Chapter 2 Marionette
This is really happening, this is really happening. I stand at the door waiting anxiously for Dinah Colby to show up. We decided to walk together to school at the dance, because, quoting Dinah, "Only babies get dropped off by their mommies!" Kaelyn and Dylan were beside me, waiting to go with us. Mom refused to let me walk on my own, and she told us that we could drop off Dylan at her middle school on the way to Peterman High. It was embarassing. Finally, Dinah rings the doorbell and I practically fly to the door (you might be wondering how Dinah knows where I live- we exchanged phone numbers and addresses at the Before-School-Bbq and hung out a lot before school started). I flung the door opened wide and there was Dinah, in another adorable red outfit. She had a red, spaghetti sleeved tank-top, with white polka dots, super short shorts, and those really long socks that go up past your knees, red ones, with white lace around the top. She wore her red high-tops from the Bbq as well. Her carrot coloured hair was done in two, long braids, that revealed dangling, silver, hoop earrings. "Aloha, Megara Maxwell!" Dinah called out ('Megara' came from the movie Hercules, that Dinah and I watched at her house). I laughed and Dylan giggled nervously a little, Kaelyn just rolled her eyes, muttering, "Megara? Seriously?"
"Hi, Dinah. Are you ready?" I ask my friend. Then, I jabbed my thumb in the direction of my two sisters, "Okay if these two tag along?"
Dinah's brown eyes widened as she exclaimed, "You have sisters? Why didn't you tell me? This is so cool! I only have an older brother, it's torture!"
Suddenly, Mom appeared, wearing a navy blue suit and heels. She had her blond hair up in a French twist. "You must be Dinah Colby, so very pleased to meet you." Mom took Dinah's hand and shook it, "I've been so worried on how these girls were going to get to school, I have a job interview and I can't drive them. You seem to know your way around, I'm so glad you can walk with them."
"Not a problem Miss Maxwell!" Dinah saluted jokingly, "These guys will be safe with me!" And then, we all piled out of the door to school.
The morning was sunny and there was not a cloud in the vast, blue sky. Kaelyn walked way ahead of Dinah and I, frequently taking nonchalant looks at us, to make sure she was heading the right way. My sixteen year old sister was embarassed that she didn't own a car to drive to school and had to follow the lead of a younger girl. Dylan was tagging along behind us in the most annoying way, tripping over stones in the ground or banging into the back of our legs! Of course she didn't mean it, she was nervous, starting Grade Seven and all, but still I didn't necessarily like her treatment. I couldn't help but go, "For the last time, don't bang into Dinah and I like that! It's killing me, Dylan!"
"Sorry!" Dylan squeaked, trotting alongside us. Suddenly, I felt sorry for her because Dylan's mousy face was displaying the most pained expression I've ever seen in my life! "You nervous, Little D?" I ask, calling her by her childhood nickname. She runs her hands through her brunette bob and shakes her head, trying to play it cool. "I'm not nervous, Meg. Are you nervous?"
"No," I say defiantly, "c'ause I got Dinah here!" I put my arm around her. Dinah laughs loudly.
"Way to make me feel jealous!" Dylan mumbled, kicking a pebble across the sidewalk.
Dinah looked at Dylan and said, "Don't you worry. I think there's a girl on my street who's going to your middle school! Grayblossom School isn't it? I'll try to find her for you and you can follow her around and stuff. She's nice."
"Thanks." Dylan said and looked up and grinned at Dinah. I beamed at my friend. Dinah can sure be a help. Five minutes later, we reach the school and Dinah finds that girl. Dylan and the other girl hit off fine and Dylan walked off happily. Dinah, Kaelyn and I set off once more to Peterman High. While we're walking, I lean in and whisper into Dinah's ear. "Thanks!" I say.
"For what?" Dinah asked me.
"For making my sister less nervous and for coming with us to school, it's very helpful!"
"Not a problem!" Dinah cries, "I'm glad I have you to walk with, I can finally talk about..." her eyes twinkled mischeviously, "boys!" And my heart dropped to my stomach.
"So, Meg, did you have a crush at your old school?" Dinah asked eagerly.
"No." I shake my head.
"Did you see anyone that caught your fancy at the Bbq?"
"Did you?" I question her instead.
"Oh, I have a crush!" Dinah gushed, "Since Grade Seven! I was dancing with him at the Bbq, don't you remember?"
"Was it...?" I trailed off, forgetting the names of the people I met at the Bbq.
"It's Peter!" Dinah said happily, "I just love the way his eyes are matching mine-"
"K'ay, young things. I think we're here." Kaelyn interrupts us for the first time on the walk. She managed to cough fakely, "Thank you *ahem* Dinah for showing us *ahem* the way to school!"
"No prob." Dinah said. As Kaelyn walks off, we walk behind all the parking lot spots to get to the school courtyard. Suddenly, a shiny, red car whizzes by, causing Dinah and I to jump back. "Hey, watch it!" Dinah shouts at the car, and I'm about to say something too, but the most beautiful girl I've ever seen steps out.
She has nice, tan skin, not a freckle or pockmark covering her face. Her rosebud mouth is in a sweet smile as she steps out of the car, flinging her backpack over her shoulder. She has, long, ebony hair, straight with a slight wave, and a side-bang. Her eyes are a deep, rich brown. She's wearing a peach and yellow tye-dyed T-shirt, with part of the side bunched and held together with a hair elastic. She wears jean shorts with lace around the edges and a pair of flip-flops. "Sorry," she says in a way that shows that she means it, "Jonas, my brother, just got his license and he is still not a very good driver."
A dark haired boy comes out of the car and slams the door with a, "Hey!"
Dinah waves, but says in a fake sweet tone, "Hey Marionette, how was your trip to the Carribean?"
The girl smiled at Dinah and said, "Very good, thank you Dinah. It was really warm." But then, she changed the subject. Pointing her finger, with a nicely manicured nail, at me, she asked Dinah, "Who's this?"
"Megan, from Winsconsin." Dinah introduced me.
Marionette's eyes went wide. "No way!" she cried, "I love Winsconsin, I've always wanted to-"
The bell to start school rang out around the courtyard. Grumpily, every student piled into the front door, knowing that this was the start of a long, long, school year. I was still staring at the spot Marionette was, when Dinah pulled me away. All I could think of was: Marionette. Her name is Marionette.
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