Different Histories
Everything was going so great when that day came. I was dreaming about my family. The smiles, the kindness.
Me, my dad and my mom were out visiting an orphanage when it happened. I watch as the six year old me ran around with the other kids, laughing when there was a crash of glass in the next room. Gunshots rang throughout the building. A scream for help and a slam of the door followed suit then silence...
The other kids hid behind the small body of the six year old me. My dad barged into the room with a revolver in his hand, panting a little and his aura flickering showing its exhaustion. His face softens when he laid his eyes on me trying to shield my friends. He reach his hand out but stopped as his eyes grew wide and his body flopped to the ground. Past my father's body is man in dressed in gray and a blue mask with horns hiding his face. Watching myself run to my father's side, his face plastered with shock but his eyes hollow as the life slowly fade. The last thing I heard my father said was "I'm sorry and never forget who you are, Galanthius." I cried, hugging my father as the man with the mask cursed saying something about his accomplices dead and about taking me as ransom for Lien.
The six year old me screamed as I grabbed my father's gun. The masked man noticed and pulled out his sword. The man yelled at me to drop the revolver but I refused. I pulled the hammer of the gun back until it clicked and the man cursed again saying something about a waste. He swung the sword but everything is moving so slowly for me. I can see the glint of the sunlight reflecting from the blade that is descending ever so little. My small hand raised the gun and aim at the eyehole of the mask and as soon as I pulled the trigger, everything changed.
I heard yelling and screaming, pleading someone to wake up and so I did. Gasping for air as if I ran a marathon across the Anima. Looking to my right, a purple head girl is hugging me and to my left, a small girl with black hair and red tips doing the same. I wrapped my arm around the two of them and I gazed around to see team JNPR without Pyrrha bruised and battered. I remembered we were fighting hordes of grimm.
"Hey guys... Are we safe?" I asked then both of the girls burst into tears and sobs with their arms tightening around my torso. I looked up at Jaune and he points to my left. A grimm dragon stood not too far away with an army of other kinds of grimm looking waiting for the order to pounce.
It was then Ren who answered that is being held up by Nora who has a nasty gash on her leg. "It has been a pleasure to fight alongside all of you but it looks like we have reached the end of our roads." Then both him and Nora collapse to the ground kneeling. Jaune gave me and his team a sad smile. "Well... Never thought I can make it this far. Thank you guys." He sat down next to Ren and Nora and hugged them.
"Ash, Ruby..." My girls raised their heads, tears streaming down their beautiful pale faces looking at my face. "I love you girls... I love the both of you." I pressed my lips on both of their foreheads and the both of them kissed my cheeks. "I'll see all of you guys on the other side and Ruby, maybe you can teach me how to bake cookies there." Then for the first time in months. A tear fell from my closed eyes as we braced for death.
I heard footsteps but not the usual scruffy noise of the grimm but rather soft and then another set of steps that is more like stomping.
I opened my eyes but everything is grayed out except two figures. One is bright as the sun but I don't feel any heat and my eyes seem to not flinch away. The other one is just black like a void. The both of them are like there but not there at the same time.
"What is your name friend?" I heard the Light ask. I mumbled my name only to be answered by a grunt of maybe annoyance from the void figure. I somehow am able to recognized which one is talking. "Urgh... No, not the name that they used to hide you! The other one!" The dark void yelled at me and tilt my head in confusion. "Try to remember friend... We have plenty of time though my brother does not seem to have the patience that I have. Please make haste." His voice so calming while his brother's is filled with anger.
I searched my memories only to find that dream I had moments ago. "Galanthius?" 'Light' smile and I wondered to my self how I knew him smiling when I can't even see his face. "Congratulations!" "Bout damn time." The both of them said. "Why? What is the meaning?" They both raise their arms towards me. "Don't worry, just trying to be sure that you're the one kid. Now relax. You won't be dying yet..." I still sat there confused as to what is happening. 'Am I hallucinating? Going crazy before death greets me?'
"Oh I assure you are still sane. We are just collecting a debt from your great great grand fathers..." They turned their backs to me and started to discuss while I looked down the two girls that I somehow fell in love with. Still stuck in their frozen hug, I began petting their hairs before the brothers turn around again. They didn't say anything when they started to use their magic. A blue glow covered my body and when it was finished, they both said at the same time. "We, the gods bestow this power of immortality to you with the price of defeating the evil called Salem. Your task is to seek the man named Ozpin and tell him that we are giving him a warning to finish his mission with you're aid. We have grown bored at his inactivity. That is all. Now return to the past with the knowledge of the future so you may defeat those who stand in your way."
