Chapter.22 Sleeping With You
Many months have passed, it was more peaceful now. Philip and Katelyn's friendship grew stronger and later it became a relationship. Same goes to Lucky and Cathy, their love and bond grew stronger and they got used with some words and actions, but would never do inapporpriate stuffs in public nor boast their ralationship. "I'm glad that your brother and Katelyn are back on track now"Lucky said with a smile, Cathy nodded in agreement "Y'know? They are actually cute together!"she said, "Oh really? So your not saying were cute?"he teased as Cathy said "Tickle attack!"as she attacked Lucky with tickles, ofcourse he wont stop laughing. "Cathy! Hahaha! Stop! Haha!!"as Cathy stopped, "Oh you, ofcourse we are!"she said with a giggle as booped him on the nose. Then after that, they just enjoyed the view! "Wait, I forgot to make you guys breakfast!"then she rushed inside to prepare, then Katelyn appeared to help her out. After their breakfast, Cathy informed that she will be helping his brother out today so she trusted the two to take care of her room. After that, she left her room leaving the two there.
Katelyn: Hey bro! Can you tell me all about humans? I wanted to know, since I am with... You know
Lucky: Um... Sure sis, what do you want to talk about?
Katelyn: Hmm... Can you discuss me about like friendships amd feelings???
Lucky: B-but Katelyn! You already know that!
Katelyn: The only thing I know about human feelings is happiness and a few things...
Lucky: Are you serious? You dont know what love is?
Katelyn: Nu-uh
Lucky: Well, that is what mom and dad tell us! They love us
Katelyn: Really? Cause all I remember is that they say I care you! Not I love you!
Lucky: Oh... I forgot, we mermaids don't know the word love, only care heh. Sorry about that
Katelyn: Awww it's fine! You actually learned the word love earlier than me cause you went to Cathy's! *nodge nodge*
Lucky: Hehe yeah...
☆Lucky's POV☆
Hmmm... I wonder how's Cathy doing? She's never been productive like this before! But I'm glad that she and her brother are now in good terms, *sigh* I wish I could help her with some of the works she is given!
☆End of POV☆
Then, Lucky smiled at Katelyn "Okay Katelyn, let's have human class!"he said enthusiastically, as Katelyn cheered. The class went on for hours and was disturbed by a knock on the door, Lucky went to open the door. He found a basket full of food and a note on top of it, it says:
Hey guys! I left this food for you guys for your lunch. I am still helping my brother actually, so I might have lunch with 'em so I'll be back at either 5, 6 or 7pm.
Lots of Love,
Lucky giggles as he brought the basket full of food in. Then, he let Katelyn choose a food inside the basket. After lunch, their class continued until 5:50. Cathy then arrived at 5:10, she opened the door and threw herself to her bed; she putted her blanket on top of her and tried to put herself to sleep. "Cathy? Have you ate dinner yet?"Lucky asked in a calm and sweet tone. She replied tiredly "Mhmm... I did, thanks...", then he explored her hair, running his fingers to it. "May I sleep with you?"he asked as Cathy replied unconciously with a yes as he went beside her and hugged her. "Love you Cathy"he said, even though she was unconcious, a smile crept on her face. Lucky thought of how sweet and cute her smile was, he smiled and went to sleep...
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