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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Here I am. Strolling the Academy grounds beating myself up for yesterday's earthquake. 'I think?' Was it really my fault or were they telling the truth about Jack breaking the lamp. It's gotta be me since the other students walking around is giving weird looks.
"Hey dood... Did you feel the shaking last night? And did you also hear the screaming?" Well that settles the verdict. "It was me... Again." I let out a sigh and started walking again towards the cliff from our first day. While I was walking I asked for Eden to tell the workers back home a message to tell them I'm doing great and to send the prototype that I was working on for Eden now at the cliff.
I looked at my clock on the scroll stating •8:07 A.M.•. "Eh... Class starts on 9 so lets try to put in some more work." Suddenly a voice speaks up. "Hey! Put your earbuds on dummy!" I did as told. "And don't even think about pulling that stunt again where you jump of the cliff!" I flinched. "And why would I do that?" I don't really think this is needed. "Because the last time a quake happened. You threw a fit and jumped off the cliff back home!" Oh yeah... I remember that day. "I won't do it this time. I promise."
"I don't know if I can trust your promise..." Oh well, atleast I can show my surprise to her this evening. I got to the cliff five minutes later and sat down at the edge.
"Hey (Y/N), Its Ash." I heard Ashley call me but when I turn around I can't see her. "Uhh... Hello?" I felt something poking my arm but I still can't see her. "Where are you?" I can sense a presence by my side but it's nowhere to be seen. "I'm right next to you. Can't you see me?" And then Ozpin showed up.
"Naz? Is it you?" I looked up at Ozpin in question. I heard Ashley's voice speak up. "Professor, can you see me?" He looked at my side and I swore I saw his eyes glow for a split second. "(Y/N), I detected two entity that has magic nearby." Eden talked through the earbuds but I kept my mouth shut. "Miss Somemoer? Wait. Eden, May I have a second?" Uhh... What happened? How did he find out? "How did you know Eden?"
Ozpin told me he got to know Eden on two days back. I just nodded because I am a bit clueless as to what is going on. "Eden, can you help do something for me?" I took out my scroll and Eden popped out. "Yes I can Professor!" She said and did a little salute.
"Ashley where are you?" I asked. "I'm right beside you." I looked to the right and felt like a hand pulled my face to the other direction. "Left side." Just about then, a bullhead flew overhead and a suitcase dropped out. I positioned myself right where I think it would land and stood there looking up. "Look... I'll find you in class, okay?" As soon as I finished talking. I jumped up and caught the briefcase.
Fifty minutes later, I arrived at the class early to find Professor Port sitting at his table. "Ah Good Morning young man! Please take a seat anywhere you like! since theyre empty... We will begin classes shortly after the others arrived!" I nodded and sat down in the second row.
I pulled out the briefcase onto the table and opened it to find the prototype I'm making for Eden which is pretty much a robot equipped with two other mini drones that has a projector at the bottom. "Now all I have to do is... Make the camo module work." I look up and saw a face... A very cute face smiling. Which bursts into rose petals and reappeared beside me and hugged me. "Uhh... Hi?"
"Hi! I missed you!" I smiled back and ruffled her hair. "So... Do you need more hugs?" She nodded and hugged me. I hugged back and she snuggled her face into my chest. "Hmm... I don't know what this fuzzy feeling in my tummy is... But I like it." Ruby said still hugging me.
"Oh... So that's what got her so fired up this morning. Kinda jealous that I don't get a hug. Hmph." I looked to the right to find Yang pouting and crossing her arms. With the rest of her team sitting beside her. And... That's when Jack popped out of nowhere.
"HUGS! Can I get one? Please!" He stretch out his arms in which Yang grabs and hugs him into her chest. Suffocating him. Jack hugs her back in which rapidly turned into a tap out scenario. "Boobs.. Boobs... Too much boobs.... Air." We all can see Jack's arm getting weaker and weaker but Yang released him at the last second. Jack bounced back gulping the air back into his lungs hungrily while Yang smiles happily that she got a hug.