I felt a surge of heat for minutes before the pain stops and I open my eyes to see a familliar ceiling. My room. The dark blue walls and white ceiling room. I raise my body from my bed tears going down my cheeks as I laugh at my predicament.
With my eyes still crying, I laugh and laugh asking myself "Why am I not happy to live? Why do I feel like I want to die with my friends?" I wondered and wondered as I grabbed my gun from my nightstand. I rubbed the barrel of the gun with my fingers on the intricate carvings that covered the whole revolver.
"Maybe dying isn't so bad after all..."
Then the swung open and a middle aged woman stepped in the room looking at me. "Don't even think about killing yourself before you clean your room..." She said as she strutted to me and snatched my gun away. "Breakfast is ready by the way. After that, I don't want to see a single drop of blood anywhere." Then she left. I sat there on my bed staring at the door, stunned. After a few minutes, I started to laugh again. "Why the fuck am I laughing?" I said to myself between the laughs.
As I was laughing, A green haired dude entered. "What the fuck is so funny, (Y/N)?" I stopped and smiled at him. "I don't know!" After a moment, we both laugh. "Fuckin dumbass. Put on a shirt and let go get breakfast!" Then he too left.
I got up and went to the sink in the bathroom. Twisting the tap, letting the water flow out and washed my face. I look at my face in the mirror. I see a scar from my left shoulder that went down rightside to my waist. It's from that Ursa back at Beacon. I guess some things followed me back.
No one's P.O.V
You came out of the bathroom and saw one of your shirts on the floor. You went to pick the shirt up but stopped when you heard a groan and the sound of your sheets shifting. Looking up, you saw a naked purple hair girl sitting in your bed holding the blanket up to her chest with a tired face.
You grew confused. "(Y/N)?" The girl yawned and looked at me. "Ashley..." You smiled and a set of memories flashed through your eyes.
You were standing in the corner of your office with the lights off. It was almost pitch black.
You waited there for minutes and the door silently opens slowly. You look at your scroll [26/11] [02:43 A.M]. A girl sneaked into the room cautiously as you watched her silently with a grin. She went around the table and sat down on your chair. She put her scroll on the table. You kept watching her tap her fingers on the table twice and a hologram popped out, lighting up her face. You can clearly see her beautiful face and you took one loud step out of your corner into the dim moonlight that shone through your window. She jumped away from the table her diamond daggers out. "I'll pay you to just go out on a date with me." She tilts her head at the question. "You don't want to turn me in?" You gave her a smirk. "What's the point? You're gonna be gone by sunrise anyway..." She scoffed and you walked up to her and she raised her daggers so you raised your hands. "I'm unarmed. You don't kill people for sport. What you think I don't know you sneaking in my facilities for the last three months?" She pouts and you laugh. "Can I go now?" You raised your eyebrow and bowed. "I never said you can't leave... Besides you could always use your semblance and dissappear you know?" You stated and she blushed at her mistake. "(Y/N)... Pleasure to meet you." With her cheeks still hot, she rolled her eyes. "Ashley. I hate you."
(End FlashBack?)
According to your new found knowledge. That was two months ago.
"G-Galanthius? You okay?" You were snapped out of your daydream by the name. "D-don't stare at me like that... I'm still not used to this lovey dovey stuff." You simply smiled and sat on the bed. "Hey... Sorry. Where did that name came from anyways?" You asked and she took your hand in hers. "I don't know... It just sounds cool." I squeezed her hand and ignored the urge to tell her that its your real name. "Come on, put some clothes on and get breakfast." She nodded and put on her pants and your shirt on which is slightly bigger than her since your a little bit more muscular than her.
Before they go down to the mess hall, Ashley ran back into the room and reappeared with her face mask around her neck. She wrapped her fingers around yours and they went down the stairs. When they got to the doors, Ashley put face mask up and you let her be. A lot voices can be heard behind it. The people died down when you pushed the door open as you and Ashley enter the mess hall. In the hall was a very long table filled with food and people sitting around it.
'Never thought I would see my family again'
It happened a month after the fall of Beacon. I was trying to keep my family together and keep them as happy as possible.
A small boy came up to me. "Mister (Y/N)..." And I crouched down to his level. "Yes, Bell?" I asked and the boy lowered his head. "Umm... Can I ask you a question?" I smiled and nodded. The boy looked nervous so I patted his head. "Um... I know you said to not talk to strangers right?" I nodded again.
