Memory Jump
We just heard Ozpin's speech a couple of hours ago. And it was... Something. "I guess it is suppose to be motivational?" I don't really know... "Well here I am in Beacon, smoking my cigarrete under a tree while looking at the stars. Waiting for my adventure to start tomorrow." I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I threw away the cigarrete before taking another puff of smoke. I sensed somebody moving. "You better go to sleep... We got a test tomorrow." I said to the presence behind me. "Do you know how much caffiene we, professors take daily?" He chuckled at the end of what he said. "Hehehe, I don't wanna know how much, professor." I stood up and took his hand. "(Y/N) Bug (L/N) at your service, what do you need?" As I shook his hand with a smile. "Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy"
"I just came by to take a look at the nicest soul on Remnant. Nothing more." He said and he took a sip out of his mug "Nah, I ain't the nicest soul on the world. The pure of soul don't kill either bad or good." And I sat back down leaning on the tree. "Do you know how many people envy you for your kindness, how many people target you for your wealth, Mister (L/N)?" "I know people's jealousy on me, they always try to manipulate the kind hearts for their personal gain. I don't really care about that and I know I have a big red target on my head the moment I turned six. Hell, I even suffered from it." I remember those days, the days of suffering from the loss of my parents, the first day I picked up a gun, the day I got my first kill out of rage and "It was also the day I unlock my semblance." It doesn't tick me anymore, I moved on and I can handle it.
"I know of the accident, I am sorry for your loss" kinda knew he's gonna say that. "Ah.. It's okay. I moved on... I forgave myself a long time ago. There is something that I was grateful of the incident." I said as I took off my hat, revealing my jet black hair. "And that is?" Asked the headmaster "Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness." I replied and hooked my hat on top of my coat. "Welp, that was something. I better get some shut eye, Professor Oz. Night." I said to him and closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was "Sleep well, Mister (L/N)" and some footsteps leaving and approaching but I simply ignore it and accept the darkness.
~The Next Morning~
I woke up to someone sneezing and shaking my whole body. I felt weight on my shoulder and something soft brushing against my neck. I turned my head around to find purple... Hair? I figured out that it was the fine lady yesterday because of her outfit. 'Well this is a surprise?' I thought to myself. I poked her cheek and I saw her eyelids slowly open, so I greeted her. "Mornin' Miss" and gave her a warm smile.
She shot up standing and I saw her face with a little tint of red from embarrassment. "U-um Good morning..." She returned the greeting and pulled her hoodie and a face mask up to cover her face. "Hey hey now, don't hide yer face Miss... You look more beautiful without that." I said as I stood up.
Ashley's P.O.V
Well, we got to the assembly on time and I guessed that we're gonna get a little welcome speech. The girl in red broke away from us and joined the blonde girl. I walk away, leaving the guy as he stood there looking around. I got myself a good spot at the back of the hall away from the others and leaned on the wall behind me. When Ozpin came onto the stage, he began his speech and I got bored. So... I decided to tune out the speech and the noise, even if it didn't work, so did the next best thing. I tried to ignore the stuff.
I gazed around and found myself staring at the vintage looking guy that followed me here. 'He's... Handsome. Just like him. Wait.. What am I thinking?' I thought and mentally slapped myself and I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up. "But his face has that friendly and welcoming vibe to it... just like him." I muttered to myself. After realising what I did, I slapped myself for real. 'Maybe he is single? But what if he's not ready to mingle...' I frowned and then I heard Professor Glynda informing us the place to sleep for tonight and I walked away.
'Another look won't hurt right? Why am I doing this? I felt this feeling in my tummy before when I met him.' "and I'm not like this." I turned around to find him gone... I felt a little sad by not being able to see him.
Short Timeskip
I placed my bag in the corner of the mess hall. I leaned on the wall and slowly slid down to a sitting position. Pulled my mask up to hide half of my face and closed my eyes. As soon as I did.