"Man! I wish you could be my pillow!" Jack said while making puppy eyes at Yang and she puts on a thinking pose. "Maybe I'll consider it..." She said with the face that can only lead to somewhere as Jack pumps his fist in the air.
"Now! Now! Please take your sea-" And he was cut off by the door getting slammed open by Jaune stumbling into the class with the rest of his team. "We are sorry that we were late!" He said and my team walked in after them with Ozpin behind them. "I am sorry if I bothered your lecture Professor." Ozpin said with a slight smile. "Oh no no! We are right about to start!" Port said and he turned back to us.
"Alright! Let us begin today's class with a story of a handsome young man!" I heard Ruby snickers. "Here we go again..." And I gave her a questioning look and she puts up a hand signaling me to wait. Now she looks confused. "Named Briar (L/N)!" Wait a second. That's my dad! "Psst.." I look back and Jack leaned in to me. "Isn't that your dads name?" I was going to nod but Professor Port answered it for me. "Yes indeed Mr. Mclaughin. You are right! This is a story about Mr. (Y/N)'s father!" His voice boomed again.
Well then... The whole class got interested in that instant and I shrunk back into the seat. "Briar was a great man! He is one of the brightest and kindest huntsman that graduated Atlas Academy. I once worked with this great man and saw his might!"
I want to know the story but the way he is dragging it is overdramatic. "He once warned me to never touch his weapons... And I learned about it the hard way. By evading him for a whole week in forest filled with grimm, and while I was evading him. I was attacked and surrounded by a huge pack of Ursai but I managed to take down half of them by my own but I was injured in battle for the first time in my career... That was when I was rescued by Mr. Briar and he took down the rest of them in one fell swoop with his FlexRaze!" Port boomed loudly of my father's deed.
"Can anybody tell me what did you learn from the story?" He asked and looks around until Cardin speak up. "I learned nothing from that story cause it's meaningless..." And I looked at him because did he seriously not get it. I keep myself quiet to see if the others can answer it. Ruby puts her hand up much to her sister's surprise.
"The lesson that we were suppose to learn was to always stick together in any circumstances especially during missions.." I am proud of her answer because that was exactly what I was going to say. Ruby turn to her sister and Yang gave her a High five. I also heard Jack grumble. "She stole my thunder... I like it."
"Now! Do you see these cages?" I look to the left of the class of the and saw two of it. "Ruby? When did those get here?" She shrugged. "I don't know... Same thing happened last time." Port goes to his table and picked up his weapon. "Inside these are the creatures of grimm! And who would like some action?" He asked and Jack was the first one to raise his hand. "Me! Me!" Port nods and Jack hopped from his seat and leap to the centre of the class. "Alice! Come on! It's gonna be fun!" Alicia just rolled her eyes and stood up, going to the front elegantly. "Atleast she has proper manners." Weiss said smiling.
"Alright! Get ready the both of you!" Jack pulled out his metal drumsticks and took his stance while Alicia pulled out a box and it transform into an electric guitar with a hole at the end. "Go!" Port swings and broke the locks on both of the cages. The doors opened and an ursa and a boarbatusk came out.
Jack smiled and ran to the boarbatusk, smacking its head and did a frontflip over it while Alicia stood her ground and played song but as she stroke the strings, bullets came out of the guitar shooting the ursa. The ursa charged at Alicia and raise its hand to swipe but Alicia press a button and the guitar changed into a battleaxe. She dodge the attack and swung her axe cutting its head off while Jack was toying with the boarbatusk. "Jack, stop showing off!" Alicia yelled. Jack smack the boarbatusk's head one more time flicking his wrist and the drumstick started to turn red. "Yes mom!" Jack said sarcasticly and he ran up to the grimm jumping on top of it and stick his drumsticks into the boarbatusk mouth and pressed a button igniting the fire dust and burned the grimm from the inside.
When it is over, my team holstered their weapons and climb back up to the seats. "That was an excellent display of skills and teamwork by splitting the grimm so each of you take one of it!" Jack smiled widely and Alicia curtsied a bit before sitting back down. "That is all for todays class! I will see all of you again in the next class!" Port says and the class started to file out.