He brought his hand from his back and held out a letter. "Well... When I was walking near the gate, a man came up to it and called me." I tilted my head in question. "That man asked me to give this letter to you." I took the letter from his hands and looked at it. It has a small round symbol with some pink, white, chocolate colours. I knew who sent this. "Thank you for bringing me this letter Bell. I'll read it after we finish lunch but for now, come on! Come on! I'm hungry!" The kid giggled and ran with me.
The next day, I was walking some of the children back to the mansion when I saw smoke rising from the horizon. I was running the moment i saw the thick black fumes. Looking behind me, the children is keeping up except one so I stopped, picked up a little girl and bolted.
When we arrived, the mansion is in flames. There's a giant hole on the right side. The Atlas police department was already there helping the injured to the ambulances. I scanned the crowd of people for Jack but he was nowhere to be seen. I threw the little girl in my arms to an officer and he caught her.
Bolting to the mansion, I can hear the crowd crying out names for me to save the children still stuck inside. I barged through the door straight into the hellfire while screaming out names as I went deeper inside the house
(End FlashBack)
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I'm eating quietly and watched as children, teenagers and the adults ate together, chattering away. I was sitting at the end of the table. Jack is to my left and Ashley is to my right.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when a voice spoke up. "Mister (Y/N)! Are you okay?! You look sad! Ow!" I looked at the owner of said voice and it was a faunus child. This girl is always open and a tad bit curious. "No I'm not sad, Nyfiken. I'm just thinking about something." I answered and she made a humming sound. "What are you thinking about?!" I smiled and answered. "I was thinking about how to pay back for the prank that Jack tried to do on me." I heard Jack curse under his breath and I chuckled.
We then went back to eating for a while but Nyfiken had another question bugging her mind and I can see not just on her mind but its plastered on every single face in the hall. "Nyfiken, do you have anymore questions? Or is everybody here have questions for me?" Everybody that were eating stopped and the ones who were chatting silence themselves.
Nyfiken is eagerly waving her hands in the air trying to catch my attention in which she did. "I have two more questions!" She yelled and I nodded as I took a drink. "Okay... Umm when are you going to marry miss Ashley?!" I choked on my drink and when I finally gulp down the liquid properly down the right pipe, I looked over at Ashley. She is now sinking into her chair and is starting to slowly curl up into a ball. I look back at the others laughing and giggling including Jack who is on the floor with tears at the edge of his eyes. "Guys?! What was that?!" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.
Then the door opened as a middle-aged woman stepped in. "Oh I'm sure it won't be long now... Then when it comes we'll throw a giant ceremony where everybody in Remnant can come!" She said and I gasped. "What do you mean 'it won't be long now'?! It's been only three months! That is too fast!" I protested and she giggled waving her hamds infront of her. "Back in my days with Monty, three months is too slow and two is the standard countdown." She smirked and the whole hall erupted with cheers and I saw Ashley accidentally triggered her real semblance and she went invisible slowly. "Look at what you did Miss Duquette!" I showed Ms. Duquette the Ashley that has partially activated her semblance making her invisible except her clothes.
Ms. Duquette got Ashley and hugged her still giggling. "Aww... I'm sorry honey. We were just teasing the both of you! No need to get embarrassed!" While I can't see her head but I can see her face mask nodding. Ashley returned visible but her face is still red.
Ten minutes later after more eating and talking to the residence of my home. Ashley went off somewhere and before she left she said. "I going out for a while but I'll be back before sunset." I went to the workshop and saw a couple of people human and faunus alike helping eachother on projects like weapons and other wonders. I greeted or waved some of them before I went inside my own private workroom.
I got to the worktable and saw the finished miniature drones the size of a fist on it. Placing my hand on the table, a screen popped out. I pressed activate and the drone came to life by floating infront of me. "Why don't we change how you four look huh?"
Few hours later, I was finished with the drones and watched it floated around infront of me meanwhile two of them are looking at the mirror. I put four different A.I's in each of them. All four of them materialised their holograms and the drones itself dissappeared into a shimmering ghost-like figures a few meters above their respective holograms.
I smile and sent them on their first main task. Two of them, red and yellow were sent to the island of Patch, the white one went over to the Schnee dust company and the last one, black stayed here for the meantime until it's new task is detected.
I leaned back into my chair and sighed.
"A debt to the gods, an impossibly unfair war, and then theres me... Trying to change the future into..."
"Different Histories"
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