Chapter.8 A Bracelet's Calling
The next day...
With Princess Cathy, she was exploring her trinket box when a light blue bracelet caught her attention. "This looks beautiful! But... I have never wore it though, I wonder why"she said but she just wore the bracelet. When she wore it it shined so bright and the light died down slowly "Why did it do that?"she asked. With Prince Lucky, his bracelet shone bright and it's light died down slowly too, he asked the same question to himself too. "It must be the sun reflecting it's light from my bracelet? Possibly!"he said as he continued to fix his self. Cathy went to call her bird friends and when the birds came, they came with food for her. She took it and thanked as they flew away. She grabbed a book about gems, she wanted to know more about the bracelet she is wearing, since it is made up of gems which is shaped in sphere. She looked through her booksehlf and pulled out a book called Mystical Gems. She went to open the book and it opened to page 63, she read it:
These green bracelets a will cause a vine attack if you say these words- Green Vines rise up, climb up as high as you can, grow taller and longer like no anyone else
She read it, but she didnt know that she has a green bracelet in her trinket box. That bracelet glowed and it cause a Vine Attack! Those vines were moving, it went and climbed into Cathy's room. The vines tried to capture Princess Cathy but she has a sword which she can slice those moving vines coming forth her. Then, Prince Lucky's bracelet glowed bright, and he felt that Princess Cathy was in trouble. So he swam up to the surface to help her, and the only way to stop those vines are mermiad scales, which one mermaid scale fell after he leaped from the sea. "Why are you here? How did you know I was in trouble?"Princess Cathy began to question, "I don't know! But my bracelet glowed bright then I had a sense thet you were im trouble. But, whatever that is I'm glad you're safe"he said as Cathy hugged him, Prince Lucky smiled during the hug. But sadly, he has to return home to help his brother with things as he waved goodbye and left.
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