A Ranger
Naz's P.O.V (yeah its me)
It's been a month since I started following this guy under Ozpin's orders and man this guy is a pain. I mean he been walking throughout the goddamned continent for a freaking month just to get to Vale and we are finally here as I watched him enter his Uncle's house.
"Phew! That was exhausting as hell. Well that's it! The faster I report back to Ozpin, The faster I can get back to my bed. Nng ummm ah..." I said to myself as I rub my muscles sore from sleeping on trees, rocks, sleeping in a hanging tent on the cliff wall, well its nothing for me if it was just a few days or a week but to do it for the whole damn month.
" Yeah... I'm gonna get a good set of cramps and sore everything by the time I'm gonna wake up the morning after the next day" I said to my self between yawns and I use my magic powers given from Ozpin to teleport myself up into his office.
When I arrived, There was Ozpin, Glynda, and then there was someone in a dark purple hoodie that I kinda have good idea of who it is but all three of them were too busy dicussing something to not notice me,Soo I stayed and listen a bit "Miss Somemoer, We know that you have criminal records of infiltrating and stealing, and... We also know that you want to start a new blank slate but I can provide you protection from the laws if you are on my academies ground."
(Hmm... She can't be that wanted of a criminal since I saw her help an orphanage because she got a good heart) and then for the first time I heard her voice... And a young female voice at that "I understand the circumstances and I don't really plan on going to jail anyways." She crossed her arms and leaned a bit to the right "Very Well, I will try to do everything I can to clear your records so you can have a peace of mind and if I may, could you please pull down your hoodie so we can get a clearer view of your face" Ozpin ask and I was about to say 'Its pointless asking her that questio-' "Yes I can... But only if the third person in the room leave"
She caught me, "Finally somebody noticed me..." I said to them giving a slight wave "Ahh Mister Naz... Have you finished your mission and are reporting in?" He asked me and she just turn around to face me "Yep... He's here in Vale and hey there Purple, nice seeing you again" and then she gave me a little nod "That is good news... Miss Somemoer, you may leave and oh please take this card. Its a temporary pardon for your crimes until the orientation starts, which is tomorrow." Oz said while he handed the girl a blue card, she thanked him and left without another word.
"How are you, Naz? Did the mission go well?" He asked while he gestured for me to sit down and I did with a thud "I'm good and it did go well but One thing... WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT TELL ME HE GONNA WALK ACROSS THE GODDAMNED CONTINENT!" I yelled at him and slammed my hands on the table. "Naz... Behave..." Glynda Warned me and got a bit closer to me but I didn't listen "Shut it Woman!" And that was almost the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life as she gave me a glare and showed me that damned stick. "Ahh! Please don't hit me with me with that devil stick, Miss Glynda!" I screamed, ran around the table and hid behind Ozpin.
I got a smirk out of Glynda and a chuckle from Ozpin as I cower in fear behind him just taking a little peek at the edge of the seat. "Please Glynda don't scare the poor man as he just got back..." As he chuckled a bit, I stood up and pulled the chair away from her slowly and sitting down while I kept my eyes for that Demon Stick.
"Please tell us everything that you have gathered from him" "Okay... I can tell you he is a good kid with incredible talents and a big heart. Let's start with his weapons, skills and abilities. He dual wields revolvers and an eletric whip and... For what I have gathered he used four different types of dust and one type of special bullets that can go through aura. I saw him kill six fresh High Ranking White Fang officers using those special typed bullets with one bullet each to the head when he was almost defeated because they have been chasing him for three days" I informed them "Did you not help him?" He asked "I did... But I let him deal with the big guys because I was Lazy" "Okay, what about his semblance?"Glynda inquired "I don't know anything about his semblance because he never used it this past month and he is a decent hand combatant and really really good at using his whip, I think you will like him, Miss Glynda" I said but she kept quiet as if she is thinking. "Right, and last question, I want to know what you meant by a good heart?" Ozpin asked.
"This is the part that I personally like him the most. He likes to help people, he is rich since he's from Atlas but he doesn't keep his money to himself and shares a lot with the poor. There's this one time where gave one million Lien to a Faunus and Humans shelter that got burned down and there is this time where he gave two million Lien to a Faunus Orphanage. So, he is kinda a folk hero in Remnant. And I almost forgot that he brought a kid that he saved in the journey last week and gave the poor little guy a home in his uncle's house." I told them Everything that they wanted to know "He is a good man and I am Lucky that he chose Beacon Academy. You are dismissed and relieved of duty for three days" He said and I jumped "YEEAH!"I cheered "and you will be teaching lessons to the new students and second years every Wednesdays..." Glynda said with a smirk that made me crash into the floor "ooohhh cooomee ooon..." I groaned on the floor
(Y/N) P.O.V
"Finally, You're Here took you long enough" I said to the sky. As I boarded the Bullhead. I can see people, Humans and Faunus alike chattering onboard with me as we took off for Beacon. But as soon as I take my first step to get to the front of the bullhead and my gear made a loud 'Kaching' noise the whole bullhead went quiet, so the first thing I muttered to myself is "Shit, They noticed..." And they all looked at me "Uhh... Mornin?"
Suddenly, almost the whole group of people surrounded me shouting,
"THE WORLDS NICEST GUY IS GOING TO BEACON WITH US!" I heard one of the girls screamed and all of them Cheered. But out of the screaming I heard some girl shout almost the wierdest thing in my life "SIGN MY BOOBS!" And I was surprised 'What The Actual Fuck Is Wrong With Some Of These Girls!' I screamed in my head.