Cus I'm lazy
At the moment we are in the cafeteria. We were talking about life before Beacon. "So... What did you guys do before you guys end up in Beacon?" Ruby asked me and my team. "Well Me, Jack and Alice are chilhood friends... We usually just hang out, do a little music band tra-" I got cut off by someone whimpering, so I turned around seeing Cardin grabbing a bunny faunus ears. "Ashley..." She looked at me squeezing my fork, bending it. "If I do anything too stupid..." I was squeezing the fork so hard that it started to bend sideways and turned back to my food. "Make sure to send me back to our room." I said coldly. "Ow! Please let my ears go.." I heard the faunus whimper again and I don't think I can hold back any longer.
Ashley's P.O.V
After (Y/N) said that. I saw him reaching something behind his back and I look to see that it was a gun in the back of his pants. "Umm... (Y/N)? Relax..." The fork snapped in half and in a blur, (Y/N) suddenly shot at Cardin's hand perfectly, his aura deflecting the bullets and Cardin released the bunny ears. Before I can even process what happened, I realised that (Y/N) was infront of Cardin, holding his hand in a grip lock.
Cardin screamed in pain and I saw (Y/N) smiling. Cardin kept screaming and (Y/N) put on more pressure. When I saw (Y/N) not stopping, I stood up. Ruby shouted his name to stop but it seems as he didn't hear it. "Ash! Get him to our room!" Alicia yelled and I ran to him, grabbing his arm freeing Cardin before teleporting to our dorm.
As soon as we arrived. (Y/N) glared at me and I saw his (E/C) eyes, it was filled with hate. Suddenly, he fell to the floor. "Looks like that little hate - train knocked you out huh big guy?" I pulled out my scroll and turned it on. "Eden? You mind watching him for us till we get back from class?" The blue lady appeared on my screen and dhe saluted. "You got it,ma'am! But could you please help put his earbuds in his ears for me before you go?" I nodded and started to rub his top uniform to find it until I accidentally touched his abs...
"Damn... He got dem abs." I can't resist myself from touching it again because his abs are solid. "You like what you're touching?" I jumped back a little embarrassed and look to the door to see Alicia standing at the doorway, smiling. "In the trousers, left pocket." I gave her a thums up when I found it and put in his ears.
"Back in Atlas... He always asks me if his abs are hard enough. I mean he is already firm and tough! Anyway, let's get back to class." I got up and out the door and Alicia closed the door. "Alice, Where's Jack?" She kept on walking as we talked. "Probably getting carried around by Ruby's sister like a teddy bear but Yang said she'll meet us in Professor Glynda's class which is the sparring classes." I nodded and we head out the building.
When we arrived at the sparring class. We found Yang about to enter with Jack in her arms carrying him like an actual teddy bear. "Jack? Isn't it about time you get off her?" Alicia said first as we got to our seats. "What? Why would I let go? She's so soft and snuggly." Yang sat Jack down on her lap and she wrapped her arms around him again. "Yeah! Why would I let go? I like the hugs... And he certainly loves my hugs!"
Ruby sat down next to me and opened her mouth to say something but close it back. "Do you want to know how (Y/N) is doing?" She nodded and I sigh. "He's out cold in our room, i think its because of the little outburst he did." She tilted her head as if she doesn't understand what I just said. "Go and ask your sister for the meanings." "Oh... No. I understand what you just said. It's just that I want to ask you one more thing." She finally talked and it's my turn to nod this time. "Okay... I need you to keep this secret from Yang because she's is soo gonna tell dad about this. I just found out for myself like ten minutes ago." I just give her a thumbs up and she took a breath but her cheeks starts to redden.
"Do you by any chance have a crush on (Y/N) like I do?" I felt my cheeks heat up and I tried to pull out my face mask but can't because were wearing our uniforms. "Uhmm... Yes...?" We sigh at the same time. "Soo... Is this a competition?" Ruby asks again. "I don't know." "Does he even know that we like him?" I shook my head side to side, denying. "Oh! Okay! This is good! Soo... I want to challenge you to sparring match when Professor Glynda arrives and see if one of us really deserves to be with him."