It happened so fast. I saw him smiling at me and the area changed to a burning village. Me and him fighting a large swarm of grimm trying to buy the rest of the village time to evacuate since there is no nearby huntsman. That's when it happened, I got hit by a boarbatusk from behind and got injured. "ASH!" He screamed as he ran and slide to my fallen body. I tried to get up but I can't. My whole body is shutting down.
I closed my eyes and I felt a drop of water fell on my face. I looked up and saw him crying. "I'm gonna send you to the bullhead." He said "NO! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!" "You're injured and you need help..." I hugged him and sobbed. "Please... I want to stay with you..." Soaking his shirt with my tears. He pulled my face up. And...
He Kissed Me.
Dream End
I woke up gasping for air with tears strolling down my face. I pulled out my scroll to look at the time. Only an hour passed since I fell asleep. I stood up and walk to the balcony to get some fresh air. I gazed up to the stars. "I missed you..." And one of the stars blinked and I tried to think what he would say. "I would want you to forgive yourself" I flinched when I heard his voice and saw him standing right next to glowing and smiling. I tried to hug him but my hands just go through him. "(Y/N)... How?" And I started to tear up again.
"Somebody called me down here to help you." I froze up and drop a few tears. He sighed "Ashley... I know it's hard to move on but I need you to do it... I need you to forgive yourself. If you can't do it for yourself then do it for me... For him" I asked him who he was talking about and he pointed to (Y/N) under the tree talking to Ozpin. "Hell, he got my name, my smile, my body build even my face. Almost a perfect copy of me. Like a twin from another mother that I never knew." I just stood there as I look at you under the tree, sleeping.
"I know you like him... And I know you want him, go on sleep next to him, sleep next to me..." I turn back around to face the (Y/N) Slater gone. I got on the railing and jumped down to the ground outside with roll.
I approached and saw his face. A face of peacefulness, of blissful calmness as he slept. I sat next to him and leaned on his strong figure. I pulled my hoodie down and laid my head on his shoulder. As I close my eyes I saw him smile slightly in his sleep and I felt safe.
~The Next Morning~
I got woken up by someone poking my cheek. "Mornin miss" I turned my head and saw him (Y/N) smiling. I shot up standing and faced him.
"U-um Good Morning..." I greeted back and pulled my hoodie and face mask up to cover my fave as I felt my cheeks heat up. 'Uhh... This is so embarrassing!' I screamed in my head and mentally slap myself "Hey hey now, don't hide yer face Miss... You look more beautiful without that." He stood up and as requested I put the mask down. Just the mask, just for him.
"We, uh we should get to the initiation... O-or we could get some problems." He just nodded and we started walking to the cliff as told yesterday.
"Soo... Uh Miss?" He looked my way and so did I. "Yes? And please don't call me that" "Okay. Didn't really catch yer name." We stopped walking. "It's Ashley... And you are (Y/N) right?" And we started walking again in silence until we got to the cliff.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
The both of us got on the last two jump pad and Ozpin started talking. "Alright, now that we are all here. Let's begin, this initiation will be the moment where you will get your team... So I advise you get paired with the one you know best and fight the best with." I heard Ruby cheered at this. "That is why I implemented a way to get you the dream team... The first person you make eye contact with will be in your team for the next four years." WHAT?!" "Anyways, you will be launched from this cliff into the forest. Any questions?" I already like this plan. "And how will we land?" I heard a blonde guy said. "How you plan your landing is for you to figure out. Let's begin." The first guy got launch off and one by one the students go flying until the girl next to me flew off and I braced for take off... But it didn't happen and got confused. "Hey? Why didn't work?" I look towards Ashley and then Ozpin. "You will go through the test and let me tell the both of you in advance I already know you two will pass but since we are short of two more students. The two of you will be put on a two man team. Now of you go." I smiled and nodded but Ashley seems nervous. "Hey Ash, smile more because you look beautiful that way" I flashed her a smile and held on to my hat, bracing, took off yelling.
I pulled my Divine Lightning and wait to get a bit lower before whipping a tree branch and landing with a flip. "Yeah! That was AWESOME!" I jumped. 'I need to do that again sometime' I made a mental note about it and started walking in an unknown direction.