And right about then I saw a blonde guy that looks a bit sick. So, I squeezed through the crowd and shook hands with some of the guys and girls until I got to the Blonde. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around with a pale face. So without saying anything else I gave him my vomit-relief pills that was in a Small box on my hip with my bottle of water that had just incase that was hanging sideways on my belt at my back. "Here take this and chug it down, It will make ya feel better."
He took the pills and chug the water so fast that the people behind me just stared at him. "Thanks man. I can already feel it working! You're a real life saver. Oh and by the way my names Jaune, Jaune Arc." Just one look and I can already tell he's a klutz.
"Name's (Y/N) (L/N), and hey your name rolls off the tounge, nice." I don't care if he is qualified or not to be entering Beacon but there is one thing that I learn in my life is that no matter what happens or who you meet, there is always a reason.
"So... (Y/N)... Are you a popular guy or something? Because I noticed that a lot of people were screaming your name and all..." What he said actually shocked me because he don't know who I am but at the same time it washes me with a feeling of relief because he doesn't recognize me and I like it. So why not lie a bit because I want him to know me as me and not as a hero all the time "Look man I don't know who this BUG guy is but I guess we look alike soo I just gonna try to lie low for a bit and Imma gonna go high on the deck, I'll see ya at the ceremony" I walk away behind him, lowered my hat and press a button in my coat that it change the color from (F/C) to Black in hoping that it hide my identity a bit better and then I stepped out to find the stairs that can lead me outside... Hopefully.
I walk up to the small girl in red and tap her shoulder. She turned around and look up at me as I saw her face. It was the most adorable lil girl I met and those stunning silver eyes. It was when the yellow lady faked a cough that I realised I was staring at her and the girl in red was blushing a bit. "Oh uh sorry Miss for staring...I just wanna ask if you know where the top deck is?" I asked as I feel my cheeks heat up a bit. "Oh u-uh I-Its over there" She stutters a bit but answer with the most innocent smile you've ever seen "Umm... Thanks Miss?" I thanked her and asked her name at the same time. "Rose, Ruby Rose and you're welcome, Mister (L/N) was it?" I nodded but suddenly I can hear sounds, gunshots in my ear and I can feel something like a hot liquid in my ear. "Uh uh Right sorry Ladies I-I need to go" I said and thought to myself 'Why am I blushing and stuttering'.
I found the stairs and ran up. I opened the door and I can feel the wind rush inside blowing on my coat. I stepped out, pulled a piece of cloth from my pocket and started wiping my ear. When I'm done I folded the cloth put it back in my pocket and then pulled out my scroll and earphones and plugged it in my ears. I played a calming song called Sea Of Voices. "Why out of all the times that you wanna bleed, why now Bug... Why now." I said to myself out loud as I took a stick of my cigarrette from my coat and light it in between my lips. I smoked for a good ten minutes and we arrived at Beacon.
Beacon was a stunning massive castle. 'Even the castles back at Atlas ain't pretty like this one' I thought to myself and when I heard somebody yelling, I started to walk in the direction of the voice. But the moment I saw some fire dust was floating in front of a girl that looks like she was going to sneeze, I started running but I felt like I wasn't going to make it. So I pulled my Divine Lightning an set it to non-shock mode before I whip it around the sitting girl and yanked the rope. Sending the girl flying and screaming into my arms and then she sneezed.
"Phew... That was a close call... You better be careful or you'll blow up, Miss..." I looked down to the girl in my arms "Rose..." We stared into each others eyes for a couple of seconds. Before Miss Rose jumped off my arms and turning red as she looked at me again nervously "Tha-thank you Mister (Y-Y/N)" I chuckled at this "Please call me (Y/N), no need for such formalities. You're making me sound old" and she giggled too which made things less awkward after that I walk up to the girl in white and bow "Pleasure to meet you again, Miss Schnee." And she curtsied "And to you too, Mister (L/N)"
"Wait! You know her?! (Y/N)" Ruby asked with a shocked yet confused expression. "Yes. I know her. The current heiress of The Schnee Dust Mining Company." You introduced the heiress "The company that has skecthy deals with other unknown organisation and questionable motives" You heard another voice that recognised as Blake Belladonna due to your company in Atlas as the only one that has ties in helping the Menagerie Island and her father. But when you look at her, you noticed that she is wearing a bow, she noticed your gaze and she simply put a finger on her mouth signaling to not reveal her identity.You played with it without questioning her motives. "How dare you!" and the heiress stomped away while the black cat walks away quietly.
"Well we better get going Miss Ruby. We don't want to be late on our first day." "Okay... But... Do you know where we should go?" She asked and at that moment I saw another girl? I think since I can't see 'her' face but then the way she walked to us gave it away... The way she walks has a little bit of sass in it. There was a sudden burst of wind out of nowhere and pushed her hoodie off her head. It was another short-haired beauty. 'Hmm maybe this is my lucky day because two beautiful and cute ladies just pop out of nowhere and I fuckin love it'.
"Heelloo... Laady..." The words just blurted out of my mouth and I tipped my hat to her. Its like I lost control of my body a bit there and hell if I wasn't embarrassed. "Hey... I know the way, follow me." Ruby followed instantly as the purple haired lady pulled her hoodie back up and I kinda stand there lost just by staring at the two pretty ladies in front of me but they stopped "Hey (Y/N)! Come on! We are going to be late!" Ruby shouted that snapped me back to reality. I ran up to them and we walked to the hall.
To Be Continued...
Hey there! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! It is the longest Chapter I've written so far... Please point out any mistakes I made evdn if its a slight grammar or spelling mistake.
Thanks for reading this chapter !
(Y/N): And I'll see all you people in the next chapter!
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