Third Person.
Back to You!
You woke up about thirty minutes ago in your room and washed your face. Currently you are tinkering on Eden's prototype just doing some final adjustments. "It better work this time." You pressed on your tablet and the prototype starts to float. It's a robot body with no skin for now...
"Okay, flying module is green. Now let's check if the other two minis can function properly." You tap on your tablet again and two mini drones pops out of the hands, flying next to it. Eden then comes out of your scroll. "Is that the prototype for me that you're talking about?" You just grunt, acknowledging her. You continue tapping on the tablet. "Eden. I need you to send your data into the body." She dissappeared and you tap on a button called (Initiate Protocols). You look at your tablet checking the status. "Hey! I feel wierd... Wait a minute? Feels? What is this?" The metal hands starts to move towards the face.
Touch Sensors ... Green
Speakers ... Green
Microphone ... Green
Barrier ... Green
"Okay... What do I do now?" You smiled at her and continued your work on the tablet. "Right. I need you to manually activate the transmorphing module so we can see if it works properly." She nodded and a few second passed until the body stood still and planted it self on the ground.
Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door. "Professor Ozpin is outside the door." You thanked her and opened the door. "Good afternoon Mr. (Y/N), I suppose." You greeted him and stepped to the side, allowing him to enter the room with his cane and ever-existing coffee mug.
"What do you need of me, O' great magician Ozpin?" You started boldly, trying to see if your doubts are true or not. "You see... We both know that we have our secrets but it seems that yours is more dangerous..." He grinned and you raise your eyebrow. "I am simply here to update you on your teams data as I requested Miss Eden's help this morning." Nodding in understanding is all you can do. "Miss Eden, would you be kind to show the results of the small tests that we did to Miss Ashley?" "Yes Sir!" Eden replied from the scroll and it displayed the full nessecary biodata of Ashley.
"First of all, I know that Miss Eden can detect beings with magical properties and I won't deny you to the secret that you already knew. I know you know about my special abilties... And it looks like you already found out about the soul underneath my tower." You shrugged and decided to ignore the matter for both parties. "Don't sweat about it... I won't tell nobody about the things we do in the shadows for the safety of others." "I thank you for your cooperation." And you smiled at him. "Now, back to business... We found out that Miss Somemoer has a blood related family member here - in the academy. How convenient it is to know that one of my inner circle member has a complication that I never seen before." You rolled your eyes at this because you want to know about the juicy stuff about Ashley.
"The magic I have passed to Mister Naz- who is apparently her brother - has leaked to Miss Ashley under unknown circumstances which gives her the teleportation ability that she believes to be her semblance which is not." You press the cheeks of your palms under your chins, trying to put the pieces together.
"Then what is her semblance?" "Well, Mister (L/N)... I think you've already experience it this morning since I can't say that you have seen it." And then the answer slaps him in the face.
She was invisible this morning at the cliff!
"This means that her semblance is invisibility. I guess that will help her infiltrate my facilities better. Good thing that she changed herself and stop her criminal life." Ozpin chuckled with you.
"I have three more question for you, professor..." You looked at him. "Be my guest!" He said as he gets up from the chair. "Does all of this mean that you're the old man from the legends of the maidens?" He looks out the window to the blue sky. "Yes I am... And what will be the second question?" "How old are you? 'Cause you are handsome for an old man!" He smiles at your compliment. "I don't really remember... Perhaps a few hundred years old or probably thousands of years old but I have a secret ability to look as young as I am now, that will remain a secret and when the time is right... I will tell you."
After a little bit more talk with Ozpin. You got back to work with the prototype. "Eden, get back inside the body and start the transmorphing module." Eden obeyed and the hands of the robot moves again. "Okay... I don't know what your doing but now starting the transmorphing process."