I walked a good five minutes until I dodged a boarbatusk charging at me and pulled one of my Holy Twelve out. I shot it in the head but just to make it even more angry. I jumped sideways and pulled my other gun and dual wield it. I shot again only for the bullets to ricochet off its head and I gave up trying to shoot it. The boarbatusk winded up it's charge and I stood my ground glaring at it. The grimm charged at me and as soon as it got close I grab it's tusks and hoisted it up. With one hand busy holding the beast up, I pulled out one of my guns and shot it three times in the belly. "Die. Die. Die." The boarbatusk stop struggling and I let go falling to the ground before it disappears into thin air. 'Damn I feel Edgy'
I ran into an Ursa Major. "Man this day just keeps on getting better, welp let's make it fun!" I whipped my Divine Lightning on the ground and It charge trying to smack me but I jump over the Ursa's paw and wrapped my whip around it's neck and landed on top of it. The grimm started flailing around trying to get me off it. "Yeehaw! Rodeo baby! Come on, Giddy up Billy!" And I smacked it's side with my boot. The Ursa flailed again and started leaping forward repeatedly. As I was riding the grimm I ran across Ashley walking, so I electricuted the Ursa and it fell down breathing heavily. "Looks like we are meant to be a team! Come on! All aboard the Black Billy!" I yelled and gave her my hand which she hesitantly accepted and I pulled her on top. "Yehaw! Lets Move Billy!" I shocked the grimm and it moved again. Rearing up on its hind feets before leaping erraticly forward.
I felt Ashley's arm tighten around my waist and I got this warm fuzzy feeling and smiled even wider.
"Wooohooo! This is Awesome!" I pulled on the whip bringing the Ursa to a stop before collaspsing on it's belly as we approached what looked like a recent battlefield with ruins everywhere and a broken bridge. We got down the grimm and Ashley Instantly pulled out her diamond looking daggers and raised her hand preparing to kill it but I stopped her making her confused. "Why are you stopping me from killing it?" I looked back at the exhausted beast and smiled at it. "Hey why not let this guy go... We had fun" I reached out to my back and pulled out a water bottle and opened it pouring in its mouth. "Didn't we big guy?" I said as I rub it's black fur between it's ears. Suprisingly, it just did a low growl and didn't flinch away. "See? He likes me... You go see if the relics is in the ruins, I'm gonna stay with my buddy for a bit." I asked her as I kept on rubbing the top of the Ursa's head.
She went to search for the relic. It finished drinking from my bottle. "Looks like I need to leave you here, my friend." And it nudged my side with his head. "Aww... I don't wanna leave you too, big guy." It made like a grunt after that and I hugged the big beast scratching it's ears.
Ashley came back and showed a rook piece. Me and my Ursa buddy got up and I faced 'Billy' "Me and Ashley need to go back to the academy... And you need to go back inside the forest." I started to tear up as the Ursa grunted and rub it's head on my chest. I sprayed it with the tiny can of (F/C) paint on top of it's head. I hugged it one last time, sniffling. "Goodbye, Billy. I'll miss you Billy..." I wipe the tears of the edge of my eyes. Billy grunted again and turn around heading back into the forest.
"Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Wiess Schnee and Blake Belladonna, since these pairs picked up the same relics, they will make team RWBY, Led by Ruby Rose." We cheered for them and now its our turn. "(Y/N) Bug (L/N) And Ashley Marie Somemoer, the two of you will be made team BAMS as our one and only two man team." He finished and they all cheered, congratulating us or me. Since Ashley just move and hide behind me as we got off the stage. "Well, that will be all for today. Your room numbers, passes and schedule will sent to you via Scroll. Now please enjoy the rest of the day. Classes starts tomorrow."
We got out of the hall and I instantly got tackled into a hug to the ground by a red blur knocking all the air out of me. "Ow... Hey there lil red..." I groaned in pain and sit up. "CONGRATULATIONS!"...
To Be Continued...
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Props to Chinsangan for allowing me to use his (Slater). If You Haven't Checked Out His Crimson Shadow Book Yet. Please Do It! It Is An Amazing Book To Read.
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