Tai looked over at Meiko, she held Meicoomon tightly as she stared at Alphamon.
Meiko: I'll never let you have Meico!
She ran quickly away.
Tai gasped and the memories flooded his mind again.
Aplhamon walked after her, destroying walkways as he did so.
Garurumon pounced on Aplhamon's back.
Tai: (thinking) I have to fight.
Alphamon knocked the wolf off his back.
Garurumon: Wolf blaster!
The attack struck his back.
The knight turned and fired a blast of energy at him.
Agumon held onto Tai's leg as they were sent flying into the air.
Agumon was thrown off of Tai.
Agumon: Tai!
Matt had landed behind Tai.
Alphamon stared at them for a breif moment and walked away.
Matt slowly got to his feet.
Matt: If you won't do anything.
Matt slowly started to walk after Alphamon.
Matt: If you won't do anything, you're just running away!
Tai got to his feet.
Matt helped him to stand up.
Matt: At this rate, everything will be destroyed after all. Not just the city, the people too! Only we can save them.
Tai gasped.
Kuwagamon, Birdramon, Grizzlymon, Seasarmon, Angemon, Gatomon, Togemon and Swanmon were all on the ground unconscious.
Agumon and Garurumon slowly got to their feet.
Sora frowned as she watched the fight.
Izzy was typing away on his laptop frantically.
I was on my knees next to Seasarmon, my hands covering my eyes as I cried over his uncounses body.
Mimi narrowed her eyes, she was struggling to stay strong.
T.K. and Kari barred their teeth as they held their D3's tightly.
Alphamon drew nearer to Meiko.
Tai closes his eyes and memories filled his mind of the destruction. And then of him and Matt when they were younger, holding hands when they were about to be hit by the holy arrows.
Tai open his eyes, and got to his feet.
The two friends exchange nods.
Tai: Let's go. Agumon!
Agumon: Leave it to me, Tai!
Agumon ran past them.
Greymon: Greymon!
Greymon: Nova blast!
The attack struck Aplhamon's back.
The knight turned around.
WereGarurumon: WereGarurumon!
WereGarurumon: Wolf knuckle!
The wolf digimon punched the knight in his face, causing him to stumble backwards.
MetalGreymon: MetalGreymon!
MetalGreymon: Trident arm!
The arm struck the knight on top of his head and reeled back.
MetalGreymon: Giga blaster!
Aplhamon stepped backwards.
MetalGarurumon: MetalGarurumon!
MetalGarurumon: Ice wolf claw!
Ice surronded the knight but he broke free from the attack.
WarGreymon: WarGreymon!
WarGreymon: Terra force!
The knight fell to his knees from the power from the attack.
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were surronded in bright energy.
WarGreymon: WarGreymon!
MetalGarurumon: MetalGarurumon!
Both: DNA digivovle too...
Omnimon: Omnimon!
Sora: Omnimon!
Izzy: They did it!
Me: Were saved!
Aplhamon held out his hand as an axe appeared out of nowhere. Wings erupted from his back causing a flash of gold to shine around him.
Omnimon tooked a step foward.
The two knight digimon jumped towards one another. Each had their weapon ready to attack the other.
Sword and axe collided with each other. Sending the two digimon back in the air somewhat.
Buildings started to come apart from the forth of the attack.
All of us tried to stand our ground from the forth of energy that blew past us.
Omnimon and Aplhamon fought roughly. The two fighting back and forth, neither could land a blow. Aplhamon held out his hand and tried to fire a blast of energy at him, but Omnimon dodged
Some of Aplhamon's attacks destroyed buildings and even the ferris wheel.
Aplahmon tried to slash at Omnimon from an ariel attaci. But Omnimon jumped out of the way at the last minute.
Aplhamon's axe was stuck in the ground.
Omnimon held out his cannon and began to use his attack.
A portal open up behind Aplhamon.
Tai gasped.
Omnimon continued to build up his attack, his eyes locked onto Aplhamon. Yellow particles started to fly away from Omnimon.
Alphamon jumped into the portal. The portal closed just as Omnimon released the full force of his attack.
Tai fell on his butt.
All of us stared at the damage that was caused. The attack had made a gigantic crator, that was probably five football feilds wide.
Daigo stood not to far away from the battle.
Daigo: It got away...
My friends and I ran towards where Tai and Matt were sitting.
Sora: Tai!
Izzy: Matt!
Me: Are you guys okay?
The two looked at each other and nodded. The two slightly smiled at us.
Koromon and Tsunomon were both asleep in the crator.
Meiko and her sisters walked over to us. With their digimon partners in their arms.
Sora: Is that who you were looking for?
Meiko: Yes my friend.
Kari: Is her name Meico?
Meiko: Her real name is Meicoomon.
T.K.: Meicoomon?
Meiko, Cassie and Luna pulled out their digivices to show us.
All of my friends and I gasped
Me: I can't believe it...who in their right mind would make Luna a digidestined.
Luna: I warn you Ruby! I wil destroy you.
I giggled from her reaction.
Mimi: So you three are digidestined too?
Meiko: Yes, I guess so.
Cassie: Our digimon were sent too us when we were younger.
Mimi: That's wonderful!
Meiko: Sorry i didn't tell you all.
Cassie: Were all sorry. Right Luna?
Luna looked off with an annoyed look.
Luna: Sure.
Me: Wait if your digidestined! Did you guys have crest.
Luna and Cassie looked surprised.
Luna: Our digimon Bearmon and Cupimon gave us out crest when we met them. But we lost them after a while. But we don't really need them anymore. I have the crest of protection.
Cassie: And I have the crest of forgiveness.
Mimi: What about you Meiko?
Meiko shook her head.
Meiko: I don't have one.
Me: Oh that's too bad.
T.K.: Our band is growing bigger.
Kari giggles.
Kari: Fantastic
Meiko smiled though and looked down at Meicoomon.
Meiko: Meico, these kind people all helped to save you. I'm happy your safe. (She looks at us) Ta you.
Meicoomon: Ta you.
Kari: (confused) What?
Luna and Cassie smiled at their sister.
Meiko looked emberrassed.
Meiko: It's dialect for thank you.
All of my friends and I smiled.
I looked back at the damage and frowned. Why was Alphamon so desperate to get Meicoomon. Is Meiko and her sisters hiding something about Meicoomon?
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