A few minutes passed of seeing red liquid leaking out of the prototype's body until now. The metal shell of the body is starting to be covered by the red substance. "Ugh.. This looks gross."
"Just let it be... How long do we have left?" (Y/N) said and goes to his bed. "It's says here that it reached 56 percent and its been five minutes..." Eden replied and he flopped onto his bed. "I'm gonna take a nap... Wake me up when its done." Then the liquid covered bot raises its hand and gives you a thumbs up.
Jack's P.O.V
That was so fucking fun! I was blown away by everybody's skill. Now, It's my turn! And I'm pumped!
"Jack, you will be sparring with Cardin." I grinned it excitement. "Woo! Come on down here Cardin! I am soo pumped for this shit right now!" I was smack on the arm by Professor Glynda with her stick and I already hate that thing. "Mind your language, please..." She said and I pouted "fucking spoilsport..." I mumbled under my breath.
"You're that cowboys friend! Where is he? What happened to your eye? It looks messed up, what a freak." I smirked and took out my Dumbstix. I lowered my stance and outstrecthed my hands in front of me. "Oh... This'll be practice!"
"Kick his butt Jack!" Yang shouted and I grinned at her. "Break his legs for me!" I heard Nora yelled at me. "Hey, it's sad to know that I can't really break your legs Candicks." I said to him and he got mad. "Don't cry when I smack you down!" The countdown started and I got ready. 'This is too easy.'
The countdown hits zero and Candicks charged straight at me. '85% muscle, 10% skill and 5% brains... This is soo pathetic'.
I'll be shaming him by giving him lovetaps. He swung at me and I dodged easily. He ran at me again and I did the same but as he charged his swing I slide on the ground and knocked him off his feet. I stood up and he got up, fuming. He swung again but I evaded to the side and smack his head and he staggered. "Ooh... Two extra smacks just for nine - ninety nine." I joked and heard the whole class laughed. "Okay Jack! Hurry up..." Ruby called to me. "What?! Why? This is fun!" She clasped her hand to me and made a cute face. "Yang, she is lucky she's adorable!" I yelled as I casually dodge Candick's attack. I turned back around to get hit in the face with a fist and recoiled back. Half of my vision flashed green as I spun and slammed my batons into his ribs, sending him flying out of the ring. "WOO!"
Professor Glynda came onto the stage and announced the winner which is ME!
I walked back into my seat that is Yang's lap happily while Candicks went back to his friends with a scowl on his face. "That was awesome Jack!" I grinned widely and Yang hugged me again. "Yay! Winning hugs!"
Professor Glynda tapped on her tablet and the big screen showed Ruby's and Ashley's face as well as thier aura's. "In the next match is Miss Ruby and Miss Ashley as requested by them at the start of the class." We look over to Ruby and Ashley and they looked pumped!
"I bet you that my sister is going to beat your friend, Jack!" "Ohohoh... It's on! What do you want if you win?" I saw her grin grew wider. "I want you to be my Teddy Bear for the rest of the week." She said to me. That's not so bad. "Right then... I want you to go out with me tomorrow if Ashley beat your sister!" She looked at me as if she is processing the data and she nods in agreement.
None's P.O.V
"Aw man! Ruby how did you lose to her?!" Yang said to her sister and Ruby's shoulder sank lower. "I didn't know she had a swotgun! I thought she used a dagger!" Ruby whines as they all walk back to their dorms. "I didn't know she is that good." Weiss says, still unsure of the fact that she maybe have met the purple haired friend before.
Team RWBY arrived at their dorm to find a green paper pinned to the door and they all looked closer in curiosity.
Hi! It's ME! Best hugs man!
Be ready in 2 hours!
I have something really fun planned!
Yours Truly,
Yang grew a crooked grin while the rest of her teammates remain confused. "Umm... Who is it for?" Blake asked and a voice was heard far away. "Yang!" Blake and Weiss just headed inside and pretended like they don't know where the blonde is heading while Ruby poked her sister's side for an answer.
"Well then... I think I better get ready and since tomorrow is the weekends... I may be home late!" Yang said as she prances into the dorm.
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