Chapter 1
Night fell quickly in the Romanian countryside. The full moon rose, bathing everything below in an eerie blue glow. Among the dark shadows, a pair of agile figures fled swiftly through the forest, paws silent as they dropped lightly onto the earth in a steady rhythm. Ahead was a powerful black wolf, with fur as dark as ash and red eyes that glinted brightly like rare gems. In the rear was a sleek white wolf, her fur a snowy white coat that contrasted greatly against her mate's. At first glance, one would likely not see the notable difference in each of their bold strides. But, upon a closer inspection, the differences became more obvious. The black wolf's longer legs gave him a wider gait, and he looked more at ease in his movements. And, while the white wolf moved with purpose, she still struggled from the lack of practice, soon falling several paces behind her mate's as the path underfoot became much more rugged.
A stray tree root jutting from the ground suddenly caught against her paw and, despite the attempt to catch herself in time, she tumbled forward with a startled yelp.
The black wolf ahead paused, pointed ears pricked attentively and a whine of concern in his throat as he rapidly reared back to his mate's side.
The white wolf stood wearily, shaking her elegant head and using a paw to wipe a leaf that stubbornly clung to the tip of her nose.
"I'm fine, Drac," she said, licking the black wolf's cheek in reassurance. "I've just still got to get used to running on four paws instead of two feet." Then she cringed, and stuck her tongue out. "And still getting used to fur instead of skin," she added a little muffled as quick work was made of brushing the black strands off it. She had more than enough times caressed the same smooth fur with her hands, relishing in its unreal softness. It wasn't fun to have it in her mouth though.
The black wolf barked a laugh and nuzzled his head lovingly against hers.
"Ericka, you are doing wonderfully my love," he rumbled. "I'm sorry if I was going too fast, I'll slow my pace down." He looked up to the hilltop, which was only a short distance away through a direct path in the trees. The excitement returned to his eyes. "Come, we are almost there!"
She promptly rose back to her paws and followed along the forest path, the two running so closely next to each other now that their pelts brushed.
A few moments later, if you were to look out in the distance toward the vast Carpathian mountain range, you would see the distinct shape of two wolves atop the summit edging the forest baying majestically at the moon.
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